
Can an organisation be described as successful if is not ethical? What can the organisation in your case study do to protect itself against unethical behaviour?

Coursework Report (Final)
Assessment code:
Academic Year:
Module Title:
Academic and Professional Skills
Module Code:
Module Leader:
Louise Hadley
70 (%)
Word Limit:
2000 words
This excludes bibliography and other items listed in rule 6.75 of the Academic Regulations:
Assessed Learning Outcomes
1,2,3 & 5
Submission Deadline:
This assignment must be received by no later than 14:00 on Friday, 29 November 2019
• This assignment must be completed individually.
• You must use the Harvard referencing system.
• Your work must indicate the number of words you have used. Written assignments must not exceed the specified maximum number of words. When a written assignment is marked, the excessive use of words beyond the word limit is reflected in the academic judgement of the piece of work which results in a lower mark being awarded for the piece of work (regulation 6.74).
• Assignment submissions are to be made anonymously. Do not write your name anywhere on your work.
• Write your student ID number at the top of every page.
• Where the assignment comprises more than one task, all tasks must be submitted in a single document.
• You must number all pages.
In order to achieve full marks, you must submit your work before the deadline. Work that is submitted late – up to five working days after the published submission deadline – will be accepted and marked. However, the element of the module’s assessment to which the work contributes will be capped with a maximum mark of 40%.
Work cannot be submitted if the period of 5 working days after the deadline has passed (unless there is an approved extension). Failure to submit within the relevant period will mean that you have failed the assessment.
Requests for short-term extensions will only be considered in the case of illness or other cause considered valid by the iCentre Adviser. Please contact A request must normally be received and agreed by the iCentre Adviser in writing at least 24 hours prior to the deadline. See rules 6.56-6.65:
Mitigation: The deadline for submission of mitigation in relation to this assignment is no later than five working days after the submission date of this work. Please contact
See rules 6.103 – 6.132:
Task: Write a report of 2000 words answering the 2-part question in the box below. You should base your answer on one of the following case studies:
• If you are studying a degree related to Health and Social Care, you should base your report on the The Sackler Family and OxyContin case study.
• If you are studying a degree related to Hospitality, Tourism and Events, you should base your report on the Museum and Galleries supported by the Sackler Family case study.
• If you are studying a degree related to Business or Law, you should base your report on the The Sackler Family Business case study.
(100 marks)
The Sackler Family and OxyContin The current opioid epidemic in the U.S. sees approximately 49,000 people a year die of overdoses caused by opioids, including prescription painkillers, heroin and fentanyl. One of the main contributors to this is the prescription painkiller OxyContin. The billionaire Sackler family own Purdue Pharma, the pharmaceutical company who make the highly addictive painkiller OxyContin. They are currently facing hundreds of lawsuits by American states and individuals who are claiming that Purdue Pharma put ‘profits over people’ when they downplayed the addictive nature of OxyContin. The first charge of unethical behaviour is that the company claimed that large doses of the opioid could be administered without being addictive, as the drug was coated in a slow release outer shell. This meant that only 2 tablets needed to be taken in a 24-hour period. However, many people experienced severe withdrawal symptoms before a single 12-hour period was up. Additionally, it was found that the tablets could easily be ground down so that the slow release coating was erased. These factors resulted in addiction and deaths. Purdue Pharma claimed that the way the drug was taken was the responsibility of the individual rather than how they had manufactured it.
Can an organisation be described as successful if it is not ethical? Use your case study to illustrate your answer.
What can the organisation in your case study do to protect itself against unethical behaviour?
Another charge of unethical behaviour lies in the aggressive marketing of the drug, with the company spending more on promotion than any other comparable drug. They invited doctors and medical professionals across the US to all expenses paid conferences in resorts. Purdue Pharma also targeted doctors who were frequent prescribers of pain medication for chronic pain sufferers. This meant that OxyContin became one of the most commonly prescribed opioids in the U.S. In 2010 when the patent for OxyContin expired meaning it could be sold as a generic medication at a cheaper price, Purdue Pharma finally admitted that there was a problem with the medication and it should not be sold. They made a change to the drug resulting in a new patent. This new patent meant that the pricing structure was protected and profits were not compromised. The Sackler family has been accused of exploiting people’s weaknesses for financial gain. Adapted from: Adapted from: Museums and Galleries supported by the Sackler Family The Sackler family is an extremely wealthy American-British family who owns Purdue Pharma, a pharmaceutical company which is famous for manufacturing the highly addictive painkiller, OxyContin. This drug has been identified as one of the main causes of the opioid crisis in the United States, which has seen an alarming increase in addiction and death. The Sackler family are also famous for their philanthropy and generous donations to museums, galleries and universities across the world. In February 2018, an article in The Guardian equated the Sackler family to a drug cartel as both make money from the suffering of those addicted to the drugs they sell; one legally, the other illegally. The article further argues that donations given by the Sackler family to museums, galleries and universities across the world should be declined in the same way as donations from drug cartels. Respected institutions such as the Louvre, the Guggenheim, the Victoria and Albert Museum and the National Gallery have all received generous donations from the Sackler family. Some have even named libraries, wings and galleries after them. However, since the revelation of the opioid scandal and the news that many U.S. states are suing the family, many of these institutions have gone to great lengths to distance themselves from the Sackler family. The Metropolitan Museum of Art and the Guggenheim in New York, the Tate art group in the UK, the National Portrait Gallery and the Serpentine Gallery in London have all refused to accept further gifts or donations from the Sackler family. The moral issue here is that those institutions who accept the Sackler family money, make the Sackler family seem respectable by associating their respected names with the family, and are therefore complicit in ‘reputation laundering’ as well as besmirching their own reputation.
Adapted from: Adapted from:
The Sackler Family Business
The Sackler family own the pharmaceutical company, Purdue Pharma, which is responsible for manufacturing the highly addictive opioid OxyContin. At various stages of the company’s history, family members have sat on the board.
As of May 2019, 45 U.S. states and 1,500 cities were suing Purdue Pharma for misconduct in marketing and sales of a highly profitable drug. The company has been accused of making false claims about OxyContin, branding it as ‘Hope in a bottle’. They have also been accused of misleading both the public and medical professionals about the drug’s effectiveness whilst downplaying the addictive nature of the drug.
The company’s marketing strategy has been criticised for being aggressive and manipulative. In the mid-1990s when OxyContin was launched, medical professionals were treated to all expenses paid conferences in resorts. There is a significant amount of data to support the fact that this tactic has an impact on prescribing decisions. State data was also used to target specific areas where there was a high level of pain killers being prescribed to chronic pain suffers. The number of sales representatives hired by the firm increased significantly, and the budget used to promote the drug was significantly higher than any other comparable drug. As a result, OxyContin became one of the most highly prescribed drugs on the U.S. market, and the fact that it was highly addictive meant that it continued to be prescribed. The Iowa Attorney General, Tom Miller, said that Purdue Pharma was ‘recklessly indifferent to the impact of their actions, despite ever-mounting evidence that their deceptions were resulting in an epidemic of addiction and death’.
Adapted from:
If you are studying a degree related to Health and Social Care, you may wish to focus your analysis section on 3-4 of the following points:
• Success from the perspective of the Purdue Pharma and how this is affected by unethical behaviour. (This might include how profits have been affected by the unethical behaviour.)
• Success from the perspective of the public and how this is affected by unethical behaviour. (This might include public protests sparked by the unethical behaviour.)
• Success from the perspective of the medical staff and how this is affected by unethical behaviour. (This might include how the doctors prescribing the medication feel, or how the medical staff dealing with the overdoses feel about Purdue Pharma.)
• Success from the perspective of the patients and how this is affected by unethical behaviour. (This might include how the patients facing addiction feel about the unethical behaviour of Purdue Pharma.)
If you are studying a degree related to Hospitality, Tourism and Events, you may wish to focus your analysis section on 3-4 of the following points:
• Success of the organisations receiving the donations in terms of reputation and how this is affected by unethical behaviour. (This might include how good the reputation of the organisation is after being associated with the Sackler Family)
• Success of the organisations receiving the donations from the public’s perspective and how this is affected by unethical behaviour. (This might include how the public feel about visiting the specific exhibitions now that they know how the exhibition has been funded.)
• Success from the perspective of services offered to the public by museums and galleries including pricing and how they are affected by unethical behaviour. (This might include the range of exhibitions that the Sackler family number has enabled the museums to hold.)
• Success from the perspective of effective regulations around the organisations receiving donations and how this is affected by unethical behaviour. (This could include whether regulations were successful or rigorous enough in ensuring the donations came from an ethical source.)
If you are studying a degree related to Business or Law, you may wish to focus your analysis section on 3-4 of the following points:
• Success in terms of revenue and how this is affected by unethical behaviour. (This could include whether revenue increased or decreased as a result of the unethical behaviour).
• Success from the perspective of shareholders and how this is affected by unethical behaviour. (This could include whether the shareholders were happy at the actions of the company.)
• Success from the perspective of the board and how this is affected by unethical behaviour. (This could include whether the actions of the board brought success to the business.)
• Success from the perspective of public confidence and how this is affected by unethical behaviour. (This could include whether the public see the company as being successful or unethical.)
Your report should follow the structure and suggested word counts below:
Cover Page
• Title of the report
• Title of the module
• Student Number (1xxxxxx)
• Date of submission
• Word count
Executive Summary (not included in the word count)
• Summary of each section of the report
Contents Page
• Main section headings with page numbers
Introduction (suggested: 250-300 words)
• Definition/s of success and what success means to the organisation
• Role of ethics in success
• Brief summary of the case study
• A sentence summarising the main aims of the report
Analysis (suggested: 1250 words, 3-4 points)
• Short introductory paragraph including a statement with the aim of the report and a map sentence.
• Identification and selection of 3-4 distinct aspects from ‘Points to consider’ or from student’s own research. These aspects should be the topics of the main body paragraphs.
• Each body paragraph should include a topic sentence which links it to the question.
• In order to analyse each aspect, research from relevant sources should be used to support the evaluation of the extent to which the reputation of the organisation has been damaged.
Conclusion (suggested: 150 words)
• Summary of the Analysis section
Recommendations (suggested: 300 words)
• Introductory statement
• Three recommendations that are based upon the points considered in the Analysis section.
• Each recommendation must suggest how the organisation in the case study can protect itself against unethical behaviour
Reference List (not included in word count)
• This should follow the conventions of Harvard referencing.
Appendices (not included in word count)
• Any figures, tables, or diagrams etc. can be included here.
• NB. There is no expectation for students to complete an appendices section.
Allocation of Marks (4 x 25%)
• Use of sources (including: range, quality, paraphrasing/ summarising and referencing)
• Structure (including: report structure, paragraph structure and cohesion)
• Task fulfilment (including: relevancy, clarity and level of analysis)
• Language (including: range, accuracy and style)
• Knowledge and understanding of relevant research relating to ethical issues related to the case studies as well as analysing and understanding the implications of these issues.
• Ability to independently manage learning resources, demonstrate command of Harvard referencing, structure a report according to academic conventions and express ideas accurately while maintaining academic style.

What are/do you think are the dimensions of organizational structure and how do these relate to the environment?


Please answer ALL questions. You may refer to the textbook and related slides before composing your response to each question. Please restrict each answer within 200 words. You must provide examples to exemplify the quality of your responses. Please type your answers as clearly as possible. You must avoid spelling and grammatical errors. Your answers will be graded based on the originality and clarity of your composition. Lastly, please do not copy directly from textbook, internet or other resources.

ESSAY QUESTIONS (3 X 25 points = 75 points)

  • Modernists see clear boundary between the organization and its environment whereas Symbolic-interpretivists see a more fluid boundary between the organization and its environment.” Please analyze the above statement using appropriate organizational theories (such as structural contingency theory, resource dependence, population ecology, and institutional theory).
  • Taking McDonalds as an example, what are/do you think are the dimensions of organizational structure and how do these relate to the environment? Do you think McDonalds has mainly organic or mechanistic characteristics and are these appropriate? (Hint: This question connects Chapter 3 and 4).
  • From a post-modernist perspective, identify and briefly explain at least three issues that tall organizations encounter in comparison to flat organizations. (Hint: You need to think from management/employee/customer side to identify the issues).


How would you operationally define the subcategories for Type of Claim? For example, what counts as a fat type of claim?

Content Analysis Activity

Research Question: What types of health claims are most frequently used on the front of cereal boxes?

Unit of Analysis: claim

Categories for Type of Claim: For each specific brand, you should count the number of each type of health claim on the box and put the total number for each category in the coding sheet. The categories include fat-related, sugar-related, fiber-related, protein-related, and vitamin/mineral-related.

How to Code: One strategy you could use is to start at the top and work your way down the box, one claim at a time. So, find the first health-related claim on the box, determine which category it fits into, and put a one into the correct box. Keep adding in the appropriate categories until you’ve gone through all of the claims. Some claims may not fit into a category. If that’s the case, you just don’t code that claim (although keep it in mind to answer the questions that follow).

Coding Scheme:

Specific Brand (sample text) Type of Claim (unit of analysis) Number of Claims
Frosted Flakes
Special K



  1. How might you change the coding scheme? Would you add additional coding categories? Would you create more specific/different subcategories for the existing coding category (Type of Claim) than those that currently exist? Be sure to thoroughly and clear explain your answers as well as include arguments for the changes that you propose.


  1. How would you operationally define the subcategories for Type of Claim? For example, what counts as a fat type of claim? What counts as a sugar type of claim? Also, what counts as a claim more generally? Would you stick to only text or would both text and visuals be included in the definition of a claim? Be sure to thoroughly and clearly explain your answers as well as include arguments for the changes that you propose.

Explain the process of writing prescriptions, including strategies to minimize medication errors.

Think about two strategies that you, as an advanced practice nurse, would use to guide your ethically and legally responsible decision-making in this scenario, including whether you would disclose any medication errors.
Explain the ethical and legal implications of the scenario you selected on all stakeholders involved, such as the prescriber, pharmacist, patient, and patient’s family.
Describe strategies to address disclosure and nondisclosure as identified in the scenario you selected. Be sure to reference laws specific to your state.
Explain two strategies that you, as an advanced practice nurse, would use to guide your decision making in this scenario, including whether you would disclose your error. Be sure to justify your explanation.
Explain the process of writing prescriptions, including strategies to minimize medication errors.

Critically evaluate strategies for the eradication of such biases, and for establishing recognition of differences and inclusion within the curriculum.

Item #1 – Equality of Educational Opportunity

Topic:  Discuss the issues surrounding the so-called “feminization of poverty,” and the impact of this process on equality of opportunity for education.

Format: approx. 2100 words

Sources: Number of sources: 10

Please ONLY use academic sources and also refer to course readings:

Gaskell, J. (1993). Feminism and Its Impact on Educational Scholarship in Canada. In L. Stewin & S.             McCann (Eds.), Contemporary educational issues: The Canadian mosaic (2nd ed.) (pp. 145–160).                Toronto: Copp Clark.

Perry, G. (2003). “A concession to circumstances”: Nova Scotia’s “unlimited supply” of women teachers,               1870–1960. Historical studies in education, 15(2): 327–360.

Item #2 – Multiculturalism, Culture and Identity in the Classroom

Topic: “A commitment to equity means a commitment to social justice. This includes a commitment to removing established barriers and biases in school policies, programs, and practices so that the intended learning outcomes may be achieved by students of all societal groups, including those that have been traditionally disadvantaged.  (** Ontario Ministry of Education Curriculum Document 1993, cited in Varpalotai, p. 242)

1) Discuss the above statement in relation to traditionally disadvantaged groups within the education system and the “established barriers and biases” that exist for these groups.

2) Critically evaluate strategies for the eradication of such biases, and for establishing recognition of differences and inclusion within the curriculum.

** Varpalotai, A. (1995). Affirmative action for a just and equitable society. In R. Ghosh & D. Ray (Eds.),                 Social change and education in Canada (3d ed.) (pp. 240–253). Toronto: Harcourt Brace.

Format: approx. 2100 words

Sources: Number of sources: 10.

Please ONLY use academic sources and also refer to course readings:


Fleras, A., & Elliott, J. (2003). Unequal relations: An introduction to race and ethnic dynamics in Canada (4th ed.). Toronto: Prentice Hall


* It can be argued that multiculturalism is more than a policy description.  It could be an ideology used to inform and guide Canadian society. Multiculturalism prescribes a set of ideas and ideals consistent with the principles of cultural pluralism and modeled after the liberal virtues of freedom, tolerance and respect for the individual.

What factors in the organization and community create or contribute to resistance?

Guiding Questions

Planning for Community and Organizational Change

This document is designed to give you questions to consider and additional guidance to help you successfully complete the Vila Health: Planning for Change assignment. You may find it useful to use this document as a pre-writing exercise, an outlining tool, or as a final check to ensure that you have sufficiently addressed all the grading criteria for this assignment. This document is a resource to help you complete the assignment. Do not turn in this document as your assignment submission.

Change Proposal

Draft a change proposal to justify your recommendation for improving the health of the community and establish the change as a priority for the next budget cycle.

Identify the benefits of proposed health care system changes and its implications for a community.

  • What are the direct benefits of your proposed changes?
  • How will improvements in overall health affect the community?
  • What evidence supports your claims?
  • What is the possibility that stakeholders jump to conclusions that are unfounded, given the nature and scope of the change? How would you avoid this risk?

Describe potential barriers to change in an organization or community.

  • Why do people resist change?
  • What factors in the organization and community create or contribute to resistance?
  • What evidence do you have to support your claims?

Develop strategies for changing barriers into opportunities and resolving conflict.

  • What are the drivers of change in organizations and communities?
  • What is your vision for change?
  • What are the expected outcomes and timeline?
  • How will you communicate with stakeholders and overcome resistance?
  • How will you resolve conflict among competing interests?

Develop a strategy for helping organizational stakeholders understand and evaluate the proposed changes to an existing health care system.

  • Who are the key stakeholders in the organization?
  • What influence do they have on your proposal?
  • How will your proposed changes affect the organization?
  • What data and information will you provide to decision makers?

Develop a grant proposal and associated budget for a proposed change to an existing health care system.

  • Be specific and thorough in identifying budgetary requirements.
  • Consider how you can present a compelling argument to the funding authority.

Write clearly and concisely in a logically coherent and appropriate form and style.

  • Write with a specific purpose and audience in mind.
  • Adhere to scholarly and disciplinary writing standards and APA formatting requirements.

Support assertions, arguments, propositions, and conclusions with relevant and credible evidence.

  • Integrate relevant and credible evidence from 3–5 peer-reviewed journals or professional industry publications.
  • Is your supporting evidence clear and explicit?
    • How or why does particular evidence support a claim?
    • Will your reader see the connection?
  • Did you summarize, paraphrase, and quote your sources appropriately?

Submission Reminders

  • Have you identified the benefits of proposed health care system changes and the implications for the community? Have you provided supporting evidence?
  • Have you described potential barriers to change in the organization or community and provided supporting evidence?
  • Have you developed sound strategies for changing barriers into opportunities and resolving conflict?
  • Is your plan for helping organizational stakeholders understand and evaluate proposed changes to the existing health care system complete?
  • Is your proposal well-supported by 3–5 sources of relevant and credible evidence?
  • Is your proposal properly formatted and 3–5 pages in length, not including the title page and references page?
  • Did you proofread your writing?

What statistical test should be used to analyze these data?



A college student is interested whether there is a difference between male and female students in the amount of time spending working out each week. The student gathers information from a random sample of male and female students on her campus. Amount of time spend working out is normally distributed. The data appear below.

Males Females
7 5
5 9
9 8
10 3
6 10
2 5
4 9
  1. a) What statistical test should be used to analyze these data?
    b) Identify Ho and Ha for this study.
    c) Conduct the appropriate analysis.
    d) Should Ho be rejected? What should the researcher conclude?
    e) If significant compute the effect size and interpret this.




A student is interested in whether students who study with others devote as much attention to their studies as do students who study alone. He believes those who study alone devote more attention to their studies. He randomly assigns participants to either group or individual study conditions and has them read and study the same passage of information for the same amount of time. Participants are then given the same 10-item test on the material. Their scores appear below. Scores on the test represent interval/ratio data and are normally distributed.

Group Alone
6 10
5 9
6 7
5 7
6 6
6 6
7 8
8 6
5 9


  1. a) What statistical test should be used to analyze these data?
    b) Identify H0 and Ha for this study.
    c) Conduct the appropriate analysis.
    d) Should H0 be rejected? What should the researcher conclude?
    e) If significant, compute the effect size and interpret this.





A researcher believes exercise reduces anxiety in women. She identifies a group of women who had not exercised before but are now planning to begin exercising. She gives them a 50-item anxiety inventory before they begin exercising and administers it again after 6 months of exercising. The anxiety inventory is measured on an interval scale and higher numbers indicate higher anxiety. In addition, scores on the inventory are normally distributed. The scores appear below.

Before After
46 44
41 40
42 39
47 46
43 42
45 43
  1. a) What statistical test should be used to analyze these data?
    b) Identify Ho and Ha for this study.
    c) Conduct the appropriate analysis.
    d) Should Ho be rejected? What should the researcher conclude?
    e) If significant, compute the effect size and interpret this.




A researcher is interested in comparing the self-esteem of students who volunteer for community service versus those who do not. The researcher assumes that those who complete community service will have higher self-esteem scores. Self-esteem scores tend to be skewed (not normally distributed). The self-esteem scores appear below. Higher scores indicate higher self-esteem levels.

No Community
Community Service
33 41
41 48
54 61
13 72
22 83
26 55
  1. a) What statistical test should be used to analyze these data?
    b) Identify H0 and Ha for this study.
    c) Conduct the appropriate analysis.
    d) Should H0 be rejected? What should the researcher conclude?





You noticed in a training class that it appears that more men tend to sit near the door and more women opposite the door. In order to determine whether this difference is significant, you collect data on the seating preferences for the students in your class. The data appears below:

  Males Females
Near the Door 25 14
the Door
12 20
  1. a) What is the statistical test that should be used to analyze these data?
    b) Identify Ho and Ha for this study.
    c) Conduct the appropriate analysis.
    d) Should Ho be rejected? What should the researcher conclude?


hat type of strain or challenges does storing all of this data for processing pose to the organization. What are some of the solutions?

Mid Semester Paper Instructions:

Within 5-7 pages, please give your thoughts on the “Clinical Information & Health Information Exchange: Two Technologies Come Together at the Moment of Need” article.  Regardless of your position, please use research and data to support your thoughts on the topic.  Please incorporate different research topics and information we have covered in class to date. Conclude with what your suggestion for how these technologies will play out over the years to come. Please support your research, data, and decisions. Consider things such as where the industry is today, security, interoperability issues, and lack of standards.  The following questions must be answered in your paper:

  1. What type of strain or challenges does storing all of this data for processing pose to the organization. What are some of the solutions?
  2. We’ve talked about the explosion of HIS pertaining to healthcare. How has the HITECH Act and The Accountable Care Act contributed to this explosion?
  3. What are the potential positive impacts of clinical analytics on value based healthcare delivery?
  4. What are the barriers to successful implementation of the Health Information Exchange? How do we overcome them?
  5. What challenges does interoperability of systems pose on information sharing?
  6. In your own words, tell me about the outlook of these two technologies over the next three to five years.

Florida animal portfolio:Describe adaptive strategies that relate to development of the young.

Florida Animal Portfolio



  • Student will photograph 25 different animal species. (insects, spiders, birds, reptiles, amphibians, mammals, snails, etc.)
  • Identify the animal by common name AND scientific name.
  • Show geographical distribution of the animal. (include migratory behavior if relevant)
  • Describe the general habitat that the animal is commonly found.
  • Describe adaptive strategies of the animal that relate to feeding
  • Describe adaptive strategies that relate to development of the young.
  • Describe adaptive strategies that relate to defense mechanisms.
  • Include interesting fact about the animal.
  • Describe key characteristics that aid in identification of this species.
  • This project can be done as a PowerPoint, Portfolio, or Poster.

What is the Southern strategy and how did it begin the criminalization of race associated with mass incarceration?

Race And Crime book PDF chapter 5 & 6 and for last questions their is a link I connected at the bottom of the 4th question and just based off the officers hostile approach, and the cop was not indicted on the charge.
1) How does urban renewal connect to crime control of the poor?
2) What is the Southern strategy and how did it begin the criminalization of race associated with mass incarceration?
3) What is postwar racial liberalism and how did it contribute to the beginning of mass incarceration?
4) In a paragraph, please reflect on Mr. Gerald Smith’s guest lecture and the opinion’s publication we handed out. What did you learn? What were you surprised by? And what connections did you draw to the content of our class?