
Explain how to develop an effective management succession plan. Understand the four risk management strategies. Discuss the basics of insurance for small business.

Management Question

  • Explain the factors necessary for a strong family business
  • Understand the exit strategy options available to an entrepreneur
  • Discuss the stages of management succession
  • Explain how to develop an effective management succession plan.
  • Understand the four risk management strategies.
  • Discuss the basics of insurance for small business.

12.2 Action Required:

  • Watch the short video at the following link:

Define the essential qualities of a successful family business.?

Answer the question available in the “Test your Knowledge” section.

Post your answer in the discussion board using the discussion link below


Should schools stop selling unhealthy foods such as pizza, burgers and ice cream etc ? why or why not ?


Should schools stop selling unhealthy foods such as pizza, burgers and ice cream etc ? why or why not ?


Explain the similarities and differences between the 3 Ps: psychotherapist, psychoanalyst, and psychiatrist. Include examples of each and how they would differ in the treatment of a patient.


Chose ONE of the 2 options.  Write a multi-paragraph response to one of the questions below.  Feel free to confer with the text, modules, and online sources if needed but remember this is your information, not simply a “cut and paste”.    


Option 1

According to the famous psychoanalyst Freud, children go through a series of psychosexual stages that lead to the development of the adult personality. His theory described how personality developed over the course of childhood.  Describe these 5 stages.


Option 2

Explain the similarities and differences between the 3 Ps: psychotherapist, psychoanalyst, and psychiatrist.  Include examples of each and how they would differ in the treatment of a patient.


How does homelessness and mental illness intersect? Do you believe homelessness may develop because of a mental health issue, or do you believe those who become homeless eventually sink into psychological despair?

Mental health

Read the Mental Health Case Study (Word) and complete the following tasks:

QUIZ 1.Examine current practice guidelines related to suicide screening and prevention and how they could pertain to John.

QUIZ 2. Choose one of the following questions to answer as part of your initial post.
a. What events in John’s life created a “downward spiral” into homelessness and hopelessness? Which events were related to social needs, mental health needs, and medical needs, and which could health care have addressed?
b. What were some of the barriers John faced in accessing medical care and mental health care?
c. How does homelessness and mental illness intersect? Do you believe homelessness may develop because of a mental health issue, or do you believe those who become homeless eventually sink into psychological despair?
d. The tipping point for many people who live at the margins of society may be things that could have been managed given the right support. How can your role as an APRN help identify, alleviate, or support those who are in need like John?
e. In your own experience, have you encountered a homeless individual? What was that like? Do you recall what you were thinking?
Include at least three scholarly sources within your initial post.

NOTE: Attached is the word document. For QUIZ 2, choose one of the questions to answer (please answer Quiz 2, question a.


Provide a minimum of three pieces of information that need to be communicated to stakeholders. For each of the three pieces—which creates an example of a project network— you should address who will be targeted; when they will receive the communication; what will be communicated; and how it will be communicated.

WBS and timeline

Week5 assignment is attached titled “project proposal”. The attached templates dont have to be use, those are examples that may be used.


In the assignment due in Week 5, you defined key portions of your project. Now, it is time to develop a work breakdown structure (WBS) and project schedule for your project.
Note: Please use your project from the Week 5 assignment to complete this assignment.
For this assignment, you will create Work Breakdown Structure (WBS). To create your WBS, you may use MS Word, MS Excel, Visio, or any other visual format that allows for graphical elements to be included. (See Figure 4.4 from Chapter 4 of your  Project Management: The Managerial Process textbook). Alternatively, you may use a coded format using MS Word. (See Exhibit 4.1 – Coding the WBS from Chapter 4 of your  Project Management: The Managerial Process textbook as an example. The example is in MS Project format, but the same could be done in MS Excel).


Each of the following should be included in your WBS submission:
Create a WBS which contains graphical elements of the project scope including project, major deliverables, and supporting deliverables. WBS should be easy to read and contain consistent formatting throughout.
Create a depiction of the project within the WBS.
One Level 1 is provided describing the complete project.
Three Level 2s are provided describing major deliverables.
Three Level 3s are provided describing supporting deliverables.
Two Level 4s providing the lowest manageable responsibility level.
For each of the identified deliverables (identified in the four levels from item #2), create a project schedule containing all activities from levels 1–4. Each activity should contain a start and end date and list resources required to complete the project.
Provide a minimum of three pieces of information that need to be communicated to stakeholders. For each of the three pieces—which creates an example of a project network— you should address who will be targeted; when they will receive the communication; what will be communicated; and how it will be communicated.
The specific course learning outcome associated with this assignment is:
Develop a project plan including the critical elements of project scope, priorities, work breakdown structure (WBS), communication plan, and a project network to ensure effective implementation.

Provide five bullet points related to topics from these guidelines. Utilize the United States Preventive Services Task Force Guidelines, SAMHSA, JNC, CDC, and other specialty organizations’ guidelines, as applicable, to prepare yourself for the exam.


The final exam is to be taken during Week 15 and will focus on the following list of preventive guidelines. For the exam, you will be asked to provide five bullet points related to topics from these guidelines. It is recommended that you utilize the United States Preventive Services Task Force Guidelines, SAMHSA, JNC, CDC, and other specialty organizations’ guidelines, as applicable, to prepare yourself for the exam.

Note: You can see where applicable ages, race, gender are utilized. You must include specific demographic aspects in your 5 bullet points and address those aspects of the guidelines to get credit for your answers. Do not list examples of the 5 levels of prevention as that is not what is being asked.

How did the Kahn book, other readings and lectures come to life as you worked on the various assignments in your team and in the class as a whole?

Mid-term Integration Paper

The Integration Paper provides an opportunity to demonstrate understanding of the reading and its relevance to your work in this class. The task is to consider how the readings are informing both your work in class sessions as well as in your team meetings and should reflect the integration of theory and practice.

The following questions serve as prompts for your thinking and writing:
1) How did the Kahn book, other readings and lectures come to life as you worked on the various assignments in your team and in the class as a whole?
2) How are covert processes affecting your work as a team? Using the framework provided by Marshak, talk about what your team needs to do to address its covert dynamics.
3) How would you describe your own contribution to your team and the client project thus far? What are your goals for improvement for the remainder of the semester?

Identify and describe / explain 5 or more privacy and security issues that could arise in conjunction with the use of the technology being studied by your team.

E-Commerce and Micropayments

This week your rotation assignment takes you to the Office of the Chief Financial Officer (CFO).

An external audit of the company’s financial operations has just been completed. Last week, an “early look” copy of the audit was sent to the CFO with a request for a formal written response for each of the findings. Some of the problem areas were known to the CFO’s staff and they were already working on the required responses. But, there is one set of findings that came as a complete surprise — Shadow IT — the unauthorized / unapproved use of cashless payment technologies by certain locations and offices within the company. These technologies included:

  1. Micro payments using a payment card issued by guest services to hotel guests and via unattended vending machines to visitors. These payment cards are loaded with a cash value deposited to the card’s account via a credit card charge. Guest services also credits some of these payment card accounts with “reward dollars” for guests who belong to the hotel’s affinity program. The payment cards are used at service locations which do not have a cashier station. e.g. game arcade, self-service laundry or sales kiosk, etc. The payments are processed by a third party service provider which then uses an electronic funds transfer to pay the hotel its share of the income.
  2. Mobile Payments for services booked through the concierge desk with an authorized but independent provider (not a hotel employee). These services include: private lessons with a tennis or golf pro, childcare, tours and tour guides, interpreters, etc. These payments are made by cell phone either as a mobile payment using a contactless payment system such as Apple Pay or by swiping a credit card through a magnetic stripe reader connected to the provider’s cell phone. The payment accounts which receive the guests’ payments are connected to the hotel’s merchant card accounts. The hotel pays the providers monthly via electronic deposit and issues an IRS Form 1099 to record the income.

The CFO must make a presentation to the IT Governance board about these payment systems as a first step towards either getting approval for continued use or issuing a “cease and desist” directive to force the rogue offices and locations to stop using the unapproved payment systems. The presentation must include information about known or suspected compliance issues for PCI-DSS. The IT Governance board has previously asked project sponsors for information about potential privacy and security issues.

Due to the size and complexity of the problem, the CFO has split the available staff into two teams. Team #1 will focus on the micro payment cards. Team #2 will focus on the mobile payment systems. You have been asked to join one of these two teams and assist with their research. (Note: you *must* pick one and only one of the two technologies to focus on for your discussion paper this week.)

Your team leader has asked you to read the provided background information and then put together a 2 page summary of the important points from your readings. You have also been asked to help identify and describe / explain 5 or more privacy and security issues that could arise in conjunction with the use of the technology being studied by your team. Remember to keep your focus on the financial aspects of the technology implementation since you are contributing to the CFO’s effort. (Financial aspects include how payments are made, what types of information are exchanged and with whom, how that information is protected, etc.)

Provide in-text citations and a reference list at the end of your summary paper (APA format recommended).


Write about an issue found in the first half of the course, dealing with issues such as revelation, authority, scripture, God, Trinity, creation, humanity, sin, and Jesus Christ.

Thorsen, Don. An Exploration of Christian Theology

First Position Paper (150 pts): Choose to write about an issue found in the first half of the course, dealing with issues such as revelation, authority, scripture, God, Trinity, creation, humanity, sin, and Jesus Christ. In arguing for your position, you need to contrast your position with at least one alternative position on the issue you discuss. Although this is a theology paper, you should talk about the relevance of scripture for the subject matter. You don’t need to do additional research for the paper (beyond the textbook), though you may do so if you want. Be sure to include correct APA notations for your references to sources, and include a reference list at the end of your position paper.

Note: Aim to show depth of thought in your writing. Show your understanding of the concepts in the reading. In other words, the position paper should be both text-oriented (what you observed in scripture and the readings) and reader-oriented (what you experienced personally). Do not write in generalities! Never simply say, “I enjoyed the reading.” Always tell explain why! Be specific in your discussion.

Now that you have watched the Concept Clip on “Management Functions,” write a Management Brief ( 600 – 800 words requirement ) defining the current skills expected of a manager.

Management Brief

Now that you have watched the Concept Clip on “Management Functions,” write a Management Brief ( 600 – 800 words requirement ) defining the current skills expected of a manager.

Review the rubric and instructions provided.

Other Requirements

Apply concepts from the Weekly Learnings
Provide a title page
Include a reference page
Content should include 600-800 words
Use a double-spaced Times New Roman font
Write in 3rd person, not in 1st person
Include headings and topic sentences
Include two different quality sources and cite them (don't use Wikipedia). The Textbook can be one of the sources
Cite the sources throughout the paper
All assertions in this assignment must have citations and references

Use APA format
Module AL YOU NEED has a sample paper with APA format (review document 77)
Management briefs are one-page writing exercises designed to give you the opportunity to reflect on a current management topic. You are asked to provide a clear report of the trends affecting management today after reading a management source or reviewing a management video.

A good brief includes an introduction paragraph, two paragraphs for the body of the brief, and a conclusion paragraph.
You must utilize at least 2 sources. One can be the textbook we use and one must come from our SPC Library Online Business Databases and/or credible business publications.
APA format for reference list and citations, as necessary.