
Write an essay explaining the dramatic revolutionary events in America, France, and Saint-Domingue.

Dramatic revolutionary events in America, France, and Saint-Domingue

Write an essay explaining the dramatic revolutionary events in America, France, and Saint-Domingue.

Critically analyse the role of the nurse, throughout each section of the framework and consider the learning outcomes when writing your report.

Case study details:

Freda is 55years old, terminally ill with breast cancer that has progressively spread. She came to Nursing Home for End of Life Care. She has capacity and made decision to put DNAR in place. She has husband. She belongs to Christian religion.

Ethical Dilemma is Do Not Attempt Resuscitation

Four Quadrant Approach Ethical Framework has to be used in this case study.  (Johnsen and Winslade)

Detailed Assignment Guidelines


(200 words)


The introduction offers a general statement to introduce the main subject area and to set the context for the discussion. Including a broad background of information into your key ethical challenges and outlines all the ideas you are going to present in the assignment, such as:

–          A statement/ definition of the importance of the topic and the context, background of and care delivery

–          Introduce the framework and link the learning outcomes

–          Introduce the service user/child you have chosen

–          Include statements dealing with confidentiality were necessary (NMC)


(250 words)


Background information refers to a concise summary of the clinical & wider detail of this persons’ care which is relevant to the issues that you later discuss:

–          Physical health

–          Mental health

–          Family and other relationships

–          Social circumstances- employment, religious/spiritual beliefs, sexuality etc.

–          Age and development (where appropriate)

Key ethical challenge / Framework

(200 words)

Short paragraph identifying what your key ethical challenge is, this is then expanded in your framework below. Outline the use of ethical frameworks and present reasoning for your preferred framework(s).  
Main discussion

(1400 words)

Utilise your preferred ethical framework(s) as the structure to aid the discussion and identifying key issues regarding this person/child’s treatment, while using the legislation and ethical theories to support throughout.

Suggested structure to use combined 4 quadrant approach (Jonsen, Siegler, and Winslade, 2006) with considering of 4 principles of bioethics (Beauchamp and Childress, 2019) frameworks:

–          Medical indications (Beneficence and Non-maleficence)

o   Is the problem acute or chronic and / or reversible? What are the goals to treatment? Will treatment be successful? How can this patient benefit from medical / nursing care, and can harm be avoided?

–          Patient Preferences (Autonomy)

o   Does the patient have capacity? How do you determine this? What is the patient’s wishes / preferences with the treatment? Is it an informed choice? Is the shared decision making? Is there any advance directives? Is there someone making the decisions for the patient (LPA)? Is the patient’s right to choose being respected to the extent possible within ethics and law? Risk of paternalism?

–          Quality of life (Beneficence and Non-maleficence)

o   Can the patient return to normal life? Are there any expected deficits expected to the patient’s physical, mental and social life? Is there any biases that may cause prejudice to the evaluation of the patient’s life? Is there any plan to forgo treatment? Any comfort or palliative care plans? Could there be any harm / is the intent good for the patient?

–          Contextual Features (Justice)

o   Any family issues to consider? Are there any nursing issues that may influence treatment decisions? Financial factors? Religious / cultural factors? Confidentiality / information sharing issues? Law effecting treatment options (especially palliative care)? Any conflict of interest? Is the treatment fair?

In each of these sections you need to be drawing upon the relevant legislation / policies / theories to critically discuss the key ethical challenge; Utilising them to support all your points / discussions (as references).


Critically analyse the role of the nurse, throughout each section of the framework and consider the learning outcomes when writing your report.


The Key Legislation, Policies / Guidelines and Ethical Theories, will be discussed throughout the module with dedicated revision session to collate all the information together towards the end of the module. See key legislation on AULA.

Nurses Role

(300 words)

Appraise the nurses’ role throughout – you may also want to also include a section at the end to discuss this concept more generally. Be careful not to repeat yourself – from discussions within the framework(s).

Consider – if not done previously:

–          Accountability and Advocacy

–          Risk of Paternalism

–          Virtue Ethics / the need for nurse to be ethical practitioners / compassion fatigue?

–          Are there limitations to the nurses’ role within decision making?

–          How is this relevant to the changing role of the nurse and future standards of education and proficiencies/competencies?

–          Resolving Conflict

–          What legislation / guidelines exist to support nurses and others in managing complex ethical, legal and policy issues? (The Constitution, the Code, etc.)

Reflect on professional/national guidance to support practitioners in your field and draw from other’s where appropriate.



(200 words)

No new information is required within the conclusion.

Summarise your discussions and highlight some of the key points.

CU APA Referencing No less than 20 relevant references – ensure you reference the framework(s) and all legislation used. You can directly reference the legislation i.e. Human Rights Act (1998).  


Recommended Reading and Reference Material

Avery, G. (2016). Law & Ethics in Nursing and Healthcare – An Introduction, 2nd edition. Essex University: Sage

Framework – Beauchamp, T., and Childress, J. (2013) 7th edition. Principles of Biomedical Ethics. New York: Oxford University Press 

Bradshaw, P., and Bradshaw, G. (2010) Health Policy for Health Care Professionals. London: Sage

Cranmer, P. and Nhemachena, J. (2013) Ethics for Nurses- Theory and Practice. University of Huddersfield: Open University Press

Cuthbert, S. and Quallington, J. (2017) Values and Ethics for Care Practice. Lantern

Dimon, B. (2011) Legal Aspects of Nursing. England: Pearson Longman

Dimond, B. (2016) Legal Aspects of Mental Capacity: A Practical Guide for Health and Social Care Professionals, 2nd ed, Oxford: Wiley-Blackwell Publishing.

Graham, M. and Cowley, J. (2015) A Practical Guide to the Mental Capacity Act 2005. Jessica Kingsley Publishers.

Griffin, R. and Tengnah, C. (2020) Law and Professional Issues in Nursing, 5th edition. Swansea Univeristy: Sage.

4 Quadrant Approach – Jonsen, A., Siegler, M. and Winslade, W. (2010). Clinical Ethics, 7th ed. UK: McGraw-Hill

Seedhouse, D. (2009) Ethics: The Heart of Health Care. Chichester: John Wiley and Sons

Selman, D. (2011) What makes a Good Nurse- Why the Virtues are Important for Nurses. London: Jessica Kingsley Publishers.

Examine how accountability aligns with the CNO Code of Conduct (2019). Use professional and scholarly literature to support the relationship between the concept and the Code of Conduct.


Use professional and scholarly nursing literature to explain accountability as it relates to the nursing profession:

Professional nursing literature includes resources from the CNO, Registered Nurses Association of Ontario (RNAO), or Canadian Nurses Association (CNA).

Scholarly nursing literature include required nursing course textbooks (Canadian Fundamentals of Nursing or others), nursing concepts texts, and nursing journal articles.

Examine how accountability aligns with the CNO Code of Conduct (2019). Use professional and scholarly literature to support the relationship between the concept and the Code of Conduct.

Use professional and scholarly literature to describe how nurses can apply or demonstrate the concept in their nursing practice.

How will the client directly benefit from this intervention? How will the stakeholders benefit from the client’s success with this intervention? Describe how your intervention is conceptually consistent with behavioral principles, based on scientific evidence, and based on assessment results.

Analyzing Risks and Benefits

For this week’s assignment, you will play the role of an experienced Board-Certified Assistant Behavior Analyst (BCaBA) who is working for a new company.

As an experienced BCaBA, you are asked to evaluate a case scenario and the possible ethical considerations. You need to weigh the risks and benefits of an intervention given the severity of the client’s behaviors.


Ali is a 5-year-old child diagnosed with autism that engages in several problem behaviors in the classroom setting. The current classroom includes one teacher, a teacher’s assistant, and a paraprofessional with 12 students in the class. This is a self-contained classroom, and all of the students in the classroom have various needs. Ali’s most severe problem behavior includes self-injurious behavior of hitting herself in the forehead. This behavior is often mild in magnitude but sometimes more forceful to the point that it leaves a mark. Currently, the behavior occurs about 15 times per day. Ali’s parents are concerned that this behavior may be causing headaches and other pain. You want to get together the team of stakeholders to involve them in the decision making. You also want to rule out any medical issues so you consult the parent about asking the doctor about the headaches. You ask for consent to speak with the other individuals on the team.

After observing the behavior, you notice that the behavior mostly occurs during group lessons or when the teacher is not attending to Ali. Parents also notice that when they are talking or on the phone, the behavior occurs. The function of the self-injurious behavior is hypothesized to be attention.

The current recommendation for a behavior intervention is that a Differential Reinforcement of Other behaviors (DRO) procedure be implemented for the absence of head hitting. First, interresponse time data will need to be collected to determine the interval schedule. Before proceeding, you want to weigh the risks and benefits of implementing this procedure since Ali’s behavior is self-injurious. Since the function is hypothesized to be attention-seeking, you wonder if extinction combined with reinforcement (DRO) is the best procure. Discuss the risks and benefits of implementing a DRO procedure for the absence of head hitting.

Assignment Directions

Once you have read the case scenario above, use the Unit 7 Assignment Template to complete this assignment. You will be asked to do the following:

Summarize the case scenario.

What is the target behavior? Respond in 2 – 3 words.
Is it dangerous to the client or others? Respond in 2 – 3 words.

Summarize the relevant codes and explain the relevance of these codes to the given case.
⦁ 2.14 Selecting, Designing, and Implementing Behavior-Change Interventions
⦁ 2.15 Minimizing Risk of Behavior-Change Interventions.

Summarize how you have weighed the risks and benefits of this case. Be sure to include all of the following:

⦁ How will the client directly benefit from this intervention? Respond in 2 – 3 words.
⦁ How will the stakeholders benefit from the client’s success with this intervention? Respond in 2 – 3 words.
⦁ Describe how your intervention is conceptually consistent with behavioral principles, based on scientific evidence, and based on assessment results. Respond in 2 – 3 words.
⦁ Explain how you have prioritized positive reinforcement procedures. Respond in 2 – 3 words.
⦁ Summarize the steps you have taken to best meet the diverse needs, context, and resources of the client and stakeholders. Respond in 2 – 3 words.
– What is the risk to the client? Respond in 2 – 3 words.
-Is there any risk to others in the setting? (Consider parents, classmates, the behavior analyst (BA), and any other stakeholders) Respond in 2 – 3 words.
-Are there sufficient personnel or mediators to implement the intervention? Respond in 2 – 3 words.
-Have they been or will they be trained? Respond in 2 – 3 words.
-Is the setting appropriate for the treatment? Respond in 2 – 3 words.
-Is the behavior analyst (BA) experienced in the treatment of this type of case? Respond in 2 – 3 words.

⦁ Summarize the steps you have taken to consider the design and implementation of behavior-change interventions to produce outcomes likely to maintain under naturalistic conditions.
* How will the client come into contact with new reinforcers? Respond in 2 – 3 words.
* Will the client have sufficient opportunities to practice this new skill? Respond in 2 – 3 words.
* Provide a brief statement of how you will evaluate and document the effectiveness of your intervention. Respond in 2 – 3 words.
* Provide a brief statement of your conditions for modification or discontinuing ineffective intervention. Respond in 2 – 3 words.

– Provide a one paragraph summary that includes:
⦁ The potential risks
⦁ The potential benefits
⦁ An explanation of how the benefits outweigh risks

Write a compare and contrast essay that is 300 words and consists of four Paragraphs.

Public Transport VS using your own Car

Task description: In this task, you have to write a compare and contrast essay that is 300 words and consists of four Paragraphs; namely:
• Introduction
• Body Paragraphs
o Body paragraph 1
o Body paragraph 2
• Conclusion
body paragraph 1 will be about similarities, and body paragraph 2 will be about differences.

Essay format and structure:
 Title: font size: 14, centered and capitalized.
 Essay itself: Font size:12
 Font Type: Times New Roman
 Line spacing: 1.5
 Paragraph borders / alignment: to be Justified right margin.

The assignment consists of 3 main parts:
1. A cover page that contains the University name, topic, your name, your section, submission date, submitted to, course name.
2. A decimal outline of the essay.
3. The essay itself.
Important instructions:
1. The essay is a creative essay and must be written by your own English.
2. You will not include any information taken from other sources.
This is not allowed in this creative essay. It is not a research paper
3. If Turnitin(plagiarism) is high, this means you plagiarized, thus you will be penalized according to the attached table. You will lose marks.

Explain why companies have hotlines. What type of issues the hotline will address and ways that you will notify and remind employees about the existence of the hotline.

Compliance hotline

A powerpoint presentation to propose an ethics/compliance ”hotline” for Geri Care This PowerPoint should be no more than 4 slides, including a cover slide. It should address these topics:

-Why companies have hotlines (what the benefits are)
-What type of issues the hotline will address (things like HIPAA issues)
-Ways that you will notify and remind employees about the existence of the hotline.

  • (can use this article)

Have there been occasions in which you conformed to an authority whose credibility you doubted? Gone against what you felt was right because an authority told you to do so?


1. Have there been occasions in which you conformed to an authority whose credibility you doubted? Gone against what you felt was right because an authority told you to do so?
2. If you had it to do over again, how would you handle the situation differently?

Compare and contrast Notasulga, Alabama, and Eatonville, Florida, as African-American communities in Jonah’s Gourd Vine. Why does John leave the Old South for the New? How does his life change?

Jonah’s Gourd Vine by Zora Neale Hurston

Group 1: Compare and contrast Notasulga, Alabama, and Eatonville, Florida, as African-American communities in Jonah’s Gourd Vine. Why does John leave the Old South for the New? How does his life change?

Define academic behavior, impact of academic behavior on students, definition procrastination, impacts of procrastination in grade 11 students.

Cause of procrastination in grade 11 students

Define academic behavior, impact of academic behavior on students, definition procrastination, impacts of procrastination in grade 11 students.

Who suffers directly or indirectly as a result of this violation? Are other individuals or groups working on this issue? What is being done to address this issue?

Human rights problem

Based on the New York Times article “Drug Gang Killed Students, Mexican Law Official Says” by Randal C. Archibald, Nov 7, 2014. You will need to draw from the research questions:

1. What is the problem as you see it?
2. How doe the problem manifest itself locally, nationally, and globally?
3. What specific rights are involved? (You can reference the UDHR) found at
4. Where does responsibility lie for the continuation of this violation.
5. Who benefits directly or indirectly as a result of this violation.
6. Who suffers directly or indirectly as a result of this violation?
7. Are other individuals or groups working on this issue?
8. What is being done to address this issue?
9. Where does responsibility lie for addressing this issue?
10. What might partipants do to help in their community or in a larger context?
11. Addres the human rights problem. You may want to reference any specific human rights that you feel are being violated.
12. Describe how this creates a world of fear where the government struggles to protect basic rights of its citizens.
13. Describe how people live in a world fear.
14. Discuss whether you agree or disagree with actions that are being taken to meet these challenges.
15. Discuss ways that you and others might address these challenges at a local, national and global level.