
How would a dialogue between an individual and his or her disease differ from the one depicted in Franklin’s text if the disease had no discernible cause?


Write a minimum of 150 words in response to the prompt below. Structure your response as a paragraph: (1) Topic sentence: The first sentence of the paragraph should define and limit the topic of the paragraph, (2) Supporting details and illustrations: Most of the paragraph should be facts and specific references to support the topic sentence, (3) Tie-up sentence: The concluding sentence of a paragraph should reassert the topic of the paragraph. Format your submission using the MLA style: MLA Forii Document.doc./ MLA rormaued Document.pdf

How would a dialogue between an individual and his or her disease differ from the one depicted in Franklin’s text if the disease had no discernible cause?

Each submission will receive either full credit or no credit. Submissions receiving full credit will meet the word minimum and sufficiently address the prompt; submissions receiving no credit will fall short of the word minimum and / or insufficiently address the prompt.

Choose a current controversy related to diversity and persuade your reader on the topic. Accomplish this by using fact and logic, as befits your academic audience.


Choose a current controversy related to diversity and persuade your reader on the topic. You will accomplish this by using fact and logic, as befits your academic audience. Steer clear of arguments based on emotion or morality. Your job is not to be the cheerleader for people who already agree with you or share your morality, and only logic will sway your opponent.

You want to illustrate that you have considered both sides of the issue; an effective way to persuade your reader is to show that you have thought through the controversy yet maintain your point of view. Dedicate a paragraph to your opponent’s strongest argument; by offering a rebuttal or ceding the point (and then proving that your cumulative points are stronger), you will win credibility.

Do you agree or disagree, or can you relate to his or her opinion in the post? ADD any thoughts or additional information that you may have found concerning their topic?

TAE DB Reply 3

Read the Passage! Do you agree or disagree, or can you relate to his or her opinion in the post? ADD any thoughts or additional information that you may have found concerning their topic?

The purpose of intelligence quotient (IQ) tests has been explained as identifying any cognitive challenges children faced within public schooling and enhancing their education (Ganuthula & Sinha, 2019). The IQ test was designed to measure a child’s cognitive ability with certain aspects such as judgement, comprehension, and reasoning (Ganuthula & Sinha, 2019). The Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale is an IQ styled test that measures an individual’s performance within four mental aspects which include verbal comprehension, processing speed, perceptual organization, and working memory (Ganuthula & Sinha, 2019). When it comes to the impact of knowing one’s personal IQ score this may involve a fixed intelligence mindset if outcomes are poor (Gál et al., 2022). There are three main aspects that individuals differ from when it comes to intelligence including speed processing, working memory, and learning three-term contingencies (Williams et al., 2008).

Fixed intelligence mindsets are based off the belief that one’s intelligence capacity cannot be improved beyond current capacity (Gál et al., 2022). A fixed intelligence mindset has been linked with an increased chance for maladaptive emotional reactions, and previous studies have supported the idea for self-esteem being a contributing mediator between fixed intelligence and negative emotions (Gál et al., 2022). Fixed intelligence mindset has been positively associated with negative emotions and is suggested as an ego-threat (Gál et al., 2022). For example, if an individual repeatedly took an IQ test and saw no progress or repeatedly took the SAT and failed to get a passing score a fixed intelligence mindset might be “I failed this test I don’t deserve to go to college” or “I failed the exam, I am dumb” (Gál et al., 2022). Overall intelligence is said to distinguish individuals, help identify difficulties, and could potentially shift an individual’s self-esteem (Gál et al., 2022).

Advantages or Disadvantages of IQ Testing

When reading over IQ test disadvantages seemed to be more present. When it came to advantages the main argument was that IQ test may help make decisions within academic, occupational, and interpersonal contexts (Ganuthula & Sinha, 2019). One disadvantage with IQ test is that many don’t utilize non-cognitive components such as socioemotional skills and interpersonal skills which still involve mental functioning (Ganuthula & Sinha, 2019). Broad theorists are said to empathize the term intelligence to involve contexts such as creativity and wisdom and examine biological characteristics, psychological processes, and sociocultural aspects (Ganuthula & Sinha, 2019). Narrow theorist on the other hand argues that when it comes to intelligence and IQ test methods following broad theorist this only expands the concept of intelligence (Ganuthula & Sinha, 2019). Narrow theorists believe that broad theorist downplay the importance of IQ test which can be seen as a disadvantage (Ganuthula & Sinha, 2019).


How might have Holder avoided the risk of bearing the unforeseen and significant increase in steel prices? If you are Holder, how would you rewrite this contract to avoid liability in the future?

CASE 7.4 Holder Construction Group v. Georgia Tech Facilities, Inc., 282 Ga. App. 796 (2006)

FACT SUMMARY Holder Construction Group, LLC (Holder), entered into a contract with Georgia Tech Facilities (GTF) for the construction of the Georgia Tech Family Apartments project. Under this contract, Holder assumed the obligation to construct the project for a guaranteed maximum price. This is known as a construction-manager-at-risk contract, under which Holder bears the risk for performance deficiencies, construction delays, and cost overruns. The parties also negotiated a clause in the contract concerning any delay of performance by including the following force majeure clause:

If Construction Manager [Holder] shall be unable to perform or shall be delayed in the performance of any of the terms and provisions of this Agreement as a result of (i) governmental preemption of materials in connection with a national emergency declared by the President of the United States; (ii) riot, insurrection, or other civil disorder affecting performance of the Work; or (iii) unusual and extreme weather conditions constituting Acts of God, then, and in any such event, such inability or delay shall be excused, and the time for completing the affected portions of the Project shall be extended.

After construction on the project had begun, Holder experienced difficulties due to an increase in steel prices and the late delivery of steel materials. Because of these problems, Holder requested a 67-day time extension. GTF denied the request. Holder then filed a declaratory judgment action, arguing that it was entitled to an adjustment of more than $1 million in the contract price due to cost overruns and a time extension of no less than 63 days for completing the project.

The trial court granted summary judgment in favor of GTF, and Holder appealed the decision.

SYNOPSIS OF DECISION AND OPINION The Georgia appellate court affirmed the decision of the trial court and allocated the risk of steel price increases and shipment delays to Holder. The court analyzed the force majeure provision in the context of delays and found that the sudden price increase fell outside of the force majeure clause. The court held that price increases are purely economic and cannot be classified as unforeseeable under the doctrine of impossibility. Absent a price escalation plan in the contract, the risk falls on Holder. WORDS OF THE COURT: Risk for Delay “It is undisputed that the late delivery of the steel was not the result of any of the causes stated in the ‘Force Majeure clause.

“The contract goes on to state that late deliveries of materials, for reasons other than those set out in the ‘Force Majeure clause, ‘do not constitute reason for extending the Date for Final Completion’ and it is the construction manager’s responsibility to make adequate provision for this when scheduling the work…. Accordingly, under the contract, Holder bore the risk of the late delivery of the steel because it was not due to any of the reasons set out in the ‘Force Majeure’ clause…. “Likewise, GTF was entitled to summary judgment on Holder’s claim for damages due to the rise in steel prices. As the trial court held, the contract did not contain [a price] escalation clause, and Holder had already been paid from the construction contingency fund for this claim.”

FACT SUMMARY In 2006, Ralph and Carolee Thomas (Thomas) signed a contract with Montelucia Villas, LLC (Montelucia), for the construction of a custom villa for $3,295,000. As part of the purchase agreement, Thomas made three installment deposits totaling $659,000, representing 20% of the villa’s purchase price. The remainder of the purchase price was due when Thomas took title to the completed villa. The contract characterized the payments as “earnest money deposits.” The contract also provided that Montelucia could retain the payments as damages if Thomas breached the construction agreement.

On April 25, 2008, Montelucia notified Thomas by letter that it had set the closing date of May 16 to transfer title to the villa in exchange for payment of the remainder of the purchase price from Thomas. When the letter was sent, Montelucia did not have a certificate of occupancy for the property, which the contract required as a condition for closing. Thomas responded on May 6 with a letter stating that they would not close on May 16 and they were terminating the purchase contract alleging that Montelucia had not performed its obligations and had violated Arizona statutes governing the sale of subdivided land. The Thomas letter asked Montelucia to return the $659,000 in deposits. Montelucia did not respond to the letter or refund the deposits. Instead, it unsuccessfully attempted to obtain a certificate of occupancy for the property on May 8 and May 14. Montelucia ultimately obtained the certificate on August 27.

In February 2009, Thomas sued to recover the deposits. Montelucia counterclaimed for breach of contract. Although the trial court ruled in favor of Thomas, the court of appeals reversed and ruled that Thomas had anticipatorily repudiated the contract by sending the May 6 letter. Thomas appealed.

SYNOPSIS OF DECISION AND OPINION The Arizona Supreme Court reversed the decision of the court of appeals and remanded the case to a lower court. The court ruled that although the doctrine of anticipatory breach could be applied in this case, damages for the nonbreaching party turned on whether Montelucia was ready, willing, and able to perform its obligations. Because there was a factual dispute as to whether Montelucia would have been able to perform, the court ordered the trial court to determine whether Montelucia was able to close in accordance with the contract. If it was ultimately determined that Montelucia was ready, willing, and able to perform as required by the contract, the court could then determine the appropriate remedy available to Montelucia under the contract.

WORDS OF THE COURT: Ready and willing to perform “An anticipatory repudiation is a breach of contract giving rise to a claim for damages and also excusing the necessity for the non-breaching party to tender performance. Yet, an anticipatory breach, by itself, does not entitle the injured party to damages. To recover damages, ‘[i]n addition to proving repudiation, the non-breaching party need only show that he would have been ready and willing to have performed the contract, if the repudiation had not occurred.’ Thus, ‘[a] party’s duty to pay damages for total breach by repudiation is discharged if it appears after the breach that there would have been a total failure by the injured party to perform his return promise.”



Case Questions

  1. How might have Holder avoided the risk of bearing the unforeseen and significant increase in steel prices?
  2. If you are Holder, how would you rewrite this contract to avoid liability in the future?
  3. Focus on Critical Thinking: If the parties had left out the force majeure clause, how would the case have been decided?

Read case 7.4 – Holder Construction Group v. Georgia Tech Facilities, Inc. and answer the three questions provided. Then address:

  1. Assess the timing of this case (2006) – What global economic factors in 2004-2006 may have helped cause this case?
  2. Briefly contrast this case with Case 7.5. Are there any similarities that stand out to you?
  3. Do you think the courts ruling in each of Case 7.4 and Case 7.5 are fair? Why or Why not?




In search of a consensus among experts, examine Morocco’s capacity to achieve such transferability using the Delphi method, and finally propose a research model through lessons learned.


At a time when all actors are questioning their health system, its organization and its performance, whose disastrous repercussions became apparent during the COVID-19 pandemic, reinforcing services while reducing costs is a major issue within our hospital structures.
In this respect, it is becoming essential for many reasons – organizational complexity, multiplicity of actors, waste of resources, lack of shared vision – to implement an innovative approach to improve patient outcomes at lower cost.
In response to this contradiction, a movement of recent reforms and research is moving toward the implementation of a value-based model of care. This model provides an answer to the complex problems facing healthcare systems today.
Given that the Covid 19 pandemic has rekindled a sense of urgency among Moroccans for profound reform, it is worth asking to what extent the adoption of the VBHC approach could provide an innovative framework for successful health system reform?

Paper 1:
Through a literature review (PRISMA) we will try to identify the origins and facilitating factors, as well as the challenges and opportunities, regarding the implementation of this model in the Moroccan context.

Paper 2 : (if satisfied with the first scientific article)
Could VBHC provide an innovative framework for successful health system reform?
In search of a consensus among experts, we will try to examine Morocco’s capacity to achieve such transferability using the Delphi method, and finally propose a research model through lessons learned.

Identify a disruptive innovation in healthcare (i.e. one that completely changed the market). Why was it revolutionary? How did it change healthcare? How can you be prepared for change?

HCAD 660 W6 Healthcare Institutional Organizational Management

Tools Of the Trade
Q1 Briefly describe one of the tools or best practices of strategic planning or execution (implementation) (SWOT, Service-Value Chain, Appreciative Inquiry, etc.). Choose a healthcare-related issue and apply that tool to a specific scenario.

Anticipating Change
Q2. Identify a disruptive innovation in healthcare (i.e. one that completely changed the market). Why was it revolutionary? How did it change healthcare? How can you be prepared for change?

NOTE: The concept of disruptive innovation can be confusing. It is not a better method to do something, but a new and different way that often causes the disappearance of what it replaces. Think of photography; the emergence of digital technology virtually destroyed the film industry (e.g., Kodak).

Is this a case where using the nuclear option is simply a good, hard-nosed business practice? Are there any circumstances you could articulate under which Manager has no legal obligation but does have an ethical obligation to Owner?

Business Ethics Perspective

Read the “Business Ethics Perspective” regarding Good Faith and the Nuclear Condition Option in Chapter 7 (p 217).

1. Briefly present the facts of the case.

2. Answer questions 1-5 with support for your argument from the concepts discussed in the text.

Clear case studies will present an analysis of the facts with the law, and the most likely outcome for full credit.

Good Faith and the Nuclear Condition Option
Note that while the law imposes a good faith requirement on all contracting parties, as a practical matter the law may also protect those who are ostensibly acting in good faith but may have unethical motives. In some contracts, the parties agree to a conditional clause sometimes known as a nuclear condition, that is, a clause whereby one party may cancel the contract completely if a condition is not met to that party’s subjective satisfaction. Consider the case in which the president of Widget Co assigns Manager to purchase a piece of real estate. Manager enters a contract with Owner for the sale of a piece of commercial real estate. Manager insists that the contract contain an “acceptable financing” clause as follows: “As a specific condition precedent to Widget Co’s obligation to close, the parties agree that Widget Co must obtain financing for the transaction on terms and conditions acceptable to Widget Co in Widget Co’s sole discretion.””
After entering into the agreement with Owner, the president notifies Manager that Widget Co is no longer interested in the property and that Manager is to use all “legal means” necessary to break the contract with Owner. Assume that Manager also learns that Widget Co is able to obtain financing on extremely favorable terms according to industry standards.
1. Given that the contract requires that any financing terms must be acceptable to Widget Co, what are Manager’s legal obligations to go through with the transaction? Does this differ from Manager’s ethical obligations?
2. Is it possible for Manager to comply with the good faith requirement and still avoid the contract with Owner?
3. Recall the discussion of ethical decision-making models in Chapter 5, “Business Ethics, Corporate Social Responsibility, and Law.” How could these models help guide Manager’s course of action?
4. Assume that the president orders Manager to lie on the loan application, thereby ensuring that any financial institution will reject the loan application. Note that lying on a bank loan application is a crime. What are Manager’s options at that point?
5. Is this a case where using the nuclear option is simply a good, hard-nosed business practice? Are there any circumstances you could articulate under which Manager has no legal obligation but does have an ethical obligation to Owner?

In six sentences or more, explain how you would use the descriptive statistical procedure(s) at work or in your personal life.

MGMT 650 W1-D1 Using Descriptive Statistics

Instructions: Read all materials. APA format, answer all questions

  1. Descriptive Statistics: In six sentences or more, explain how you would use the descriptive statistical procedure(s) at work or in your personal life.
  2. Misuse of Statistics: As we will see in the next 12 weeks, statistics, when used correctly, can be a potent tool in managerial decision-making.

Statistical techniques are used extensively by marketing, accounting, quality control, consumers, professional sports people, hospital administrators, educators, politicians, physicians, etc…

As such a vital tool, statistics are often misused. Everyone has heard the joke (?) about the statistician who drowned in a river with an average depth of 3 feet or the person who boarded a plane with a bomb because “the odds of two bombs on the same plane are lower than one in one millionth.”


2a- Can you find examples in the popular press of the misuse of statistics?


  1. How to Display Data Badly: Read the article “How to Display Data Badly” by Howard Wainer. It is attached here: How to Display Data Badly and posted under the Content tab (after you choose the Content tab, choose Course Content and Session 1 from the list on the left).


Next, read Chart Junk Considered Useful After All, by Robert Kosara,

3a- In your own words, describe “Chart Junk.”

3b- When should Chart Junk be avoided? When is it useful

3c- Include an image or link to an example of the worst data display you have seen at work or in the media (not in Wainer’s article).

3d- Wainer gives rules for how to make bad charts & graphs. Which of Wainer’s rules describes what’s so bad about your example?


  1. Discussion: Simpson’s Paradox: A family member can go to one of two local hospitals for heart surgery.

Checking the history for the past year, you find that each of the two hospitals has performed cardiac surgery on 1000 patients. In hospital A, 710 patients survived (71%). In hospital B, 540 (54%) survived.

Based on the numbers presented, which hospital do you think is superior in cardiac surgery?

Indeed, hospital A is better. Correct?

Now, let’s look at more data. The below chart summarizes three categories of patients (those entering in fair, serious, and critical condition) and the survival rate from surgery (in percent) for the two local hospitals.

Patient Entering Condition

Looking at the data broken down in this way, we see that Hospital B has a higher success rate in all three categories of patients. Still, when averaged all together, Hospital A has a higher overall survival rate. Based on the numbers presented

  1. which hospital do you think is superior in cardiac surgery?




Choose one character from your novel and explain how their complexity adds meaning to the story. What makes them complex? How do those characteristics help to create the theme? What is the theme?

Book: The Distance Between Us by Reyna Grande

“Character chosed is Papi / Natalio Reyna”

Prompt: Choose one character from your novel and explain how their complexity adds meaning to the story. What makes them complex? How do those characteristics help to create the theme? What is the theme?

Include a minimum of 6 pieces of textual evidence (quotes) from the novel
two from the beginning, two from the middle, and two from the end. Text evidence must support the prompt and be cited correctly.

Each evidence is supported by a topic sentence, context, blended evidence, cited correctly, and clear and thorough analysis. The analysis must go beyond a summary and interpretation of the quote. Evidence needs to support the thesis/theme statement.

Paper is between 3-5 pages double spaced, 12 Times New Roman.

Researching the origin of the technology. Briefly describe how to use it. Include a minimum of 3 peer-reviewed articles within 5 years at the latest regarding how higher education in nursing has used the platform in instruction or marketing.

Technology in Nursing Education Research Paper: Simulation

Researching the origin of the technology
Its purpose and function (audience, content);
Briefly describe how to use it;
The advantages/disadvantages of the technology;
Include a minimum of 3 peer-reviewed articles within 5 years at the latest regarding how higher education in nursing has used the platform in instruction or marketing;
The privacy and confidentiality issues (what the choices are when setting up account, any disclaimers listed, what the security is, has it ever been hacked);
Statistics regarding usage (as few sources are Google analytics, Pew Internet Research); and
Offer recommendations for future potential use in nursing education (what are the next steps in nursing education related to this technology?)
Alignment with MSN Essentials and course objectives.