
After reading the out of school cause of discipline problems, which of those causes do you see as prevalent in your classroom or school and why? Evaluate your effectiveness in combating the in school causes of discipline problems. what are your areas of strength and what could be improved?

Ch 2

Write a page and a half paper including the question in the essay.

  • After reading the out of school cause of discipline problems, which of those causes do you see as prevalent in your classroom or school and why? Evaluate your effectiveness in combating the in school causes of discipline problems. what are your areas of strength and what could be improved?

the book can be found at

Determine the key components of talent management, including identifying, assessing, and developing talent. Examine how the talent management process is a strategy for a competitive advantage for your organization.

Talent Management Strategy

Envision an organization (profit, nonprofit, product- or service-driven) with 200 people, in which 20 are identified leaders.

With this organization in mind, write a 6–8 page paper in which you:

Formulate a talent management strategy to encompass the entire talent requirements of the organization.
Determine the key components of talent management, including identifying, assessing, and developing talent.
Examine how the talent management process is a strategy for a competitive advantage for your organization.
Assess how the talent management strategy should change with the anticipation of the organization doubling in 5–6 years.
Use at least five quality academic resources in this assignment. Note: Wikipedia and other websites do not quality as academic resources.
This course requires the use of Strayer Writing Standards. For assistance and information, please refer to the Strayer Writing Standards link in the left-hand menu of your course. Check with your professor for any additional instructions.

The specific course learning outcome associated with this assignment is:

Determine how a company’s talent management strategy should change in anticipation of organizational growth.

What are the various causes and treatment options for infertility, and how can couples struggling with infertility cope with the emotional and psychological toll of the condition?


What are the various causes and treatment options for infertility, and how can couples struggling with infertility cope with the emotional and psychological toll of the condition?2 pages. 2 references. APA


What strategies can you personally use to reduce stress of student discipline? what personal goals can you set for yourself in this area?

CH 9

Write a page and a half paper including the question in the essay.

  • What strategies can you personally use to reduce stress of student discipline? what personal goals can you set for yourself in this area?

the book can be found at

Prepare a 1-2 minute introduction, body, and conclusion, in which you tell us 3-4 facts about yourself. They can be related to your interests, values, culture, major, etc. but they should be things that require some detailed explanation.

Communication public speak Introducton speech

Tell us about yourself! Prepare a 1-2 minute introduction, body, and conclusion, in which you tell us 3-4 facts about yourself. They can be related to your interests, values, culture, major, etc. but they should be things that require some detailed explanation.


Evaluate your own use of informal interventions as a response to student misbehavior. what are the keys to good teaching that interrupt disciplinary problems?

Chapter 8

Write a page and a half paper with the question including in the essay.

  • Evaluate your own use of informal interventions as a response to student misbehavior. what are the keys to good teaching that interrupt disciplinary problems?

the book can be found at

Write a paper with at least 400 words (include a word count at the top of your page) reflecting your thinking about the concept of Coping with Culture Shock as introduced in the readings and as discussed in class.

Coping with Culture Shock

Write a paper with at least 400 words (include a word count at the top of your page) reflecting your thinking about the concept of Coping with Culture Shock as introduced in the readings and as discussed in class.  Have you ever experienced culture shock? What does think week’s topic make you feel about how other people might be dealing with culture shock in your own culture?

If you use or copy any ideas that are not your own to help support your writing, be sure to summarize that person’s ideas or put their exact words in quotation marks and use an APA in-text citation.  On a second sheet at the end of your reflection paper, called “References,” add an APA reference for your source.  If you are unsure how this should look, see the Weekly Reflection Example Paper.


What diagnostics need to be done to determine if the patient has rabies? If the patient does have rabies, what evidence-based treatment plan would you prescribe? Include non-pharmacological, pharmacological, and patient education in your plan.


For your initial post, you will answer a series of questions regarding a presented case


A 35-year-old man is jogging in his neighborhood and runs past a house where the family dog is leashed to a fence. He gets too close and the dog bites him on the leg. He seeks care from his family physician who wonders about the need for rabies postexposure prophylaxis (PEP).

Answer the following questions:

  1. What diagnostics need to be done to determine if the patient has rabies?
  2. If the patient does have rabies, what evidence-based treatment plan would you prescribe? Include non-pharmacological, pharmacological, and patient education in your plan.
  3. Explain appropriate follow up and possible referral needed.



Use APA format to properly cite any external resources used to develop you initial reply. Your post should be between 500 and 600 words long (not including references). Please use all the references 2019 and newer


Evaluate the advantages and disadvantages of “social contract”. if the social contract is deemed to be effective, why is it rarely used?

Chapter 6

Write a page and a half paper including the question.

  • Evaluate the advantages and disadvantages of “social contract”. if the social contract is deemed to be effective, why is it rarely used?

Book can be found at

How did the readings make you think differently about your planned career? Demonstrate that you are capable of critical thinking. What were the limitations of the readings?

The complexities of career choice

This paper is an opportunity to reflect on the course readings from the first half of this course and think about how they are relevant to your own planned career. In your paper, address the topic, “the complexities of career choice” by addressing the readings that you chose. Start by outlining what you think your career will look like. Give as much detail as you can. Draw a picture if that helps. Then, think about how the readings might be relevant to your planned career. How did the readings make you think differently about your planned career? Finally, demonstrate that you are capable of critical thinking. What were the limitations of the readings?

Application of readings
• Were the applications appropriate?
• Were the choice of readings appropriate?
• Were the applications accurately explained?

Critical thought:
• Were there any attempts to take a critical look at the readings?
• How insightful was the critique?
/ 5

Editing and Technical Issues:
• Is the paper readable and free from grammatical errors? Is there an appropriate tone and flow to the arguments?
• References (in text citations and reference list)
• Are there appropriate sub-headings?
/ 5

Sources: This one plus the two attachments