
Are there consistent sex differences in cognitive ability?

Personality and Individual Differences (MPSMD3PID)
Introduction to Intelligence
Module Convenor:
Dr Wendy Iredale
(Office Lg06)
The next four lectures – Intelligence
1. Introduction to intelligence
2. Theories on quantifying intelligence
3. The use of intelligence tests
4. The nature vs nurture debate of intelligence
This week
• What is intelligence?
• Cultural differences
• Sex differences
• The Brain and Intelligence
• Why are we such an intelligence species
What is Intelligence? – Activity
ØHow would you know that someone is
ØList the characteristics or behaviours that you
associate with intelligence.
Lay vs. Expert Conceptions of Intelligence
• Sternberg et al. (1981)
• Contacted people
– In a train station
– Entering a supermarket
– Studying in a university library
• Asked them to list behaviours characteristic of an
intelligent person
• then took this list and had both lay-persons &
psychologists rate the importance of each of the
behaviours in describing the “ideally intelligent”
Some Classic Definitions
• Spearman (1904)
– A general ability which involves mainly the education of relations and
• Binet & Simon (1905)
– The ability to judge well, to understand well, to reason well
• Terman (1916)
– The capacity to form concepts and grasp their significance
• Thurstone (1921)
– The capacity to inhibit instinctive adjustments, flexibly imagine
different responses, and realize modified instinctive adjustments into
overt behaviour
Definitions (continued)
• Wechsler (1939)
– the aggregate or global capacity of the individual to act purposefully,
to think rationally, and to deal effectively with the environment
• Sternberg (1985)
– the mental capacity to automatize information processing and to emit
contextually appropriate behaviour in response to novelty; intelligence
also includes metacomponents, performance components, and
knowledge-acquisition components
• Gardner (1986)
– the ability or skill to solve problems or to fashion products which are
valued within one or more cultural settings
Cornelius & Caspi, 1987
• The Everyday Problem Solving Inventory
– Examinees indicate their typical response to
everyday problems
– E.g., failing to bring money, checkbook, or credit
card when taking a friend to lunch
Galton & the Brass Instruments Era of
“the only information that reaches us concerning outward events
appears to pass through the avenues of our senses; and the more
perceptive the senses are of difference, the larger is the field
upon which our judgment and intelligence can act” (Galton,
Measuring Intelligence in different
Cultural Differences in Views of Intelligence
• China (Yang & Sternberg, 1997)
– Emphasis on benevolence & doing what is right
– Importance of humility, freedom from
conventional standards of judgment, knowledge
of oneself
Cultural Differences in Views of
• Africa (Ruzgis & Grigorenko, 1994)
– Conceptions of intelligence revolve largely around skill that
help to facilitate and maintain harmonious & stable
intergroup relations
– E.g., in Zimbabwe, the word for intelligence, ngware,
actually means to be prudent & cautious, particularly in
social relationships

At the moment the glass is empty, but imagine the glass is half
full – draw a line where you think the top if the water should be
Answer to be revealed in the

Sex Differences
• Mathematical ability: small to medium advantage
for males, because of larger male variability.
• Navigation: no sex advantage, but males use dead
reckoning and females use landmarks.
• Motor Skills: male advantage in throwing and female
advantage in manual control movements.
Are there consistent sex differences in cognitive
• Spatial Ability: the skill in representing,
transforming, generating and recalling
symbolic nonlinguistic info.
• Men > women
Are there consistent sex differences in cognitive
• Visuospatial tests: visual recognition, linguistic
ability, verbal fluency
• Women > men

Reasons for Sex Differences
• Social-cultural: males and females
are socialized differently and
conform to different cultural
expectations. The degree of
difference varies by culture.
• Biological: Natural selection in
Upper Paleolithic era (40,000 to
60,000 years ago) may have favored
verbal and fine motor control in
females; navigation and throwing in
males. Note brain lateralization in
Why the difference?
• Evolutionary…
– Hunter vs. gatherer
• Psychosocial…
– Learned through experience or imitation
– Children fulfilling sex role stereotypes
Stereotype threat
• The fear that one might confirm
the stereotypes that others hold
• Spencer, Steele, and Quinn,
– Study 1: women perform worse
on math tests.
– Study 2: when the researchers
described the test as producing
gender differences, women
performed substantially worse
because the stereotype threat
was high
Is brain size linked to intelligence?
Measuring intelligence
• Earlier attempts to measure intelligence
– Brain size and intelligence
• Paul Broca
• claimed there was a relationship between size of brain
and intelligence
• larger brains indicating more intelligence
• later reanalysis of Broca’s data indicted that measures
of brain size proved to be unreliable and poorly
correlated with intelligence
Areas of the brain dedicated to certain

The Intelligent Brain
• No one “intelligence spot”
• A number of regions scattered around the cortex
(e.g., reasoning, language and sensory
• Better organized white matter in high IQ (the
“wiring” of the brain, connect cortex to other
structures) àbetter “processing speed”???
• Certain regions of the brain tend to be thicker in
high IQ people. Scientists not sure why…
The Intelligent Brain
Why are we such an intelligent species?
Original explanation: brains evolved to process
factual information about the world
The social brain hypothesis
In essence – Robin Dunbar (1998, 2003)
plotted group size against neocortex size
We did not evolve in isolation – our
environment was social:
Why are we such an intelligent
Neocortex brain size and group size
Neocortex ratio
group size (stable
social relationships)
= approx 150
Neocortex brain size and group size
• Based on the arguments made in the above
slides… draw what you think an alien would
look like
Why are we such an intelligent
Theory of mind
The larger the group
size the more people
you have to keep
track of!
For next week Theories on Qualifying
• Here’s a question for you……How do you get a
cork out of an empty wine bottle?
For next week Theories on Qualifying
• Watch the following
• https://www.dailymotio
– Discovery/Science/Life
• Watch the video and
work out which of the 7
people go into the
• A person can fit into
more than one category
7 People
1, Gary ( Fighter pilot)
2, Nathan ( IQ expert)
3, Seth ( Quantum
4, Stella ( Artist)
5, Bonny ( Dramatist)
6, Alex ( Musical prodigy)
7, Susan (Chess
Any Questions?

What are Engineering Systems? What constitutes ‘a system’? Is it a useful concept?


Engineering Systems Design


August 2019



Module Details. 3

Contact Details. 3

Module Synopsis. 4

Marketing Module Synopsis. 4

Outline Syllabus. 4

Module Learning Outcomes. 4

Welcome. 5

Email communications. 5

Problems/queries. 6

Why do you need the Engineering Systems Design Module?. 6

Engineering Systems Design Syllabus. 6

Learning and Teaching: Strategy and Methods. 7

How will you be assessed?. 10

Submission of assessed work [Turnitin] 10

Presentation of work. 12

What do you need to do next?. 13

Transferable Skills. 13

Principles of Responsible Management Education. 14

Feedback Strategy. 15

Dishonesty and Plagiarism.. 15

Plagiarism.. 15

Learning Resources. 16

Reading. 16

Subject librarian. 17

Style. 17

Referencing. 17

Some Common Problems. 18

Recommended Reading. 19

Definitions. 20

Appendix 1: Assessment Brief and Timeline. 21

Timeline for completion of activities and assessment. 24

Appendix 2 Assignment Grid. 26

Appendix 3 Assignment Cover Sheet 28

Appendix 4: Guidance on Academic Writing and Reflective Writing. 29

Appendix 5 Advice and Support Services. 31

Appendix 6: Harvard Referencing System Summary Sheet 32

Appendix 7: CMI Diploma in Management and Leadership Level 5. 33

Module Synopsis

This module introduces students to system design concepts and tools, and challenges students to think critically about their potential and actual application in Engineering.
Students will be introduced in the engineering of systems design from an operations perspective, which will focus on two functions in particular: (a) directing operations and (b) designing operations.
Students will learn the principles behind a number of systematic and systemic design approaches. These principles will be discovered, explored and applied typically through a series of paradoxes and metaphors, such as: the ‘Tragedy of the Commons’, the ‘Impossibility Theorem’ and ‘Sustainable Social/Economic/Ecological Systems

Marketing Module Synopsis

This module introduces students to system design concepts and tools, and challenges students to think critically about their potential and actual application in Engineering. Students are introduced to the engineering of systems design from an operations perspective, which will focus on two functions, directing operations and designing operations. 

Outline Syllabus

Areas to explore by students will typically include:
a. Systematic approaches for: (a) directing operations and (b) designing operations
b. System approaches for: (a) achieving coordinated actions (e.g. impossibility theorem), (b) avoid abuses inside the system (e.g. tragedy of the commons) and (c) fostering collaboration (e.g. sustainable systems)

Module Learning Outcomes

To pass the module, students are required to meet and reach the following validated Learning Outcomes:

LO1  Critical Knowledge and appreciation of the fundamental principles of a number of Systems Design Approaches

LO2   Awareness and critique of current use of Systems Design in Engineering Contexts

LO3 Practical skill in applying knowledge of Systems Design to an Engineering context

LO4 Consider the role of systems design in managing and promoting innovation


Welcome to the Engineering Systems Design Module, part of your Work Based Distance Learning (WBDL) Honours Degree programme.  This module offers you the opportunity to develop the knowledge and academic skills related to core subjects in your Honours degree programme.

Please ensure you read all this Module Handbook very thoroughly, from the front page to the back page, to ensure you are clear what is required of you.  Step by step, clear guidance is provided to help you complete this module (see section “What do you need to do next?”). We strongly recommend that you follow this guidance to give you the best possible chance of success with the Engineering Systems Design module.


To be helpful to you, when you search for something during your studies, we recommend that you might use MS Word’s Home/Find tool to locate key words in this Handbook.


This Module Handbook should be read in conjunction with the resources on Blackboard which aim to provide you with accurate information and details about the module’s:


  • background
  • topics covered
  • timescale and organisation
  • assessment process.


More general guidance is provided about the University’s available resources and approach and you should refer to your other documents advised to you at Induction and Enrolment.


Email communications


We suggest you check your University emails on a regular basis for important information. You may find it useful to re-direct your University email to go directly to your personal account. However, please note that you still need to access your University email account regularly to delete all received/sent emails and empty the ‘Deleted’ box, otherwise your email account will become full and you will not be able to receive any emails.


You will need your University email address and password to access Blackboard and the Portal. The University Regulations are contained on the Portal.







If you have questions or are unsure about anything to do with this module, do not hesitate to email your allocated Module Tutor.


Why do you need the Engineering Systems Design Module?


The design (and understanding) of Engineering Systems is a core activity in many professional contexts. This module introduces students to system design concepts and tools, and challenges students to think critically about their potential and actual application in Engineering.

Students will be introduced to systems design from an operations perspective, which will focus on two functions in particular: (a) directing operations and (b) designing operations. Students will learn the principles behind a number of systematic and systemic design approaches.


Engineering Systems Design Syllabus


Within this module areas to explore by students will typically include:

  1. Systematic approaches for: (a) directing operations and (b) designing operations


  1. System Design approaches for: (a) achieving coordinated actions, (b) avoiding abuses inside the system, and (c) fostering collaboration


In order to do this students will explore within this module the following questions:


  • What are Engineering Systems? What constitutes ‘a system’? Is it a useful concept?
  • What systems are encountered by students in an Engineering context? To what extent are these systems ‘designed’ and what are the purposes of these systems?
  • What is involved in the design and control process when developing Management Systems?
  • What are some of the unintended side-effects of creating Management Systems?
  • How could the design of Management Systems in Engineering be improved?


Learning and Teaching: Strategy and Methods

The main approach to learning within this module is to develop independent learning by utilising a range of appropriate resources. Students are encouraged to carefully and realistically plan their time allocated for this module, allowing a minimum of 150 hours to complete the module’s schedule.

Students will be taught in an online cohort group. The main approach to learning on the module is to further develop independent learning by guidance to appropriate resources, however the student will experience a range of learning strategies during the module, which should include: • Planned cohort seminar sessions at key points in the module schedule to facilitate collaborative learning between students. • Planned cohort delivery of a series of recorded or live lectures. • Guided reading and research via a range of suggested reading materials and resources. • Independent study through learning materials, both paper based, electronic and on-line. • Email contact with the allocated Tutor for individual guidance and support and where appropriate personal meetings, telephone or other media enabled communication such as Skype or FaceTime. • University IT systems via the on-line virtual learning environment, Blackboard and electronic library. • Individual completion of the assessment task. The Blackboard VLE site will contain all module materials, which will consist of a managed learning programme, divided up into a series of parts reflecting the outline syllabus. These will also include hotlinks to key internal and external sources of content. Each element will be broken into manageable sections with clear directions for reading and questions designed to encourage reflection and critical thought. The Tutor and student relationship will be supported through a number of mechanisms including Collaborate (or other such media enabled group sessions) and email correspondence.


A range of activities and resources are provided on Blackboard, and students must complete the Self-directed Learning work [Weeks 1 to 6] and On-line workshops [Weeks 7 and 8] in which they submit and upload the Assessment to Turnitin (Table 1).

The module will be presented in a ‘discovery mode’, characterised as ‘Problem-based learning’ where students collaboratively solve problems and reflect on their experiences. A range of learning experiences are offered during the module, which may typically include:

  • A module tutor for individual guidance and support. Where appropriate, there will be on-line or formal on-line classes (which may include workshops/lectures/seminars), personal meetings, telephone or other media-enabled communication such as Blackboard Collaborate Ultra, Skype and FaceTime. The Module Discussion Board is part of the infrastructure (Figure 1) giving easy access to the important features.


Figure 1: Module infrastructure for easy access to important features.

  • Independent study through learning materials: electronic and on-line, perhaps paper-based.
  • Opportunities for collaborative learning with peers, either facilitated through online media and/or face to face interactions (action learning sets, workshops, seminars, etc.). Face-to-Face group sessions might be available for students to attend at regular periods throughout the academic year. In the first week, students should introduce themselves to their Module Tutor’s group as early as possible to develop new working relationships. There will also be access to a ‘Thread’ for the entire cohort on the module.

Please note that students should view and observe the University of Lincoln’s Respect Charter which is in operation as part of current policy to serve all students and employees:

  • Guided reading and research via a range of suggested reading materials and resources, including use of the Library’s search engine for journals.
  • Formative assessment of draft work by the Module tutor.

Directed reading will accompany a series of activities designed to encourage reflection and critical thought, as well as appropriate skills to progressively enhance academic research. Students will be encouraged to expand their reading and source wider, further reading by using the University of Lincoln electronic library to access published papers, e-books, textbooks and online resources.

Blackboard contains all your module materials, offering a structured learning programme, divided up into a series of sections per week reflecting the outline syllabus, including links to key internal and external resources. Each element is broken into manageable sections with clear directions for reading and questions designed to encourage reflection and critical thought.

The Module Tutor and student relationship is supported through a number of mechanisms which may include Collaborate (a Skype-type conversation, but also permitting visual display of files), telephone conversations and email correspondence. Students may contribute to collaborative Wikis, Blogs and Discussion Boards, offering a key role in the development of the module’s themes and content.

How will you be assessed?


This module is assessed by a final report as part of a Portfolio of work.  See Appendix 1 for the assignment briefs and timelines.  All word counts permit a suitable 10% margin. The Assessment Grid (Appendix 2) offers you guidance on the grading of work by the module criteria across classes of a UK Honours degree (1st class, 2.1, 2.2, 3rd and Fail).

NOTE: All elements of the assessment must be your own, original work. This means you should not work closely with others and should not use any work you have previously prepared for any other purpose (including previous assignments).

submission of assessed work [Turnitin]

The Turnitin Tab is where students will submit assessments via Turnitin to their Module Tutor. The assessment must be uploaded by the student.  Once the assessment is uploaded, it cannot be retracted. Please take care, students have previously uploaded the wrong version of the assessment!

So, please ensure you upload the correct version of your assessment. If your work is not uploaded by the specified date and time, note that a late penalty will be incurred of 10 percentage points per day (or part thereof), as noted in the University’s current undergraduate Assessment Regulations (pdf):

“5.2.8 Late submissions, whether measured against an original or formally extended deadline, shall be penalised. The penalty shall consist of a reduction in the mark of 10 percentage points for each whole or partial working day late.”

Note that if you are ill or have genuine Extenuating Circumstances, you may wish to apply for an extension – the form is available on Blackboard.

Students requesting an extension to a deadline must:

  • include evidence of the situation such as a Doctor’s certificate (not a self-certified certificate), or a letter from their Line Manager confirming workload/unexpected commitments etc.;
  • ensure that the grounds for the request cover the immediate run-up to the submission date and include the submission date;
  • allow 3-5 working days from submission to approval;
  • understand that requesting an extension does not mean it will be granted. The extension is only valid when approved by the Module Tutor, agreed by the Programme Leader, and confirmed by the WBDL Admin team.
  • Students should keep a copy of the signed document as evidence that an extension has been granted.
  • One extension application only per module can be completed.


Grounds for extension to a deadline are:

  • illness (which must be covered by a Doctor’s certificate)
  • extenuating circumstances (e.g. unexpected work commitments, bereavement, deployment etc.).

Please always check the current University Undergraduate Regulations at:


  • Time management is not an acceptable reason for an extension, neither are the holidays of either the student or their Module Tutor. Students must plan and carefully manage their time around such events.
  • Extensions cannot be granted retrospectively after a deadline.
  • If an extension is not granted and/or you realise that you are not eligible, you could consider interrupting your studies so that you can work on your assessment. In this period of interruption, you will have no access to any University resources, including your Module Tutor

Presentation of work

All work must be presented professionally and in accordance with the following format:

Font:               Arial

Font size:       11

Margins:         Fully justified (as in this Module Handbook – left and right margins are blocked)

Line spacing: 1½ line spacing.

Leave a clear line space in-between paragraphs (and headings where used)

Title page:      Use the Assessment Guidance Template provided (Appendix 3): complete the Title Page and ensure it forms the first page of your assessed work.

Word count:  Main Essay: 3,000 words (±10%), excluding diagrams, reference list, bibliography and appendices.  Please state the word count on the assignment cover sheet.

Note that for all assessments (unless explicitly advised), the word count starts with the first word of the Introduction and finishes with the last word of the Conclusion. Any appendices should be of a manageable size (and should be referenced in text) – please note they may not be read in detail so do not keep important information only in them.

All elements involved in the preparation of assessments, be they written or visual must be the original work of the student.  Note that it is a serious academic offence for someone else to be involved in writing part or the whole of your assessment, be it on a paid or unpaid basis, so please do not consider taking this approach and ensure you are familiar with the University of Lincoln Regulations relating to the originality of academic work.

What do you need to do next?

Whilst WBDL students are expected to be independent learners, we recognise all students are likely to have a different approach to their studies.  However, the following procedure outlines how students may approach this module for the best possible chance of success (Read this in conjunction with the Time Line below):

  • Explore Blackboard to become familiar with the resources available. Review all items listed under My Sites to help you to understand how Blackboard can support you.
  • Review the information on the side bar for useful contact information. Note that some pages on this site have resources you will need to access and use. Make a note of where they can be found for when you need them.
  • On the side bar [left side of the screen], you will see Resources. Clicking on Reading List takes you directly to the Library resources for this module. Remember that as an undergraduate student, you are responsible for engaging in academic research and reading around subjects to underpin your assessments, so try accessing some of the on-line resources you will need to inform your work.
  • Explore the various on-line resources to help familiarise you with the learning process.
  • It is very important to start your independent reading and study.
  • You are now ready to take part in the Week one, which will be made available to you via Blackboard on the side bar [Left side of the screen]
  • In later weeks there are several activities to complete and opportunities to discuss work with others. Please ensure that you complete all planned activities and pre-reading before the sessions in which they will be discussed(!
  • Further material will build on the Bb site as the course progresses. Keep checking it and explore the resources provided as fully as possible.

Transferable Skills

The module enhances your employability by developing the following transferable Work Ready skills:



Learning and Adaptability


Perseverance and Initiative

Commercial Awareness

Researching and Analysing

Problem Solving

Principles of Responsible Management Education

The Lincoln International Business School is committed to the Principles of Responsible Management Education (PRME) to develop future leaders that are socially responsible who will create sustainable environmental and economic value.

This module contributes to the PRME agenda by LIBS has been a member of PRME since 2010.  PRME is the largest voluntary engagement platform for academic institutions to transform their teaching, research, and thought leadership in support of universal values of sustainability, responsibility, and ethics.

PRME is framed around 6 principles which place sustainable development at the core of responsible management education and is based on the premise that graduates with sustainability skills are in high demand.

In relation to this agenda, this module intends to help:

  1. Develop the capabilities of students to be future generators of sustainable value for business and society (Purpose)
  2. Incorporate the values of global social responsibility (i.e. UN Global Compact) (Values)
  3. Enable effective learning experiences for responsible leadership (Method)
  4. Advance understanding about the role, dynamics and impact of organisations in the creation of sustainable social, environmental and economic value (Research)
  5. Extend knowledge of challenges business managers face in meeting social and environmental responsibilities (Partnership)
  6. Engage with stakeholders on critical issues related to global social responsibility and sustainability (Dialogue)

As such you are asked to keep in mind throughout your study the social, environmental and economic value of the activities and resources your organisation produces; the sustainability of its operations and the Social Responsibilities organisations (and leaders/managers within these organisations) share.

Feedback Strategy

Receiving formative feedback during your learning is essential to ensure you are prepared for your final assessments. To support your learning throughout the module the following formative feedback strategies are used:

  • Feedback on draft work via email
  • One-to-one meetings with tutors via Skype/FaceTime/Collaborate VLE room
  • Telephone conversations

Dishonesty and Plagiarism

The University Regulations define plagiarism as ‘the passing off of another person’s thoughts, ideas, writings or images as one’s own. Examples of plagiarism include the unacknowledged use of another person’s material whether in original or summary form. Plagiarism also includes the copying of another student’s work.

Plagiarism is a serious offence and is treated by the University as a form of dishonest means in assessment. Students are directed to the University Regulations for details of the procedures and penalties involved. Plagiarism is, however, easily avoided by the full and correct use of referencing.

When available, always check your ‘similarity’ rating index on Turnitin submissions to ensure you percentage rating is in the ‘green’. Please note however, that such a rating is indicative only and tutors will consider other evidence in assessing the academic integrity of your work.  Where there are doubts about your work you may be called in for an interview

Plagiarism can be avoided by referencing correctly. All WBDL students should follow the referencing format outlined in the University of Lincoln (2013) Harvard Referencing Handbook verbatim


If you are found to have plagiarised, your work may be awarded a mark of zero.

 earning Resources


The key text(s) and other recommended reading for this module are contained within the reading list on Blackboard.  Additionally, you are also expected to read independently for this module from appropriate peer reviewed books and journals. Different modules will require different study skills from students.  A series of learning resources are available to support students and are available at the following links, note this is a complete list and some elements may not fit your degree programme and some you may consider following completion of your degree to potentially go onto the next academic level.

L4.1 Academic Etiquette

L4.1a Academic Etiquette for International Students

L4.2 Time Management

L4.3 Goals and Action Planning

L4.4 Using Feedback

L4.5 Academic Writing 1: Genres

L4.6 Academic Writing 2: Style

L4.7 Active Listening

L4.8 Critical Analysis 1

L4.9 Developing a Line of Argument

L4.10 Group Work

L4.11 Paraphrasing and Summarising Sources

L4.12 Presentations 1: The Slides

L4.13 Presentations 2: Delivery

L4.14 Reading strategies

L4.15  Revision and Memory Techniques

L4.16  Academic Writing 3: Hedging

L4.17  Critical Analysis 2

L4.18  Critical Reflection

L4.19  Cross-cultural Communication

L4.20 Exam Strategies

L4.21 Research and Dissertations

L4.22 Introduction to Postgraduate Study Skills

L4.23 Postgraduate Study Skills: Being Critical at Master’s Level

L4.24 Postgraduate Study Skills: Managing the Dissertation Process

L4.25 Postgraduate Study Skills: Academic Writing and the Research Process

L4.26 Postgraduate Study Skills: In-depth Critical Literature Review

L4.27 Postgraduate Study Skills: Reading Critically

L4.28 English Language Skills: Sentence Structure

L4.29 Harvard Referencing

The University Library distributes its resource online. Follow this link to directly access the opening webpage:


You are expected to write in a concise, informative, lively but formal, style.  Jargon, slang, and other informal styles should be avoided (Appendix 4), as well as the use of stereotypes and generalisations. You should be analytical rather than descriptive in your approach and communicate clear, coherent arguments in a narrative style.


Referencing identifies the source of ideas, texts, tables, and diagrams etc. That have been drawn from authors other than you. It enables the reader to follow up on sources that may interest them and also protects you from allegations of plagiarism.

  • You are required to use the Harvard referencing system
  • Follow the University of Lincoln Harvard referencing handbook which is located on blackboard or from the library
  • Give a list of all references referred to in the text in alphabetical order of author at the end of the dissertation
  • Follow this with a bibliography. This should include all references plus details of sources consulted but not referred to directly in the text.

Some Common Problems

Check the following points which might help you to avoid some commonly recurring problems.

Lacks critical analysis … One of the most common criticisms of students’ work is that the work lacks critical and analytical thought.  In your approach, always question ‘why’ rather than ‘what’.

Too descriptive … Descriptive dissertations do not usually attract good grades.  Students using their own experiences often produce descriptive dissertations.  Your findings must be critically interpreted and examined and should include academic underpinning.

Some introductions are also overly descriptive and lengthy.  Include only information which is relevant

Not making good use of information … Students often put a lot of effort into researching the topic they have chosen, but then struggle to put the information to good use.  Make sure the information you collect is usable.  This means identifying what you wish to collect and determining what you are going to do with it before you start collecting.

Lacks Structure … Frequently the work ends up as a number of discrete essays, with either a very fine link, or no link whatsoever.  This is inevitably due to a lack of structure and/or focus.  The importance of a draft structure cannot be stressed enough, otherwise you have little or no control over the final structure.

Makes generalisations … Avoid making sweeping statements which cannot be substantiated. Avoid such circumstances by underpinning with academic support.

Ignores limitations … If you have encountered limitations of any sort, do not ignore them; acknowledge them.

Costing: Lacks costing analysis or does not factor in what proposals or recommendations may cost an organisation to implement.

Losing work … Save your work on a regular basis (e.g. every 30 minutes) to a memory stick, the cloud or another appropriate medium.

Sustaining motivation … This can be difficult and there is no easy answer.  Keeping the printed work in a binder may help your motivation, as you can see the individual sections and chapters developing into the final piece of work.

Plagiarism … This is a serious offence.  Plagiarism is detectable and rigorous checks are made.  If proven, a fail grade may be awarded, which has serious implications for your Degree.  Avoid this by attributing all ideas where necessary and cite all material used.

If you need extra help during the module, if any issues arise which cannot be resolved directly with your tutor you may wish to contact the module coordinator, or should you need additional advice and support you may find Appendix 5 useful.Recommended Reading

Consult the Reading List on Blackboard.


Accurate: Consistently correct
Appropriate:  Suitable for the context
Analytical:      Logical reasoning
Assignment Objectives:  Identification of the issues or problems the assignment seeks to explore in a particular context
Clarity/clearly:  Coherent and intelligible
Context:  The defined situation and circumstances the literature/theory will be applied to   throughout the assignment
Coherently:    Logical and consistent
Imaginatively:  The student has formed new ideas and/or concepts
Industry Terminology: Specific industry terminology for the defined context
New concepts for practice:  Application of literature/theory to the context of the assignment to inform recommendations
Reasonable:  As much as is appropriate
Succinctly:  Briefly and clearly expressed, close attention to word count

Appendix 1: Assessment Brief and Timeline 

Main Assignment Brief

Module tutors:                      As nominated

Assignment:                          Engineering Systems Design Portfolio

Submission deadline:          see BlackBoard

Word limit:                             3,000 words (±10%), excluding diagrams, footnotes, appendices, references.  Please state the word count on the assignment cover sheet.


Following the module’s lectures/seminars, online learning activities and your additional, independent study on the subject, you should be familiar with various practices and theory in relation to systems design. You will also have your own professional experience to draw upon to help you construct a comprehensive critique of this complex discipline.

The learning outcomes for this module will be assessed through the production of a portfolio which will be a combination this report, and its appendices generated as you progress through the module and try out the ideas in the context of your workplace. Appendices might include rich pictures and CATWOE analyses.

You are encouraged to think about the potential and actual application of the concepts you are learning about in this module to the engineering contexts you are familiar with.  In particular you are encouraged to think of how they might be serving the different functions of (a) directing and controlling operations, and (b) designing new or improved operations.

You may also consider how systems designs may help (or hinder) the co-ordination of actions, collaboration, innovation and sustainability.

Assignment Task (Main Report):

With these points in mind you are asked to review a system within your own workplace and to either:


  1. Describe and critique the design of an existing system and make proposals aimed at improving it


  1. Develop and justify a plan to implement a chosen design model in your workplace

This review will take the form of a Portfolio.  This should include a report with selected appendices as required.  These appendices should be carefully selected to enhance your discussion, give examples of wider activities undertaken and to illustrate the points you are making in the main text.  Appendices should be referred to clearly in the main text and should be of a reasonable scale.  Whilst all appendices will be looked at, large appendices will not be read in detail and essential material should be contained within the main texts

Consider projects in which you have personally been involved or any projects of your choice on which you are able to obtain enough information/data. These projects must have some Engineering Management context – which could vary from very general managerial systems (in an Engineering context) to managing more technical engineering aspects of the work. There must however always be some element of managing people involved in the system selected for review (i.e. they should not be solely technical systems).

Your portfolio should enable you to show awareness of the current use of Systems Design in Engineering Contexts.  It should also provide scope for you to demonstrate your growing knowledge of different approaches and principles and to be able to critique their use (or otherwise) in your workplace.  You should also demonstrate your own practical skills in applying this knowledge – This can be demonstrated for example through the use/trialling of different approaches in the appendices. Remember you can use a range of approaches to present your ideas in your portfolio including photographs, diagrams and drawings.

Your standpoint should be to produce a balanced and well-written analysis, with suitable references to the relevant, contemporary literature as well as referring to personal experiences, observations and insights where appropriate.

Learning Outcomes:

You are reminded that this portfolio assignment needs to demonstrate that you have achieved the specific learning outcomes linked to this module.  As such, you need to take case to demonstrate through your work the following aspects:

LO1: Critical knowledge and appreciation of the fundamental principles of a number of Systems Design Approaches


LO2: Awareness and critique of the current use of Systems Design in Engineering Contexts

LO3: Practical skill in applying knowledge of Systems Design in an Engineering contex

LO4: Consider the role of systems design in managing and promoting innovation

Format of Your Submission:

You should follow a clear report format and all referencing must adhere to the University of Lincoln referencing system. Text should be 11-point font-size in Arial font, with 1.5 line spacing. Care should be taken in all aspects of the presentation of the portfolio. All figures and tables should be consecutively numbered, and captions provided. Do not forget to indicate clearly how many words you have used in your submission. You are required to submit an electronic copy of your Portfolio (as a single document) on BlackBoard via Turnitin®.

Important Regulations:

Please make every effort to submit work by the due date indicated above. Assignments received after the deadline (without an approved extension) will be subject to a penalty in line with university policy.

Students should apply for an extension before the submission date if this is required for a legitimate reason (such as illness). Students are advised however not to anticipate they will be granted extensions for standard work pressures, holidays, etc. as this is not usually the case.

Please ensure that you have retained a back-up electronic copy of the assignment submitted and keep BlackBoard submission receipts.

Importantly, please ensure that you clearly understand the notion of plagiarism and academic offences and conform to all the University of Lincoln’s regulations in relation to the submission of written assignments.

When you submit an individual assessment under your name you are stating that this is your own original work. If a submission is found to be similar to someone else’s work, your work may be referred to the Academic Offences committee for further scrutiny. Remember that all contributions of others must be clearly identified in the text. You should also always take reasonable care that your assignment is not, accidentally or deliberately, obtained by other students.

Marking Criteria:

Your portfolio should be underpinned by appropriate and substantial academic reading and reflection, which must be evidenced in the assignment. The portfolio should be properly presented and referenced, acknowledging all sources used and employing the University of Lincoln Referencing System.

Along with the usual criteria (such as the document’s structure, appropriate use of sub-headings, logical and smooth flow of argument, language style and the correct use of grammar and punctuation), other more in-depth general performance indicators will be employed (see table overleaf).

Timeline for completion of activities and assessment

  Online Lecture Activities Reading / Viewing Comments
Week 1


Introduction to Engineering Systems Design


What is a System?


What is Systems Design?

1.1 Systems in your workplace

(drawing an Education System)


1.2 Design Exercise: ‘Making Toast’

OU (Open Learn) Definitions of Systems


Various views of Systems Engineering and Systems Design


Ted Talk – using visualisation methods in design


Introduction to module site and processes


Review of course schedule

Week 2 Engineering Systems

-Technical (hard systems)

-Managerial (soft systems)


Characteristics of a system





2.1 Exploring a system in your workplace


2.2 Systems Design approaches used in your workplace


2.3 Critiquing approaches

Examples of Management Systems for Quality (recording and improvement)



Tools for System Design I:


Examples of Cognitive mapping, Rich Pictures, Process Maps and other visualisations (models)


Popular Systems Design tools in Engineering


Exercises in weeks 1, 2 and 3 are intended to help identify potential systems-in-focus for the assignment and build a portfolio of examples from the workplace.
Week 3


Directing or Designing Operations


-observing systems

-managing systems

-refining systems

-redesigning systems


Robustness versus ‘cost’


Considering Health and Safety Systems in your Workplace


3.2 Extending systems – Making Practical suggestions for your workplace

Examples of Management Systems for Health and Safety (recording and improvement)



Tools for System Design II:


Introduction to basic concepts in systems modelling (hard and soft systems)


Ensuring inclusion of Health and Safety which was a concern for our Industrial reviewer for this course.


Assignment Briefing

Week 4 Stakeholder Analysis

-analysing requirements

-gathering evidence

Complex and ‘Wicked’ Problems versus tame ones


4.1 Stakeholder Expectations in your workplace


4.2 Managing and promoting Innovation

Tools for System Design III:


Stakeholder analysis


Managing conflicting ideas


Week 5


Paradoxes in Practice. Managing complexity and unintended side-effects of system designs


‘The Map is not the territory’ (or some reasons why ‘good ideas’ don’t always work)


5.1 Identifying unintended consequences in recent / previous design decisions in your workplace (positive or negative)


Lessons for designing robust solutions

The challenges of designing for the average and achieving co-ordinated actions


The Tragedy of the Commons


Feedback loops (vicious and virtuous circles)


Sustainable Systems


Exploring key notions and systemic approaches through selected articles
Week 6 Conclusions for Systems Design in Engineering Management 6.1 Lessons learnt for your workplace


6.2  Review of Learning Outcomes and student feedback


Links with future modules Assignment Review (static notes)
Week 7


Assessment 7.1 Online sessions Q and A session Assignment Review (online)
Week 8 Assessment 8.1 Online session


8.2 Assessment Hand-in

One-to-one as required Assignment support (online)



Appendix 2 Assignment Grid

CRITERION 1st 90% – 100% 1st 80-89% 1st:  70% – 79% 2:1:  60% – 69% 2:2:  50% – 59% 3rd:  40% – 49% FAIL: 34% – 39% Fail 20-34% Fail 0 -19%
Presentation and style
Presentation of assignment Polished and professionally presented, of publishable quality. Work has been submitted within prescribed parameters to an exception standard and, where appropriate creative Polished and professionally presented, of publishable quality. Work has been submitted within prescribed parameters to a very high standard Polished and professionally presented Portfolio.

All work within Portfolio submitted within prescribed parameters.

Attention to detail in clear evidence throughout the Portfolio

Carefully and logically organised Portfolio.

All work within Portfolio submitted within prescribed parameters.

Demonstrates clear attention to detail.

Portfolio shows organisation and coherence.

Work within Portfolio submitted within prescribed parameters.

Evidence of attention to detail.

Some attempt to organise Portfolio in a logical manner.

Some elements missing or incomplete.

Little attention to detail.

Portfolio deviates slightly from the required parameters.

Disorganised/incoherent Portfolio.

Many elements missing or incomplete.


Little or no attention to detail.

Portfolio deviates significantly from the required parameters

Portfolio is not presented in a manner which allows it to be identified as such.


Clarity of expression

(inc. accuracy, spelling,

grammar, punctuation, terminology)

Fluent writing style appropriate to document. Grammar and spelling flawless. Uses appropriate academic and industry specific terminology. Fluent writing style appropriate to document. Grammar and spelling accurate. Uses appropriate academic and industry specific terminology. Appropriate, fluent writing style throughout.

Grammar and spelling accurate.

Uses appropriate academic terminology throughout Portfolio.

Language fluent.

Grammar and spelling accurate.

Uses appropriate academic terminology throughout Portfolio.

Language mainly fluent.

Grammar and spelling mainly accurate.

Uses appropriate academic terminology throughout Portfolio.

Meaning apparent, but language not always fluent.

Grammatical and/or spelling errors. Uses some appropriate academic terminology throughout Portfolio.

Meaning unclear and/or frequent grammatical and/or spelling errors.

Misuses/uses unsuitable academic terminology throughout Portfolio.

Major problems with structure/ accuracy in expression. Negligible use of structure/ accuracy in expression.
Referencing Comprehensive, flawless, and in Harvard style.


Referencing consistently accurate throughout Portfolio Referencing consistently accurate throughout Portfolio. Referencing generally accurate throughout Portfolio, though minor errors and/or inconsistencies in evidence. Referencing inconsistent throughout Portfolio. Some attempt at referencing throughout Portfolio. Referencing absent/incorrect/

unsystematic throughout Portfolio.

Inadequate/ inappropriate use of/ reference to resources Negligible use of/ reference to resources

addressing assignment objectives

(e.g. introduction/discussion and reflections on activities, essay question, context)

Aims and objectives clear and arguments follow through. Exceptionally strong links throughout the portfolio.  Overwhelming evidence of self-direction/ insight. Assignment objectives are strong and convincing. Strong and convincing evidence of self-direction and insight Assignment objectives are appropriate and succinctly defined.

Objectives addressed comprehensively and imaginatively.

Portfolio takes account of complex contexts.

Assignment objectives are appropriate, clearly defined and addressed coherently.

Many attempts to demonstrate imagination.

Portfolio takes account of context.


Outlines objectives within assignment.

Broad objectives proposed and addressed coherently.

Some attempts to demonstrate imagination.

Portfolio recognises generalised context.

Has provided generalised objectives and focused

the assignment on the topic areas.

Portfolio acknowledges context, but not really taken into account.

Assignment objectives confused

Portfolio does not recognise context as relevant.

No information on assignment objectives provided.

Portfolio does not recognise context as relevant.

No information on assignment objectives provided.

Portfolio does not recognise context as relevant.

Content and range Vast knowledge base that supports systematic and critical understanding at or informed by the forefront of the defined aspects of the discipline. Overwhelming and innovation exploration that exceeds the brief Vast knowledge base that supports systematic and critical understanding. Strong and convincing exploration which exceeds the brief. Comprehensive/detailed knowledge of all topics within Portfolio.

Justifies own ideas based on a wide range of academic sources.

Boundaries of the subject and relationships with other disciplines and frameworks are explored.

Reasonable knowledge of most topics within Portfolio.

Justifies own ideas based on a reasonable range of sources.

Some boundaries are explored.

Portfolio gives a factual and/or conceptual knowledge base.

Clear evidence of readings relevant to the subject.

An awareness of subject boundaries.

Portfolio shows evidence of limited knowledge of topics.

Literature is presented uncritically.

Limited awareness of subject boundaries.

Limited knowledge base; limited understanding of the discipline and well-established concepts principles Inadequate/ inappropriate knowledge base; lack of understanding of the discipline and well-established concepts principles


Negligible knowledge base; negligible understanding of the discipline and well established concepts principles


Critical reasoning Vast creative and sustained reasoning which supports conclusions and recommendations while evidencing an appreciation of uncertainty, ambiguity and limits of knowledge. Strong and convincing use of academic/ intellectual skills and practical/ professional skills  Which logically flow to the recommendations and/or conclusions Critically reviews evidence supporting conclusions/recommendations including reliability, validity and significance of academic research.

Investigates contradictory information and identifies reasons for contradictions.

Identifies a range of evidence and evaluates reliability, relevance and significance of academic research. Identifies a limited range of evidence of academic research.

Some attempts to evaluate reliability, relevance and significance.

Limited and only partially accurate evaluation of evidence of academic research.

Occasional attempts to evaluate reliability, relevance and significance.

Little or no academic research.

Fails to evaluate or acknowledge reliability, relevance and significance of evidence and/or evaluations are totally invalid.

Very weak academic/ intellectual skills. Wholly imitative and descriptive Very weak practical/ professional skills. Negligible use of academic/ intellectual skills. Imitative and descriptive.
Conclusions Arguments,

ideas and, where appropriate, solutions

are presented coherently and fully

underpinned by relevant contemporary and seminal research and



ideas and, where appropriate, solutions

are presented coherently and fully

underpinned by thorough research and


Analytical and clear conclusions well-grounded in academic theory and literature, showing development of new concepts for practice. Conclusions demonstrated in a summary of arguments based in academic theory/literature showing development of new concepts for practice. Evidence of findings and conclusions grounded in academic theory/literature.

Some development of new concepts for practice.

Limited evidence of findings and conclusions supported by academic theory/literature.

Limited development of new concepts for practice.

Unsubstantiated/invalid conclusions based on anecdote and generalisation only. Very weak conclusions which do not match with portfolio content Conclusions difficult to distinguish
Reflective Practice
Reflective Practice Portfolio evidences exceptional work, self-development and understanding is evidenced in a clear and effective manner Portfolio demonstrates outstanding work, knowledge of self and evidence of personal development evidenced in a clear and effective manner Portfolio demonstrates clear evidence of reflection and critical analysis of activities and demonstration of learning. Portfolio demonstrates reflection and critical analysis of activities.

Demonstrates learning.

Portfolio demonstrates some reflection and critical analysis of activities.

Some learning demonstrated.

Portfolio offers description of activities rather than reflection.

Some attempt to demonstrate learning.

Portfolio demonstrates no reflection or is based on anecdote.

Little or no learning demonstrated.

Inadequate ability to direct own learning No ability to direct own learning


Appendix 3 Assignment Cover Sheet

(The first page of your submitted Assessment must be the Title Page [as follows] Please delete this text prior to submission including the Appendix element).


Student Name:


Student ID:




Module Tutor:


Date of Submission:


Word Count:


Please insert your name below to verify the following statement:


By formally submitting this work, I confirm that I have read the University of Lincoln’s regulations, that I understand them, and that the work I have submitted is my own original work.





(Insert your full name above to confirm agreement with the statement above)


1              Do you have a disability/medical condition?    

YES                 NO

(please delete as applicable and if YES, please answer question 2 below)


2              Are you in receipt of a Learning Support Plan?              

YES                 NO


Appendix 4: Guidance on Academic Writing and Reflective Writing

Students need to:

  • Be familiar with the Blackboard VLE site, all Engineering Systems Management resources and the Engineering Systems Management Handbook
  • Understand the Leaning Objectives and follow the correct format and word count of the Engineering Systems Management Portfolio.

Academic writing style:

  • The Engineering Systems Management portfolio should generally be written objectively in 3rd person narrative and should focus on addressing the title and Learning Objectives
  • However use of the 1st person narrative is appropriate for section 4 (the personal reflection on lessons learnt) or where you are referring to your own reflections or experiences elsewhere. (Section headings should be used to make clear distinctions between the two types of narrative – i.e. please do not mix them in the same paragraphs)
  • Work must be informed by academic research – as a guide, aim for one in-text citation per 100 words
  • Academic research must be contextualised: the research needs analysis/consideration/comment on implications for the workplace or area under investigation
  • The language used in academic work must be appropriate and ‘cautious’, avoiding generalisations/unsupported assertions or statements of ‘fact’
  • A focused/concise style of writing addressing the assessment title/answering the question should be adopted throughout
  • In-text citations must be correctly presented, in line with the UoL Harvard Referencing Handbook and Summary Sheet (Appendix 6)
  • Double quotation marks “…” should be used for direct quotes (not single quotes ‘…’)
  • The Reference List should include only sources used in the work and must be correctly presented in line with the UoL Harvard Referencing Handbook
  • ‘Readability’ with correct use of appropriate punctuation is important – reading work out loud can help identify where work needs careful editing for clarity
  • Attention to detail is very important: time and effort should be invested editing the work (to enhance it) and then proofreading it (to detect/correct all errors, check grammar/punctuation and general readability). Do this several times and always after a break, so the work is seen more objectively. Work must also be spellchecked.

Students should avoid …

  • Using ‘the author’/‘the writer’/‘one’, 2nd person (you/your/we/our/us etc.), informal vocabulary/in-house terminology and abbreviations
  • Do not use dictionary definitions as quotes
  • Asking rhetorical questions
  • Excessive use of diagrams in the main text; however, do consider placing them in the appendices.
  • Relating quote after quote – aim to contextualise the information; for example, what might the outcome(s)/implication(s) be?
  • Using direct quotes – although acceptable for things like academic definitions (from academic books, not dictionary entries), students should use their own words to paraphrase and demonstrate understanding of the academic research
  • Writing over-long/difficult to digest sentences; also avoid one-sentence and overly long paragraphs
  • Basing work solely on personal experiences/observations/opinions – use academic books/journals and the findings to inform the work

Tutor Feedback:

  • Students are strongly encouraged to take advantage of the opportunity to submit drafts, but note that it is the student’s responsibility to edit, proofread and spellcheck both formative and summative work prior to submission
  • Tutor feedback aims to help the student improve the work and engage in personal development by enhancing their academic writing style
  • Tutor feedback should not be interpreted as criticism of the student or the student’s work
  • When formative (draft) work is returned, students should review the work and take feedback on board: the feedback comments should be implemented and then learning demonstrated as the work progresses
  • When the summative (final) assessment is available, students should review all tutor feedback and then carefully read through the submission sheet, taking on board the feedback comments made within this sheet offers a valuable learning opportunity that can enhance the student’s approach to further modules or further Higher Educational qualifications

Appendix 6: Harvard Referencing System Summary Sheet

Please read in conjunction with the University of Lincoln Harvard Referencing Handbook, pages 1-7

Remember the handbook has full guidelines on how to reference a range of other information sources. 

References within academic work (see pages 2-3 and 7 of the Harvard Referencing Handbook)

  • Assessed work must be informed with appropriate academic research. Whether taken from books, the Internet, journals or any other source, all sources must be referenced.
  • For direct quotes, use double quotation marks “…” and give (author’s surname, year and page number). Use direct quotations sparingly e.g. academic definitions.

Example of a direct quote:

(see above)le Reing generally to a model/concept:

for information on how to present JournalsSaunders et al. (2016, 8) suggest “many managers and academics perceive the gap between research undertaken by academics and the practice of management as a problem”.

  • Aim to paraphrase to demonstrate understanding of the information, rather than rely on direct quotations: to do this, use your own words and then give (author’s surname, year and page number).

Example of in-text citation when paraphrasing:

Some perceive the difference between the theory and the practice of management as being problematic (Saunders et al., 2016, 8).

  • If referring generally to a model/concept, give (author surname, year).

Example of referring generally to a model/concept:

When considering Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs (1943), it might be worth the manager

  • When the surname forms a part of the sentence it should not be within the brackets.
  • See pages 35-41 of the Harvard Referencing Handbook for information on how to present in-text citations taken from Journals.

Secondary Referencing (see page 7 of the Harvard Referencing Handbook)

  • Avoid secondary referencing – always access/use the original source where possible.
  • If this is not possible, the original author and year of publication should be cited, followed by ‘cited in’ and then author surname, year of publication and page number of the text.

Example of secondary referencing in a direct quote:

Transfield and Starkey (1998, cited in Saunders et al., 2016, 6) assert “research should complete a virtuous circle of theory and practice”.

Using Multiple Sources

  • It is good practice to use multiple sources to develop points within your assessment.
  • Multiple sources can only be used to develop in-text citations.
  • Listing multiple sources indicates that you have accessed/read each one: if you have taken all sources from, say, an article, then it should be presented as a secondary source (see above).
  • List the names in brackets in alphabetical order, separated by a semi-colon.

Example of using multiple sources:

Management research must be practically relevant as well as both theoretically and methodologically rigorous (Hodgkinson et al., 2001; Saunders et al., 2016; Wensley, 2011).

The Reference List (see pages 3-6 of the Harvard Referencing Handbook)

  • The Reference List must be presented alphabetically by author’s surname at the end of the document, before appendices and before the Bibliography (if included).
  • The Reference List gives the precise source of all references included in the work: only sources cited in the main body should appear in the Reference List; background reading should go in a Bibliography (see page 6 of the Harvard Referencing Handbook).
  • Insert a clear line space between each item to separate entries.
  • Give the author’s surname and initial, year of publication, title of the text (in italics for a book), edition (if not first edition), place of publication and name of publisher.

Example of a Reference List:

Hodgkinson, G.P., Herriot, P. and Anderson, N. (2001) Re-aligning the stakeholders in management research: lessons from industrial, work and organizational psychology. British Journal of Management, 12(Special Issue) 41-48.

Moon, J.A. (2006) A handbook of reflective and experiential learning: theory and practice. London: Routledge.

Saunders, M., Lewis, P. and Thornhill, A. (2016) Research Methods for Business Students, 7th edition. London: Pearsons

Appendix 7: CMI Diploma in Management and Leadership Level 5

For CMI accreditation, you need to be aware of the learning outcomes below.  As you are undertaking a course that is accredited to the CMI Level 5 Diploma in Management and Leadership, you are encouraged to use Management Direct within your self-directed reading

This Module links to CMI module 5001V2, within the assessment you are expected to achieve the following Learning Outcomes:

  1. Be able to assess and plan for personal professional development
  2. Be able to plan the resources required for personal professional development
  3. Be able to implement and evaluate the personal development plan.







What does the acronym RGI stand for and describe how this is calculated?

Assessment 2 A – Report Analysis Questions.

  1. What does the acronym RGI stand for and describe how this is calculated?

RGI = Revenue Generator Index

RGI gives a comparison of a hotel’s performance in comparison with its competitors. It is calculated using the RevPAR figure from the hotel divided by the RevPAR of the competitors (Compset). This gives an index which is sometimes multiplied by 100. A figure of more than 100 indicates outperformance compared with the Compset.

The RGI is the most significant of the three indices because it is based on RevPAR which incorporates occupancy and ADR.

  1. What does the acronym MPI stand for and describe how this is this calculated?

MPI = Market Penetration Index

MPI is calculated by comparing hotel occupancy with the Compset occupancy.

(Occupancy Hotel ABC/Occupancy Compset) x 100 = MPI

  1. What does the acronym ARI stand for and describe how this is this calculated?

ARI = Average Rate Index.

ARI is calculated by comparing hotel average room rate (ADR) with that of the Compset.

(ADR Hotel/ADR Compset) x 100 = ARI

  1. For the current month, is property ABC over or under-performing in market share for

Average Rate?

It is underperforming – the ADR is 241.62 compared with the Compset ADR of 252.15. This is also reflected in the ARI index which is less than 100 (95.8)

  1. For the current month, is property ABC over or under-performing in market share for RevPAR?

It is underperforming – the RevPAR is 197.91 compared with the Compset RevPAR of 210.26. This is also evident from the RGI index which is less than 100 (94.1)

  1. For the current month, is property ABC over or under-performing in market share for occupancy?

It is underperforming – the occupancy is 81.9 compared with the Compset occupancy of 83.4. The MPI index is less than 100 (98.2).

  1. For the current month what is the market share percentage growth across the three KPI’s?
  2.      MPI = 5
  3. ARI = -4.7
  4. RGI = 0.0
  5. Describe how property ABC is performing year to date (YTD), running 3 months and running 12-months across the three KPI’s –
  6. MPI: YTD: 95.9 3 months: 98.3      12 months: 98.2
  7. ARI: YTD: 96.2 3 months: 98.0      12 months: 98.0
  8. RGI: YTD: 92.3 3 months: 96.4      12 months: 96.2

These figures are indicating underperformance in all indices.  To have a better understanding of whether these figures can be considered positive or negative, one must look at the growth figures to see whether there is actually growth that is greater than that of the competitors. If this is the case then one can say that while there is underperformance, the performance is catching up with the competitors and that the apparent underperformance can still be considered as a positive result.

Data Sheet B – Competitive set by month

The competitive set report, shows a line graph which gives a visual representation of property ABC’s market performance in relation to the competitive set across each month.

  1. Looking at the Current Month Occupancy graph, which month or months is property ABC outperforming the competitive set in MPI, ARI and RGI.

From the graph and the table it can be seen that the property ABC outperformed the Compset ARI from February til May with growth from 100.6 to 102.2.

(In February ABC outperformed the Compset in ARI registering a figure of 262.68 vs 261. For March the ARI trend was similar and again it outperformed the Compset 274.22 vs 273.63. In April there was also an outperformance of 241.85 vs 240.46. May – ARI is higher 247.53 vs 242.13.)

Occupancy in June outperforms the Compset slightly. 78.5 vs 78.2.

In July and August all three KPIs outperformed the Compset with a significant improvement over the preceding month.

In September only the Occupancy outperformed – 79.7 vs 78.3

In October all three KPIs outperformed the Compset.

  1. Looking at the Monthly Indexes graph, summarise the historical performance of Property ABC by month or like month ranges and suggest possible areas where an adjustment to the strategy may have been needed – An example is included for the historical date range November 2012 – January 2013.

Period: February – May:

There is a slightly positive trend for the ARI over this period compared to the Compset but there is a negative trend for the MPI and RGI which are underperforming in comparison to the Compset.

Following the analysis from November to January, it can be said that the trend for all three indices is positive although the MPI and RGI are still well below the Compset. The only index keeping pace and slightly outperforming the Compset is the ARI, because of a lower occupancy. The strategy adjustment needed is to grow the occupancy and the ADR which means adjusting the rates for different segments in order to see whether the optimal price is being charged to each market segment. For instance it may be possible to reduce the rate for the lower cost rooms while offsetting this with rate increases for the high priced suites which are less price sensitive.

  1. What dates was this report printed?

The report was created on May 24, 2014 and run on December 13th 2018

  1. Looking at the RevPAR percentage change graph, what does this graph show for property ABC’s RevPAR performance compared to its competitive set for the following periods –
  2. Year to date
  3. Running 3 months
  4. Running 12 months

The RevPAR for all three time periods is consistently higher than that of the Compset.

  1. Write down the year to date percentage change index figures for the following KPI’s across 2012, 2013 and 2014 (an example is highlighted in yellow for 2012 on your data sheet) –

2012 – MPI: -0.7      ARI: 4.7        RGI: 3.9


2013 – MPI: 9.8       ARI: -1.0       RGI: 8.7


2014 – MPI: 7.4       ARI: -1.9       RGI: 5.4

  1. 6. Describe what the percentage change figure means and how it is calculated.

The percentage change figure represents the comparison of an index with the same index in the same month in the previous year (or other specified time period). The difference between the two indices is divided by the earlier index and expressed as a percentage of the earlier index.

Eg:  (Index 2014 – Index 2013)/Index 2013 x 100

April 2014 MPI = 98.2

April 2013 MPI = 93.6

% change = (98.2 – 93.6) / 93.6 x 100 = 4.9145

  1. Evaluate the year to date percentage changes results noted above and summarise the historical and current year to date performance for the property, and note any trends.

2012 – MPI: -0.7      ARI: 4.7        RGI: 3.9


2013 – MPI: 9.8       ARI: -1.0       RGI: 8.7


2014 – MPI: 7.4       ARI: -1.9       RGI: 5.4

The MPI (reflects occupancy) has improved from 2012 to 2013, reaching its peak in 2013. The growth figure for 2014 is still positive although the trend is weaker than in the previous year.

The ARI (reflects room rates) has declined annually and was 0.9% lower in 2014 compared to 2013. This is definitely related to the gain in occupancy.

The RGI (RevPAR)  has risen substantially between 2012 and 2013 and less markedly into 2014. This reflects the fact that the RevPAR represents both occupancy and ADR, both of which declined in 2014.

Data Sheet C – Day of week performance


  1. Looking at the graph Current Month Occupancy, evaluate and summarise how property ABC is performing by day of week for the month of April in relation to its competitive set.

An example for Sunday is below –

Sunday – Property ABC’s occupancy is substantially lower than the competitive set

Note: when examining this bar chart it is important to keep in mind that the ‘zero’ level is actually 61. In other words, the chart is showing only the tops of each bar which makes the differences appear much greater than they are when one examines the actual figures in the spreadsheet.

Overall, the property ABC, for the month of April, underperformed in both weekdays and weekends compared to its compset. If the graph is examined in detail it can be seen that the peak occupancy is achieved on Tuesdays and Wednesdays when the property ABC outperforms its compset.

Sunday: Occupancy of ABC is the lowest of any day of the week and on this day there is the largest gap between the performance of ABC in comparison with the compset.

Monday: Occupancy of ABC and Compset are better than on Sunday but ABC is still underperforming.

Tuesday: This is a better day for ABC with a degree of outperformance with an overall increase in occupancy in all properties compared with the previous two days.

Wednesday: ABC maintains its superior occupancy compared with the Compset.

Thursday: Overall occupancy is down and ABC again falls behind the Compset.

Friday: Overall occupancy is up but ABC is still underperforming the Compset.

Saturday: This is the peak occupancy day for the week and ABC does not match the Compset.

  1. Check your day of week summary against the listed index figure for MPI. Does the MPI index figure match up to your summary in terms of over or under-performing for each day of week in the current month?

 An example for Sunday is included and the data row is highlighted in yellow on the data sheet


Sunday – MPI figure is 88.1 – Yes it makes sense it reflects under-performance

Monday: The MPI is 94.2 which is better than the Sunday figure but still indicative of under-performance as seen on the bar chart.


Tuesday: The MPI is 103.2 which is an over-performance and corresponds with the illustration in the bar chart.


Wednesday: The MPI is 103.3 indicating an over-performance.


Thursday: The MPI is 99.2 suggesting near equivalence with the Compset but still slightly under-performing.


Friday: With the MPI at 97.3 there is significant underperformance.


Saturday: The MPI is 98.6 which is even poorer than the Friday performance.




  1. Describe property ABC’s total percentage growth for MPI on each day of the week for the current month in relation to its competitive set and list the actual growth for both property ABC and the competitive set.


An example for Sunday is below and the data is highlighted in blue on the data sheet


Sunday MPI percentage growth is -0.9%, this means property ABC had a negative growth of 0.9% on a Sunday (year on year) in relation to market share against its competitive set. Property growth: 8.4% Competitive set growth: 9.3%


Although the property had positive growth, it had a negative growth in comparison to its competitive set.


Monday: Although the MPI indicates underperformance, the growth can be considered positive. The registered growth in MPI is 2.6%. The ABC had a percentage growth of 6.7% while the Compset grew by only 4%.


Tuesday: There was no change in the MPI growth on this day (0.0%) with both the ABC and Compset recording the same percentage growth.


Wednesday: There was a substantial growth in the MPI (7%) with the ABC recording 9.3% growth while the Compset grew by only 2.2%.


Thursday: The MPI grew by a small amount (1%) although both the ABC and the Compset went backwards. ABC did not decline as much (-1.6) as did the Compset (-2.5).


Friday: ABC outperformed with a growth of 24% compared with 1.4% for the Compset, resulting in an MPI of 22.3.


Saturday: Both ABC (-1.2%) and Compset (-5.1) fell back but ABC did not fall as much, resulting in a positive MPI of 4.1.




ADR – Average Daily Rate


  1. Looking at the graph Current Month ADR, evaluate and summarise how property ABC is performing by day of week for the month of April in relation to its competitive set.


An example for Sunday is below –

Sunday – Property ABC’s average rate is substantially lower than the competitive set


Note: when examining this bar chart it is important to keep in mind that the ‘zero’ level is actually 209. In other words, the chart is showing only the tops of each bar which makes the differences appear much greater than they are when one examines the actual figures in the spreadsheet.


Overall, ABC is performing less well than its Compset except for Friday when it is slightly overperforming.


Monday: ABC’s average rate is well below the Compset but better than Sunday.


Tuesday: ABC’s ADR is much closer to the Compset but still underperforming.


Wednesday: Both ABC and Compset have a higher ADR than on previous days but ABC is still lower.


Thursday: The ADRs are similar to Wednesday but ABC is still not quite matching the performance of the Compset.


Friday: This is the only day on which ABC outperforms the Compset but the advantage is small.


Saturday: ABC’s average rate is markedly lower than the Compset and its absolute ADR is a lot less than on Friday.


In summary, the weekday ADRs for all properties are a lot lower than the weekend figures but ABC is consistently underperforming compared to the compset.



  1. Check your average daily rate summary against the listed index figure for ARI. Does the ARI match up to your summary in terms of over or under-performing for each day of week in the current month? Describe your answer next to each day of week.


An example for Sunday is listed below and the data row is highlighted in green on the sheet

Sunday – index figure is 88.0 – Yes it makes sense reflecting under-performance


Monday: An ARI of 95.0 indicates a modest underperformance as illustrated in the bar chart and this is borne out by the ADR figures – 228.22 vs Compset 240.17.


Tuesday: The ARI of 98.6 is a reasonable result, but still indicates slight underperformance by ABC as is evident from the ADR figures – ABC: 240.81 vs Compset: 244.28


Wednesday: The ARI is 98.6, also a reasonable but slightly underperforming result with ABC at 245.69 vs Compset at 249.20


Thursday: The ARI of 98.9 indicates close parity with ABC at 247.56 vs Compset at 250.23.


Friday: The ARI is 100.6 indicating virtual parity with the ABC being slightly ahead on ADR ( ABC 257.24 vs Compset 255.63)


Saturday: The ARI is 88.7 indicating a substantial underperformance by ABC as indicated on the bar chart (ABC:  ADR 248.45 and Compset: ADR 279.97)


  1. Describe property ABC’s total percentage growth for ARI on each day of the week for the current month in relation to its competitive set and list the actual growth for both the property and the competitive set.


An example for Sunday is below and the data is highlighted in purple on the sheet


Sunday ARI percentage growth is -2.2% , this means Property ABC had a negative growth of 2.2% on a Sunday (year on year) in relation to available market share and its competitive set.

Property growth: -3.0%

Competitive set growth: -0.8%

The property had a negative growth and in comparison to its competitive set it also had a negative growth


Monday: The ARI percentage growth is -7.9 which indicates that ABC had a significant negative growth of 7.9% on Mondays year on year in relation to available market share and its Compset.

Property growth: -3.3

Competitive set growth: 5.0

The ABC property had a negative growth while the compset had a positive growth.


Tuesday: The ARI percentage growth is -5.8 which indicates that ABC had a negative growth of 5.8% on Tuesdays year on year in relation to available market share and its Compset.

Property growth: -0.6

Competitive set growth: 5.5

The ABC property had a negative growth while the compset had a positive growth.


Wednesday: The ARI percentage growth is -5.0 which indicates that ABC had a negative growth of 5.0% on Wednesdays year on year in relation to available market share and its Compset.

Property growth: -0.5

Competitive set growth: 4.6

The ABC property had a negative growth while the compset had a positive growth.


Thursday: The ARI percentage growth is -5.1 which indicates that ABC had a negative growth of 5.1% on Thursdays year on year in relation to available market share and its Compset.

Property growth: 0.5

Competitive set growth: 5.9

The ABC property had a positive growth although still lower than the positive growth of the compset.


Friday: The ARI percentage growth is -0.8 which indicates that ABC had a negative growth of 0. 8% on Fridays year on year in relation to available market share and its Compset.

Property growth: 5.0

Competitive set growth: 5.9

The ABC property had a positive growth although still lower than the positive growth of the compset.


Saturday: The ARI percentage growth is -7.0 which indicates that ABC had a negative growth of 7.0% on Saturdays year on year in relation to available market share and its Compset.

Property growth: -0.7

Competitive set growth: 6.8

The ABC property had a negative growth while the compset had a positive growth.



RevPAR – Revenue per Available Room


  1. Looking at the data on sheet C for RevPAR, list property ABC’s RGI on each day of the week for the current month in relation to its competitive set, and explain what the figure indicates.


An example for Sunday is below and the data is highlighted in grey on your sheet


Sunday – RGI is 77.5 which means property ABC under-performed in market share on a Sunday


Monday: The RGI figure for Mondays is 89.5 indicating an underperformance relative to the Compset. This is borne out by the RevPAR figures of 168.08 (ABC) vs 187.76 (Compset).


Tuesday: On Tuesdays the RGI is 101.7 indicating a better performance by ABC (206.51) relative to the Compset (203.00)


Wednesday: RGI on Wednesday was also good (101.8) with ABC (211.47) outperforming Compset (207.67)


Thursday: The RGI was below 100 (98.2) with ABC performing less well (201.69) than Compset (205.48)


Friday: The RGI was 97.9 which indicates underperformance – ABC (222.91) relative to Compset (227.65).


Saturday: The RGI of 87.5 indicates poor performance of ABC (228.18) relative to Compset (260.83).



  1. Looking at the data on sheet C, list property ABC’s RGI percentage change for each day of the week and explain what this indicates. Also list the property growth and the competitive set growth.


An example for Sunday is below and the data is highlighted in red on the data sheet


 Sunday RGI percentage growth is -3.1% , this means Property ABC had a negative growth of 3.1% on a Sunday (year on year) in relation to available market share and its competitive set.

Property growth: 5.2%

Competitive set growth: 8.5%


Although the Property itself had positive growth, growth was negative in relation to its competitive set.


Monday: RGI percentage growth is -5.5%, this means Property ABC had a negative growth of 5.5% on Mondays (year on year) in relation to available market share and its competitive set.

Property growth: 3.2%

Competitive set growth: 9.2%


Although the Property itself had positive growth, growth was negative in relation to its competitive set.



Tuesday: RGI percentage growth is -5.8%, this means Property ABC had a negative growth of 5.8% on Tuesdays (year on year) in relation to available market share and its competitive set.

Property growth: 4.5%

Competitive set growth: 10.9%


Although the Property itself had positive growth, growth was negative in relation to its competitive set.


Wednesday: RGI percentage growth is 1.7%, this means Property ABC had a positive growth of 1.7% on Wednesdays (year on year) in relation to available market share and its competitive set.

Property growth: 8.7%

Competitive set growth: 7.0%


The Property and the compset both had positive growth although the growth of the property ABC outperformed that of the compset.


Thursday: RGI percentage growth is -4.2%, this means Property ABC had a negative growth of 4.2% on Thursdays (year on year) in relation to available market share and its competitive set.

Property growth: -1.1%

Competitive set growth: 3.2%


The ABC property had a negative growth while the compset had a positive growth.



Friday: RGI percentage growth is 21.3%, this means Property ABC had a positive growth of 21.3% on Fridays (year on year) in relation to available market share and its competitive set.

Property growth: 30.3%

Competitive set growth: 7.3%


The Property and the compset both had positive growth although the growth of the property ABC outperformed that of the compset.



Saturday: RGI percentage growth is -3.2%, this means Property ABC had a negative growth of 3.2% on Saturdays (year on year) in relation to available market share and its competitive set.

Property growth: -1.8%

Competitive set growth: 1.4%


The ABC property had a negative growth while the compset had a positive growth.



  1. Do you think it is valuable in the evaluation of revenue and yield management strategies to consider the property performance, index figure performance and index percentage growth figures? Explain why.


It is obvious that a comparison of the property performance against a benchmark such as the Compset is fundamental to developing strategies to optimise performance and revenue. The particular indices give insights into the performance of different revenue management variables and it is by comparing and correlating them that the strengths and weaknesses of the current management strategy can be exposed and appropriately modified.


It is important to remember that the Compset is not always a perfect match for the hotel. It is a cohort of properties with as many similarities as possible to the hotel in question but there may be enough differences that the indices are not entirely reliable indicators of benchmarked performance.


Using the current set of figures for property ABC one can observe that its overall performance is below that of the benchmark. To ascertain where the weaknesses lie, one must examine how the difference indices interact with each other.


For instance, when comparing April 2014 with April 2013, the RevPAR increased from 184.91 to 197.91 but the RGI remained at 94.1 for both years indicating that the hotel did not actually do any better than its competitors. The occupancy increased from 76.5 to 81.9 with the ADR unchanged. It may be that there were external factors driving a better market in 2014. So, with the RGI stuck at 94.1 there must be strategies for improving the occupancy beyond 81.9 and it may be that a modest reduction in ADR could drive more business, increasing occupancy and offsetting the loss of ADR.




Total performance


  1. Looking at the totals data box at the bottom of the data sheet, what is the total RGI percentage growth for property ABC year on year and describe what this indicates.


The RGI growth year on year is 0% which indicates that property ABC and the compset are growing at the same rate (7.0%). While ABC has grown by 7% it still is underperforming (RGI = 94.1) relative to its competitive set.


  1. Looking at the Weekday/Weekend summarised section near the bottom of the data sheet, what has been the total RGI percentage growth for property ABC year on year for weekends and describe what this indicates.


The RGI percentage growth for weekends year on year is 7.4% which indicates that, although the ABC RGI is still below the compset at 92.3, the property ABC is growing its share of the market better than its compset competitors.


  1. Looking at the Weekday/Weekend summarised section near the bottom of the data sheet, what has been the total RGI percentage growth for property ABC year on year for weekdays and describe what this indicates.


The RGI percentage growth year on year for weekdays is -3.0% which means a negative growth of 3% in relation to available market share and its competitive set. The RGI underperformed compared to the compset (94.9). Although ABC had a positive growth of 5.1%, it was well below the positive change registered by the compset at 8.4%.



  1. Where did property ABC have the strongest RGI growth?


Wednesday had the strongest RGI growth of all the weekdays with a positive growth of 1.7%



  1. Reflect back at the weekend RGI growth figure, is there a day of week that stands out over the others in terms of percentage growth? Note which day and its results.


On the weekends, Friday was the best performing day in terms of growth with a positive growth of 21.3% in relation to available market share and its competitive set.


  1. Focusing on the index figures and index percentage change figures in the totals box across the three KPI areas MPI, ARI and RGI, describe how property ABC is performing year to date and determine what the main driver of the results are (occupancy and/or average rate).


The YTD figures for all three KPI indices are below the benchmark levels of the Compset.

( MPI=95.9     ARI=96.2     RGI=92.3 ).


Nevertheless the MPI shows a 7.4% increase over this time period compared with a decline in the ARI (-1.9%) indicating that, while the ABC property is underperforming against the Compset benchmarks, it is making gains and this is due to improving occupancy. The RGI is also improving (5.4%) suggesting that the low ADR is being offset by higher occupancy and this is reflected in the improving RevPAR figures.


  1. Identify which days of the week are helping to drive the year to date results and describe why.


The indices show that Tuesdays and Wednesdays have the best performances and are helping to drive the results although Friday has the best growth in RGI at 21.3% which will help future outperformance of the weekends.


  1. What days of the week do you feel could have opportunity for improvement and describe whether the strategy should focus on average rate, occupancy or both.


The focus of attention should be to increase ADR throughout the entire week and to increase occupancy on Sundays.

Sunday occupancy is consistently low and the ADR for Sunday is comparable with that for other days. Occupancy could be encouraged by offering weekend packages that include Sunday and adjusting the Sunday rate to make the overall package attractive.








What are the main differences between prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells?

S294 Cell biology
Book 1, Chapter 2
Copyright © 2012, Second edition 2014, Third edition 2017 The Open University
Generating Diversity
Chapter 2 An introduction to cell diversity 2
2.1 Introduction 2
Summary of Section 2.1 4
2.2 How cells are studied: microscopy and cell culture 4
Summary of Section 2.2 17
2.3 Prokaryotic cell diversity 17
Summary of Section 2.3 20
2.4 Eukaryotic cell diversity 20
2.5 Final word 38
2.6 Learning outcomes 39
Chapter 2 An introduction to cell diversity
2.1 Introduction
You have already learnt that all cells are composed of the same kinds of molecular
building blocks and share some common features. Despite these common features,
cellular diversity is enormous, both between different types of organism and within
individual multicellular organisms.
� From your study of Chapter 1, what are some of the common properties of cells?
� Some common properties of cells are that they:
l use the same kinds of carbon-based macromolecules as basic components
(proteins, lipids, carbohydrates and nucleic acids)
l use DNA as their genetic material, which they ‘decode’ to make proteins
l are enclosed by a membrane
l require a constant supply of energy.
You may have included another attribute of living organisms, the ability to grow and
reproduce, but note that within adult multicellular organisms some of the individual
specialised cells have lost their ability to divide; for example, most mature nerve cells
(also known as neurons) are unable to divide.
In Chapter 1, you also learnt something about the main features of ‘typical’ prokaryotic
and eukaryotic cells.
� What are the main differences between prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells?
� Eukaryotic cells have a number of specialised organelles each enclosed by its own
intracellular membrane. In eukaryotic cells the DNA is separated from the cell
cytoplasm because it is enclosed by a nuclear membrane, forming a large organelle
called the nucleus. Prokaryotic cells have no membrane-bound organelles, and their
DNA is not separated from the cell cytoplasm.
� Aside from the nucleus, name two other cell organelles in eukaryotes, and state their
main functions.
� You may have thought of mitochondria and chloroplasts. The mitochondria generate
most of the cell’s supply of ATP (Section 1.2.1). Chloroplasts are the sites where
energy from light is used to convert carbon dioxide into organic compounds in the
cells of photosynthetic eukaryotes (Section 1.2.4).
Eukaryotic cells contain a number of other organelles, which you will learn about in
Chapter 3.
When considering cells, both prokaryotic and eukaryotic, it is important to consider their
environment. Few cells exist as isolated entities; most are part of a cellular community,
which therefore forms an important aspect of a cell’s environment. As described in
Chapter 1, the nature of cell communities varies. Single-celled organisms, for example
bacteria, yeasts and some protists, frequently live in colonies. A widely used definition of a
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colony is that it is a group of individual organisms that are linked together either by living
extensions of their bodies (e.g. cytoplasmic strands) or by non-living material that they
have secreted. This definition is rather imprecise, but implies that although there may be
communication between members of a colony, there is little or no difference between
them; individual cells in a colony are functionally equivalent and could survive and form a
new colony if separated from other colony members.
Some simple organisms are considered to be multicellular; that is, unlike colonies, they
are composed of different types of cells. Examples include animals such as sponges,
which are essentially aggregates of a small number of different types of cells
(Section 1.2.5). In some cases, however, it can be difficult to be certain if an organism
should be classified as colonial or multicellular. You will encounter some more examples
of this distinction later in the chapter.
The different types of cell in more complex multicellular organisms are specialised to
perform particular functions, such as movement, photosynthesis or secretion. Different
molecules, particularly but not exclusively proteins, play an important role in these
specialised functions. In plants, for example, some cells have the molecular apparatus
that allows them to carry out photosynthesis. In animals, muscle cells synthesise specific
proteins that enable them to contract, while non-contractile cells, such as skin cells, do not
synthesise these proteins. The differential expression of proteins is therefore fundamental
to the characteristic properties of specialised cells, as you will discover throughout this
In addition to differences in the biochemical properties of the various cell types in
multicellular organisms, the shapes of different cell types also vary. In humans, for
example, red blood cells are small and disc-shaped, whereas nerve cells (neurons) have
long processes, called axons, some of which extend very long distances, for example
from the spinal cord to the muscles of the toes. The structure or form (i.e. the shape and
appearance) of cells is known as cell morphology, and plays an important role in cell
function, as you will see.
� What is the name of the process by which cells become specialised?
� The process by which cells become specialised is known as differentiation
(Section 1.2.5).
Differentiation is a complex but fascinating process, which continues to be the subject of
intense research. You will learn more about it in Chapter 1 of Book 3.
In the complex multicellular eukaryotes, different cell types tend to be organised into
distinct groups or ‘tissues’ according to their function. The most complex organisms have
evolved highly organised arrangements of different types of cells and tissues into organs
and organ systems that perform specific functions. Examples include the vascular system
(a system of vessels for transporting fluids) of plants, and the digestive system of animals.
Different tissues and organ systems are not described in any detail in this module, which
instead focuses on just a few examples to illustrate the organisation and diversity of cells.
A final point to note in this introductory section is that, apart from dormant cells such as
those found in seeds and spores (agents of dispersal, typically associated with
reproduction), all living cells are continually active. In addition to the obvious examples of
physical activity exhibited by muscle cells and by motile cells such as sperm cells, at the
molecular level all cells are highly dynamic. They continuously take up nutrients from their
environment and use these as a source of energy and raw materials for synthesising new
molecules; they transport molecules to different locations within the cell and eliminate
waste molecules; and if conditions are right, many cells grow and divide. Some can
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change their shape, and all cells respond to changes in the environment and interact in
various ways with other cells, by processes collectively known as ‘cell communication’, or
‘cell signalling’, which you will learn about in Book 2, Chapter 4. All these different
processes involve constant movement of molecules, multiple coordinated biochemical
events and in some cases major structural rearrangements within the cell. As well as
these ‘housekeeping’ processes that take place in all cells, some specialised reactions
occur only in particular
cell types.
In this chapter, some examples of cell diversity are considered. You will see that, despite
having the same molecular ‘building blocks’, cells can be very different indeed in their
structure; and you will learn throughout the module how, as a result of biochemical and
structural specialisations, cells differ in their function. In order to fully appreciate the
details of cell structure and function, it is important to have some basic understanding of
how the properties of cells are studied. The next section will introduce some of the
methods that are used to study cells. You will learn about more of the techniques that are
widely used in cell and molecular biology throughout this module.
Summary of Section 2.1
l Despite their underlying uniformity of molecular and intracellular organisation, cells
are extremely diverse in structure and in function, live in diverse environments and
utilise diverse energy sources.
l Cells form communities. Some unicellular organisms form colonies. In multicellular
organisms, different cells are specialised to perform different functions.
l In complex multicellular organisms, cells of a similar type are often organised into
tissues. In the most complex animals, different cells and tissues are often found
together in an organ or an organ system which is specialised to perform a specific
l Except when in a dormant state (e.g. spores), all living cells are dynamic. They
interact with their environment in order to obtain a source of energy and molecular
building blocks, and respond to environmental changes. Individual cells, particularly
in multicellular organisms, receive and respond to ‘signals’ from other cells. Many
cells move within their environment. All these processes require a myriad of
coordinated biochemical events within the cell.
2.2 How cells are studied: microscopy and cell
There is not sufficient space here to describe all the many techniques that are used in the
study of cells, but some key techniques are introduced as appropriate throughout the
module. Here, two techniques are outlined: microscopy and cell culture.
In the context of cell morphology, one technique has been of fundamental importance,
and that is microscopy. Almost all cells are very small, too small to be seen with the naked
eye, so it was only when lenses and microscopes were developed that cells were
discovered, and the study of the cellular organisation of organisms began. The first simple
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microscopes were little more than individual glass lenses; they were rather like very small,
but powerful, magnifying glasses.
The first ‘compound’ microscopes (so called because they contain several lenses) were
made early in the 17th century. Robert Hooke (1635–1703) has been called the greatest
scientist of the 17th century. Alongside significant contributions to a range of science and
technology disciplines, including biology, chemistry, physics, geology, architecture and
astronomy, he devised the compound microscope and illumination system shown in
Figure 2.1a, one of the best such microscopes of the time. With it he observed a diversity
of objects, including insects and sponges, and he recorded them with accurate drawings
and beautifully detailed notes. When Hooke examined thin slices of cork under a
compound microscope in 1655, he noticed small rectangular-shaped structures
(Figure 2.1b). He wrote:
…I could exceedingly plainly perceive it all to be perforated and porous…these
pores, or cells, … were indeed the first microscopical pores I ever saw, and
perhaps, that were ever seen, for I had not met with any Writer or Person, that
had made any mention of them before.
Because they reminded him of monks’ cells, he named these structures ‘cells’. Although
what Hooke was observing were the cell walls in dead cork tissue, he had effectively
discovered plant cells and gained a first understanding of the basic structure of plant
(a) (b)
Figure 2.1 (a) Robert Hooke’s light microscope. (b) The cell walls of cork drawn by
2.2.1 Observing small objects
You are already aware of the wide range of sizes among different organisms, from ants to
elephants for example, but it can be difficult to appreciate just how small individual cells
and cell organelles are. A typical prokaryotic cell, for example, is about one micrometre in
diameter and no more than a few micrometres long. If you are not familiar with these very
small units of measurement, you should now work carefully through Box 2.1 before
continuing with the chapter.
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Box 2.1 Units used for measuring the size of cells
Because cells are so small, they need to be measured in much smaller units than those you
may be familiar with. In science, the units used for measurement are known as SI units,
which is an abbreviation for ‘Système Internationale d’Unités’ (International System of
Units). You will be familiar with the basic SI unit for length, the metre (abbreviated to m),
and will know that different prefixes are used to denote multiples of a metre. For example, a
‘kilometre’ (km) is one thousand metres, while a ‘centimetre’ (cm) is one-hundredth of a
metre and a ‘millimetre’ (mm) is one-thousandth of a metre.
� How many millimetres are there in one centimetre?
� A metre is made up of 100 cm, or 1000 mm; so there are 10 mm in 1 cm.
To get down to the scale of cells, a unit is needed that is one-thousandth of a millimetre.
This unit is the micrometre; abbreviated to μm (μ is the Greek letter mu) and sometimes
referred to as a micron.
� How many micrometres (μm) are there in one metre?
� If there are 1000 μm in 1 mm, and 1000 mm in 1 m, there will be
1000 × 1000 = 1 000 000 μm in 1 m. So there are 1 million (or 106) μm in 1 m.
The prefix ‘micro’ strictly speaking means one-millionth, but it is also used more generally,
as in words like microbe, to mean very small.
An even smaller unit, called a nanometre, abbreviated to nm, is more appropriate for
describing the size of subcellular components such as cell organelles, which you will learn
about in Chapter 3. A nanometre is one-thousandth of a micrometre.
In summary,
1 m = 100 cm = 1000 mm = 106 μm = 109 nm
1 cm = 10 mm (1/100 m or 10−2 m)
1 mm = 1000 μm (1/1000 m or 10−3 m)
1 μm = 1000 nm (or 10−6 m)
1 nm = 1/1000 μm (or 10−9 m)
Eukaryotic cells are generally larger than most prokaryotic cells. Animal cells typically
measure about 10–50 μm in diameter while the diameter of a mature plant cell is typically
around 50–100 μm; however, some cells in eukaryotes can be very large indeed. For
example, the giant nerve cells of squids have axons that can be nearly 1 mm in diameter
(i.e. about 1000 times the diameter of a typical bacterium) and are also very long,
extending up to a metre in length. The more typical axons of a large vertebrate are much
thinner, at around 2 μm in diameter, but they may be several metres in length (for
example, those in the legs of large vertebrates, that connect the feet with the spinal cord).
� Taking into account the endosymbiotic theory for the evolution of organelles in
eukaryotic cells (Section 1.2.4), what would you expect the size of a mitochondrion
to be?
� You would expect mitochondria to be similar in size to typical bacteria, i.e. 1 μm
diameter and a few μm in length.
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Chapter 2 An introduction to cell diversity
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In animal cells, mitochondria are indeed usually about 1 μm in diameter (although their
length can be much greater than their diameter). You will learn more about the shape and
size of mitochondria in Chapter 3.
A schematic illustration comparing the relative sizes of some organisms, cells, organelles,
molecules and atoms is shown in Figure 2.2.
Figure 2.2 The relative sizes of cells, organelles, molecules and atoms, arranged on a
logarithmic scale. The ranges of structures visible with the light and electron microscopes
(Section 2.2.2 and Chapter 3) are also shown. Globular proteins are compact proteins
with a roughly spherical shape. (Note that the illustrations are not drawn to scale.)
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Chapter 2 An introduction to cell diversity
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2.2.2 How a light microscope works and what can be
seen: resolution
There are nowadays many different types of microscope, ranging from the basic to the
very complex. Which structures can be seen using a microscope depends upon its
magnifying power, and this in turn depends upon the lenses and the type of light used. A
simple explanation of how a basic light (or optical) microscope works can be found in
Box 2.2.
A logarithmic scale can be helpful when showing a wide range of values on
the same graph. In Figure 2.2, each unit on the scale is 10 times greater than
the previous unit.
Box 2.2 How a light microscope works
Figure 2.3 shows a very simple conventional light microscope, accompanied by a
schematic diagram illustrating how light passing through the microscope forms an image in
the eye of the observer.
A beam of light from a light source is focused on the specimen by passing it through a
‘condenser’ lens. In ‘standard’ microscopes, the light and condenser are located beneath
the specimen. After passing through the specimen (such light is described as being
transmitted through the specimen), the light then passes through an ‘objective’ lens, which
magnifies the image and passes it to the eyepiece lens (or two lenses, if it is a binocular
microscope), which again magnifies the image and focuses it into the eye (or to a computer
screen or digital camera). Typically each of these three lenses (condenser, objective and
eyepiece) is actually composed of several lenses. Usually the microscope has several
different objective lenses, allowing a choice of different levels of magnification.
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Figure 2.3 A conventional compound light microscope with a diagram illustrating how
the microscope focuses light on a specimen and transmits it through the objective and
eyepiece lenses to the observer.
Although high magnification can be achieved using a compound light microscope, what
can actually be seen also depends on another factor, called resolution. The resolution
(sometimes known as ‘resolving power’) of a microscope is the smallest distance by
which two objects are separated and can still be seen as being separate (i.e. the two
objects can be resolved; they do not appear as a single object). Visible light is part of the
spectrum of electromagnetic radiation, which includes radio, microwave, infrared, visible
light, ultraviolet, X-rays and gamma rays. Like all electromagnetic radiation, light behaves
as a series of waves, and the distance between each wave, the wavelength, is constant
and determines its properties. The wavelength of visible light (between about 400 and
750 nm) determines the maximum resolution of a light microscope; that is, it is not
possible to see detail that is much smaller than the wavelength of the light. The best
resolution possible for a standard microscope using visible light is about 200 nm (0.2 μm).
So, even if very high magnification lenses are used, very small structures, including many
organelles, cannot be distinguished (or resolved) from surrounding structures using a light
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� Could two closely adjacent but not overlapping small spherical structures that are (a)
3 μm and (b) 0.05 μm apart be distinguished using a light microscope?
� The structures that are (a) 3 μm (i.e. 3000 nm) apart could be distinguished
(resolved), but structures that are (b) 0.05 μm apart (i.e. 50 nm) could not be
The so-called ultrastructure of cells, which includes the fine structure and details of
intracellular structures, including organelles, must be studied using electron microscopes,
which instead of light, use a beam of electrons which has a much shorter wavelength than
visible light. You will learn about electron microscopy, and about organelles, in Chapter 3.
2.2.3 Light microscopy of cells and tissues
Small organisms, such as bacteria and many protists, and also individual eukaryotic cells
such as blood cells or cultured cells, can be viewed under a light microscope simply by
placing them between two glass surfaces. Typically a microscope slide and thin glass
‘coverslip’ are used for this.
For larger organisms, or for parts of organisms such as the stem of a plant, or a sample of
a tissue or organ taken for research or diagnostics (known as a biopsy), the process is not
so straightforward.
� Can you think of a problem in studying cells within a tissue such as the stem of a
plant, or the muscle of a vertebrate?
� The tissue may be very thick, so it may be difficult for light to pass through it.
The study of the organisation of complex plant and animal tissues by microscopic analysis
of tissue sections is known as histology (from the Greek word histos, meaning ‘tissue’ or
‘web’). In order to allow the cells in thick tissue samples to be studied, the samples are cut
into very thin slices, known as sections. For light microscopy, tissue sections are typically
between about 5 and 50 μm thick. This tissue sectioning is carried out using special
equipment, usually after the tissue sample has either been frozen (when it is sectioned
using a cryostat), or after it has been embedded in a supporting material such as wax
(when it is sectioned using a microtome).
A further complication in the study of animal tissue samples is that they are very easily
damaged, and they cannot be stored for long before they decompose. So, to preserve
their structural integrity, they are usually immediately preserved (or ‘fixed’) in chemical
fixatives when they are removed from the animal. Alternatively, for some studies, pieces
of tissues may be preserved by rapid freezing, for example in liquid nitrogen.
Most animal tissues are translucent when cut into thin sections, so early microscopists
found it difficult to discern structural detail. During the 19th century, the use of chemicals
to fix and stain samples was developed and stains were identified that bound to particular
cellular components or to particular types of cell. The use of chemical stains to study
tissues is known as histochemistry, and is described in Box 2.3.
Box 2.3 Histochemistry: the use of chemical stains to identify
cells and some cell components
Two examples of histochemical stains that are used to identify cells and their components
are outlined here. The first is the Gram stain, which is routinely used as one of the
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procedures for identifying different types
of bacteria.
The Gram stain is named after its inventor, the Danish physician Christian Gram. It was
devised in 1884 as a method for detecting bacteria in animal tissues. The staining
procedure starts with a heat-fixed smear of bacteria on a glass microscope slide. The
smear is first stained with a dye called crystal violet and a mordant such as a dilute solution
of iodine. (The mordant traps the dye inside cells by forming large complexes.) This
procedure stains all the bacteria a deep purple. The smear is then treated with an organic
solvent such as acetone or alcohol, which dissolves away the purple stain. However, some
bacteria, referred to as ‘Gram-positive’, resist decolourisation and remain purple. This
difference in response to the Gram stain arises from the structure of the outer layers of the
bacteria, which you met in Section 1.2.3 and will learn more about in Chapter 3. The smear
is then ‘counterstained’ with a red dye such as safranin. The bacteria that were purple (the
Gram-positives) remain purple because the red dye does not show up, while the
decolourised bacteria, the Gram-negatives, take up the safranin and appear red when
viewed under a microscope. A typical Gram-stained slide of a mixed bacterial population is
shown in Figure 2.4.
10 μm
Figure 2.4 The Gram stain, which allows visualisation of bacterial cells, is used to
distinguish between different groups of bacteria. The image shows mixed Grampositive
(purplish) and Gram-negative (pinkish) bacteria.
The second example of histochemical staining uses a combination of chemicals to visualise
subcellular compartments, namely the nuclei and cytoplasm of eukaryotic cells. One of the
chemicals is haematoxylin, which binds to negatively-charged molecules such as those
with many phosphate groups, and so stains nucleic acids and is used to visualise nuclei
(Figure 2.5); while the chemical eosin binds to positively-charged molecules, including
many cytosolic proteins, and so is used to stain the cytosol.
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100 μm
nucle i
epithelia l
Figure 2.5 Image showing part of a section of guineapig trachea (the airway that
connects the mouth with the lungs). The section has been stained with haematoxylin
and eosin. The nuclei of the cells are stained dark purple, the cytoplasm of different
cells is stained different shades of pink/purple, depending on their contents. The
epithelial cells that line the trachea are clearly visible, as are cilia, which are present on
the surface of many of these cells and which move, assisting the removal of unwanted
material from the airways to the mouth.
These and many other stains have been used with great effect for many years to study the
organisation of tissues, both in specimens from healthy individuals and in samples from
diseased tissues.
Much valuable information about cells and tissues has been obtained by histological
techniques such as those outlined above, but during the past 40 years or so, more
sophisticated microscopes and more specific labelling techniques have been developed
and are now widely used to identify particular molecules (often but not always proteins)
within cells. Particularly useful in this respect are the large Y-shaped proteins called
antibodies which are produced by the immune system of vertebrate animals in response
to invasion by foreign material, e.g. infection by bacteria or viruses. You will learn some
more about the immune response in Book 3, Chapter 2.
An antibody recognises and binds specifically to one particular molecule (or part of a
molecule). This specificity makes antibodies very useful tools and they are used
extensively in the techniques of immunohistochemistry and immunocytochemistry
(‘immuno’ comes from the term immune response). Immunohistochemistry is the
localisation of specific molecules within tissue sections, whereas immunocytochemistry
is the labelling of cell preparations, such as a cell culture or cell suspension (the cyto
denoting ‘cell’). The two techniques are also sometimes known as ‘immunolabelling’,
summarised in Box 2.4.
Box 2.4 Immunolabelling: using antibodies to identify molecules
in cells and tissues
Antibodies have the property of recognising and binding in a highly specific manner to a
particular target molecule, termed an antigen. So, when an antibody is applied to a fixed
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tissue section or cell sample, it only binds to the cells that contain that particular antigen. It
is then necessary to detect where the antibody has bound, which usually involves adding
another, ‘secondary’ antibody that recognises the first antibody (the ‘primary’ antibody)
bound to the antigen (Figure 2.6a). If the secondary antibody has been ‘labelled’ with a
chemical such as a fluorophore, which emits fluorescent light of a particular colour when
illuminated with light at specific wavelengths, the localisation of the bound primary
antibodies can be viewed using a specialised fluorescence microscope. Alternatively,
antibodies can be labelled with enzymes that, with the use of an appropriate substrate,
produce a coloured reaction product at the site of antibody binding, which can therefore be
seen using conventional light microscopy.
This ‘indirect’ immunolabelling approach is very convenient because researchers can
perform double (Figure 2.6b), and even triple, labelling to simultaneously detect multiple
molecules in the same sample using two (or three) different primary antibodies followed by
appropriate secondary antibodies – labelled with either fluorophores that emit fluorescent
light of different wavelengths (Figure 2.7a), or different enzyme–substrate combinations
that give different-coloured reaction products (Figure 2.7b). By choosing appropriate
antibodies, it is possible to, for example, distinguish between different cell types in a tissue
on the basis of the particular proteins that the cells express.
labe lled
‘s e conda ry’
mole cule s
two s e conda ry
mole cule s labe lled
with diffe rent
fluorophore s
two diffe rent
unlabe lled prima ry
mole cule s
labe lled ‘s e conda ry’
antibody mole cule s
bind to prima ry
antibody mole cule
labe lled s e conda ry
antibody mole cule s
bind to spe cific
prima ry antibody
mole cule s
unlabe lled
‘prima ry’
mole cule
bound to antigen
(a )
antigen A antigen B
Figure 2.6 (a) Indirect immunolabelling: unlabelled ‘primary’antibody molecules bind
to the antigen. Labelled ‘secondary’ antibodies recognise and bind to species-specific
sequences on the primary antibody. (b) Double immunolabelling: two different antigens
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can be localised in the same specimen using two primary antibodies raised in different
species. Two different species-specific secondary antibodies are then applied, each
coupled to a different fluorescent or coloured marker.
In addition to microscopes that are used to view tissue sections and cultured cells growing
as a single layer, more specialised microscopes called confocal microscopes are also
widely used in research laboratories. Confocal microscopes (Figure 2.7c) allow images of
fluorescent labelling to be captured at several different levels within a sample, and so allow
very detailed analysis and even three-dimensional reconstruction by computer of labelled
cells and thin tissues. With the continued development of such technology, microscopy
remains one of the most versatile and widely used techniques in cell biology.
20 μm 50 μm
Figure 2.7 (a) Double immunolabelling of cultured cells (a keratinocyte cell line).The
cells have been exposed to two primary antibodies, followed by appropriate secondary
antibodies labelled with different fluorophores. One primary antibody binds to one type
of cytoskeletal protein (keratin, red) and the second primary antibody binds to one type
of cell junction protein (desmoplakin, green). Other cytoskeletal and cell junction
proteins are present, but not labelled, because the primary antibodies are highly
specific. (b) Double immunolabelling of hormone-producing cells in the rat pancreas.
The figure shows immunolabelling using two antibodies: one that recognises insulin,
the other that recognises another pancreatic hormone, glucagon. The binding of the
two antibodies is visualised indirectly by the subsequent application of two different
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secondary antibodies that have been chemically coupled to enzymes that produce
different-coloured reaction products; cells that contain insulin are stained blue, while
those that contain glucagon are stained brown. (c) An example of a confocal
microscope, being used to analyse cultures of nervous system cells. Supporting cells
(green) and neurons (red) can be seen.
2.2.4 Cell culture: the study of intact and living cells
Finally in this section, the advantages of using culture techniques in cell biology research
are considered, focusing on the analysis of cultured cells by microscopy.
If tissues or cells are removed from an organism and provided with a suitable liquid growth
‘medium’ containing all the nutrients that they normally require for their metabolism,
suitable conditions of temperature and pH, and (in some cases) an appropriate surface, or
substrate, on which, or in which, to grow, then most cells remain alive for some time, and
in many cases, grow and divide. Cells from many species have been grown successfully
in culture.
Single-celled organisms such as bacteria (and yeasts) can be grown in suspension in a
liquid medium or on the surface of nutrient agar plates. Agar, a gelatinous substance, is
first made up as a liquid to which appropriate nutrients are added. The agar is then
allowed to solidify in Petri dishes (sometimes referred to as ‘plates’), allowing samples of
bacterial suspension to be spread on the surface. Spreading bacterial samples onto agar
containing different nutrients and seeing if they grow to form colonies (Figure 1.11a) is a
simple and convenient way to characterise the type of bacteria in an unknown sample.
In contrast to single-celled organisms and other cell types (e.g. blood cells) that typically
exist as independent cells in a liquid environment, the cells that form part of an animal
tissue usually require a solid support, or substrate, to adhere to. The first cell culture
experiments utilised glass dishes to grow small pieces of tissue (hence the term ‘in vitro’,
from the Latin, meaning ‘in glass’ – in contrast to ‘in vivo’, meaning ‘in the living’). The
success of the technique was found to depend on the size of the tissue pieces; because,
in the case of isolated animal tissue samples, the blood supply is necessarily lost, so
gases can only pass by diffusion from the growth medium into the cells of the isolated
tissue. Cells in the centre of larger chunks of tissue are thus vulnerable to lack of oxygen
and accumulation of carbon dioxide. Since these early experiments, however, methods
have been refined, and enzymes and gentle mechanical agitation are frequently used to
carefully break down the extracellular molecules that hold the cells of a tissue together, so
that individual cells can be separated and obtained as a suspension. The cells are then
‘plated’ onto appropriately treated glass coverslips or specially-made plastic dishes. As
soon as the cells are plated, they are provided with a synthetic liquid culture medium
containing all the necessary nutrients, and placed in an incubator that has the appropriate
temperature and gaseous conditions for the cells.
The animal cells grown in such cultures usually flatten and form a single layer and so are
clearly visible under the light microscope, allowing living cells to be examined. However,
since animal cells are translucent, special optics that allow some cell components to be
visualised are needed in order to see the living cells clearly, as shown in Figure 2.8. One
such method is phase contrast microscopy, which uses the difference in the way light
passes through different parts of the specimen to increase the contrast of the image,
allowing some cell components, such as the cell membrane and nucleus, to be seen.
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(a) (b)
50 μm 50 μm
Figure 2.8 Living cells in culture viewed by (a) standard light microscopy and (b) phase
contrast microscopy. In (a) almost no detail of cell structure is visible, whereas in (b) the
cell membranes and nuclei are clearly visible, and some detail of the cytoplasm can be
seen. The box indicates the same cell viewed by the two types of microscopy.
For the study of complex tissues, three-dimensional culture ‘models’ are increasingly
used to more closely mimic the tissue of origin. Often such cultures are prepared using
supportive gels made from proteins such as collagen, or synthetic materials. Cell
suspensions or mixtures of cells are introduced into the gel before it sets, so their growth
can be studied in a three-dimensional environment.
The ability to grow certain cell types in cell culture offers many advantages for cell
biologists. One advantage is the ability to readily assess the direct effects of exogenous
agents added to the culture. The use of cultured animal cells avoids the complexity of
whole animal studies, in which it is frequently difficult to discriminate the direct effects of
an agent on a particular type of cell or tissue from secondary effects arising from an action
of the agent on a different part of the animal. Although the effects seen in culture may be
different from those seen in vivo (i.e. in the living organism), cell culture offers an
extremely useful initial procedure with which to screen the possible harmful effects of new
drugs and other chemicals; so a second advantage is to reduce the numbers of animals
used for drug testing. A third advantage is that the external environment of the cultured
cells can be manipulated very precisely: for example, by the addition of specific agents,
such as signalling molecules, to the culture medium. This approach has proved invaluable
to biologists who are interested in understanding cellular processes such as cell
movement (Book 2, Chapter 5), and the factors that control cell proliferation and longevity
(Book 3, Chapter 1), to name but a few. A further advantage is that the cultured cells can
also be manipulated experimentally, to alter their expression of particular genes
(Chapter 6 in this book), allowing the roles played by specific gene products to be studied.
Most primary cells (cells derived from a fresh tissue sample) are only able to divide a
certain number of times in culture, so it can be difficult to accumulate sufficient numbers to
work with. For studies where large numbers of cells are required, a more convenient
source are cell lines, consisting of homogeneous populations of cells typically derived
from tumours. Such cell lines are ‘immortal’; unlike primary cells, they have the ability to
continue dividing indefinitely (Book 3, Chapter 1) and can be propagated as required from
frozen stocks, without the need to obtain fresh tissue samples. Such cells do not behave
exactly like ‘normal’ cells, but allow much useful work to be done. Some primary cell
cultures can be ‘immortalised’ in vitro by various means such as the introduction of a
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particular type of modified virus. This procedure allows a theoretically unlimited source of
a particular cell type that is more like its normal counterpart in an animal than a tumour cell
Finally, living cultured cells can be viewed under the microscope using video or time-lapse
microscopy, so their movements and interactions can be examined. For example,
microscopy of intact cells has revealed that mitochondria are more complex than
previously realised, undergoing both fusion and fission, and moving around within cells.
Summary of Section 2.2
l Much of the current understanding of the chemical nature and organisation of cells
and how they function has come from microscopy and cell culture techniques.
l Light microscopy provides valuable information about the organisation of tissues, but
is limited by its low resolving power.
l Coloured cell stains are used to better visualise cell structure by light microscopy, in
a technique known as histochemistry.
l Labelled antibodies are used in immunohistochemistry and immunocytochemistry to
localise specific molecules within cells and to distinguish between cell types.
l Cell culture allows living cells to be studied. Individual cells can be observed and the
effects of specific molecules on cells and cell processes, such as cell division, can be
2.3 Prokaryotic cell diversity
Prokaryotes usually have a relatively simple structure, as outlined in Chapter 1. Most
Archaea and many Bacteria are round (cocci, Figure 2.9a), rod-shaped (Figure 2.9b) or
thread-like (filamentous, Figure 2.9c), but some Bacteria have more complex specialisations
(Figure 2.9d). Several bacterial phyla include species that are multicellular. For
example, some cyanobacteria form chains of cells including specialised cells that ‘fix’
nitrogen, while the actinobacteria commonly form branched, multicellular filaments that
spread over a substrate and then send up aerial branches which produce and release
single-celled spores.
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1 μm
1 μm 1 μm
1 μm
(c) (d)
Figure 2.9 Coloured scanning electron micrographs (SEMs) illustrating common shapes
of different bacterial species. (a) The coccus Streptococcus pneumoniae occurs in the
respiratory tract of healthy individuals but can become pathogenic, causing conditions
including pneumonia, pleurisy, peritonitis and meningitis. (b) The rod-shaped E. coli
bacterium. Escherichia coli is found in the lumen (central space) of the intestines of
healthy individuals. There are different strains of E. coli, some of which produce toxins,
which can cause severe diarrhoea. (c) Spirillum volutans, which has a corkscrew or spiral
shape. These bacteria typically live in water containing organic material, such as stagnant
ponds, and require low concentrations of oxygen. Most species of Spirillum are not
pathogenic, but some are, for example Spirillum minus causes the so-called rat-bite fever.
(d) The bacterium Caulobacter crescentus (so-called because of its crescent shape) is
found in freshwater, soil and seawater. Caulobacter has two very different forms: a mobile
(‘swarmer’) cell with a hair-like flagellum for swimming, and an immobile reproductive form
with an adhesive stalk that enables it to attach to surfaces (seen here).
Some bacterial species have structures extending from the cell membrane; these are of
two types, flagella (singular, flagellum, Figure 2.10a) and pili (singular, pilus,
Figure 2.10b). Bacterial flagella are relatively long, distinctive structures that are capable
of movement and are the means by which some bacteria can ‘swim’ through their
aqueous environment. Some types of bacteria have a single flagellum, some have several
and others none at all. You will learn how flagella cause movement in Book 2, Chapter 5.
Pili are much shorter and thinner structures than flagella and are involved in adhesion of
bacteria to various substrates, for example to eukaryotic cells during infection. Special
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long ‘sex’ pili are also involved in the transmission of genetic material between different
bacterial individuals during mating, a process known as conjugation, which you will learn
more about in Chapter 5 of this book.
(a) (b)
1 μm 1 μm
Figure 2.10 (a) The predatory bacterium Bdellovibrio, which lives on other Gramnegative
bacteria, showing the flagellum. (b) Higher magnification image of Escherichia
coli, an inhabitant of the human intestine. The short hair-like appendages around the
bacterium are a type of pili known as fimbriae, structures associated with bacterial
adhesion to surfaces. This specimen is in the early stages of cell division.
Finally, it is interesting to note that although most single-celled prokaryotes are small,
there are exceptions. For example, among the spirochaetes, which have a characteristic
shape rather like a coiled spring (Figure 2.9c), there are some that are up to 3 μm wide
and over 100 μm long. These giant spirochaetes all live symbiotically (symbiosis means
‘living together’) within invertebrate animals, notably in the guts of wood-eating termites.
Even these monster microbes are dwarfed by the Gram-negative coccoid bacterium
Thiomargarita namibiensis (sulfur pearl of Namibia), the largest bacterium known at the
time of writing (Figure 2.11). Members of this species were found off the coast of Namibia,
Africa in sediments on the sea floor. This environment is very low in oxygen and these
bacteria use nitrate instead of oxygen during ATP synthesis (Book 2, Chapter 3).
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0.2 mm
Figure 2.11 Thiomargarita namibiensis (sulfur pearl of Namibia). These bacteria are
sometimes known as ‘sulfur pearls’ because they digest sulfur-containing compounds,
producing sulfur, which is what gives them a ‘pearl-like’ appearance. They often occur in
chains, as shown here, and although most are between
0.1 and 0.3 mm across, they can be up to 0.75 mm.
� How, using a microscope, could you determine that these organisms were
prokaryotes and not eukaryotes?
� Using a light microscope, the absence of a nucleus, which is characteristic of
prokaryotes, would be evident.
You will learn more about the internal or subcellular organisation of prokaryotes in
Chapter 3 of this book.
Summary of Section 2.3
l Prokaryotes, particularly Archaea, do not exhibit great structural diversity, although
they do have a range of sizes, shapes and some structural specialisations.
l Two structural specialisations associated with the cell membrane of some bacteria
are flagella, which are involved in movement, and pili, which are involved in adhesion
and transfer of genetic material.
2.4 Eukaryotic cell diversity
The evolution of diverse cell types has enabled eukaryotic organisms to survive and
reproduce in a range of environments. Selective pressures, including predation and
competition for nutrients, would have led to the evolution of diverse structural
specialisations that facilitate the acquisition of food and water and the ability to move
(e.g. towards nutrient-rich areas and away from predators). In large multicellular
organisms, the evolution of cellular specialisations has allowed, for example, transport of
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gases and nutrients throughout the organism, or enabled signalling, for example of
environmental changes, from one part of the organism to another.
2.4.1 Protists
The majority of protists are unicellular, although a small number are multicellular. There
are some 30 phyla that are regarded as protists, including some that you may be aware
of, such as algae (of which there are a number of different phyla), amoebae, slime moulds
and diatoms (Figure 1.8). Examples that may surprise you are the marine algae, more
commonly known as seaweeds, including some species that are able to reach very large
sizes. For example, the giant kelps off northwest America can reach 50 m in length. Most
protists live in (and during evolution diversified in) aqueous environments, and some are
parasites, such as Giardia lamblia, which is a pathogen of the human gut. Because of
their diversity, there is no ‘typical’ protist and no characteristic cell features that can be
considered to be representative of the protists.
Among the unicellular protists, selective pressures have led to the evolution of very
diverse cell shapes. As well as very simple single-celled species, such as Amoeba
proteus (Figure 2.12), there are very complex single-celled protists. This diversity is the
result of the evolution of different mechanisms for movement, feeding, protection and
support. In many of these organisms, different parts of an individual cell are specialised to
perform specific functions.
In aqueous environments, one result of selective pressures is the evolution of large size in
single-celled organisms, which helps them to resist predation by animals that filter feed
(strain small food particles from water) or engulf their prey (see below). An increase in
size, however, poses some problems.
� Suggest a problem for single-celled organisms that are very large.
� One problem is the absorption of sufficient nutrients; another is excretion of wastes.
For example, a large spherical cell has a small surface area to volume ratio (that is, a
small surface area compared with its volume), so absorption of nutrients from the
surrounding environment is limited and diffusion of the absorbed nutrients to the centre of
the cell is slow. Similarly, disposal of wastes (excretion) from the centre of a large cell
poses a problem. These selection pressures have resulted in many protists that have
evolved flattened, lobed shapes, which increase their surface area to volume ratio
(Figure 2.12a).
Many protists also have the ability to engulf food particles by a process known as
endocytosis, made possible by the possession of a flexible cell surface and the ability to
extend lobes of cytoplasm known as pseudopodia (Figure 2.12a and b). The flow of
cytoplasm into the pseudopodia is thought to involve particular proteins that are part of the
cell ‘skeleton’ or cytoskeleton; you will learn more about this important group of proteins
in Chapter 3. The ability to extend pseudopodia in this way also allows a form of
movement known as amoeboid movement, often described as ‘crawling’ or ‘creeping’, by
amoebae (and some animal cells) when on a solid surface. Pseudopodia are extended
and the remainder of the cell follows behind.
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(a) (b)
food particle
(in the process of
being engulfed)
100 μm
100 μm
Figure 2.12 (a) An example of a structural specialisation that confers functional
advantages. Amoeba proteus has amoeboid movement, enabling the organism to move
and engulf food (see text above figure). (b) Light micrograph of Amoeba proteus. Several
pseudopodia can be seen. The pseudopodia are seen extending to move. The main part
of the cell is coloured red and pink in this image.
Another problem of increased size is transport and communication within the cell, from
one area to another, particularly from the nucleus to more distant parts of the cell. Large
unicellular protists have therefore evolved strategies to overcome this problem; some
species have very large nuclei, others have more than one nucleus. These specialisations
reduce the distance between the nucleus and other parts of the cell.
Another advantageous strategy for single-celled organisms, which has already been
mentioned, is the grouping of cells together into colonies (Figure 2.13).
� Can you think of an advantage of colony formation?
� Colonies are larger in size than individual organisms, which may reduce predation by
filter feeders.
There are examples of colony-forming protists among the Chlorophyta (a division of the
eukaryotic green algae, not to be confused with the prokaryotic blue–green algae, i.e. the
cyanobacteria, mentioned in Section 2.3). Chlorophytes are photosynthetic eukaryotes,
some of which are unicellular, some colony-forming and others multicellular
(Figure 2.13d).
Chlamydomonas (Figure 2.13d (i)) is a unicellular genus of the Chlorophyta; its members
have a flagellum, while members of the closely related Gonium genus (Figure 2.13d (ii))
form a small, disc-shaped colony of several cells, which is able to move through water
because individual cells possess multiple flagella that all point in the same direction. All
the cells in a Gonium colony are the same, and can individually give rise to a new colony.
The size of Gonium colonies helps them to escape predation by filter-feeding organisms.
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(b) (c)
(i) (ii) (iii)
(iv) (v) (vi)
10 μm
10 μm 10 μm 10 μm
10 μm 10 μm
10 μm 10 μm 20 μm
Figure 2.13 Colonial protists. (a) A star-shaped colony of the diatom Asterionella
formosa. Cells grouped this way sink more slowly than do single cells. (b) A green alga
with four-celled colonies, Scenedesmus sp. (c) A colony of the green alga Pediastrum.
The colony has a flat circular shape. (d) Examples of volvocine chlorophyte species
varying in cell number, colony volume and degree of specialisation: (i) Chlamydomonas
reinhardtii, a unicellular species; (ii) Gonium pectorale, a flat or curved sheet of 8–32
undifferentiated cells; (iii) Eudorina elegans, a spherical colony of 16–64 undifferentiated
cells; (iv) Pleodorina californica, a spherical colony with somatic cells and reproductive
cells; (v) Volvox carteri; and (vi) Volvox aureus, which both contain a mix of reproductive
and somatic cells. Where two cell types are present (iv–vi), the smaller cells are somatic
cells and the larger cells are reproductive cells.
Members of the chlorophyte genus known as Volvox (Figure 2.13d (v) and (vi)) form large
groups of several thousand cells. Volvox cells are embedded in a gelatinous matrix that
forms a hollow sphere in which individual cells are connected by their cytoplasm. Beating
of individual cell flagella is coordinated, allowing the group to move. The cells are
dependent on each other; if the group is disrupted, individual cells cannot divide
independently and eventually die. However, such groups of Volvox cells also include
several specialised reproductive cells which are able to form complete new mini-colonies
inside the sphere or the ‘parent’ colony.
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� Based on the definitions in Section 2.1, are Volvox colonial or multicellular
� They are multicellular, because they contain specialised reproductive cells which can
form new colonies.
The Chlorophyta are very interesting organisms, not least because they have been used
to study the genetic changes that have occurred during the evolution of multicellularity
(Figure 2.13a). A selective advantage for the multicellular Volvox is that the ‘daughter’
cells are protected inside the ‘parent’ group of cells. Another important advantage for
larger Volvox is that they can store essential nutrients and minerals such as phosphate
that they have absorbed into the matrix between their cells.
The problems associated with increasing cell size, described above, probably resulted in
the evolution of true multicellularity, in which individual organisms consist of a number of
different cell types, specialised to perform different functions.
Summary of Section 2.4.1
l Many protists are unicellular, and some have evolved large size, diverse structures
and specialisations that enable them to feed and move effectively, and avoid
l Other protists have evolved a colonial mode of life, which has also allowed them to
feed effectively and avoid predation.
2.4.2 Fungi
Fungi are probably less familiar to you than plants and animals, so first take a moment to
consider some of the organisms that you would describe as fungi.
You are likely to have thought of cultivated mushrooms and the ‘wild fungi’, including
brackets (shelf fungi) on trees and the great variety of ‘toadstools’. These structures are
all in fact fruiting bodies of fungi, reproductive structures that produce and release spores.
In addition, you might have thought of the microscopic and often disease- or decaycausing
fungi, such as mildews, rusts and moulds, and the yeasts that are used in making
wine, beer and some kinds of bread.
Like plants, fungi have diversified mainly on land and they occur in soil and on the surface
of, or inside the tissues of, other organisms (living or dead) virtually everywhere. The fact
that you rarely see fungi except as the occasional toadstool or fuzzy patches of mould
reflects the nature of the fungal ‘body’ and their mode of life. The majority of fungi consist
of microscopic filaments or hyphae (singular, hypha) which grow at their tips and branch
repeatedly (Figure 2.14). Hyphae have rigid cell walls in which the main structural
component is chitin, a polysaccharide that is also found in the outer skeleton of insects.
The mass of hyphae is called a mycelium (plural, mycelia).
Figure 2.14a (ii) and (iii) show that hyphae may have partitions or septa (singular, septum)
which divide up the hyphae into cell-like compartments. However, the ‘cells’ may have one
or several nuclei and the septa may be perforated, which allows nuclei and cytoplasm to
move along the hyphae. In some cases (Figure 2.14a (i)) there are no septa at all and this
state is described as coenocytic (from the Greek words for ‘shared’ and ‘vessel’).
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Figure 2.14 (a) Diagram illustrating types of fungal hyphae: (i) non-septate (coenocytic);
(ii) septate with one nucleus per compartment; (iii) septate with many nuclei per
compartment. (b) Coloured scanning electron micrograph showing hyphae of the fungus
Trichophyton interdigitale growing on human skin.
� From Figure 2.14, should fungi be described as unicellular or multicellular?
� Neither term provides a precise description of the situation in fungi but multicellular is
how fungi are usually described.
Some fungi spend part or all of their life cycle as a unicellular or yeast form (Figure 2.15a
and b). The yeast, Saccharomyces cerevisiae, which is used in baking, wine and beer
making and as a ‘laboratory’ organism, is generally considered to be unicellular, but it has
been reported that under certain conditions it can form rudimentary hyphae. This example
again highlights that much still remains to be learnt about the biology even of well-known
organisms, and that the classification of cells and organisms is still often controversial.
1 μm
(a) (b)
1 μm
Figure 2.15 (a) Diagram showing the usual unicellular structure of yeast, Saccharomyces
cerevisiae. (b) Coloured SEM showing Saccharomyces cerevisiae (brewer’s, or baker’s,
yeast) cells. These cells occur singly. Some cells can be seen to have small
protuberances; these are ‘daughter’ cells, which are formed by budding off from the
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larger ‘mother’ cells.
The hyphal branches of a fungal mycelium have an enormous surface area and here lies
the clue to the fungal way of life. Fungi are heterotrophic absorbers; that is, they utilise
pre-existing organic molecules (Chapter 1 and Book 2, Chapter 3) as an energy source,
and obtain these molecules by absorption from their environment. Because of their rigid
walls, they cannot engulf particles and instead, their hyphae secrete enzymes, which
break down large insoluble organic molecules, releasing soluble products that can be
absorbed to provide nourishment. The importance of fungal activity in breaking down
dead organic matter cannot be overstated, because it is central to the process of
decomposition, whereby mineral nutrients (e.g. nitrate and phosphate) are cycled within
ecosystems. Many fungi also live in partnership with plants or photosynthetic algae,
obtaining organic nutrients from these photosynthetic organisms and usually supplying
inorganic nutrients such as phosphate ions in return. This symbiotic mode of life is very
ancient: some early fossil plants from over 400 Ma ago have been found with fossilised
fungal partners and it has been suggested that fungal symbionts played a major role in the
invasion of land by plants; perhaps an example of coevolution. Two species that are in a
coevolutionary relationship exert a selective pressure on each other; therefore each
species affects the evolution of the other.
Whatever their mode of life, however, the basic mycelial structure of fungi remains much
the same. So although, like bacteria, fungi show great metabolic diversity in the
substrates they use and diversity of reproductive structures, the structural diversity of the
feeding stage of the life cycle is limited.
Summary of Section 2.4.2
l Classification of fungi as unicellular or multicellular organisms is difficult for many
species because of their cellular organisation, but most fungal species are generally
considered to be multicellular. Some species (the yeasts) are considered to be
unicellular, but classification of these species is also difficult and somewhat
controversial, because their growth behaviour may change under different
l The majority of fungi form filamentous hyphae with rigid cell walls. This arrangement
is known as the mycelium. Hyphae may be divided up by septa and may be
l Fungi play an essential role in the breakdown of organic material in the environment.
2.4.3 Plants
Plants are multicellular eukaryotes, adapted primarily to life on land. They are
photosynthetic organisms (Section 1.2.1) that evolved from green algae. Mature plants
are non-motile and have cells with rigid walls strengthened by a polysaccharide known as
cellulose. Most, but not all, have an upright leafy shoot (the photosynthetic part), nongreen
underground parts for anchorage and absorption (roots) and a vascular system to
conduct water and nutrients around the plant. The first plants to evolve were the
bryophytes, which are small and non-vascular and remain close to the ground; an
example is the mosses. In contrast, plants with a vascular system are able to grow
upwards and attain much larger sizes, and so compete effectively for the light needed for
photosynthesis. The angiosperms, or flowering plants, form by far the largest plant group,
with the greatest number of species, and this section will focus on cells of flowering plants.
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One of the most distinctive features of plant cells is actually an extracellular structure, the
cell wall, which is rigid and surrounds the cell membrane, conferring shape and support. It
is composed predominantly of cellulose. Small channels in the cell walls allow the
passage of water, ions and small molecules from cell to cell. The thickness of the cell wall
is one feature that distinguishes different types of plant cells. Another is the shape of the
cell, and a third is whether or not the cell is alive; together with living cells, dead cells play
important roles in providing support and transport vessels in plants.
There are three main tissue types in flowering plants; these are:
l ground tissue, which provides packing and support, and also energy storage, and
includes the majority of photosynthetic cells (palisade cells), which are located in the
interior of leaves
l vascular tissue, which enables transport of water and nutrients within
the plant
l dermal tissue, which is the outer cell layer, and provides protection, and controls
uptake of water, nutrients and gases, in different parts of the plant.
There are several cell types in each of these different plant tissues and some ground
tissue cells are also found in the vascular tissues. Some of the different types of plant cells
and tissues are shown in Figure 2.16.
(a) (b)
(c) (d)
100 μm 100 μm
100 μm 100 μm
epidermal cells
vascular tissue
phloem starch grains
palisade cells parenchyma cells
Figure 2.16 Light micrographs illustrating examples of different plant cells.
(a) The outer layers of a leaf showing epidermal cells (dermal tissue) at the surface of the
leaf and palisade cells (ground tissue), where most photosynthesis takes place. (b) The
deeper layers of a leaf. (Palisade cells and parenchyma cells are both types of ground
tissue.) (c) A section of a root showing the vascular tissues (xylem and phloem)
surrounded by ground tissues. (d) Parenchyma cells (ground tissue) from a potato tuber,
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specialised for storage. The blue-stained objects are starch grains.
Ground tissue
One type of plant cell, usually classified as a type of ground tissue cell, forms the basic
structural element of all plant tissues. These cells are known as parenchyma cells and
they form the bulk of stems, roots and leaves. Parenchyma cells are quite variable in size
and shape (e.g. Figure 2.16b, c, d) but a common feature is that they have thin cellulose
walls, so are readily deformed by pressure from adjoining tissue. Adjacent cells are linked
by pores through their cell walls called plasmodesmata (singular, plasmodesma), which
are lined by a plasma membrane and have a strand of cytoplasm in the middle. Small
molecules usually pass freely through these pores, so their number and distribution can
play a key role in cell-to-cell transport and communication.
Vascular tissue
There are two types of vascular tissue in plants: xylem, which transports water and
dissolved ions from the roots around the rest of the plant (Figure 2.16c); and phloem,
which transports the products of photosynthesis around the plant. The arrangement of the
two tissue types varies between different plants and in different parts of the same plant
(e.g. stems and roots), but they are often situated close together. The cells of the vascular
tissues are arranged end-to-end and form tube-like structures, arranged in bundles.
Dermal tissue
Plant dermal tissue, also known as the epidermis, is a layer of cells known as epidermal
cells (Figure 2.16a) that covers the entire plant. It is usually a single cell thick. Epidermal
cells have thickened external cell walls and in shoots are covered by a layer of waxy
material called cutin forming a protective layer, the cuticle.
The epidermis of leaves has pores known as stomata (singular, stoma) (Figure 2.17),
which open and close, thereby facilitating the gas exchange that is essential for
photosynthesis to occur; carbon dioxide must be able to enter leaves and oxygen must be
able to leave. Water is also lost from plants via open stomata; some water loss is
necessary to ensure continuous transport in the xylem of water and mineral nutrients from
roots to leaves. Stomata occur most frequently on the lower sides of leaves and in other
protected areas such as infoldings of stem surfaces. They are bounded by specialised
epidermal cells called guard cells, which change shape in response to internal and
external stimuli (including light, heat and carbon dioxide concentration), so opening and
closing the pore, and thereby regulating gas exchange and water loss.
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Figure 2.17 (a) Surface view of a leaf epidermis showing a stoma with a pair of guard
cells. (b) Coloured scanning electron micrograph showing stomata on the lower leaf
surface of a garden rose (Rosa sp.). The leaf surface is covered by epidermal cells,
among which are stomata which are bounded by two guard cells. Guard cells open and
close the stoma, allowing gas exchange when the stomata are open, and preventing
moisture loss when closed.
Summary of Section 2.4.3
l Plant cells have a rigid cell wall composed predominantly of cellulose. This helps to
support the plant.
l The three main types of tissue are ground tissue (packing, support, storage),
vascular tissue (transport) and dermal tissue (protection and uptake of water,
nutrients and gases).
2.4.4 Animal cells
Animal species exhibit a very wide range of complexity and cellular specialisation. Some
animals are very simple, containing only a few different cell types, or not very highly
specialised cells. Others, notably the vertebrates, comprise probably the most diverse
and also the most highly specialised cells of all living organisms. This section will focus on
vertabrate, particularly mammalian, cells.
At first, the early histologists studied parts of animals and categorised animal tissues
according to their function; so the major tissue types were classified as nerve
(communication), muscle (movement), epithelial (barrier) and connective (support and
storage) tissues. Additional categories were blood or lymphoid cells, germ cells
(reproduction), and glandular (endocrine) tissue, which is essentially a very complex type
of epithelial tissue. In vertebrates, however, most tissues are compound in nature; that is,
they contain a mixture of these six major cell types (for example, muscle contains muscle
fibres, blood vessels (which themselves comprise several tissues), nerves and connective
tissue), so there is now a somewhat less rigid classification of tissues. Nevertheless, it is a
useful skill to be able to recognise some of the different cell types typically present in a
tissue or organ.
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� Why might such a skill be useful in medicine?
� A knowledge of the typical or ‘normal’ arrangement and relative abundance of cells in
a tissue allows detection of ‘abnormal’ cells or arrangements of cells, which may
occur in certain diseases such as cancer or neurodegenerative diseases.
Identification of cells in a tissue specimen also allows deduction about the function of the
tissue, which might, for example, be of interest in working out the physiology of a newly
discovered animal. Cells with similar functions often (but not always) have a similar
appearance, even in animals that are only distantly related. Some examples of animal
tissues are shown in Figure 2.18, and a summary of different cell types is given in
Table 2.1.
(a) (b)
blood vessel with
red blood cells
muscle fibre
leukocyte red blood
10 μm 100 μm
100 μm 10 μm
Figure 2.18 Transmitted light micrographs of some animal tissues. (a) Skeletal muscle,
sectioned longitudinally (along the muscle) and stained with haematoxylin and eosin.
Bundles of muscle fibres can be seen with their nuclei stained dark purple. Connective
tissue and small blood vessels with red blood cells are visible. The individual myofibrils
that make up each muscle fibre (Book 2, Chapter 5) cannot be seen at this magnification,
but their cross-striations can be distinguished, because in each myofibril the crossstriations
run in register to those of the neighbouring myofibrils. (b) Human adrenal gland,
sectioned and stained with haematoxylin and eosin. This image shows the cells located
near the centre of the gland (the adrenal medulla), which secrete the hormones adrenalin
and noradrenalin. The cytoplasm of these cells is stained deep pink, their nuclei are
purple. Small capillaries, containing red blood cells, are also just visible at this
magnification. (c) Human adrenal gland, sectioned and stained with haematoxylin and
eosin. This image shows the cells located near the edge of the gland (the adrenal cortex),
which secrete steroid hormones, e.g. cortisone. The steroid-secreting cells appear pale
because the cholesterol that fills their cytoplasm has been dissolved away by the
chemicals used to fix the tissue. The pale steroid-secreting cells are arranged in ovalshaped
clumps, enclosed by thin strands of connective tissue through which run wide
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irregularly shaped capillaries, full of bright pink red blood cells. (d) Human blood smear,
stained with Leishmann’s stain. Many red blood cells (salmon pink) and three leukocytes
are visible. Leukocyte nuclei are stained blue/purple, their cytoplasm is granular and a
very pale purple colour. Two of the leukocytes have lobed nuclei (these are neutrophils),
the other is a lymphocyte and has a round nucleus.
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Table 2.1 Summary of the principal types of mammalian cells. Note that
some cells, such as leukocytes, can be classified into more than one
group (blood and immune system). Endocrine cells and other glandular
cells are frequently considered to be a specialised type of epithelial cell.
Adipose tissue cells are often classified as connective tissue. For
detailed explanations, see text.
Cell type Examples Functions Special features
epithelial cells epidermis (outer layer of
skin); lining of intestine,
blood vessels and lungs;
cells of glands (e.g. salivary
glands, mammary glands)
form sheets of closely
linked, polarised cells*
pancreas; adrenal gland
(Figure 2.18b and c)
produce and secrete
chemical messengers into
the circulation
muscle cells smooth muscle of internal
organs, such as intestine
and blood vessels
e.g. peristalsis
contain contractile proteins;
are linked together by ‘gap
junctions’ (Chapter 3)
skeletal muscle of limbs
(often known as striated
muscle because it has a
striped appearance)
(Figure 2.18a)
movement of
contain contractile proteins;
form a syncytium of long
multinucleate fibre-like cells
cardiac (heart) muscle contraction of
contain contractile proteins
nerve cells
neurons of brain and spinal
cord; small groups of
neurons (ganglia) in body
rapid and
are polarised cells with long
processes; have special
membrane properties that
allow electrical signalling
support cells
(often classified
as connective
tissue cells)
bone cells (osteoblasts and
osteoclasts), cartilage,
provide support
and help to
organise tissue
fibroblasts produce much of
the extracellular material
(Chapter 3)
(often classified
as connective
tissue cells)
adipose tissue around
certain organs and under
energy storage,
have cytoplasm mostly
composed of lipid
blood cells red blood cells (RBCs)
(Figure 2.18d)
RBCs contain haemoglobin
which binds oxygen;
mammalian RBCs lose their
nucleus when mature
immune system
leukocytes (several types)
(Figure 2.18d)
defence B lymphocytes and plasma
cells produce
antibodies; macrophages
ingest pathogens, etc.
germ cells eggs, sperm reproduction are haploid (contain half the
normal number of
chromosomes, Chapter 4)
* Polarised cells are explained in Section 2.4.5.
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2.4.5 Mammalian cell diversity: an example
As an example of the diversity of animal cells found in tissues and organ systems, this
final section will consider some of the different types of cell found in the mammalian small
intestine. Figure 2.19 is a photomicrograph that shows a section through the gut wall in
which different layers of cells can be identified.
Fig 2.20
Fig 2.23
Fig 2.22
Fig 2.21
100 μm
Figure 2.19 Light micrograph of a section of rat small intestine, stained with Alcian blue,
haematoxylin and eosin. The labelled boxes indicate areas of different cell types and
these are illustrated in more detail in Figures 2.20–2.23.
Each of the different cell types within the gut has a role to play in gut functions. Smooth
muscle cells contract, causing a wave of constriction of the gut wall (known as peristalsis),
which moves food along the intestine. Connective tissue cells provide support. Epithelial
cells are a varied group; most are involved in the absorption of nutrients, but some
produce digestive enzymes, some secrete mucus, which aids passage of contents along
the gut, and others are specialised to secrete hormones into the bloodstream. Blood
vessels, the larger of which are actually composed of several cell types, transport
absorbed nutrients to the rest of the organism. Cells of the immune system (not visible in
Figure 2.19) defend against damage by ingested pathogens. Nerve cells (neurons)
coordinate the activities of the other cell types.
Epithelial cells
This section continues with a closer look at the structural and functional differences
between some of these cells, starting with the epithelial cells which form a barrier, or
interface, across which some substances are secreted and nutrients are selectively
absorbed. What structural and molecular properties of the epithelial cells confer these
particular functional characteristics? The barrier properties arise because the epithelial
cells are tightly packed next to each other as a distinct cell layer (Figure 2.20a). This
packing occurs because of the type and arrangement of structural molecules within the
cells, which results in the formation of special close contacts between them.
The absorptive properties of epithelial cells arise because of the presence and
arrangement of specific proteins, called transporters, in their plasma membranes. There
are many kinds of transporters; those involved in absorption of nutrients are located only
in the part of the cell membrane that comes into contact with food (known as the apical
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surface; the other boundaries, which contact adjacent cells and connective tissue are
known as the basolateral surfaces). So, the membrane of these epithelial cells is
polarised; that is, its properties are different on one side of the cell compared with the
other (Figure 2.20b). Absorption is facilitated by the presence of finger-like projections on
the apical surface. These projections are known as microvilli, and they increase the
surface area that is in contact with the ingested nutrients. The properties of a tissue or cell
are therefore determined not only by the particular molecules that they contain, but also
by the arrangement of these molecules within the cell. You will learn more about the
properties of intestinal epithelial cells in Chapter 3.
Figure 2.20 (a) Light micrograph showing epithelium from rat small intestine stained with
haematoxylin and eosin, and also Alcian blue, which primarily stains
mucopolysaccharides. Cytoplasm is pale pink; nuclei are dark purple/black. The bright
blue areas are mucus present in some of the epithelial cells. EC = epithelial cells; CT =
connective tissue; BV = blood vessel. (b) Simplified schematic diagram showing some
properties of intestinal epithelium. The epithelial cells form a barrier because they are
closely packed together, and linked by specialised proteins (Chapter 3). The cells are
polarised; the surface of absorptive cells that is in contact with the nutrients in the gut
lumen possesses microvilli, which increase the surface area available for absorption,
while the other surfaces do not. Also shown (not to scale) is the uneven distribution of
transporter proteins in the membrane. Different types of transporter are present in the
apical and basolateral membranes.
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Smooth muscle cells
The smooth muscle cells (Figure 2.21) are contractile; that is, their shape can change,
either shortening (contraction) or lengthening (relaxation). Coordinated contraction and
relaxation of many smooth muscle cells together results in the intestinal movements
known as peristalsis. How are the movements of the separate muscle cells coordinated,
and what is the nature of the molecules that produce this movement? Again, specific
proteins and structures are involved in these processes. One type of structure, known as
a gap junction (Chapter 3), allows electrical and chemical communication between the
cells that coordinates their contraction; other proteins cause a change in shape of the
muscle cells during contraction (Book 2, Chapter 5).
Smooth muscle is under involuntary control, while skeletal muscle is under
conscious or voluntary control.
Figure 2.21 (a) Light micrograph showing smooth muscle from rat small intestine stained
with Alcian blue, haematoxylin and eosin. (b) Simplified schematic diagram showing some
properties of smooth muscle cells. Smooth muscle cells are closely packed and linked by
gap junctions. Muscle cells also contain specialised proteins that mediate contraction (not
Nerve cells
Next, consider the nerve cell, or neuron (Figure 2.22). Small groups of neurons are
situated within the gut wall, in small linked clumps known as ganglia. The neurons are not
identical; they are diverse and have a number of different functions in the gut. All,
however, are involved in conveying information to other cells. Some extend long
processes into the surrounding smooth muscle, where they activate the smooth muscle
cells, stimulating them either to contract or relax; others have processes that extend to the
epithelium, or to other neurons. Neurons, like intestinal epithelial cells, are polarised. The
functional properties of neurons are reflected in structural specialisations which are,
again, the result of the presence and arrangement of specific proteins in different parts of
the cell.
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ta rge t ce ll
(e .g. smooth mus cle )
(b) (c)
100 μm 100 μm
Figure 2.22 (a) Simplified diagram showing some of the structural features of neurons.
Neurons are specialised to transmit electrical signals rapidly, often over long distances.
Typically they receive information at processes known as dendrites, and transmit
information to their target cell, which may be a smooth muscle cell (as illustrated here), an
epithelial cell or another cell type, along a long cellular process known as an axon (not to
scale). Neurons are polarised cells: different membrane proteins are found in different
regions of the neuronal membrane. (b) Light micrograph showing a small group of
neurons in the rat small intestine stained with Alcian blue, haematoxylin and eosin. (Note
that the processes of the neurons are not visible in this preparation.) (c) Fluorescence
micrograph of a neuron from rat small intestine, labelled with a fluorescent antibody.
Fibroblasts and leukocytes
Other cell types present in the gut include connective tissue cells, called fibroblasts, and
leukocytes (Figure 2.23). These cells also have specific functions: fibroblasts provide
support and secrete molecules that form the extracellular matrix (Chapter 3); leukocytes
(sometimes referred to as white blood cells) are involved in defence against ingested
pathogenic microbes. At a first glance, these two cell types perhaps do not have such
interesting structural specialisations as some of the other cells that have been described
here, but they each contain and secrete special proteins that determine their functions.
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Figure 2.23 (a) Light micrograph showing fibroblasts and connective tissue from rat small
intestine stained with Alcian blue, haematoxylin and eosin. A blood vessel is also visible in
cross-section (lower right). (b) Simplified diagram showing some of the properties of
fibroblasts. Fibroblasts have an irregular shape, and are often difficult to discern by light
microscopy. They produce and secrete molecules into the extracellular space, forming the
extracellular matrix and connective tissue fibres (composed of collagen and elastin).
These five cell types (epithelial, smooth muscle, neuron, fibroblast and leukocyte) have
been used here as examples of cellular diversity and will be referred to again in Chapter 3.
There are, of course, several other types of cell in the gut, and many more in other organs.
As you have seen, different types of animal cells differ not only in shape, but also
importantly, in the molecules that they contain. Many structural molecules and also
enzymes involved in core metabolic reactions are common to all the cells of a particular
organism, but different types of cells also contain additional molecules, usually proteins,
that enable them to perform specialised functions. You will remember that proteins are
coded for by the genetic material of the cell, DNA, which is situated in the nucleus of
eukaryotic cells.
� What is the name used for the units of DNA that encode different proteins?
� They are called genes.
You will recall that although all the cells of an organism contain the same genetic
information, only some genes are expressed (transcribed and translated into proteins) in
any particular cell type. Put another way, the different cell types of an organism express
different genes. It is this differential gene expression that gives rise to the structural and
functional differences between cells. How gene expression is controlled is an important
topic, which you will return to in Chapter 6.
You will be beginning by now to appreciate the complexity of cell interactions in just one
part of an animal.
� Give two examples of cellular interactions that occur in the gut.
� (1) Coordinated smooth muscle contraction involves interactions between individual
smooth muscle cells. (2) Smooth muscle cells are stimulated to contract or relax by
the action of neurons.
All animal cells interact with adjacent and nearby cells, and in addition some specialised
cells have evolved that provide communication over greater distances: for example,
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neurons, and also hormone-secreting (endocrine) cells. You will learn more about cell
signalling and communication between cells in Book 2.
Once a cell has received a signal from another cell, it usually responds in some way. For
example, smooth muscle may contract in response to nerve stimulation; other cells, such
as some types of epithelial cells may undergo cell division, which often occurs in response
to factors secreted by other cells. It is important to realise that biochemical changes
underlie all cellular responses. Muscle contraction is brought about by changes in the
conformation and activities of specific proteins within the smooth muscle cell (Book 2,
Chapter 5). Cellular responses to signals often involve a chain, or cascade, of biochemical
events within the cell (Book 2, Chapter 4), often culminating in changes in gene
expression. Cell division, for example, requires coordinated changes in either the activity
or synthesis of a large number of proteins (Book 3, Chapter 1). Cell interactions thus also
play an essential role in the regulation of gene expression, and thereby help to determine
the behaviour, properties and appearance of cells, as you will see throughout the module.
Summary of Sections 2.4.4 and 2.4.5
l The cells of animal tissues can be classified as epithelial, muscle, nervous,
connective, blood and immune system, endocrine (hormone-secreting) or germ cells.
Some cells, such as the hormone-secreting cells of the intestinal epithelium, fall into
more than one of these categories.
l Different types of cells are specialised to perform different functions. These
differences are possible because different types of cells express different proteins,
and have differing shapes and structural specialisations.
l Mammalian tissues and organs typically comprise a mixture of different cell types;
the intestine contains cells of all categories, except germ cells.
l In animals, interactions between cells play crucial roles in the development and
functions of both individual cells and organ systems.
2.5 Final word
This chapter has introduced the diversity and complexity in cell structure and function, and
has begun to consider how this diversity can arise from an underlying uniformity of
organisation. You have also been introduced to some of the techniques that are widely
used to study cells, and you will encounter more examples of data obtained using these
techniques during this module, and in your future study of biology.
Diversity in shape, size, function and other cell properties has been illustrated here with
examples from some better-known, well-studied organisms. It should be borne in mind,
however, that cell biologists have not made detailed studies of all types of cells; and the
structure and function of many organisms, and how they should be classified
taxonomically, remain uncertain. As in other areas of biology, there is much that remains
to be discovered about cellular diversity. In order to understand how cells perform their
many functions, in the next chapter you will delve more deeply into the internal
organisation of cells.
Generating Diversity
Chapter 2 An introduction to cell diversity
38 of 39 Monday 2 October 2017
2.6 Learning outcomes
2.1 Describe, using examples, the diversity of cells in different organisms.
2.2 Outline some of the techniques used in the study of whole cells, and interpret simple
data obtained using these techniques.
2.3 Describe the different types of cell found in the mammalian intestine, and how their
structure relates to their function.
2.4 Interpret and take measurements from annotated images of different cell and tissue
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Generating Diversity
Chapter 2 An introduction to cell diversity
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What is a discussion paper?

Guidelines for Discussion Paper Writing
Nate Charlow
September 14, 2019
What is a discussion paper?
• A discussion paper presents a lean and rigorous reconstruction of an author’s argument
in a text, which is responsive to a discussion prompt for that text.
• The emphasis is on “lean and rigorous”. Try to approximate the care and detail I use when
I lay out arguments in class. Any detail that is not essential to understanding the author’s
argument and addressing the prompt should be omitted. Filler material is assessed harshly.
Grading. Each discussion paper is worth 100 points. Here is how those points will be assigned.
• Mastery of the text (40). Excellent papers demonstrate a subtle and sophisticated understanding
of the relevant philosophical text, the sort of understanding achieved through
careful reading and study. Unsatisfactory papers demonstrate a superficial understanding (or
lack of understanding) of the relevant text, and suggest a cursory reading of the text.
• Clarity, rigor, compellingness of presentation (40). Excellent papers present the author’s
argument using care and attention to detail; extraneous detail is omitted; the simplest
and most compelling version of the author’s argument is distilled. Unsatisfactory papers
present the author’s argument carelessly; important details are omitted, and extraneous details
are included; a compelling version of the author’s argument is not distilled for the reader.
• Writing and organization (20 points). Excellent papers use transparent philosophical
prose; they are concise, precise, and contain few or no grammatical or stylistic infelicities.
Unsatisfactory papers use unclear and difficult-to-understand prose; the writing is bloated,
imprecise, and may contain grammatical errors, errors of usage, and so on.
Grading Table
Mastery of the text (40 possible) 40 36 32 28 24 20 16
Clarity, rigor, compellingness (40 possible) 40 36 32 28 24 20 16
Writing and organization (20 possible) 20 18 16 14 12 10 8
An example of an excellent discussion paper is appended to this document.
Précis 1- Cohen
Contextualist solutions to epistemological problems: Scepticism, Gettier, and
the lottery
In his article Contextualist solutions to epistemological problems, Stewart Cohen seeks to
show that while the contextualist approach can offer a solution to both scepticism and the lottery
case, it cannot deal with Gettier cases. Cohen shows that the very thing that allows a contextualist
approach to deal with scepticism and the lottery, namely, the speaker-sensitivity of the Rule of
Resemblance, is what prevents it from being able to properly handle Gettier cases.
The contextualist approach to dealing with these epistemological problems relies on the
notion of context-sensitivity, which allows for certain possibilities to be properly ignored based on
the context. The rules of relevance determine what possibilities can, and cannot, be properly ignored
when trying to determine the truth of a knowledge ascription. The two main rules of relevance are as
follows: The Rule of Actuality states that the possibility that actually obtains is never properly
ignored and the Rule of Resemblance states that if one possibility saliently resembles the other, then
if one of them may not be properly ignored, neither may the other. Cohen introduces a further
qualification for the rules of relevance they must either be speaker-sensitive or subject-sensitive. The
operation of speaker-sensitive rules depends on facts about the speakers and hearers on a given
context, whereas subject-sensitive rules depend on the on facts about the subject. The Rule of
Relevance’s saliency requirement renders it a speaker-sensitive rule, as it depends one what it salient
to the speakers of a given context, whereas the Rule of Actuality depends only on what actually
obtains, regardless of what is salient to the speakers, and is therefore subject-sensitive.
Cohen maintains that while appealing to the context-sensitivity, and thus to the rules of
relevance, one can combat scepticism by finding a sort of middle ground between those who claim
Précis 1- Cohen
we have knowledge and the sceptic. In everyday contexts, where sceptical possibilities are not
salient, and therefore, not relevant, the standard for what possibilities need to be eliminated for us to
claim knowledge is lower; there is no need to rule our sceptical possibilities. In everyday contexts
then, we can truly claim knowledge without having to entertain sceptical possibilities. However,
when dealing with the sceptic, the context changes, the standard is much higher, the sceptical
possibilities become both salient and relevant, and thus, we fail to know. In this way, the
contextualist can deal with scepticism by showing that it is only in contexts where sceptical
possibilities are salient that we fail to know, while still allowing us to maintain the intuition that in
certain, everyday, contexts, we do have knowledge.
Cohen then exemplifies the use of the Rule of Resemblance to deal with what he calls the
“Poor Bill” version of the lottery. This is a case in which we pity bill for wasting all his money on the
lottery, knowing that he will never be rich. In such a case, it seems that we know that poor Bill will
never get rich, but we do not know he loses the lottery, even though knowing Bill will never get rich
entails Bill losing the lottery. By appealing to context-sensitivity we can explain our intuitions about
such a case. In contexts where the resemblance of the lottery (the resemblance between any given
ticket and the winning ticket) are not salient to us, like for example, when we are busy pitying poor
Bill, we can properly ignore the possibility that Bill’s ticket wins, and so, we can know that Bill will
never get rich and that he will never win the lottery. But in cases where the resemblance between
Bill’s ticket and the winning ticket are salient to us, we cannot properly ignore the possibility Bill
wins, and so, we cannot know that Bill will never be rich, or that he will lose the lottery.
If we appeal to the speaker-sensitivity of the Rule of Resemblance, it allows us, in certain
circumstances, to ascribe knowledge to someone who is in a Gettier scenario. Cohen provides an
example of a person, S, who is in a Gettier situation, and a person A, who is beside S, but is unaware
Précis 1- Cohen
that S is in a Gettier situation. Because the fact that S is in a Gettier situation is not salient to A, it,
according to the Rule of Resemblance, can be properly ignored. This would allow A to truly ascribe
knowledge to S. Cohen thinks this is a mistake; he maintains that one of the (rather intuitive)
conditions for knowledge, that is fixed across all contexts, is that the subject cannot be in a Gettier
situation of any kind. The speaker-sensitivity of the Rule of Resemblance, however, allows one to
ascribe knowledge to someone in just such a case.
In order for the Rule of Resemblance to deal with Gettier cases, it must become a speakerinsensitive
rule, thus eliminating its saliency requirement. This, however, raises two key issues.
Taking away the Rule of Relevance’s speaker-sensitivity renders it unable to deal with scepticism,
because it would render all possibilities, even far-fetched sceptical ones, relevant in every context.
The elimination of the Rule of Relevance’s speaker-sensitivity would also make it unable to deal
with poor Bill versions of the lottery case, as it would render us unable to know anything that would
entail Bill loses the lottery, even while we maintain we do, at least in some contexts, know things that
entail Bill’s loss (i.e. we want to say we know that Bill will never be rich).
In his paper, Contextualist solutions to epistemological problems, Cohen argues that while
the speaker-sensitive Rule of Resemblance can deal will scepticism, and the lottery, in order to deal
with Gettier cases it would have to become speaker-insensitive. Eliminating the speaker-sensitivity of
the Rule of Resemblance however, would render it unable to deal with scepticism, or the lottery.
Cohen maintains that we should appeal to context-sensitivity in the cases of scepticism and the
lottery, but that Gettier cases cannot be solved this way.

Are there any possible disadvantages or risks in taking part?



Division of Psychiatry & Applied Psychology

Project Title:  Change in perception in mental health workers towards aggression during the working years with a patient with learning disabilities/challenging behaviour

Researcher/Student:   Olivera Pasic

Supervisor/Chief Investigator: Nigel Hunt


Ethics Reference Number: 346

We would like to invite you to take part in a research study about a change in perception in mental health workers towards aggression comparing working years with the patients with challenging behavior and perception of the aggression. Before you begin, we would like you to understand why the research is being done and what it involves for you.

What is the purpose of this study?

The study is undertaken in partial fulfilment of MSc Work and Organisational Psychology degree at the University of Nottingham and tries to examine change in perception in mental health workers towards aggression comparing working years with the patients with challenging behaviour and perception of the aggression.

Why have I been invited? 

You have been invited because you are working in the division of the mental health workers/support workers and your responses are beneficial to our understanding of how aggression is perceived by mental health workers over time.

Therefore, considering the implications at the individual level, the perception by professionals can be beneficial to understand the impact of the working years and experience in this profession.

Do I have to take part?

It is up to you to decide whether or not to take part. If you do decide to take part you will be given this information sheet to keep and be asked to complete and submit a questionnaires. By completing the questionnaires and submit them you indicate that you are happy to take part. You may change your mind about being involved at any time, or decline to answer a particular question. Your participation is voluntary and you are free to withdraw at any time. Non-participation or withdrawal from the study will not have an effects on your employment or relationship with the line manager. However, once you have completed and submitted an anonymous questionnaires it is not possible to withdraw the data because we won’t know who you are.

What will I be asked to do? 

If you choose to take part, you will be asked to complete two questionnaires by Online Survey. We will send you an email inviting you to complete the questionnaires, which can be completed and returned online using the link which will be included in the email. Questionnaires are short and can be finished in 10-15 minutes of your free time. All questionnaires as anonymous. By completing the questionnaires you indicate that you are happy to take part.

Will the research be of any personal benefit to me?

We cannot promise the study will help you, but the information we get from this study may help us to understand more about the perception of the aggression at work place in a mental care institutions, and how the age of the experience can influence. We hope that you will enjoy doing the questionnaires. Your contribution will help others to understand the risk of this profession. The study, therefore, has the potential to improve the education and training of workers in care and the quality of care provided to people using health and social care services

Are there any possible disadvantages or risks in taking part?

There are no risks to taking part of this research. Participants will be asked to consider aggression in the work place and may wish to discuss their thoughts afterwards with some professionals. They can contact the researcher and supervisor on this matter or any other issues if they have about research and participation.

What will happen to the information I provide? 

Online questionnaires will be distributed by using free Online Surveys through the organisation’s email system. IP addresses of participants will be separated from questionnaire scores to protect anonymity. All data will be accessed, stored and destroyed strictly under data protection regulations. The participant information sheet will be attached to ensure participants to be fully informed in this respect, while participant consent form will be attached to ask participants to confirm their understanding and agreement. Your participation is voluntary and you are free to withdraw at any time. However, once you have completed and submitted an anonymous questionnaire it is not possible to withdraw the data because we won’t know who you are. Procedures for handling, processing, storage and destruction of study data meet the requirements of the Data Protection Act 1998.

When the study is completed, we will disseminate the summary of the research to the organisation.

We will follow ethical and legal practice and all information will be handled in confidence.

Under UK Data Protection laws the University is the Data Controller (legally responsible for the data security) and the Chief Investigator of this study (named above) is the Data Custodian (manages access to the data). This means we are responsible for looking after your information and using it properly. Your rights to access, change or move your information are limited as we need to manage your information in specific ways to comply with certain laws and for the research to be reliable and accurate. To safeguard your rights, we will use the minimum personally – identifiable information possible.

You can find out more about how we use your information and to read our privacy notice at:

The data collected for the study will be looked at and stored by authorised persons from the University of Nottingham who are organising the research. They may also be looked at by authorised people from regulatory organisations to check that the study is being carried out correctly. All will have a duty of confidentiality to you as a research participant and we will do our best to meet this duty.

At the end of the project, all raw data will be kept securely by the University under the terms of its data protection policy after which it will be disposed of securely. The data will not be kept elsewhere.

If you have any questions or concerns, please don’t hesitate to ask. We can be contacted before and after your participation at the email addresses above.

What if there is a problem? 

If you have any queries or complaints, please contact the student’s supervisor/chief investigator in the first instance. If this does not resolve your query, please write to the Administrator to the Division of Psychiatry & Applied Psychology’s Research Ethics Sub-Committee who will pass your query to the Chair of the Committee.

We believe there are no known risks associated with this research study; however, as with any online activity the risk of a breach is always possible.  We will do everything possible to ensure your answers in this study will remain anonymous.

Discuss the external and internal influences for the purchases

4 Readings:


  • From the readings, reflect on a recent purchase you made.
  • Provide examples of a high involvement and low involvement purchases
  • Discuss the external and internal influences for the purchases.  Use at least three terms from the reading with bold and underline.

Low-Involvement purchases tend to be made by habitual decisions (e.g., dish washing liquid, toothbrush). These require minimal information processing.

High-Involvement purchases tend to be made by lengthy or more involved decisions (e.g., a car or a house). These are usually considered highly important to consumers and require extensive information processing.

The Nature of Consumer Behavior

External Influences:

  • Culture • Demographics and social stratification • Ethnic, religious, and regional subcultures • Families and households • Groups •Marketing Activities

Internal Influences:

  • Perception • Learning • Memory • Motives • Personality • Emotions • Attitudes

Key Terms from the 4 Readings (pick 3)

  • Buyer Decision Processes: The Buyer Decision Processes are the decision-making processes undertaken by consumers in regard to a potential market transaction before, during, and after the purchase of a product or service.
  • Abraham Harold Maslow: He was an American psychologist who was best known for creating Maslow’s hierarchy of needs, a theory of self-actualization.
  • need recognition: the first step in the buying decision process, where the problem or need is understood
  • John Dewey: He was an American philosopher, psychologist, and educational reformer whose ideas have been influential in education and social reform. Dewey was an important early developer of the philosophy of pragmatism and one of the founders of functional psychology.
  • Consumer Decision Process: Also known as the Buying Decision Process, the process describes the fundamental stages that a customer goes through when deciding to buy a product. Many scholars have given their version of the buying decision model.
  • Information Search: The second of five stages that comprise the Consumer Decision Process. It can be categorized as internal or external research.
  • External Research: When a person has no prior knowledge about a product, which then leads them to seek information from personal or public sources.
  • Evoked Set: The number of alternatives that are considered by consumers during the problem-solving process.
  • Evaluation of Alternatives: This is the third stage in the Consumer Decision Process. During this stage, consumers compare the brands and products that are in their evoked set.
  • Purchase Decision: The fourth stage in the consumer decision process and when the purchase actually takes place.
  • cognitive dissonance: This term is used in modern psychology to describe the state of simultaneously holding two or more conflicting ideas, beliefs, values, or emotional reactions.
  • Consumer Behavior: The study of individuals, groups, or organizations and the processes they use to select, secure, and dispose of products, services, experiences, or ideas to satisfy needs; and the impacts that these processes have on the consumer and society.
  • Purchase Decision Process: The decision-making processes undertaken by consumers in regard to a potential market transaction before, during, and after the purchase of a product or service.
  • Perception: The organization, identification and interpretation of sensory information in order to represent and understand the environment.
  • External, or extrinsic Motivation: The performance of an activity in order to attain an outcome, which then contradicts intrinsic motivation.
  • Intrinsic Motivation: The incentive to undertake an activity based on the expected enjoyment of the activity itself, rather than external benefits that might result.
  • motivation: The psychological feature that arouses an organism to action toward a desired goal and elicits, controls, and sustains certain goal directed behaviors.
  • Learning: The process of acquiring new, or modifying existing, knowledge, behaviors, skills, values, or preferences. This process may involve synthesizing different types of information.
  • Purchase Decision Process: The decision-making processes undertaken by consumers in regard to a potential market transaction before, during, and after the purchase of a product or service.
  • Carl Jung: (26 July 1875 – 6 June 1961) was a Swiss psychologist and psychiatrist who founded analytical psychology. Jung proposed and developed the concepts of the extraverted and the introverted personality, archetypes, and the collective unconscious. His work has been influential in psychiatry and in the study of religion, literature, and related fields.
  • attitude: an expression of favor or disfavor toward a person, place, thing, or event (the attitude object). Prominent psychologist Gordon Allport once described attitudes “the most distinctive and indispensable concept in contemporary social psychology. “
  • Buyer Decision Process: the decision making processes undertaken by consumers in regard to a potential market transaction before, during, and after the purchase of a product or service.
  • Black Box Model: shows the interaction of stimuli, consumer characteristics, decision process and consumer responses.
  • Social Marketing: the systematic application of marketing, along with other concepts and techniques, to achieve specific behavioral goals for a social good.
  • public policy: the set of policies (laws, plans, actions, behaviors) of a government; plans and methods of action that govern that society; a system of laws, courses of action, and priorities directing a government action.
  • persona: A social role.
  • prosumer: A serious, enthusiastic consumer: not professional (earning money), but of similar interest and skills to a (generally lower level) professional, or aspiring to such. The target market of prosumer equipment.
  • influencer: A person who or a thing which influences.

life cycle: The useful life of a product or system; the developmental history of an individual or group in society.

  • target market: A group of people whose needs and preferences match the product range of a company and to whom those products are marketed.
  • opinion leader: The agent who is an active media user and who interprets the meaning of media messages or content for lower-end media users.
  • reference group: A reference group refers to a group to which an individual or another group is compared.
  • clout: Influence or effectiveness, especially political
  • disposable income: The amount of a person’s or group’s monetary income which is available to be saved or spent (on either essential or non-essential items), after deducting all taxes and other governmental fees.
  • social class: A class of people, based on social power, wealth or another criterion.
  • socio-economic: Of or pertaining to a combination of social and economic factors.
  • credit card fraud: A wide-ranging term for theft and fraud committed using a credit card or any similar payment mechanism as a fraudulent source of funds in a transaction. The purpose may be to obtain goods without paying, or to obtain unauthorized funds from an account.
  • Black Friday: The day following Thanksgiving Day in the United States, traditionally the beginning of the Christmas shopping season.
  • Perception: The organization, identification and interpretation of sensory information in order to represent and understand the environment.
  • culture: The arts, customs, and habits that characterize a particular society or nation. The beliefs, values, behavior and material objects that constitute a people’s way of life.
  • reference group: A concept referring to a group to which an individual or another group is compared. It is the group to which the individual relates or aspires to relate himself or herself psychologically.
  • consumer involvement: The level of interaction and regard that a consumer has with a given product.

Expectations, Grading, and Feedback:

  • In grading the discussions, I am looking for the quality of your own post. 
  • I am looking for a response that clearly expresses an understanding of the corresponding consumer behavior topics and terms as explained in the text.




What is the proposed inclusion and exclusion criteria and proposed search terms to be used?

OMED 1345 Proposal Template: Students must use this template to design and write their 750 word proposal.      

1.       Background of the Topic/Review:

What is the latest evidence about it? Why does it deserve attention? Are their relevant policy and practice issues/challenges? What is the proposed theoretical framework to encompass the literature reviewed (only one)? Are there any conceptual or definitional clarifications around terms and ideas to be used? (200 words)

2.       Question and Operational Definitions:

What is the question that guides your literature review? Are there any operational definitions to be clarified? For example, if you are looking at older people, what do you mean by older people? If you are looking at eating disorders, what types are you going to include? (100 words)

3.       Aims and Objectives:

What is the one aim of the literature review and what are the two to three objectives to achieve the aim? (150 words)

4.       Methodology:

What is the proposed inclusion and exclusion criteria and proposed search terms to be used?  In addition, briefly report how you will search for and select databases and literature; and what, if any, limitations apply to the methodology? (200 words)

5.       Ethics and the Literature Review: Issues and Challenges:

Briefly, what are the main ethical issues/challenges involved and how might you address them? (100 words)


What are Jenny’s obligations in relation to the easement enjoyed by Thelma?

Question 3 Easements and profits

Introduction to easements and profits

Easements and profits are proprietary interests in land. Easements are rights over the land of another. Examples of these include, right to light and rights of way. Profits are rights to enter on the land of another and take the profits of it.

  • By the end of this lesson, you should be able to:
    define an easement and describe the main characteristics under Re Ellenborough Park [1956] Ch 131
  • understand the various ways that an easement can be granted, including the implied grant of an easement
  • explain how easements can be acquired under the rules of prescription
  • discuss the reform of easements introduced under the Land Registration Act 2002 have an understanding of profits a prendre.

An easement is a right in the land of another which enables the landowner to restrict, in some way, the use of adjoining land by another party. Easements and profits are two kinds of rights which can be acquired over land belonging to another.

Consider the following example. Pippa lives in Bramble Wood Cottage, next door to Rebecca in Bramble Wood Lodge. Pippa likes to walk her two dogs on the common which adjoins Rebecca’s garden. She has no access to the common and has to walk to the village and then take the main footpath. This takes about 20 minutes. If she could cross Rebecca’s land, she could get to the common in about four minutes. If Rebecca decides to grant a right to Pippa which would be the right to use her land as a right of way, this would be known as an easement.

Listen to the podcast below which introduces the nature of an easement.

Podcast Transcript

Characteristics of easements

The four essential characteristics of an easement are from the judgment of Evershed MR in Re Ellenborough Park [1956] EWCA Civ 4.

The land around Ellenborough Park was sold for building. Each property owner was granted a right to use the park, subject to covenanting to pay a contribution towards its upkeep. In due course the park was sold, and the new owners wanted to build on it. The Court of Appeal held that the right to use the park was an easement, and was binding on the new owners. There are four essential elements required for an easement:

There must be a dominant and a servient tenement.

An easement must accommodate the dominant tenement.

The dominant and servient owners must be different persons.

The right over land claimed as an easement must be capable of being the subject matter of a grant.

Let’s look at each of these characteristics in turn.

There must be a dominant and servient tenement

The easement must benefit land and there must be two pieces of land.

The dominant and servient owners must be different persons

The dominant tenement and the servient tenement must be owned or occupied by different persons.

Thelma lives at 1 Coppice Close and uses a shortcut through her neighbour Jenny’s garden. Thelma has the dominant tenement and Jenny has the servient tenement. The right of way constitutes an easement. What are Jenny’s obligations in relation to the easement enjoyed by Thelma? If Thelma finds the route muddy and uneven, does Jenny have an obligation to improve the quality of the road?

Jenny is under no obligation to expend money, keeping the route in repair as this would impose a burden on her as the servient owner as per Regis Property Co. Ltd v Redman [1956] 2 QB 612.

Car parking

Whether there can be an easement of the right to park a car has not been definitively settled, although there have been many cases. To understand further about this, watch the PowerPoint presentation below. Record your findings using the note function on the module homepage. Transcript


The grant of easements

Easements can be granted in a number of different ways: express grant or reservation
implied grant or reservation

Express Grant

An express grant is made when one landowner creates an easement over his land in favour of his neighbour. As an example, if Rosie lives next door to Suki, and Rosie wants to use Suki’s garden as a shortcut to get to the woods at the back of it, Rosie must formally grant Suki an easement. This must be created by a deed, as the right of way is an interest in land. If the documents used were not in the form of a deed then only an equitable easement would be created

Express Reservation

An express reservation arises when a landowner transfers part of his land to another, but he keeps or reserves himself a right to use part of the land he has sold. As an example, Uthman has a huge garden and he decides to build a house in part of the garden, which he then sells to Jasmine. When the house is sold to Jasmine, Uthman must expressly agree with her that she can continue to use a shortcut which runs from Uthman’s house through Jasmine’s new garden. For this agreement to be legal, it needs to have been executed by way of a deed.





Implied Grant


Sometimes the grant of an easement will be implied in favour of a purchaser of land. These grants take effect as legal easements. Easements by implied grant can arise in the following ways:

Necessity – this is one without which the property retained cannot be used at all, and not one merely necessary to the reasonable enjoyment of the property. Courts will always imply an easement in these circumstances. An example of such a situation would be where the land retained is genuinely landlocked.

Through common intention of the parties – an easement may be implied in favour of a transferee in order to give effect to a common intention of the parties. In Wong v Beaumont Property Trust (1965), the claimant took a lease to start a Chinese restaurant. He had to comply with the public health regulations which stipulated that he should not cause a nuisance and eliminate all smells. The only way this could be done was by installing a new ventilation system through the landlord’s property. The landlord refused access. The Court of Appeal granted the tenant the right on the grounds of common intention that the property was to be used as a restaurant and the tenant should have the rights required to comply with this. The courts also established that this right was granted through necessity as well.

The rule in Wheeldon v Burrows

1879 12 Ch D 31 – On a grant of land, the grantee will acquire, by implication, as easements all quasi easements over the land retained which:

  • were continuous and apparent; or
  • were necessary to the reasonable enjoyment of the property granted; and
  • had been and were at the time of the grant used by the grantor for the benefit of the part granted.
  • 62 Law of Property Act 1925 – A conveyance of the land shall be deemed to convey and shall operate to convey with the land all privileges, easements, rights appertaining or reputed to appertain to the land at the time of conveyance. This provision is not controversial in itself, but it provides that on a conveyance of land certain rights that it has are automatically also conveyed. What is controversial is the use which has been made of it to create easements where none seemed to exist before.




In Wright v. McAdam

1949 2 KB 744, the defendant let a flat to the claimant and gave her permission (i.e. a licence) to store coal in a nearby shed on his land. He later granted her a new tenancy. It was held that the grant of the tenancy was a conveyance under S.62(1), and as a right to store coal was a right capable of being granted by law, the grant of the new tenancy had the effect of converting what was a licence into an easement.

Implied Reservation

It is important to appreciate that a reservation will be implied only in relation to an easement of necessity or a common intention.


Find the practical guide prescription and make a short note of 300 words of the creation of easements. Add your short note to the lesson discussion forum, found on the module homepage on ilearn and conduct a discussion about each other’s notes.


The Law Commission through its report “Rights to Light” (Law Comm No 356) sought to investigate whether the law by which rights to light are acquired and enforced provides an appropriate balance between the important interests of landowners and the need to facilitate the appropriate development of land. It considered how the law might be clarified and examined whether the remedies available to the courts are reasonable, sufficient and proportionate.

Find the Law Commission report “Rights to Light” (Law Comm No 356) and list down the key recommendations.

In the report, the following can be stated as a summary of the key recommendations made:

  • a statutory notice procedure which would allow landowners to require their neighbours to tell them within a specified time if they intend to seek an injunction to protect their right to light, or to lose the potential for that remedy to be granted;
  • a statutory test to clarify when courts may order damages to be paid rather than halting development or ordering demolition;
  • an updated version of the procedure that allows landowners to prevent their neighbours from acquiring rights to light by prescription;
  • amendment of the law governing where an unused right to light is treated as abandoned; and
  • a power for the Lands Chamber of the Upper Tribunal to discharge or modify obsolete or unused rights to light.

The Law Commission’s report on Rights to Light awaits a response from the Government. However, the Law Commission’s Report on Easements Covenants and Profits a prendre (Law Comm No 327) has made recommendations to modernise and simplify the law in these areas. In the Queen’s Speech on 18 May 2016, the government announced its intention to respond to the Law Commission report 327 in a draft Law of Property Bill. That draft Bill is awaited.


As mentioned at the beginning of this lesson, a profit is a right to take something from the land of another.

Note the following rules on profits and how they differ from those on easements:

  • There’s no requirement of a dominant tenement.
  • Profits can be acquired by:
  • statute
  • express grant
  • implied grant where the rule in Wheeldon v Burrows (1879) Ch D 31 does not apply to the creation of profits but S.62(1) LPA 1925 does
  • prescription at common law, lost modern grant and through Section 1 Prescription Act 1832 where the periods are 30 and 60 years.

Easements, profits and third parties

In registered land, legal easements and profits created expressly (i.e. by deed) are registrable dispositions. Express legal easements and profits, and equitable easements, which were overriding before 13 October 2003, remain overriding. New equitable easements and profits are now minor interests.




The only new legal easements and profits that can be overriding are those created:

– by implied reservation

– by implied grant (rule in Wheeldon v. Burrow 1879) Ch D 31 s or S.62(1), LPA 1925)

– by prescription (Sch. 3, para. 3, LRA 2002).

In unregistered land, legal easements are binding on all third parties. Equitable easements must be registered as land charges if created on or after 1 January 1926. Those created before this date will bind purchasers who have notice of them and will bind donees automatically.

Further reading

In addition to the reading recommended within the lesson: Essential reading

Martin Dixon, Modern Land Law (10th Edition, Routledge 2016) Chapter 7 which can be found in your e-library.


Roger Smith, Property Law Cases and Materials (Longman Law Series) (6th Edition, Pearson 2015)

John Duddington, Land Law (Law Express) (1st Edition, Longman 2006)

Judith Bray, Unlocking Land Law (5th Edition, Routledge 2016)

Nicola Jackson, John Stevens, Robert Pearce, Land Law (5th Edition, Sweet & Maxwell 2013)

Charles Harpum, Martin Dixon, Stuart Bridge, Megarry & Wade: The Law of real property, (8th Edition, Sweet & Maxwell 2012) Accessed 20/06/2018 Accessed 20/06/2018


Describe federal legislation that limits exposure in order to control environmental health issues.

Session Summary Rubric (12 Points) Name________________________
You will write a 1-page (min. 1 page; max. 1.5 pages) double-spaced paper (10 pt font) (excluding title page, photos, tables or figures).
Below is the rubric that will be used to grade your paper.
Background: This summary is designed to help you reflect and internalize the material you read in the book and on the PowerPoint slides.
Your Paper:
(1) Describe the historical context that led public health practitioners to realize there was a problem related to this topic.
(2) Describe how you could apply epidemiological approaches to evaluate an environmental problem related to the topics covered in the
chapter/module; think about potential solutions. Your example could be out of the news.
(3) Consider issues of equity and population susceptibility as it relates to this topic and how population characteristics and cultural attributes as
well as susceptibility could impact any proposed solutions.
(4) Describe federal legislation that limits exposure in order to control environmental health issues.
(5) Conclude how this topic relates to your life and may impact your community.
This is the Grading Rubric. Do not fill out. Write the required paper using the format
described in the syllabus.
(2 pts)
• Identify 3 topics or concepts that you found new, informative or just intriguing. Describe them and why
they are important.
• Select one that intrigues you most. Then complete the daily summary to that one topic.
(2 pts)
Describe the historical context that leads public health practitioners to identify a problem related to this topic.
(3 pts)
Describe how you could apply epidemiological approaches to evaluate an environmental problem related to the
topics covered in the chapter/module and/or describe how you can address issues of equity and population
susceptibility as it relates to this topic. Consider how population characteristics and cultural attributes impact
exposures and approaches to reduce exposure
(1 pt)
Describe federal legislation that limits exposure in order to control environmental health issues.
(2 pts)
Conclude how this topic relates to your life and may impact your community.
(2 pts) Format: Title page, paragraphing, font, presentation.
Total Points /12
Session Summaries and Papers are original works and should be formatted with 1-inch margins, doublespaced
and submitted using a 10-point Arial font. Session Summaries are normally one to 1.5 pages, and
Papers are normally 3.5 to four pages in length.
• Each submission should have a title page with your name, the session number, the title of the
session’s material and the date.
• Support material (title page, references, photos, diagrams tables etc.) do not count in the page
• All papers must be submitted as MS Word documents! Do not submit PDFs.
• Follow ICMJE or JAMA guidelines for citations and references.
o See the Content tab for instructions and examples of ICMJE/JAMA/AMA format, and see
Purdue University’s Online Writing Lab (OWL) instructions at
o If you need help with writing or with ICMJE/JAMA format, you may wish to contact one
of the writing support groups at UA, such as .
o Failure to use the proper format for citations and reference lists will result in lost points.
o Failure to properly cite your sources is Plagiarism and will result in a 0 and possibly
further sanctions, including expulsion from the course and possibly from the college and
university. (See the syllabus for more information.)