
Develop an activity which supports the cognitive development needs of preschool-age children.Create the lesson plan in a Word document.How does the lesson support cognitive development?

Planning a Preschool Lesson

This module addresses the key developmental areas of infancy and early childhood and its relation to cognitive and socio-emotional development in later life including milestones, theorists and theories, and educational practices.

For this assignment, you will develop an activity which supports the cognitive development needs of preschool-age children.

Create the lesson plan in a Word document. See the outline provided below.
After completing the lesson plan, answer the questions in Step 2.
Use citations and references in APA format to support your responses.
Step 1.
Complete the lesson plan, addressing all of the fields.

Step 2.
After you have completed the lesson plan, address the following questions about your lesson plan in a 1- to 3-page paper. Answer each question in a well-developed paragraph. Include an introduction and a conclusion.

How does the lesson support cognitive development?
How does the lesson align with developmentally appropriate practice?
What theoretical foundations support your lesson?

What is your understanding of a value chain and its relationship with the supply chain? Select a big-box retailer and explain/depict its supply chain, value chain, and extended value chain.

In a document, provide responses to the following questions:
1. What is your understanding of a value chain and its relationship with the supply chain? Select a big-box retailer and explain/depict its supply chain, value chain, and extended value chain.
2. Explain electronic procurement and just-in-time purchasing. Also, briefly explain how electronic procurement tools can benefit just-in-time purchasing.
3. Discuss the differences and key objectives for the following:
1. involving purchasing after completion of the new product development process
2. involving purchasing throughout the new product development process

Analyze a case of job motivation and attitude.How might Lydia’s age or financial situation be a factor in her work motivation and attitudes?

Individual motivation and attitude play a key role in job satisfaction and in related job performance. In this week, you will analyze a case of job motivation and attitude.

Consider this case:

Lydia is a 58-year-old woman who has worked with Norman Electronics for over 12 years. Lydia’s children are grown and her husband died three years ago, leaving Lydia a tidy insurance settlement. Lydia began working for the company head, Fred Norman Sr., as a general secretary and as the company expanded, she became an assistant to the head of personnel, where she dealt with scheduling interviews and handling related hiring issues for the 250 employees of Norman Electronics. Lydia knew almost all of the employees on a personal basis, and often spent extra hours doing new employee orientation, handling questions, and negotiating with management to settle employee complaints. Lydia was a very valued employee.

When a new position with higher pay opened in the payroll department, Fred Norman Jr., now head of Norman Electronics immediately promoted Lydia. She now was in charge of a group of five accountants whose job was to process the payroll, including computing the bonuses and sales commissions of the employees. After a brief training to orient her to her new responsibilities, Lydia began her new position. Although she was working a similar number of hours as in her old position, Lydia’s performance dropped on the job. The department itself had problems with accuracy and timeliness in delivering paychecks. Lydia herself often came to work late, or called in sick, citing exhaustion and tension headaches as a reason for her tardiness and absenteeism. In just a matter of months, Lydia had gone from being a loyal, valued employee, to a withdrawn employee whose presence in the company was becoming a liability.

For this assignment, write a paper in which you analyze the case of Lydia. Include in your analysis the following points:

  • What work motivation theory might best explain Lydia’s motivation?
  • How might Lydia’s age or financial situation be a factor in her work motivation and attitudes?
  • What tests would you use to evaluate Lydia’s job satisfaction and attitudes in her new position?

Write about someone who has had an impact on your own understanding of what it means to be male, female, transgendered, androgynous, or however you define your own gender

For your GENDER HERO, select someone who has significantly impacted the way we think about gender in the U.S. today and who is especially important to you.  Stated differently, you are to write about someone who has had an impact on your own understanding of what it means to be male, female, transgendered, androgynous, or however you define your own gender.  Examples could include the author of your textbook, Michael Kimmel, as well as people like Gloria Steinem (writer, activist, publisher), Margaret Cho (comedian and astute commentator), Maya Angelou (writer, poet, performer), and many others, male, female, transgendered, or gender fluid.  Fictional characters are acceptable (you will have to come up with some type of portrait or depiction of that person); authors are acceptable; use your imagination.

You will need to write about somebody for whom outside source material is available.  Part of the point of this assignment is for you to gain experience at assessing the accuracy of material found on the internet.Because many of the gender heroes students write about will not be covered in academic sources, you will need to use popular sources, which make it important for you to think carefully about how accurate they may be.

  1. Using at least two reputable sources beyond your textbook, prepare a 2-3 page paper or a 5 minute YouTube video about this person which includes 1 or 2 visual images. Cite your sources within your paper and in a Works Cited page according to APA style.  You should also use and cite your textbook if it covers information about your gender hero
  2. At a point in the paper where you can logically comment, discuss the sources of information you used to learn about your gender hero and assess their accuracy and usefulness. Did you find that your sources agreed on the main points about your hero’s life?  Is the information they gave believable?  If not, what do you question, and why?
  3. Be sure to give a fairly detailed background on the person you chose. Who is this person?  Where did s/he come from?  How was s/he in a position to do the work you admire?
  4. Using your own words, explain how this individual has affected the way we look at gender and why you think this is important.
  5. Describe what you admire about the person you chose, and what puzzles or disappoints you about him/her/them.
  6. If you were able to sit down and have a heart-to-heart talk with your person, what is a question you would really like to ask her/him/them?
  7. Place your person in context – given what we’ve covered in the class so far, where does he, they or she fit in? (Use your imagination to answer this question – there is no obvious answer.)

What is customer retention and what role does it play in fitness organizations? What factors lead to low rates of customer retention in the fitness industry in Singapore?

What is customer retention and what role does it play in fitness organizations?

What factors lead to low rates of customer retention in the fitness industry in Singapore?

Identify research approach

Say what research strategy

Describe data collection method(s)

A SERVQUAL model will be integrated with the questionnaires to ensure that the expectations of the customers of the fitness organizations in Singapore are measured

How will you meet the overall aim of their research

How will what you have done so far and what you plan to do, demonstrate an understanding of research methods appropriate to their topic

How will what you have done so far and what you plan to do, enable you to significantly contribute to new knowledge through their DBA. You can state what you think their contribution to knowledge might be.


List and explain the two aspects of the definition of a gang member.Detail Miller’s six characteristics of a gang.Discuss and explain how secondary and tertiary gang prevention works.

List and explain the goals of school that affect delinquency.

List the issues associated with juvenile delinquency, according to your text.

Describe some ways in which bullying is implemented within the school system.

Discuss some of the reasons youths have for dropping out of school.

Explain why a school might be unable to meet the needs of all its students.

List and explain the two aspects of the definition of a gang member.

Detail Miller’s six characteristics of a gang.

Discuss and explain how secondary and tertiary gang prevention works.

Explain how gangs vary and discuss some of the prominent gangs throughout the United States.

Explain why and how females join gangs.

Explain why males join gangs.

Identify five data elements you would find on a Nurses’ Admission Record.List five purposes for a patient record.

Have you seen a health record prior to beginning this course? If you have, what data did you know belonged in the record? If not, what data did you think belonged in it?

Which page(s) were new to you as a part of a health record? Be specific and list at least five examples.

What final impressions (diagnoses) for the patient are described in the H&P?

Identify five data elements you would find on a Nurses’ Admission Record.

Three laboratory reports are included in your sample record. What is a unique feature of these laboratory reports compared to the other reports in the record?

Other than the reports noted above, list five health record reports found in your sample record.

List five purposes for a patient record.

List five guidelines that should be followed for patient record documentation.

List three organizations concerned with documentation requirements for patient records.

List fourteen elements of the Uniform Hospital Discharge Data Set (UHDDS). Analyze the sample record to find out how many of these elements are present and identify where each data element is located.


Select a social issue/social problem that you believe is prevalent in today’s society/world.Discuss the origins and impacts of that issue/problem.


1. Select a social issue/social problem that you believe is prevalent in today’s society/world. 2.Discuss the origins and impacts of that issue/problem.
3. Develop a response to this problem with the assumption that you have the resources and power to promote change.”

HEALTHCARE is the social issue/social problem prevalent in today’s society/world.

Provide citations for all sources used in your essay, including, but not limited to, expert opinion, scholarly articles, and media sources (APA, MLA, Chicago, etc.).

Choose 1 interest group between:Federal and state government, Employers, Consumers and Insurers. What do you think are their main concerns regarding public health and the role of policy?

Find a list of interest groups which are health care stakeholders. Choose 1 interest group. What do you think are their main concerns regarding public health and the role of policy?
a. Federal and state government
b. Employers
c. Consumers
d. Insurers
e. Practitioners/Providers
f. Provider organizations
g. Technology producers
2. Should the US ultimately implement a National Health Insurance (Canada) or National Health system (Britain) for example? Choose a country with a different health care delivery and financing system as an example and state your opinion. Why or why not?
As part of your analysis, be sure to compare the structure and function of the international public health care systems, with that in the US.

Choose one of these characters and discuss whether he or she is sympathetic or unsympathetic:Rip Van Winkle from Irving’s “Rip Van Winkle”, Protagonist from Gilman’s “The Yellow Wallpaper”, Paul from Lawrence’s “The Rocking-Horse Winner”

 Create a character analysis essay built on close readings of one text from Module 1. You will focus on one specific aspect of the characterization and provide support from the text. Remember that characterization may be revealed through the character’s own thoughts, speech, and actions; through another character’s speech, thoughts, or actions toward that character; through the narration. You may also wish to reference other elements of fiction if they help you analyze that aspect of the character.

Choose a specific topic from the list below or create your own topic with my approval. Your unique topic must be approved by the instructor before you begin to write. If you write on an unapproved topic, you will not earn credit. (Note: you only need to choose ONE of these topics for your paper; you do not need to select one topic from the sympathetic/unsympathetic section and one from the static/dynamic.)

  • Approved topics:
    • Choose one of these characters and discuss whether he or she is sympathetic or unsympathetic. Be sure to discuss how the author creates (or does not create) sympathy for the character.
      • Rip Van Winkle from Irving’s “Rip Van Winkle”
      • Protagonist from Gilman’s “The Yellow Wallpaper”
      • Paul from Lawrence’s “The Rocking-Horse Winner”
    • Choose one of these characters and discuss whether he or she is static or dynamic. Be sure to discuss how the character changes (or does not change) in specific ways over the course of the story.
      • Goodman Brown from Hawthorne’s “Young Goodman Brown”
      • Peyton Farquhar from Bierce’s “An Occurrence at Owl Creek Bridge”
      • John from Gilman’s “The Yellow Wallpaper”
      • Hester from Lawrence’s “The Rocking-Horse Winner”