
If you choose an example of church architecture, think about the layout and the architectural shapes. Describe the borrowings you see from previous Roman architecture. What forms did the early Christian churches take? What adjustments were made to the buildings to accommodate Christian ceremony?

Discussion Essay

Class discussion: All visual art evolved from what came before.  Early Christian imagery developed within Roman culture, so it is natural that many of the symbols were older pagan images simply cast with new meaning.  Christian imagery also included earlier Jewish narrative.

Iconography is the study of symbolic subject matter in art.  It is a complex field, especially for religious art, where the imagery gains layers of meaning over time.  This activity is intended as an introduction to iconography as it appears in Early Christian art and borrows from the earlier Jewish and pagan ideas.  You will explore examples of Early Christian art and architecture that borrow from previous imagery and forms.

Class coursework:

  • Introduce your work by title, year, present, and original location (if known.)
  • If it is an artwork, explain the meaning of its subject or tell the story pictured.  Did the subject have an earlier life before Christianity? Explain. What has been borrowed from Jewish scripture or Greco-Roman imagery?  Did the imagery take on a new significance for its Christian audience? Explain.
  • If you choose an example of church architecture, think about the layout and the architectural shapes.  Describe the borrowings you see from previous Roman architecture. What forms did the early Christian churches take?  What adjustments were made to the buildings to accommodate Christian ceremony?

After reading others’ posts, respond to two. You may be able to offer other examples of each classmates’ subject to show its prevalence. Or comment, this time, on the style differences between the Early Christian subject and its predecessor. For instance, how did naturalism change from earlier Roman art to the Early Christian images? Provide images to support your response.

Classmate #1 Zachary:

“Near the border of Syria and Iraq is the city now known as Dura Europos. The city was mistakenly discovered by some British soldiers in the area in the 1920’s. What is interesting about this discovery is that while staying in the fortress ruins, overlooking the Euphrates and digging in for the night, they accidentally uncovered some very well-preserved Jewish wall paintings (Sivan, n.d.). These were covered by sand and part of a synagogue, or Jewish place of worship. While historians have no idea when the Jewish people first settled there they believe that the fortress was remodeled in 245 C.E., and at that time, decorated with paintings. The painting that I would like to highlight is one of a series of paintings based on the life of Moses. This scene was thought to be based on the Old Testament story of Pharaoh’s decree to all of the midwives in the city to kill any infant boys (Sivan, n.d.).”

Exodus 1:16 says: “When you deliver the Hebrew women, look at the birth stool: if it is a boy, kill him; if it is a girl, let her live.” This scene is represented in the painting by Pharaoh issuing the decree on the right. At the lower left of the painting, you can see Moses’ mother taking him to the Nile and placing him in a basket, to save him from death.

“Below is the unearthed and again, extremely well-preserved example of the Dura Europos Synagogue paintings. Not the similar expressionless faces and as an example of idealism as well as unrealistic body proportions. These paintings are clearly not meant to express vivid realism, but tell a biblical story and use them as lessons to both adults and children of the city.”



Sivan, H. (n.d.). Retelling the story of moses at dura europos synagogue. Retrieved February 17, 2023, from


Classmate #2 Julia

“The good shepherd fresco, painted on the ceiling of a burial chamber in the catacombs of priscilla, located on the Via Salaria in Rome. Priscilla was a member of the Acilius Glabrio family who granted the church to use the property. The fresco depicts Christ in the middle with a goat or lamb on his shoulders surrounded by two goats, two trees, and two doves, while encircled by two peacocks, and two quails. The early Christian depictions of Christ, he doesn’t wear a beard, have a halo, or is wearing the long flowing robes that we see him in today. The art was painted by applying pigment to wet plaster, meaning the colors were usually of the softer tones, not the dark colors. The fresco tells the tale of Christ finding and rescuing the lost lamb from the chapter 10 of johns gospel, and found in the gospel of Luke. With the symbolism of Christ finding and caring for the lost sheep. The outer circle with the peacock, representing eternity and the divine, and the quails, representing the earthly realm, tells the tale of Christ leading his flock from one world to the next.”

“This was not a new idea, having a an important figure carrying a lamb, or calf on their shoulders. The pre-archaic Greek figures, such as the calf-bearer (moschohoros), show the figures in peaceful symmetry with the animals as offerings to the gods. The new Christians could easily relate to the  drawings and figures of Christ carrying the lost animals. “


St. Albert’s catholic chaplaincy, Edinburgh. (May 2022) to an external site.

Sagady, crystal (2017) Christ, the good shepherd, from the priscilla catacombs: a stylistic analysis


How does poetry stimulate the imagination? Examine its role in the development of appreciation in the natural world and in developing imagination in children.


How does poetry stimulate the imagination? In this first assignment you will examine its role in the development of appreciation in the natural world and in developing imagination in children.

Select one poem from among those read this week in each of the following sections:

  • Animals and Nature
  • Poems to Stimulate the Imagination
  • Verse, Riddles and Wordplay, or Nonsense

Write a 350- to 700-word paper wherein you explain the following:

  • Your choice of poems
  • How poems can instill an appreciation for animals and the natural world in children
  • The role of rhythms, moods, images, and patterns in your chosen poems
  • How the rhythms, moods, images, and patterns in your chosen poems add to or detract from the poem
  • How poems can stimulate imagination in children
  • The benefits of teaching poetry to children


Draw and trace the flow of blood through the heart starting at the right atrium and ending in the right atrium, example right atrium,a tricuspid,right ventricle, and etc


Draw and trace the flow of blood through the heart starting at the right atrium and ending in the right atrium, example right atrium,a tricuspid,right ventricle, and etc


What impact did the Fugitive Slave Law have on the attitude of northern whites toward slavery? Briefly explain.

American History

What impact did the Fugitive Slave Law have on the attitude of northern whites toward slavery? Briefly explain.


Discuss the causes of Organizational Inertia.

Discuss the causes of Organizational Inertia.

 Maximum word limit: 250 words.

Hill, C. W. L. & G. T. Hult (2021). International business: Competing in the global marketplace (13th ed.). New York, NY: McGraw-Hill.


Mikaela throws a ball straight up. Her friend Yi watches the ball from a window above the point where Mikaela released it. The ball passes Yi on the way up, and it has a speed of as it passes him on the way down. How fast did Mikaela throw the ball? (


Assume air resistance can be neglected in the questions that follow. Remember to include a sign convention for each question. Also make sure that for each question you include a clearly labeled (i.e. with given information noted) and appropriately-sized diagram Tiny little diagrams without numerical labeling will not receive any credit. Each diagram is worth 1 point, so please don’t forget to include them! Your sign convention must also be presented with each question and is also worth 1 point.

1.Mikaela throws a ball straight up. Her friend Yi watches the ball from a window above the point where Mikaela released it. The ball passes Yi on the way up, and it has a speed of as it passes him on the way down. How fast did Mikaela throw the ball? (8 points)

2.An apple is thrown straight upward with a speed of 27.4 . The apple is caught on the way down at a point above the point from which it was thrown. Determine the speed of the apple when it was caught and the total length of time the apple was in the air. (10 points)

3.A straight track long is used to race small carts (which are big enough for just one person to sit in). During the race, a particular cart travels the first half of the track (assume moving to the right) with a constant speed of 18.12 . On the second half of the track the cart experiences some mechanical difficulties and slows down at a uniform rate of 0.47 2. Determine the total time that it took for the cart to travel the distance. (13 points)

4.A motorist in a small car travels along a certain road at an average speed of 5 and returns along the same road at an average speed of . Calculate the average speed for the round trip. (And don’t say !) To receive full credit, you must do this calculation without assuming a numerical value for the distance or the time. (9 points)

5.A ball is thrown vertically upward from ground level with an initial velocity of 31.6. (14 points)

A)At what subsequent times, relative to the starting point, is it above ground level (i.e. on the way up and on the way down), and what are the corresponding velocities at these times?

B)What is the highest point reached by the ball?

6.A motorcycle starts from rest at a stop sign. It accelerates to the right at for 10.6 seconds, coasts for 5.1 seconds, and then slows down at a rate of in order to stop at the next stop sign. How far apart are the stop signs? (14 points)


State the health problem of interest in the title of your flyer along with the specific population. What factors put a person at risk for this illness or situation.


Using the health issue and target population from your blog in this module, create a one-page flyer, poster, or infographic to inform and empower the audience to address the issue.

In your flyer/poster/infographic,

  • State the health problem of interest in the title of your flyer along with the specific population.
  • What factors put a person at risk for this illness or situation.
  • What factors reduce a person’s risk for getting this illness or promote longevity.
  • Inform what the specific at-risk population can do to reduce their risk of this specific disease and / or condition.
  • List a phone number and/or web site where the individual can follow up for more information or services.

Be sure to use appropriate language that is easily understandable and free of jargon.

Be mindful of not flooding your reader with an excess of information and facts.

Consider using a template available in Word to help you design your flyer/poster/infographi


Provide a numerical example of special order decisions and make or buy decisions and explain how these decisions are backed by quantitative and qualitative considerations.

ACCT301: Assignment Question(s):

Q1. Differentiate with suitable examples the traditional costing systems and activity-based costing. Explain how ABC is used in manufacturing by providing a numerical example. (Chapter 7)

Note: Your answer must include suitable numerical examples. You are required to assume values of your own and they should not be copied from any sources.      


Q2. Provide a numerical example of special order decisions and make or buy decisions and explain how these decisions are backed by quantitative and qualitative considerations. (Chapter4)

Note: Your answer must include suitable numerical examples. You are required to assume values of your own and they should not be copied from any sources.   

What are two priority nursing diagnoses for this child? What are the priority nursing interventions for this patient after being transferred from the ICU? What are the risks of foley catheter placement?

Case Study

Review the case study and answer the following questions.

Jimmy, ten years old, was admitted to the pediatric intensive care unit after a fall from the second-story townhome were sustained a fractured left femur and mild head injury. Currently, Jimmy is two days post open reduction internal fixation of the left femur. Orders were updated to transfer Jimmy out of Intensive Care Unit (ICU) after being cleared by the neurologist. He has a long leg cast, indwelling foley catheter and will require neuro checks every two hours.

What are two priority nursing diagnoses for this child?
What are the priority nursing interventions for this patient after being transferred from the ICU?
What are the risks of foley catheter placement?
Does the patient still require an indwelling foley catheter? Provide a rationale to support your answer.

Explain which professionals are eligible to participate in MIPS and AAPM payment systems. Providers can participate as individuals or groups with the same Tax-ID Number (TIN), differentiate individual versus group participation.


What is the purpose of HITECH and what are the core programs associated with HITECH?
The vast majority of Medicare providers are required to participate in one of two MACRA tracks, the Merit-based Incentive Payment System (MIPS) or an Advanced Alternative Payment Model (AAPM). Explain and compare the details of both tracks and discuss the advantages and disadvantages of both.

Explain which professionals are eligible to participate in MIPS and AAPM payment systems. Providers can participate as individuals or groups with the same Tax-ID Number (TIN), differentiate individual versus group participation.
What barriers do you foresee regarding healthcare reimbursement as healthcare continues to shift further towards paying for quality healthcare and not the quantity of healthcare?