
Compare rational and non-rational decision making. Explain how managers can make decision that are both legal and ethical. Describe how evidence-based management and business analytics contribute to decision making.


  • Compare rational and non-rational decision making.
  • Explain how managers can make decision that are both legal and ethical.
  • Describe how evidence-based management and business analytics contribute to decision making.
  • Describe how artificial intelligence is used in decision making.
  • Compare four decision-making styles.
  • Identify barriers to rational decision making and ways to overcome them.
  • Outline the basics of group decision making.
  • Describe how to develop the career readiness competencies of critical thinking/problem solving and decision making.

Describe the evolution of public health and health care in the United States. Discuss the complexities and controversies of public health.

Remaining Coursework

Health and Nutrition Professions

Course Objectives
By the end of this course, students should be able to:

1. Describe the evolution of public health and health care in the United States.

2. Discuss the complexities and controversies of public health.

3. Understand the demographic, social, political and economic trends, which are having an impact on health care in the United States.

4. Become familiar with health and nutrition professions engaged in working with
populations and population health specific to nutrition, sport, and activity.
5. Analyze contemporary public health issues as well as issues specific to nutrition, sport,
and activity.

Required Materials
1. Introduction to Public Health, 6th Edition. MaryJane Schneider. ISBN 9781284

Technical Requirements

Assignments should be submitted as a Microsoft Office or Adobe file.

Course Requirements:
1. Course Materials and Reading Assignments. Course content will be organized into
modules by week according to the schedule. Textbook readings are listed on the course schedule. Additional required readings will be posted in the weekly modules and will include a combination of articles, links, and presentations.
2. Health Profession Career Paper is an individual written assignment worth 30 points.
Submit assignments in Canvas.
3. Two graded Discussion Assignments worth 5 points each will be assigned.

4. Quizzes: Eight online quizzes (15 points each) will be given. The quizzes will be open
book but timed. You do not need a proctor for the quizzes.
5. Exams: One midterm exam (100 points) and one final exam (100 points) are scheduled.
Proctoring is not required for these exams, but exams will be online and timed. Exam dates are posted on the course schedule.

Indicate how an advanced degree from our institution will help to achieve your educational and career objectives.

Personal Statement

This statement should be a concise, well-written essay about your educational background and reasons for pursuing a graduate degree in epidemiology. You should give information about:

– Your background as it pertains to your academic and professional goals.
– The motivating influences that stimulated interest in your specific discipline.
– Your future career goals and objectives.
– Indicate how an advanced degree from our institution will help to achieve your educational and career objectives.

Provide an exploration of the extent to which the COVID-19 pandemic qualifies an an adverse childhood experience to be a predictor of homelessness.


Provide an exploration of the extent to which the COVID-19 pandemic qualifies an an adverse childhood experience to be a predictor of homelessness.

Write an essay explaining the postulates of the cell theory.

Postulates of the cell theory

Write an essay explaining the postulates of the cell theory.

Did COVID stay-at-home experiences help or hurt family relationships?

COVID stay-at-home experiences

Did COVID stay-at-home experiences help or hurt family relationships?

What are the ethically significant harms that may result from emerging technologies such as blockchain technology, artificial intelligence, and machine learning?

Part 6: Ethics In Cybersecurity

Complete Part 6 for this paper. Template is provided, but only needing Part 6 for research paper.

Part 6
Ethical issues are at the core of what we do as cybersecurity professionals. Think of the example of a cyber defender working in a hospital. They are charged with securing the network, medical devices, and protecting sensitive personal health information from unauthorized disclosure. They are not only protecting patient privacy but their health and perhaps even their lives. Confidentiality, Integrity, Availability – the C-I-A triad – and many other cybersecurity practices are increasingly at play in protecting citizens in all walks of life and in all sectors. Thus, acting in an ethical manner, is one of the hallmarks of a cybersecurity professional.

o What are the ethically significant harms that may result from mass surveillance (including by government and corporations)?

o What are the ethically significant harms that may result from emerging technologies such as blockchain technology, artificial intelligence, and machine learning?

Why would you want to remove the users of a database from the Access environment? For what reasons might you want your menu system to do away with the Access environment (in the background) altogether?

Module 6 Discussion

For this module, you are required to answer at least two discussion questions on the discussion board. You are also required to respond to at least one of your classmates’ posts.

Why would you want to remove the users of a database from the Access environment? For what reasons might you want your menu system to do away with the Access environment (in the background) altogether?
Have any of you had experience with a computer virus? Do you know how you got it? How did you “fix” it? Specifically have any of you received a virus from a macro? Why would you not want to use the highest security level in Access so that no macros are allowed?
How do the colors, text, graphics, etc., affect the user’s experience with the menu system? How could a “busy” interface become distractive to users?

Critically assess the role of Intra-canal medicaments in the re-treatment of the failed endodontic treatment.

Endodontic treatment

Critically assess the role of Intra-canal medicaments in the re-treatment of the failed endodontic treatment.

What are the attributes of the learning organization and how does it align (or support) the complex adaptive healthcare system?

Week 7

Answer the below questions:

1.What are the attributes of the learning organization and how does it align (or support) the complex adaptive healthcare system?

2.What leadership styles are inherent in learning organizations that may not be totally supported in a traditional organizational culture?

3. Using the cultural assessment you did a few weeks ago, how does your current organizational culture and climate align with the learning organizational attributes?

4.What other information might you need before you could make that determination?

5. Where would you obtain it?

6. How does your philosophy of leadership and personal leadership profile align to the attributes of the learning organization?

7. What is the role of the nurse leader in leading and creating a shift toward becoming a learning organization?