
In Emergency room at a Military Treatment Facility does the Implementation of Provider in Triage (PIT) compared to traditional triage protocol o no Provider in Triage (PIT) decrease wait times and improve patient satisfaction?

Summary Table

Assemble a substantive listing of resources related to your PICOT statement. Assemble all of these research articles, as a working reference list will be critical to this assignment. There is no limit to the number of articles you may list. Input the references and extracted data into the tables provided in your Summary Report template. The tables are: Table 1: Levels of Evidence Table 2: Summary of Evidence Table 2a: Aims/Questions/Hypotheses, Theoretical/Conceptual Framework, Study Design, Sample, Setting Table 2b: Description of Intervention, Variables/Measures, Data Collection Instruments, Data Analysis, Major Findings The tables has been provided in the document attached. Please let me know if you have any questions.

Articles must be relevant to this PICOT Statement:
In Emergency room at a Military Treatment Facility does the Implementation of Provider in Triage (PIT) compared to traditional triage protocol o no Provider in Triage (PIT) decrease wait times and improve patient satisfaction?

Display a deepening engagement with the themes and ideas of International Relations by linking key ideas and concepts to the broader discourses of the discipline. Demonstrate an ability to Students demonstrate an ability to think critically and analytically employing an objective writing style.

Define & Explain the Significance of Key IR Terms

Learning Objectives:
Students display a deepening engagement with the themes and ideas of International Relations by linking key ideas and concepts to the broader discourses of the discipline.
Students demonstrate an ability to Students demonstrate an ability to think critically and analytically employing an objective writing style.
Students demonstrate their ability to use proper citations and references.

Assessment Description:
This assessment is designed to assess how well you convey the content of key ideas and the debates that surround them. You are required to define and explain the significance of three key terms, concepts and theories in IR. Please choose three (3) of the eight (8) terms below:

  • Sovereignty
  • Anarchy
  • War
  • Institutions
  • Race
  • Cosmopolitanism
  • Responsibility to Protect
  • Green Theory

The assignment is 1500 words, which means your assignment should explore each term in 3×500 word sections. As usual, the bibliography is not included. You do not need to link the sections.
We are looking at your ability to take the information presented in the micro videos and develop it alongside the assigned readings while drawing on your library skills. You are being assessed on your ability to go do more then repeat what we have taught you and develop your ideas practicing the skills you have been taught.
By writing clearly, and objectively (not in the first person) we are assessing the learning outcome related to academic writing.
By looking at your ability to reference and create an appropriate bibliography we are assessing your library skills, key to the study of IR.
By looking at the way you integrate a variety of rescourse, beyond video notes, and assigned readings, we are assessing your critical thinking and analysis skills.

Select a friend group to which you belong and, in anthropological terms, examine said friend group. What are the social characteristics at play? What is required for membership? What activities do you and your friend group engage in?

ANTH discussion 7

Over the last two weeks, we have focused on family, specifically our own. This week, lets focus on our friends (cue theme song). Select a friend group to which you belong and, in anthropological terms, examine said friend group. What are the social characteristics at play? What is required for membership? What activities do you and your friend group engage in?

Your initial post must be 400 words. Next, respond to two of your peers (200 words minimum).

Identify the public issues constricting the issue you chose paying close attention to the macro level causes and the micro level effects on families or other social relationships.


Pick a topic that applies or connects to families or relationships that people usually explain using individual explanations and explain it sociologically. So, think about it not as a personal trouble but instead as a public issue. This is essential to doing sociology. Folks often assume a psychological lens when talking about relationships between individuals or within families. That’s not what I’m asking you to do. Take your time and think about this one before posting your response (this is harder to do that you might first think!).

A few examples (but please don’t be limited by these – feel free to choose one of your own!):

  • unemployment,
  • COVID-19
  • economic concerns
  • parenting
  • etc.

It is always helpful for me, to think, what makes a hypothetical person in the United States in the present day more like to experience this issue than 100 years ago? Than 50 years ago?

Be sure you cover these points thoroughly:

1. Identify the public issues constricting the issue you chose paying close attention to the macro level causes and the micro level effects on families or other social relationships.
2. What did you learn from this that previously you were unaware of?
3. Which of our theories/paradigms (e.g. functionalism, conflict theory, symbolic interactionism, etc.) is best to explain your topic?
4. Use your chosen theory to explain your topic effectively, correctly and thoroughly.

Record your findings with the relevant text in a document (Microsoft Word for example) and support your results with as many screenshots from your spreadsheet as you need to.

Data-driven decision-making

Below you will find 2 files: Data-driven decision-making – CA.pdf and 201306-citibike-tripdata.csv.

Data-driven decision-making – CA.pdf contains the brief and questions for your assignment. 201306-citibike-tripdata.csv. is the file containing the data you will be asked to work on.

Record your findings with the relevant text in a document (Microsoft Word for example) and support your results with as many screenshots from your spreadsheet as you need to.

Also send the excel file used when working on the assignment including all formulas and calculations to me.


Define and describe typical Enterprise Resource Planning functions and business processes. Provide a brief historical background of the development of Enterprise Resource Planning.

 Enterprise Resource Planning

As you visualize the interactions among the various functions in an organization, you will need to provide a summarized historical overview of the evolution of Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) systems. You will have the opportunity to explain how ERP systems have contributed to improving an organizations’ performance, and how these systems became essential components in today’s competitive businesses. Not all companies benefit from using an ERP so it is important to compare an organization without an ERP system to that of an organization with a properly implemented ERP system. The goal is to identify the main benefits of having a properly implemented ERP system.

Write a 525- to 600-word paper in which you complete the following:

  • Define and describe typical Enterprise Resource Planning functions and business processes.
  • Provide a brief historical background of the development of Enterprise Resource Planning.
  • Summarize the benefits of Enterprise Resource Planning systems.

Format the paper consistent with APA guidelines.

Submit your assignment.


Briefly share your topic for Essay #3: Problem/Solution. What problem are you writing about? Why is this an important problem to solve?

Wr 121 discussion 7

Last week, you crafted a problem proposal. In this discussion board activity, start to think about the solutions you’re proposing for your Essay #3 assignment. You’ll also examine the opposition to your argument as well.

Answer the following questions in your initial post. A few sentences to a short paragraph will do for each question. This is a bit of a brainstorm, so don’t feel stuck with any of your answers here–just think about some of these aspects as a bit of a freewriting assignment with some support from your peers.

1. Briefly share your topic for Essay #3: Problem/Solution. What problem are you writing about? Why is this an important problem to solve?

2. Who is the opposing side to your argument? Who doesn’t believe this is a problem, or what organizations and systems are you working against? Maybe it’s the status quo–the people/organizations/elected officials/companies/etc. who have always done things a certain way? For instance, if your topic is the cost of internet access for community college students during the pandemic, school officials and government leaders might agree with you that affordable internet access is necessary–but they might not have the funds or the means to make it happen for each student.

3. What shared beliefs and values do you have with the opposing side? For instance, those school officials and government leaders mentioned in the question above might believe wholeheartedly in having free, fast internet for all students–they, like you, believe that students forced to learn online only need to have internet access at home. You both believe in equity and access to educational resources–you both want students to succeed in a difficult atmosphere.

4. What are your ideal solutions? But, more importantly, what solutions could both or all sides live with? What small steps could you take to work toward a solution? How could differing viewpoints agree on some necessary progress? What might that progress be? When you think about the solutions you propose in this essay, you need to address these opposing parties, too. What might they have at stake in coming to a resolution for this problem?

Briefly describe each pillar, how it interacts with the other three pillars, and then provide real-world examples of how each pillar supports our government. How does the U.S. Constitution establish checks and balances and federalism using these pillars?

Four Pillars of U.S. Government

The Four Pillars of U.S. Government The federal government of the United States was constructed using the directions provided in the U.S. Constitution. Our Founding Fathers had the wisdom and foresight to create a very flexible and intelligently structured government framework that has endured. The entire American political system is based on four constitutionally derived pillars: a national government; separation of powers; federalism; and individual rights.

Briefly describe each pillar, how it interacts with the other three pillars, and then provide real-world examples of how each pillar supports our government. How does the U.S. Constitution establish checks and balances and federalism using these pillars?

Explain the reasoning behind your response. Your initial post should be at least 250 words in length. Support your claims with examples from the required material(s) and/or other scholarly resources, and properly cite any references. Respond to at least two of your classmates’ posts by D


List three examples of plagiarism and discuss how plagiarizing as a student affects the integrity of a baccalaureate degree, the public perception of the nursing profession, and evidence-based practice. Describe two things you will do to ensure academic integrity in your work.

Dynamics in nursing

List three examples of plagiarism and discuss how plagiarizing as a student affects the integrity of a baccalaureate degree, the public perception of the nursing profession, and evidence-based practice. Describe two things you will do to ensure academic integrity in your work.

from book

Dynamics in nursing: Art and science of professional practice.



Considering your own values, beliefs, and practices related to verbal and nonverbal communication, how might your values, beliefs, and practices related to communication conflict with people from different cultural groups in your community?

Communication conflict

Respond to the question below with a minimum of 100 words.

  • Considering your own values, beliefs, and practices related to verbal and nonverbal communication, how might your values, beliefs, and practices related to communication conflict with people from different cultural groups in your community?