
Assess the technical and nontechnical resources needed to launch a consumer and provider mobile application. What is the respective value of each of these applications to the business?

Reflect on the THS case study preview the document and the strategic reasons why the organization pursues a consumer and provider mobile health IT strategy. Assess the technical and nontechnical resources needed to launch a consumer and provider mobile application. What is the respective value of each of these applications to the business?

For this assessment, select a business (either the one you work for now, or one with which you are familiar), and determine what services are currently provided in-house which may benefit from migrating to a cloud service.

For this assessment, select a business (either the one you work for now, or one with which you are familiar), and determine what services are currently provided in-house which may benefit from migrating to a cloud service.

Examples may include data storage for collaboration and file sharing (Sharepoint), email, web services, server virtualization, etc.

Research potential benefits associated with the proposed cloud service, and determine a rough estimate of cost for budgetary purposes.

Write a brief 3 page IWG-formatted paper addressed to the business leader who would approve the migration (this person can be fictitious), presenting the business justification for the proposal.

The paper should include a brief background to the business with the current system in place, a discussion of the proposed cloud service, and an overall idea of the timeline and cost required to migrate.

Support your proposal with at least two external citations and references

Analyze, firstly, the current EU regulatory integration on international protection, retracing the most important stages of the communitarization of the immigration and asylum policy within the Union and correlating the latter to a wider legal aspect such as the multilevel protection of fundamental rights.

The research project intends to analyze, firstly, the current EU regulatory integration on international protection, retracing the most important stages of the communitarization of the immigration and asylum policy within the Union and correlating the latter to a wider legal aspect such as the multilevel protection of fundamental rights.
In this context, the profiles of greatest interest are: the determination of the country competent to examine the asylum application as governed by the Dublin Regulation and balanced with the sovereignty clause; the definition of the categories of subjects included in the notion of international protection; the EU’s SAR zone and the “safe third country” concept.
It is worth noting that the humanitarian emergency of 2015 requires us to question the efficiency of the initiatives and legal instruments adopted by the European Union, in order to study a better migration policy on asylum aimed at guaranteeing respect for the fundamental rights of international protection applicants and fair sharing of responsibility among the States of the Union.
Consequently, it seems worth studying not only the EU management and control of irregular immigration but also its external dynamics. As a result, the second part of the research will be focused on the external dimension of the EU migration policy: the support to host and transit countries through existing Common Security and Defence Policy (CSDP) missions and operations, including on border management and fighting traffickers and smugglers; the use of financial tools such as the Emergency Trust Fund for Africa or the Syria Trust Fund in addition to other broader programs, such as the European Neighborhood Instrument (ENI), the Development Cooperation Instrument (DCI), the European Instrument for Democracy and Human Rights (EIDHR) and the Instrument contributing to Stability and Peace (IcSP); the mechanisms and agreements that affect in particular Niger and Rwanda, as regards the role played by UNHCR and IOM on the relocation of migrants via the mandate of the European Commission.

Finally, in order to identify some best practices, a comparison will be made between the external dimension of the asylum policies of the EU and Australia – as regards the management of the SAR area – and the United States – in terms of management of irregular migration flows on land border.

Summarize and discuss nature and scope of internal controls on financial statement reporting in a statutory environment. Demonstrate comprehensive professional knowledge of financial forecasting.

Differential Analysis

Write a full one-page memo to your coworker explaining this week’s topic using APA 7th ed formatting. Include a reference page. You should have at least one reference.

this week topic:

Upon successful completion of the week, you will be able to:

Demonstrate comprehensive professional knowledge of financial statement and managerial accounting information analysis techniques used in decision making.
Demonstrate comprehensive professional knowledge of financial forecasting.
Demonstrate comprehensive professional knowledge of ethical responsibilities of organizations.
Communicates clearly and logically through written communication for professional delivery incorporating APA professional writing skills and standards including concise organization, grammar, references, and citations.
Show evidence of higher-level thinking skills including application, analysis, making predictions, drawing inferences, cause and effect relationships, comparing and contrasting, evaluation, and synthesis for decision making.
Summarize and discuss nature and scope of internal controls on financial statement reporting in a statutory environment

Explain the concept of network topography and how it relates to end user performance in terminology appropriate for a senior executive. Describe the limitations of the ring network that was put in place by Spider IT Services over 10 years ago for this client.

For this assignment, you are assuming the role of the chief technology officer (CTO) of Spider IT Services and writing a response memorandum (memo) to the CEO of the company referenced as the client in the case.

For the purpose of your response, assume that your company, Spider IT Services, installed a traditional ring network over 10 years ago at this client site. You have learned that this client is a durable medical supply company now complaining about network performance. They have an internal network at their home office that supports 30 end users and 20 devices and are interested in expanding to include a wireless network for approximately 100 additional end users such as guests and sales persons coming in-and-out of their home office.

In your memo,

  • Explain the concept of network topography and how it relates to end user performance in terminology appropriate for a senior executive.
  • Describe the limitations of the ring network that was put in place by Spider IT Services over 10 years ago for this client.
  • Propose a star network design including its components and functionality.
  • Contrast the anticipated benefits of the star network and the ring network topography.
  • Verify the clients request for working with Spider IT Services to install a wireless network expansion.
  • Describe the IT standard that you recommend in designing the wireless network expansion.

Write 2-3 sentences about the challenges your space/home presents in establishing an area where you can concentrate on school you will need to write what you think could be improved in your work environment how you can overcome these challenges.

Write 2-3 sentences about the challenges your space/home presents in establishing an area where you can concentrate on school you will need to write what you think could be improved in your work environment how you can overcome these challenges. Write about the steps you took to enhance and improve your work area. Consider additional enhancements other than charging your room and cleaning up the space, you could take to make studying more efficiently and effective for you. Lastly think of someone you know who is very protective. Describe that person and the characteristics that makes them successful and most importantly how you might try to incorporate that same trait in your life as a Cal-Pac student.

Define individuals by linking political, economic and religious factors – The essay question is “How significant is the role of individuals in Scramble for Africa”

 Define individuals by linking political, economic and religious factors – The essay question is “How significant is the role of individuals in Scramble for Africa” –  do include explorers such as Cecil Rhodes, Dr. Livingstone and Henry Morton Stanley for Henry Morton Stanley linked it with King Belgium Leopold II –  use any sources

Develop a claim that analyzes whether you think family loyalty or justice (the law) prevails for any of the members of the Hayden family. Select specific passages from the novel that will help you explain and prove your argument.

Topic: Family Loyalty vs. Justice Within the Hayden family, does family loyalty prevail over justice or vice versa? Consider each of the primary family members (David, Wesley, Gail, Frank, Grandpa Hayden) in order to form your argument. Develop a claim that analyzes whether you think family loyalty or justice (the law) prevails for any of the members of the Hayden family. Select specific passages from the novel that will help you explain and prove your argument.

For the rest of the year you will be working on the final project, a Photo Essay.You will determine the purpose of your essay as you would with any article: to inform, to entertain, to persuade, or impetus for change.

For the rest of the year you will be working on the final project, a Photo Essay. Photo essays present a series of photographs intended to tell a story. They combine carefully chosen photos with writing in the form of captions or full descriptions to evoke a series of emotions in the viewer. Famous journalists use the photo essay to combine the power of essay storytelling techniques with the impact of visual images

You will determine the purpose of your essay as you would with any article: to inform, to entertain, to persuade, or impetus for change. However, the purpose of a photo essay is to capture the visual elements of the subject rather than just describe what happens. In a time of quarantine and social distancing, this is especially important. Most people can’t see or experience themselves what you will capture in the photos.


What method would you choose to estimate BFP if it’s necessary? Why?How many grams of protein should he ingest on a daily basis to maintain (in a healthy way) his current weight?

The patient just graduated college with a degree in Mechanical Engineering and is working full-time for the Department of Transportation. He is 25 years old, diabetic and lactose intolerant. His blood pressure is 134/91, he weighs 225lb, he is 5ft 9in tall and his waist circumference is 44in. He had a cholecystectomy when he was 24 years old and has experienced an increased number of bowel movements and some gastrointestinal discomfort since he had the surgery. He also expressed that he does not eat dairy products in general but he usually eats two containers of yogurt every day (see food label below) as a snack because its easy and convenient for him. When asked about his daily physical activity, he admits to only walking around his neighborhood maybe once a month. He was asked to keep a record of his diet for a week and these are some of the results: 3425 kcal/day (total intake), 1321 kcal from lipids, 250 kcal from protein and 1854 kcal from carbohydrates. *show work for calculations for partial credit

Is he overweight or obese? Why?
What method would you choose to estimate BFP if it’s necessary? Why?
Is he eating more or less than he should? Why?
How many grams of protein should he ingest on a daily basis to maintain (in a healthy way) his current weight?
What are some of the problems with his current diet? (be specific and backup your answer with data) What dietary changes should he make to help him lose weight?
What percentage of his daily value of protein (based on his EER) does he get from eating yogurt?
Based on his medical history, why do you think he eats yogurt every day?
What do you think is the cause of his increased frequency of bowel movements and gastrointestinal discomfort he has experienced since his surgery?