
Provide a research paper about the media representation of Women in politics.

Media Representation of Women in Politics

Provide a research paper about the media representation of Women in politics. They are seen to be portrayed in many tones and there is basically two ends. Women are either too Mellow or too aggressive. The paper should look at different articles from mainstream news channels and analyze how women are portrayed.

Write a reflection essays about Jean piaget’s stages of cognitive development.

Jean piaget’s stages of cognitive development

Write a reflection essays about Jean piaget’s stages of cognitive development.

Is the manufacturer liable in the scenario given, when the children were injured while riding one of its mini trail bikes, on a public road, in violation of manufacturer and parental warnings? Explain.


Students will recognize particular legal issues inhering to a given case scenario and determine which laws come to bear on the issues towards arriving at a resolution of those issues.

Two eight-year boys were seriously injured when riding Honda mini trail bikes provided by their parents. The boys were riding on public streets and ran a stop sign when they were hit by a truck. One boy was not wearing a helmet. The bikes had clear warning labels on the front stating that they were only for off road use. The owner’s manual was clear that the bikes were not to be used on public streets and that riders should wear helmets. The parents sued Honda.

The supreme court of Washington said that there was one basic issue. “Is a manufacturer liable when children are injured while riding one of its mini trail bikes on a public road in violation of manufacturer and parental warnings?” Is it unethical to make products like mini trail bikes that will be used by children, when we know some accidents like this will happen? Please answer the questions below. One page is required.

Is the manufacturer liable in the scenario given, when the children were injured while riding one of its mini trail bikes, on a public road, in violation of manufacturer and parental warnings? Explain.
Is it unethical to make products like mini trail bikes that will be used by children, when the manufacturer knows accidents like this will happen? Explain

After reading chapters 6 & 7 (Kolb, 2017), choose one tool from Table 6.2 (pg 74) Tools that Promote Extension. Discuss the tool chosen (share information about this tool).

Tools that promote extension

Complete Assignment 3 following APA 7 rules of formatting and complete as a two-three page word document.

After reading chapters 6 & 7 (Kolb, 2017),
Choose one tool from Table 6.2 (pg 74) Tools that Promote Extension.
Discuss the tool chosen (share information about this tool).
Locate a source online that supports the tool you have chosen and share what the connection is to everyday life.
Then using the Nine-item Triple E measurement tool located in Chapter 7 measure the tool you selected in Chapter 6. Based on Kolb (2017) results, where does your tool fall? Discuss the result grouping.

As a grade 7 student, how will you persuade others to understand the significance of understanding mindanao’s vocal and instrument music?

Write an 150 words essay about your personal insight .

As a grade 7 student, how will you persuade others to understand the significance of understanding mindanao’s vocal and instrument music?

How important do you think it is to take calcium supplements for bone health when you’re younger? Do you think the public has enough awareness of the calcium cycle between blood and bones?

Discussion Essay

How important do you think it is to take calcium supplements for bone health when you’re younger? Do you think the public has enough awareness of the calcium cycle between blood and bones? Do you think that only pregnant women should be concerned with calcium supplements for bones or should recommendations apply to everyone?

Write an essay based on your readings and research on “Literacy in America Today” and how college students are being affected by using technology, both in your personal use, and in your college classroom.

Literacy in America

Literacy in America, it seems, is changing daily. The days of basic reading and writing are not what it used to be. Students in America, nowadays, are inundated with new technology that, according to research, has American students reading and writing more than ever, but is it enough to address the reading and writing skills necessary to complete a college education. We have read, discussed, and researched the topic of literacy and how it has affected America and its college students. Even college campuses, have gotten on the band wagon using technology to
help teach and present pertinent information to the subject at hand.

Your essay will be based on your readings and research on “Literacy in America Today” and how college students are being affected by using technology, both in your personal use, and in your college classroom. You will realize in your reading and research, that student’s introduction to literacy, even at an early age, is being presented in our public schools using a different perspective than was obviously used before America’s advancements in technology.

Hopefully, you will come to realize that literacy in America involves many different perspectives which include the involvement of parents, teachers, college professors, and of course the government. Our kids are just not getting the education they deserve and require to move on. You will support your essay with at three (3) reasons why you believe literacy has changed in America and whose fault is it, the parents, teachers, government, and or public schools. You will need to introduce at least 2 different sources.

You will write your essay in the MLA format, and your essay must be at least 3 pages long. It must also include a Works Cited page which will become synonymous with all your future essays. Good writing.

Describe the molecular geometry and hybridization of the N, P, or S atoms in each of the following compounds. (a) H3PO4, phosphoric acid, used in cola soft drinks (b) NH4NO3, ammonium nitrate, a fertilizer and explosive (c) S2Cl2, disulfur dichloride, used in vulcanizing rubber (d) K4[O3POPO3], potassium pyrophosphate, an ingredient in some toothpastes.

9/10 lab

2. Draw a curve that describes the energy of a system with H and Cl atoms at varying distances. Then, find the minimum energy of this curve two ways. (a) Use the bond energy found in Table 8.1 to calculate the energy for one single HCl bond (Hint: How many bonds are in a mole?) (b) Use the enthalpy of reaction and the bond energies for H2 and Cl2 to solve for the energy of one mole of HCl bonds. H2 (g) + Cl2 (g) ⇌ 2HCl(g) ΔHrxn ° = −184.7 kJ/mol

28. Describe the molecular geometry and hybridization of the N, P, or S atoms in each of the following compounds. (a) H3PO4, phosphoric acid, used in cola soft drinks (b) NH4NO3, ammonium nitrate, a fertilizer and explosive (c) S2Cl2, disulfur dichloride, used in vulcanizing rubber (d) K4[O3POPO3], potassium pyrophosphate, an ingredient in some toothpastes.

Using the tools (terms and concepts from the course) of economists, analyze how these reforms are intended to impact the cost of health care. Summarize your term paper by sharing your educated opinion if these reforms will work or not, cite your work.

ECONOMICS of the Affordable Care Act

Your Term Paper must address the ECONOMICS of the Affordable Care Act, with a focus on identifying and explaining the economic impact of one reform initiative for each of the following years (2011, 2012, 2013, 2014). Reform initiatives should include insurance, provider, reimbursement and or technology, etc. Using the tools (terms and concepts from the course) of economists, analyze how these reforms are intended to impact the cost of health care. Summarize your term paper by sharing your educated opinion if these reforms will work or not, cite your work.

briefly discuss the background, core competencies, resource capabilities, outcomes of rival firm under this heading

Apple Vs. Samsung

Essay should have tables, chart or graph discussing about any models: Pestel, SWOT, Porter’s 5 Ps, VRIO, Mintzberg

1. Introduction.
2. Background of chosen firm (one firm from the list of six firms in the Assessment 1 PDF file).
3. Core Competencies (of chosen firm).
4. Resource Capabilities (of chosen firm).
5. Outcomes (of chosen firm).
6. Rival firm (briefly discuss the background, core competencies, resource capabilities, outcomes of rival firm under this heading)
7. Comparison of chosen firm with rival firm (to determine which of  the two firms is more successful and why).
8. Conclusion.
9. Bibliography.