
Explain to the patient that your credentials make you fully qualified to manage her care and that the female provider is not trained in evidence- based psychotherapy. Discuss with the patient the risks and potential benefits of attempting to work together for a predetermined period of time.

Case 3

A 32-year-old female Air Force sergeant, who works as a mental health technician, experienced and reported an episode of military sexual trauma. At the beginning of treatment, she is assigned a male clinician but makes it clear that she would prefer working with a female clinician. The only female provider in the clinic has limited experience treating PTSD and is not trained in an evidence-based psychotherapy.

3.1: In the course of treating individuals with sexual trauma, the most ethically defensible decision regarding this situation is to:

A. Defer to the patients request, because helping the patient feel that she has regained control over her life is of the utmost importance in treating trauma.
B. Explain to the patient that your credentials make you fully qualified to manage her care and that the female provider is not trained in evidence- based psychotherapy.
C. Discuss with the patient the risks and potential benefits of attempting to work together for a predetermined period of time.
D. Defer to the clinic manager to make the decision.
E. Use your best judgment as an experienced clinician.

3.2: Continuing with a male provider could potentially retraumatize the patient. Alternatively, working with a male provider could be beneficial by enhancing the patients capacity to manage her fear of men. Which of the following is the best answer regarding this scenario?

A. Assume that the experience of working with a male provider as a form of exposure will be beneficial for the patient.
B. Support the patients choice of a female provider, even though the female provider is not certified in an evidence-based psychotherapy.
C. Given that provider gender is not specifically validated in research on exposure therapies, the provider should not consider this exposure as something that could help the patient.
D. Discuss with the patient the risks and potential benefits of working with a male provider who has training in evidence-based psychotherapy.
E. Inform the patient that your facility does not support requests that could be considered gender biased.

Describe the steps of the scientific method. Describe the relationship between independent and dependent variables. How do you use scientific inquiry in your daily life?

Background Layout Theme Transition

Notebook Entry: Scientific Inquiry

1. What is scientific inquiry?

2. What is the relationship between the scientific method and scientific inquiry?

3. Describe the steps of the scientific method.

4. Describe the relationship between independent and dependent variables.

5. How do you use scientific inquiry in your daily life?

6. Describe a problem and how the scientific method may be used to find a solution.

7. Describe NGSS and its role in K-12 Science Education.

8. Thinking as an educator, why is it important to use standards to design content and create curriculum for your students?

1. What is science? Support your answer with evidence from the learning resources.
2. Describe your experience with science. You might think of your experiences as a student, working in a school, as a parent, or in your daily life.
3. What does it mean to be “science literate”? Explain why this is important or unimportant.
4. What is the role of science education in America?
5. What else did you find important, challenging, interesting, or surprising in the resources regarding the concept of scientific thinking?

Create, edit, and collaborate on the go with the Google Slides app

Using what you know about osmosis, explain how drinking too much water can lead to the deadly condition known as hypernatremia. What effect does this have on the body cells?

Diffusion and Osmosis Worksheet

Part 1- Cell Transport Structures

         Follow this link ( to the interactive cell at Click on the different structures and molecules to find out more about them. Use the descriptions to fill out the tables below. An example has been done for you for each table.


Cell Structure Describe the Function
Lipid Bilayer The main component of the plasma membrane, it allows some molecules to pass through easily and not others.













Move Substance How does it cross the membrane? (through the membrane/through a protein/ exocytosis) Is it being transported through Active or Passive transport?


Through the membrane Passive














Part 2 – Reflection: Can you drink too much water?

       Read the article titled “Can you drink too much water?” that is attached to this assignment in D2L. In the space below, answer the following reflection prompts in a paragraph.

  • Using what you know about osmosis, explain how drinking too much water can lead to the deadly condition known as hypernatremia. What effect does this have on the body cells?
  • When survivors are lost at sea, they are told not to drink the ocean salt water. Using what you know about osmosis, explain why drinking too much salt water can also be deadly. What effect would this have on the body cells?




What clear messages do you see? What audiences is the institution trying to reach? How has technology affected the way this organization presents itself?


Search online and find a website for an organization that has a campaign promoting a core issue that interests you (for example: The Red Cross and need for blood donations. NOTE: You may not use the example assignment just named here.).

Start your essay with a short overview of the organization and the issue (just a few lines) and then consider the topics we have covered in this week’s readings and discuss how they are reflected in what you see on this website.

What clear messages do you see?

What audiences is the institution trying to reach?

How has technology affected the way this organization presents itself?

Consider issues of Media Ethics and how they are represented or manifested in the website. Draw on examples offered on that website to support your observations. Specifically consider the content of 21st Century Communication: A Reference Handbook: Chapter 77: “Theories and Effects of Public Relations,” under the section “Assumptions and Lay Theories.” Which of these theories does the content of your chosen site most closely align with? Why? Explain your answer.

Q3Arshan Industries is a division of a major corporation. Last year the division had total sales of $23,380,000, net operating income of $2,828,980, and average operating assets of $7,000,000. The company’s minimum required rate of return is 12%. What is the division’s return on investment (ROI)?

Accounting Question

Q1. Unfavorable variance that occurs when:

  1. actual costs are greater than budgeted costs.
  2. actual costs are lower than budgeted costs.
  3. actual costs equals budgeted costs.
  4. actual costs are lower than sunk costs.

Q.2 A continuous (or perpetual) budget:

  1. is prepared for a range of activity so that the budget can not be adjusted for changes in activity.
  2. is a plan that is updated monthly or quarterly, dropping one period and adding another.
  3. is a strategic plan that does not change.
  4. is used in companies that experience no change in sales.

Q3Arshan Industries is a division of a major corporation. Last year the division had total sales of $23,380,000, net operating income of $2,828,980, and average operating assets of $7,000,000. The company’s minimum required rate of return is 12%. What is the division’s return on investment (ROI)?

Q4 Prepare a balanced scorecard with an example of your own.


Which of the following is NOT relevant for the clinician to consider in regard to the patient’s treatment plan?

Case 2

A 22-year-old Marine Corps bomb technician experienced a near miss while detonating an unexploded ordinance five weeks ago and has been unable to go back to work. He reports insomnia and problems concentrating secondary to worries about the serious accident that almost happened. Coworkers informed his supervisor that he was seen laughing and playing in the barracks on multiple occasions over the past week while off work. His supervisor shares this information with you.

2.1: Which of the following is NOT relevant for the clinician to consider in regard to the patients treatment plan?
A. The importance of accelerating his treatment so that he can return to work, given the critical nature of his job
B. Selecting the best treatment for his particular set of symptoms
C. Asking the patient about any recent improvement in symptoms given the reports by coworkers of hislaughing and playing
D. The potential consequences of using various pharmacologic treatments on his ability to perform his job should he return to work
E. The current environment in the unit and the patients relationships with coworkers and his supervisor

2.2: Over the following weeks, the patient continues to have difficulties, and you begin to consider a recommendation for disability but remain somewhat uncertain. You examine the risks and benefits of your decision to be sure that you are making the best choice. Which of the following is NOT an important risk/benefit consideration?

A. Moving forward with disability will likely disrupt this individuals career.
B. Successful treatment and return to work could result in further trauma.
C. Pushing the individual to return to work could adversely affect the therapeutic relationship.
D. Moving forward with disability will adversely affect the patients relationships with his coworkers and friends.
E. Moving forward with disability could result in a dramatic increase in other individuals from his unit claiming disability to avoid work.

Analyze the variation in healthcare outcomes in the United States relative to other similar countries. Recognize some of the important factors that affect health expenditures in the United States.

Module 4 Reflections & Connections (Module 4 Week 4)


1. Understand what a healthcare system is and what it comprises.
2. Analyze the variation in healthcare outcomes in the United States relative to other similar countries.
3. Recognize some of the important factors that affect health expenditures in the United States.
4. Consider why spending does not equal positive outcomes.
5. Examine the importance of health behaviors on outcomes.
6. Understand why global health is important to the United States.

Paper instructions
Need to briefly describe the material covered in the chapter 4 connect the material to the module learning objectives.

Connect the material to the module learning objectives Your thoughts on the material (use the following questions as a guide for your thinking, not as questions that you are required to answer): What was most/least interesting? How does this past chapter relate to other chapters? How does this chapter relate to your life/ experiences you have had/ knowledge from other courses? (If relevant) What was the hardest and easiest to understand or accomplish? Did you enjoy learning about this subject, why or why not? Any questions you have about the material Your thoughts and reflections on the US healthcare system in general

To write a successful reflection, you should: Review the lecture and your chapter notes, determine the most important aspects of each topic, and express those aspects in your own words Synthesize this topic with topics presented in the past, in order to create a deeper understanding of the ways in which geology works

Evaluate your own level of understanding of the topic, allowing you to then know what areas you should ask questions about in your reflection. Reflections should be: Double-spaced 2-3 paragraphs long (no longer and you must write in paragraph form)

Several issues that the patient describes at his initial visit involve ethical judgments for the treatment provider. Which of the following clinician behaviors is NOT an appropriate response to the patient’s account of his moral concerns?

Case 1

During a combat deployment, a 47-year-old Army reservist engages in hostile fire while on patrol and fires back, only to learn afterward that one of the combatants who was shot and died appears to be a young boy. Upon return from the war zone several months later, the patient struggles when interacting with others, especially when being recognized by civilians as a hero for his military service. The patient now has guilt, shame, anger, irritability, intrusive thoughts, and nightmares. He is angry at his unit leadership for putting him in this position and presents to the clinic for your assistance.

1.1: Several issues that the patient describes at his initial visit involve ethical judgments for the treatment provider. Which of the following clinician behaviors is NOT an appropriate response to the patients account of his moral concerns?
A. Maintain a neutral position and attempt not to take sides with any interpretation.
B. As part of building a therapeutic alliance, agree with the patient that his commanding officer may have made a mistake and add that all people some- times make mistakes.
C. Over the course of treatment, perhaps at a later point, consider mentioning the possibility that his commander likely did not intend to put him in a morally difficult situation.
D. Initiate pharmacotherapy and recommend not exploring this set of issues until his anger symptoms are under better control.
E. Validate the patients experience of suffering.

1.2: Like others throughout society, providers may choose to use a variety of words to describe death. Do you ask him about when he had to kill versus take out versus eliminate the adversary? Do you alter the experience by referring to it as when you had to protect your friends . . .? What are the main ethical principles that guide your choice of words while working therapeutically with the patient?
A. Veracity and justice
B. Beneficence and nonmaleficence
C. Justice and autonomy
D. Confidentiality and veracity
E. Nonmaleficence and autonomy

Explain the autonomous decision-making process, its advantages and disadvantages. Discuss the Centralized and De-centralized Decision-making Approaches with suitable examples.

Management question

Read the above case study and answer the following Questions:

1: Explain the autonomous decision-making process, its advantages and disadvantages.

2: Discuss the Centralized and De-centralized Decision-making Approaches with suitable examples.

3: Explain the various stages of Decision-Making Cycle based on this case study.

4: Why are the most decisions made on energy and environmental management known as the decisions of community interest.

5: What is your learning from this case study and how it is beneficial for you?



  • Referencing and in-text citation APA
  • Times New Roman (size 12, double spacing) alignment
  • Answer to each question ( 250- 300 words)
  • 5 references at least two journal articles Referencing.


Did your experience fit with the listed outcomes of the course? Why or why not? What was successful? Why? What would you do differently? Why?


  • What did you learn from this course? About yourself? About working in the field?
  • Did your experience fit with the listed outcomes of the course? Why or why not? What was successful? Why? What would you do differently? Why?