
Prepare an Excel spreadsheet that has two columns and four rows. In cells A3, A4, and A5 descending below this heading, type the three years that you have chosen.


In this exercise, you will demonstrate your ability to find macroeconomic data from public sources and display it in an Excel spreadsheet.

Start by choosing one of these three macroeconomic variables: Real GDP, the unemployment rate, or the inflation rate.
Follow these instructions to find numbers for your macroeconomic variable for three consecutive years:
Table 1.1.6. (Real Gross Domestic Product, Chained Dollars). Select Modify and choose 2015-A&Q as the First Year. Under Series, select Annual. The Real GDP numbers for each year are in Line 1. (Labor Force Statistics From the Current Population Survey). These unemployment numbers are monthly, not annual. Use the January number for each year.
(CPI for All Urban Consumers (CPI-U)). These inflation numbers are monthly, not annual. Use the January number for each year.

Prepare an Excel spreadsheet that has two columns and four rows. In cells A3, A4, and A5 descending below this heading, type the three years that you have chosen.
In the heading for cell B2, type the name of the variable you chose (Real GDP, Unemployment Rate, or Inflation Rate). In the cells below this heading, type the values for each of the three years.
Underneath your table, type “Source:” and then paste the URL of the source where you found your data.

What are the keys to preventing discipline problems in your classroom or school? Evaluate your use of those strategies. What are your strenghts and what could you improve upon?

Chapter 5

Write a page and a half paper including the question below.

  • What are the keys to preventing discipline problems in your classroom or school? Evaluate your use of those strategies. What are your strenghts and what could you improve upon?

book can be found at

What exceptions would you consider adding to the exclusionary rule? What exceptions would you consider removing from the exclusionary rule?

Exclusionary Rule

The Exclusionary Rule supports the 4th Amendment of the United States Constitution. Judicial precedence has provided both the Exclusionary Rule and exceptions to the Exclusionary Rule. In general, conservative politicians claim that exceptions are not constitutional while progressive politicians claim that they are.
  • htps://

Using your reading assignment, the content above, and what you have learned about the Exclusionary Rule, answer the following questions:
Should the exclusionary rule be abolished? Support your position.

What exceptions would you consider adding to the exclusionary rule?

What exceptions would you consider removing from the exclusionary rule?

What are your scores for all five personality dimensions? What items in the questionnaire really resonated as a reflection of who you are?

Case Study

Next, using a minimum of 300 words, answer the following prompt. Either upload a Word document or use the text editor in Canvas.

What are your scores for all five personality dimensions?

Specifically, Openness to experience, Conscientiousness, Extraversion, Agreeableness, Neuroticism. (List your scores)
What items in the questionnaire really resonated as a reflection of who you are?

And why?(provide 2-3 examples and why)
What items do you feel reflect you, but you would like to change? And why? (provide 2-3 examples and why; for example you scored high on “don’t talk a lot,” but would like to change this and why)

List 10 visual elements that could work in the ad. Think about the Characteristics of a Set and the Characteristics of Costume and how to use these to communicate elements of your video.

Commercial Proposal, brainstorm visuals and sounds that can be used in your commercial script.

List 10 visual elements that could work in the ad.

Think about the Characteristics of a Set and the Characteristics of Costume and how to use these to communicate elements of your video.

List 10 audio elements (sounds) that could work in the ad.


Why do traditional punishments, consequences and rewards not work with students? Why is the appreciation so valuable? How does chapter 3 challenge some of your values regarding the discipline of students?

Chapter 3

Write a 1 and half page paper including the question in the paper. Answer the following questions below.

  • Why do traditional punishments, consequences and rewards not work with students? Why is the appreciation so valuable? How does chapter 3 challenge some of your values regarding the discipline of students?

Book can be found at

Explain that this paper is a summary of the assigned article, followed by explanation of the impact of the article contents on your own future professional nursing practice.

Week 4 Professional Paper

Professional Paper

Explain that this paper is a summary of the assigned article, followed by explanation of the impact of the article contents on your own future professional nursing practice. Length for this section must be 50-75 words.

Assigned Article Summary

This section should be a revised and enhanced version of what you wrote in your Week 4 Professional Paper Worksheet based on feedback from your instructor on that assignment. Appropriate revisions made from Week 4 Professional Paper Worksheet will be crucial to improve your score.

Type statements that summarize the assigned article in this section. This paper should include a summary of the most important ideas in the assigned article (revised from Week 4 Professional Paper Worksheet). One or two short direct quotations (with appropriate citations) including the assigned sentence for quotation must be used in this section (improved and revised from Week 4). There should be no prior knowledge, experience, or your own opinion in this section. All paraphrased ideas and facts (including the assigned sentence for paraphrasing) must originate from and be cited to the assigned article. No information should be included from other sources. See rubric for other criteria.

Add paragraphs here as needed. Length for this section must be 175-200 words.

Impact of Assigned Article Content on Future Practice

Type statements here about the impact that the content of the assigned article will have on your future professional nursing practice. This portion of the paper must be your own ideas about how your own future practice will be impacted by content of the assigned article. Since ideas are your own, use of first person is appropriate and no citations are needed in this section. See rubric for other criteria.

Add paragraphs here as needed. Length for this section must be 125-150 words.


Write a concise summary of the paper here. A concluding statement is also to be provided in this section. Length for this section must be 75-100 words.

If a patient is not motivated to return to duty, which of the following is an ethical way to approach the decision? Discuss the potential benefits of attempting to return to duty.

Case 4

A 25-year-old Marine infantryman was in an extended firefight one month ago and lost two buddies. He is experiencing insomnia, psychomotor agitation, and poor concentration and reports that he cant stop remembering and thinking about what happened to his friends. He reports increased anxiety for his own safety, in addition to survivors guilt. His commanding officer insists that his skills are needed for an upcoming mission.

4.1: When contemplating the patients return to duty, which factor should NOT be a consideration?

A. The patients motivation to return to duty
B. The level of dysfunction the patient is experiencing related to psychiatric symptoms
C. The risk of retraumatizing the patient
D. The critical nature of the mission
E. If medications are used, their effect on his ability to function

4.2: If a patient is not motivated to return to duty, which of the following is an ethical way to approach the decision?

A. Allow the patient to choose not to return to duty, because requiring him to do so would be unethical due to the risk of being traumatized again.
B. Require the patient to return to duty once he is able to function at a level needed to perform his duties.
C. Discuss the potential benefits of attempting to return to duty.
D. A mental health provider should not be weighing in on these kinds of decisions. This is a decision for the commander.
E. Evacuate the patient from the combat zone whether he wants to or not.

Who in this area had power? What kind of power? Why? How was it obtained or transferred? Was power gendered? Was it divided? If so, what happened when powers clashed?

Structures of Power (submit notes)

For today’s class you are responsible for bringing in answers and examples from your area for our group discussion of sixth-century structures of power. Here are some questions to consider: Who in this area had power? What kind of power? Why? How was it obtained or transferred? Was power gendered? Was it divided? If so, what happened when powers clashed?

You must submit a copy of your notes made in preparation for today’s discussion.


Discuss one screening or diagnostic tool recommended by the US clinical guidelines for the treatment of this patient’s problem. Compare her current communication chronological and developmental age using based on developmental milestones.


Tomeika is a three-year-old girl. She was recently diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder (ASD). Tomeika is able to make many vocalizations and is able to say one recognizable word. Tomeika will say “juice”, which she pronounces as “oos.” Throughout the day, Tomeika cries and falls to the floor to gain access to food, obtain a favorite toy, or when she wants to be picked up. Her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Williams, would like for Tomeika to communicate her desires with words, but do not know how to help her. Tomeika recently began attending an early childhood special education classroom for learners with ASD in the County Public School System for six hours a day, four days a week. On Wednesdays, Tomeika and her peers do not go to school. Instead, on this day, Tomeika’s interventionist, Mrs. Dell, has parent conferences in her students’ homes. During the conferences, Mrs. Dell discusses educational programming, learner progress, areas of concern, and also provides training to parents.

  • Discuss one screening or diagnostic tool recommended by the US clinical guidelines for the treatment of this patient’s problem.
  • Compare her current communication chronological and developmental age using based on developmental milestones.
  • Which complementary and alternative medication treatments would you recommend?
  • Identify your city. Then refer this patient to three agencies near you that would support positive health outcomes for this patient. (These agencies must not have been used in past discussion posts). What was your rationale for choosing these three agencies?