
Identify the objective function. In this case, the objective function is the sum of the square feet of each department times their respective expected profits. Write the objective function. maximum profit.

Managerial Decision Analytics

Jaycee’s department store chain is planning to open a new store. It needs to decide how to allocate the 100,000 square feet of available floor space among seven departments. The accompanying data includes the expected performance of each department per month, in terms of square feet (sf). The company has gathered $20 million to invest in floor stock. The risk column is a measure of risk associated with investment in floor stock based on past data from other stores and accounts for outdated inventory, pilferage, breakage, and so on. For instance, electronics loses 24% of its total investment, furniture loses 12% of its total investment, and so on. The amount of risk should be no more than 10% of the total investment. Assume that it is not required that the entire available floor space be used. Answer parts a and b below.

a. Develop a linear optimization model to maximize profit.
Define variable names to use for the square feet for each department. For the purposes of this solution
process, use E for square feet of Electronics, F for square feet of Furniture, M for square feet of Men’s clothing, C for square feet of Clothing, J for square feet of Jewelry, B for square feet of Books, and A for square feet of Appliances.

Next, identify the objective function. In this case, the objective function is the sum of the square feet of each department times their respective expected profits. Write the objective function.

Next, write each constraint as a mathematical equation or inequality. In this case, the constraints are the amount of available floor space, investment capital, the maximum risk, and the minimum and maximum floor space for each department.

Write the constraint for the amount of floor space that can be used.

Write the constraint for the amount of investment capital that can be used.

Calculate the risk per square foot of floor space used by multiplying the risk as a percentage of money invested by the investment per square foot.

What impact does the color of wine have on the rating?

Use JMP to do the regression analysis

What impact does the color of wine have on the rating?


Do veterans who are looking for work have insufficient access to the resources that are available to them? Is there a connection between access to mental health and the inability of veterans to obtain work in the civilian workforce?

Veterans and work

Complete an 8-page APA-style paper.

The focus of questions is listed. They are discussing Veterans and work. It has to have a few resources as well, feel free to search yourself. APA 7th ed style

MAIN DETAILS: National attention and funding are being directed toward assisting the economic success of America’s military veterans. Veterans frequently face numerous challenges living outside the military environment. This is especially true for disabled veterans. We would like to investigate, through research, the factors that have contributed to the difficulties faced by veterans of wartime who have transitioned back into civilian life, with a particular focus on those who have been disabled as a result of their service in the armed forces. Our goal is to determine the factors that contribute to the formidable job obstacles faced by veterans. As the two of us eventually would like to look for employment with the Veterans Administration in the future, this is a topic that can help us better understand the disabled veteran population and the challenges they experience when it comes to finding work.

  • Do veterans who are looking for work have insufficient access to the resources that are available to them?
  • Is there a connection between access to mental health and the inability of veterans to obtain work in the civilian workforce?

Use at least 7 scholarly peer-reviewed sources for the paper.


What does the game mean? How does the game mean? When does it mean the most and the least? Is there any other way to make this game mean what it does?

Play either ATS or HF -American Truck SimulatorLinks to an external site. or House Flipper

The games selected for this lab are either serious or semi-serious simulations. Each game has an ideology, aesthetic, and a pedagogy to teach you things (including the game mechanics). There are four fundamental questions to answer:

  1. What does the game mean? (think about stories, relationships, signs)
  2. How does the game mean? (think about mechanics)
  3. When does it mean the most and the least? (think across the experience of the interface)
  4. Is there any other way to make this game mean what it does?

“Mean” in this context is asking you to engage in serious reflection about the design of the game and how it makes sense to you. Meaning includes the signifiers (pictures, buttons, relationships, symbols) and how those signifiers are put together. When you think about when it means, consider the relationship between playing the game and the missions or tasks you are to perform.


Why do you think that B Labs and B Corp certification has grown significantly since its founding in 2006, and especially in recent years? What challenges do you think the B Corp movement might face, especially with larger companies becoming certified?

Management Question

  1.  Read all links and material . Find the answer to your question from the link
  2. The length of this paper must be 500 words minimum and 600 words maximum.
  3. If you are referencing sources, please use APA style references. These references are not included in Word count.
  4. make sure to write accurately and articulately as you answer the questions.
  5. Each question can be answered as a separate short paragraph if that is easier.

You must include the following answers and analysis in your essay:

  1. What is B Labs and what was the origin and motivation of the founders to create this organization?
  2. What is a B Corp?
  3. Briefly describe the key elements, process and focus of the B Lab certification process and the Impact Assessment
  4. Why do you think that B Labs and B Corp certification has grown significantly since its founding in 2006, and especially in recent years?
  5. What challenges do you think the B Corp movement might face, especially with larger companies becoming certified?
  6. Why did Kristin Carroll believe that being a B Corp is so important to how Rescue Agency has been able to grow and expand its impact?

REVIEW: B Corp website:
READ: How Athleta’s Purpose Shaped Its Response To The COVID-19 Crisis Athleta (a Gap Company brand) talks about their response to COVID and how their B Corps certification guided them


READ the article below called: B Corps: 6 Reasons to Become One and Make a Global Difference which is on the Rubicon website. Rubicon is a global leader in smart waste and recycling solutions and an early member of B Corps. B Corps: 6 Reasons to Become One and Make a Global Difference

Also watch the brief video What We Stand For embedded in this Rubicon article. Their Head of Sustainability talks about the benefits of Rubicon being a B Corp

  1. .


Write and present a 3 – 5 minute demonstration speech on a topic they are familiar with and can demonstrate to the class.

Demonstration Speech

Write and present a 3 – 5 minute demonstration speech on a topic they are familiar  with and can demonstrate to the class. Topics will be approved by the professor.

The use of props is required. Think of a topic that will interest the target audience (the class). A preparation  and presentation outline will be required for this speech. More details will be provided in class.

No weapons (guns, swords, ect.) are allowed in the classroom, no exceptions.


Compare normal anatomy and physiology to alterations in function and regulation of body organs and systems in response to stressors.


Respond to the following questions based upon these course objectives:

Integrate nursing and related sciences into the delivery of advanced nursing care to diverse populations. (AACNI.1)

Incorporate current and emerging genetic/genomic evidence in providing advanced nursing care to individuals, families, and communities while accounting for patient values and clinical judgment. (AACN I.2)

Compare normal anatomy and physiology to alterations in function and regulation of body organs and systems in response to stressors. (AACN I.1)

Answer the following questions with supporting examples and full explanations.

For each of the learning objectives, provide an analysis of how the course supported each objective.

Explain how the material learned in this course, based upon the objectives, will be applicable to professional application.


What are common risk factors for poor nutritional status in older adults? Describe the effects of malnutrition on physiologic function in geriatric patients.


Use the assigned readings, lectures, and supplemental activities from this module’s content to answer the following (100 points total):

1) What are common risk factors for poor nutritional status in older adults? (10 points)

2) Describe the effects of malnutrition on physiologic function in geriatric patients. (10 points)

3) Review the patient information provided in Chapter 5, Case 1: Malnutrition and Depression (p. 214-216) and provide a nutrition assessment for this patient, using the ABCD’s of nutrition assessment. (30 points)

4) Based on the assessment you completed in question (3) above, what nutrition interventions would you recommend to improve this patient’s nutritional status? (30 points)

5) What other members of the health care team/community might you collaborate with to help improve the nutrition status of the patient you assessed in question (3) above? (10 points)

6) Are there any specific macronutrients (e.g., carbohydrate/fat/protein) and/or micronutrients (e.g., vitamins/minerals) that are of particular concern for older adults? What supplements might be recommended to address these concerns? NOTE: Be sure to only make suggestions that are supported by adequate research evidence (10 points)


Write a 2-3 paragraph response about the artwork you selected and relate the meaning of the piece to the quote by Sol Lewitt.


Below the image write a 2-3 paragraph response about the artwork you selected and relate the meaning of the piece to the quote by Sol Lewitt. Include connections to ideas presented in the lecture and resources and answer the following questions:

  • How has the artist used the medium and images to create meaning in their piece?
  • What is the main concept they are trying to present in the specific piece of artwork that you have shared?
  • What is your personal reaction to the work?

The image is by Edward Ruscha


Write a memo for your leadership articulating and analyzing various challenges and recommendations regarding the path you think the firm should take.


In highly influential research published by the National Bureau of Economic Research, Sandra L. Decker and Amy Ellen Schwartz reached a curious conclusion. They found that higher alcohol prices decrease alcohol consumption and smoking participation (suggesting a complementarity in consumption). Higher cigarette prices tend to reduce smoking participation but increase drinking (meaning substitutability in consumption). Their research titled “CIGARETTES AND ALCOHOL: SUBSTITUTES OR COMPLEMENTS?” is provided with this examination. If their research is valid, then it will be tough for the government to decide whether to tax alcohol or tobacco or both.

Imagine that you are working for a corporate strategy firm that advises corporations about governmental relations. A tobacco manufacturer approaches you for consulting services. They want you to look at the sin taxes that affect their business. They acknowledge that a sin tax, whether levied on alcohol or tobacco, will always reduce the demand for their product. They want to avoid that by arguing that sin taxes imposed on tobacco might increase alcoholism and drunk driving. That might pose an additional burden on society and affect the insurance market. They want to argue that taxes levied on tobacco might increase drinking and lead to higher chances of alcohol-related diseases and drunk driving-related death and injury.

However, your existing client is a manufacturer of alcohol products, and they like the tobacco taxes as they might increase the demand for alcohol. Your firm also wants to court a life insurance company, but taking a side with the higher tobacco taxes might make them unhappy. An increase in drunk driving might lead to more accidents and deaths, adversely affecting the life insurance company’s business.

Given the situation’s complexity, your corporate leaders want to meet for a brainstorming and strategy session. The leadership wants you to make a comprehensive presentation about your firm’s business and client relationship strategy, keeping in mind the conflicting needs of various existing and future clients. Your company’s financial success, reputation, and, ultimately, your job depend on your presentation. In other words, you are now a key participant in a very high-stakes scenario analysis that might make or break your career.

Write a memo for your leadership articulating and analyzing various challenges and recommendations regarding the path you think the firm should take.