
What is the GLOBAL SOCIETY described by authors in Chap[ter 1 of Chirico, especially Appadurai’s Global “Scapes”. How does the documentary HUMANITY FROM SPACE, visualize the increasing global connectivity with its emphasis on the ‘TECHNOSPHERE”?

The Study of global sociology, comparative analysis, economic context

What is the GLOBAL SOCIETY described by authors in Chap[ter 1 of Chirico, especially Appadurai’s Global “Scapes”. How does the documentary HUMANITY FROM SPACE, visualize the increasing global connectivity with its emphasis on the ‘TECHNOSPHERE”? Use the concept of Material Culture (technology is one type).

Applying readings from Chapters 2, 3, & 4, explain how the ‘Financialsphere” and the transition to a global economy also generated global economies, global inequalities (stratification), and the human impacts, comparing different societies. You should reference the inequalities and child labor issues from the readings and the documentary in class: T-SHIRT TRAVELS. (Note the ijmpact of matrial culture on the non-material, including the life styles and quality of life of children).

Conclude your essay with a brief explanation of how the MACRO (large-scale, global, societal issues) shape the MICRO (small-scale, everyday life of people).


Identify an online sales company and explain how the concepts of complexity and divergence apply. Provide specific examples in your response.

Economics Discussion

Identify an online sales company and explain how the concepts of complexity and divergence apply. Provide specific examples in your response.


Share your personal experience on how the influence of a special interest group (SIG) contributed to a health care policy in the United States that impacted you or someone you know for this healthcare issue.

Special Interest group influence

Share your personal experience on how the influence of a special interest group (SIG) contributed to a health care policy in the United States that impacted you or someone you know for this healthcare issue.

If there is none, then visualize a particular healthcare policy for you or someone you know and how this SIG would impact the healthcare policy.


Compare and contrast their coverage. Compare and contrast information in the stories as well as how they are presented. How do the narratives differ? What is omitted from one or the other?


You are to choose a breaking story in the contemporary world and respond to the questions that follow. Go to,, and and read how each of these sources has covered the topic.

Compare and contrast their coverage. Compare and contrast information in the stories as well as how they are presented. How do the narratives differ? What is omitted from one or the other? After analyzing the three stories, reflect on what this says about media more generally as a source of truth or knowledge about what is going on in the world.

What are examples of rhetoric that you see or hear on a daily basis? What are some ways that you create rhetoric? What is an example of a rhetorical situation that you have found yourself in? Discuss exigence, audience, and constraints.

Backpacks vs. Briefcases: Steps toward Rhetorical Analysis by Laura Bolin Carroll

  1. What are examples of rhetoric that you see or hear on a daily basis?
  2. What are some ways that you create rhetoric?
  3. What is an example of a rhetorical situation that you have found yourself in? Discuss exigence, audience, and constraints.


Are you willing to explore ways of enhancing your skills and abilities or are you only prepared to exploit your current strengths for the rest of your career? Can over-confidence become a hindrance to your development? Why? If not, Why not?

Growth and higher revenues

Organizations always speak of growth and higher revenues, however, many still fail. Look at Toys R Us and Sears. So what happened? Didn’t they have smart people with broad skills? Why did they miss the mark? In many cases, it is found that the leaders become complacent or they do not truly assess the market correctly. Are you willing to explore ways of enhancing your skills and abilities or are you only prepared to exploit your current strengths for the rest of your career? Can over-confidence become a hindrance to your development? Why? If not, Why not?

Does the rhetoric address the problem it claims to address? Is the rhetoric targeted at an audience who has the power to make change? Are the appeals appropriate to the audience?

Visual analysis outline

  • Does the rhetoric address the problem it claims to address?
  • Is the rhetoric targeted at an audience who has the power to make change?
  • Are the appeals appropriate to the audience?
  • Does the rhetor give enough information to make an informed decision?
  • Does the rhetoric attempt to manipulate in any way (by giving incomplete/inaccurate information or abusing the audience’s emotions)?
  • What other sub-claims do you have to accept to understand the rhetor’s main claim? (For example, in order to accept the Ad Council’s claim that the arts boost math and science scores, you first have to value the boosting of those scores.)
  • What possible negative effects might come from this rhetoric?

Create a functional menu. The menu will consist of four appetizers, six entrees and three desserts. Create a standardized recipe.

Menu Project


This concept will include the name of the restaurant, a logo for branding and a signature dish The menu will need a concept (theme) and recipes that follows the concept.

• The project will be done in four stages and submitted electronically

  • Stage one: a functional menu will be created. The menu will consist of four appetizers, six entrees and three desserts.
  • Stage two: a standardized recipe will be created for a signature dish.  The signature dish will consist of a protein, starch and vegetable in the appropriate portion size.
  • Stage three: a cost analysis will be done for the signature dish

• Standardized recipe will be based on appropriate portion size and control and proper cooking techniques.

• Cost analysis numbers and math must be accurate to reach an appropriate menu price and food cost percentage.

• Templates for the standardized recipe and cost analysis will be supplied by the instructor

Discuss the role of strategic management. Compare mission, vision, and value statements. Discuss the types and purposes of goals and plans.


  • Discuss the role of strategic management.
  • Compare mission, vision, and value statements.
  • Discuss the types and purposes of goals and plans.
  • Describe SMART goals and their implementation.
  • Outline the planning/control cycle.
  • Describe how to develop the career readiness competency of proactive learning orientation.


Identify the three principles underlying strategic positioning. Outline the five steps in the strategic-management process. Explain how an organization assesses the competitive landscape.


  • Identify the three principles underlying strategic positioning.
  • Outline the five steps in the strategic-management process.
  • Explain how an organization assesses the competitive landscape.
  • Explain the three methods of corporate-level strategy.
  • Discuss Porter’s and Welch’s techniques for formulating a business-level strategy.
  • Describe how to create, execute, and control a functional-level strategy.
  • Describe how to enhance your strategic thinking.