
How can it be improved, from an artist and consumer perspective? Should the ticket industry giant(s) be broken up under antitrust laws?

(a) Live event ticketing is again under scrutiny by the Federal Trade Commission for deceptive practices and anti-competitive activities following the merger of Live Nation with Ticketmaster. Online ticket reseller Stubhub controls 50% of the secondary market with Ticketmaster’s U.S. resale agency holding the second largest market share. The price of the average concert ticket has increased by more than 400% from 1981 to 2018, more than double the overall consumer price inflation rate. The question is, what’s wrong with the present system? How can it be improved, from an artist and consumer perspective? Should the ticket industry giant(s) be broken up under antitrust laws? What tactics are artists using to control ticket scalping?

Comment on which of those categories you would use when describing yourself, i.e., what factors play a role in your identity. What additional events or experiences shaped your identity or life experiences, i.e.,

This 8 to 10-page paper is on your own background, your personal exploration of your own culture – your attitudes, values, and beliefs. This will be a major assessment of your commitment to developing multicultural awareness. Please feel free to use pictures as well!

The paper should have the following sections:

  1. Demographic Categories. Use the ADDRESSING model to identify your background and identity. Comment on which of those categories you would use when describing yourself, i.e., what factors play a role in your identity. What additional events or experiences shaped your identity or life experiences, i.e.,
  2. Attitudes, Values, & Beliefs. What are your major attitudes, values, and beliefs that drive your life goals, daily living, and worldview? Where did you learn these, i.e. from what life events or culture teachers?
  3. Biases. What negative biases do you know that you have about other groups of people? What events, experiences, or people impacted these biases?
  4. Multicultural Goals. End the paper with what you hope to develop, experience or learn from this course. This course is called Social and Cultural Diversity


Describe how the interventions and comparison groups in the articles compare to those identified in your PICOT question.

Research Critiques and PICOT Question Guidelines – Final Draft

Quantitative and Quantitative Studies


  1. Summary of studies. Include problem, significance to nursing, purpose, objective, and research question.

How do these two articles support the nurse practice issue you chose?

  1. Discuss how these articles will be used to answer your PICOT question.
  2. Describe how the interventions and comparison groups in the articles compare to those identified in your PICOT question.

Method of Study:

  1. State the methods of the articles you are comparing and describe how they are different.
  2. Consider the methods you identified in your chosen articles and state one benefit and one limitation of each method.

Results of Study

  1. Summarize the key findings of each of the studies into a comprehensive summary.
  2. What are the implications of the four studies you chose in nursing practice?

Ethical Considerations

  1. Discuss two ethical consideration in conducting research.
  2. Describe how the researchers in the four articles you choose took these ethical considerations into account while performing their research.

Outcomes Comparison

  1. What are the anticipated outcomes for your PICOT question?
  2. How do the outcomes of the four articles you chose compare to your anticipated outcomes?



What is the relevance of shareholder value-chain activities in consideration of the acquisition of a related business diversification? Be descriptive and expansive in your response.

Case Study 5

The case study assignment for Module 6 draws on the following textbook case: Case 22:

LMVH in 2016: Its Diversification into Luxury Goods, by John E. Gamble (page C-290) 

Read the case and then respond to the case questions given below.

In addition to using the case study provided in the textbook, research the company further to find any relevant events that have transpired since the writing of the case study. Use the company’s website, Internet search engines such as Google, online data services, or other sources to locate the latest articles about the company including press releases and current financial information. Be sure to cite all sources according to APA guidelines.

Note: For assistance with analyzing any financial data in this case, Table 4-1 (Key Financial Ratios: How to Calculate Them and What They Mean) in your textbook is a useful reference.

Please limit your analysis to 4 pages (800 to 1000 words), double-spaced.

Students please note: Feel free to bring in any recent news or current events concerning this company into your answer.

Case Questions

  1. As detailed in the case, LVMH has achieved business success leveraging a diversification strategy. What strategic approach do you think was the most influential contributor to LVMH success? Be both detailed and expansive in your response.
  1. What is the relevance of shareholder value-chain activities in consideration of the acquisition of a related business diversification? Be descriptive and expansive in your response.
  1. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of achieving diversification by acquisition of an existing business. How did LVMH use this business acquisition strategy in efforts to expand and diversify the company portfolio?
  1. While focused upon the luxury good marketplace, LVMH did not focus only on one product, but on a great number of products and services. In executing such perspectives did LVMH have a diversification strategy that was too broad in scope and/or potentially cumbersome? Why or why not?



Discuss the motivational and organizational behaviors that were fundamental to Nissan’s poor performance.

Write a minimum of 6-page to maximum of 10-page opinion essay in content (Cover or Title page & References or Work Cited page cannot count as content).

The paper should include the following:

An overview of the case:
Describe the conditions that led to merger with Renault
Identify and discuss the driving and resisting forces for change at Nissan in 1999
Describe were the cultural challenges Ghosn faced
Identify the steps taken by Ghosn to bring Nissan to profitability
Discuss the motivational and organizational behaviors that were fundamental to Nissan’s poor performance.
Identify and discuss Ghosn’s leadership style(s):
Describe leadership actions that were taken
Describe leadership theories that Ghosn embraced
Identify and discuss the source of Ghosn’s power:
Describe the sources of power he used
Discuss how his was power gained
Discuss how he utilized his power
Identify and describe the change management practices used
Identify and describe the mechanisms used to change the culture
As a result of analyzing this case, what new knowledge did you gain regarding organizational behavior and leadership practices necessary to implement change? (This question should be addressed in the summary/conclusion section of your paper.)

You are expected to use course readings, materials and other sources to assist in your analysis of the case. Be sure to provide attribution to those outside resources you use. Compose your response to these questions into a Microsoft Word document and upload your paper via Case Study in D2L.

Select one of the three mixed methods research articles (#1-3) in [Reading]. You can select other mixed methods research articles. 

Mixed Methods Research.

This module introduces the basic concepts of research approaches and research design. We will review different philosophical views, the types of quantitative, qualitative, and mixed methods designs, and the relationships among philosophy, designs, and methods. We will also discuss how to select a research approach for your future research.

Upon completion of this module, you will be able to:

  1. State the definition and the characteristics of mixed methods research
  2. Explain the 3 core mixed methods designs and compare them.
  3. Select the appropriate design, based on outcomes, data, timing, and researcher.

To achieve these objectives: read [Chapter 10 of the textbook]review/watch [Module 7 Resources]; and complete the [Final Project][Discussion Forum].

Reading_Mixed Methods

  1. Sparr, J. L., Knipfer, K., & Willems, F. (2016). How leaders can get the most out of formal training: The significance of feedback‐seeking and reflection as informal learning behaviors. Human Resource Development Quarterly, 28, 29-542.
  2. Yawson, R. M., & Greiman, B. (2016). A systems approach to identify skill needs for agrifood nanotechnology: A multiphase mixed methods study. Human Resource Development Quarterly, 27,517-545.
  3. Jara, I., Claro, M., Hinostroza, E. J., Martin, E. S., Rodriguez, P., Cabello, R., et al. (2015). Understanding factors related to Chilean students’ digital skills: A mixed methods analysis. Computers & Education, 88,387-398.
  4. Reio, T. G., Jr. & Werner, J. M. (2017). Publishing Mixed Methods Research: Thoughts and Recommendations Concerning Rigor. Human Resource Development Quarterly, 28, 439-449.

Discussion Question

Provide your responses.

  1. Select one of the three mixed methods research articles (#1-3) in [Reading]. You can select other mixed methods research articles.
  2. Analyze the article by using the attached sheet and the guideline from Reio and Werner (2017) (#4 in Readings).

Why were language and religion so important to the creation of a unique African American culture?

Discussion: How Language and Religion Shape Culture.


Respond to these prompts:

  • Why were language and religion so important to the creation of a unique African American culture?
  • How do language and religion continue to shape all different cultural identities in America today?

Module Readings:

Research and discuss measures the community does, or fails to do, to protect or ensure the sector’s and asset’s resiliency.

Part 1
Consider the value of illustrations for understanding priorities, the reinforcement of critical infrastructure (CI), and critical infrastructure protection. This week, look around your own community and consider what CI sectors and assets are likely to be particularly vital to its functioning. For example, in Los Angeles, California, the Port of Los Angeles as an asset is considered crucial to the transportation sector, as it is used for commerce. For this assignment I will use Colorado’s Aviation Sector– the Denver International Airport. The link is for the States report on CI for aviation.
• Choose 1 sector and an asset within it, and describe their specific value to the community.
• Research and discuss measures the community does, or fails to do, to protect or ensure the sector’s and asset’s resiliency.
• Provide a preliminary assessment of the primary threats, vulnerabilities, and risks your highlighted sector and asset might be most exposed to.
Part 2
In the field of homeland security, and especially within critical infrastructure protection (CIP), not everyone agrees that protection and resiliency are separate functions or actions taken. For this assignment, complete the following:
• In your own words, define protection and resiliency.
• Explore how the concepts and actions necessary to implement measures for protection and resiliency reinforce each other, or are achieved independent of one another.
• Take a position on whether professionals who claim the concepts are inextricably tied are correct or not, and make a critical argument to support your claim.
• Use critical analysis, real-world or hypothetical examples or cases, and graduate-level cogency in your answer.

Identify a particular real-world problem using a PICOT template that you have used in previous courses.

Case Report: What Does the Research Say?  


General Requirements:

Use the following information to ensure successful completion of the assignment:

  • Use at least three additional scholarly research sources published within the last 5 years. Provide citations and references for all sources used.
  • Use APA style for their writing assignments.


Identify a particular real-world problem using a PICOT template that you have used in previous courses. Include the particular clinical setting and potential health/disease issue you will examine. Identify and fully describe the research that has taken place within the last 5 years.

Your case report must include the following:

  1. Introduction with a problem statement.
  2. Brief synthesized review.
  3. Description of the case/situation/conditions.
  4. Proposed solutions describing the validity and reliability of the research you have read.

PICOT QUESTION: How does emergency wait time greater than two hours compared to those less than two hours affect the rate of LWBS/patient’s satisfaction rate?”



Why are Americans more accepting and satisfied with various body types for males, but tend to endorse only the ectomorph body type for females?

Female American adolescents (and adults) are more often dissatisfied with their bodies than are male American adolescents (and adults).

Discuss some reasons why females in American are less satisfied with their bodies than males are. The media is a large reason for this, but why does the media emphasize more strict body ideals for women than it does for men?

Why are Americans more accepting and satisfied with various body types for males, but tend to endorse only the ectomorph body type for females?