
Explain etiquette for following up after job interviews. Explain etiquette for leaving an organization with grace and foresight


  • Chapter 16 in BUSINESS COMMUNICATION: Developing Leaders for a Networked World, Peter Cardon, 4th Edition McGraw-Hill Education
  • Watch the short videos at the following link:

Designing Your Career: The Informational Interview – YouTube

  1. Understand principles for professional networking.
  2. Identify your key selling points for the job application process.
  3. Evaluate the primary needs of employers for positions of interest.
  4. Set up the message structure for résumés and cover letters.
  5. Highlight your qualifications with an effective tone, style, and design.
  6. Create chronological and functional résumés to highlight your key selling points.
  7. Use LinkedIn as part of the job search process and to network professionally.
  8. Develop a list of references that will improve your employment prospects.
  9. Compose effective cover letters that highlight your key selling points.
  10. Review your job application documents for effectiveness and fairness.
  11. Develop strategies for responding to common job interview questions.
  12. Explain etiquette for following up after job interviews.
  13. Explain etiquette for leaving an organization with grace and foresight


In addition to serving the living, what role did early colonial churches play for the dead? How was the class system reinforced both in life and in death for early American colonists?

Listen: “Bones in Church Ruins Likely The Remains of Early Jamestown’s Elite”

This task should take about 20 minutes of your time.

listen to this 5 minute-NPR story.

The transcript on the website is identical to the radio recording; you may choose to listen or read the story.

This assignment earns 20 points. e define colonialism as the exploitation and control of foreign land. When historians and anthropologists examine the history of our early nation, we are studying the legacies of colonialism. Listen to this 5-minute story to better understand the religious and burial practices of early American colonists. thoughtfully answer the following questions:

  1. In addition to serving the living, what role did early colonial churches play for the dead?
  2. How was the class system reinforced both in life and in death for early American colonists? (Hint: consider burial location, cookware, etc.)


Describe your Hawaii and two environmental issues impacting it. Analyze how each of these issues impacts the health and well-being of the community members.

Local Solutions to Environmental Issues Presentation

Significant environmental issues can devastate a community. Community leaders and committees play important roles in assessing and mitigating the impacts. In this assignment, create a 10-to 12-slide PowerPoint presentation in which you will imagine yourself as a community leader in Hawaii. You have been tasked with assessing current and significant environmental issues that impact your community at a local level The issues you identify may include environmental concerns not currently significant but may become significant in the future. You will be developing a presentation to share your concerns at a community town hall meeting.

Be sure to use research and data to support your analysis.
When design your content slides, you must also include slide notes (also called speaker notes). For each slide, your speaker notes should contain a minimum of 100 words describing and expanding on the content.

In the presentation,
• Describe your Hawaii and two environmental issues impacting it.
• Analyze how each of these issues impacts the health and well-being of the community members.
• Discuss one to two major causes of these environmental issues, using some research support that may include local publications or reports.
• Provide at least two steps that could be taken (or already are being taken) by regional or local leaders or governmental or regulatory agencies to reduce the impact of the environmental issues.
• Discuss at least two steps that organizations could take to reduce the impact of environmental issues.
• Describe two things you (the presenter) can do personally to reduce the impact of environmental issues.
Remember: Add at least 100 words of explanation to the Speaker Notes section of each slide. Also, the Speaker Notes section is a great place to include your in-text citations for your sources.

What alternative EMS production alternatives are discussed? Do you think a healthy service “market” of alternative producers exists for Trillium? Why or why not?

The Fire File

Answer Discussion Question 1, page 36 at the end of the case.

Before any proposed changes are made in the City of Trillium’s Fire and EMS services:

  1. What organization is the current provider of  (1) fire and (2) EMS services?
  2. What organization is the current producer of (1) fire and (2) EMS services?

The case indicates that several possible options are on the table for changing Fire and EMS services in Trillium.

  1. What alternative fire service production alternatives are discussed?
  2. What alternative EMS production alternatives are discussed?
  3. Do you think a healthy service “market” of alternative producers exists for Trillium? Why or why not?

In our reading by Whittaker, a set of considerations are listed on page 377 (see Deciding when to use which alternative) as a guide for when to use which alternative.   Briefly discuss each of the four considerations with respect to fire and EMS options for Trillium (there are five but we already discussed the first one “what potential producers are available?” in question 3, above). Where appropriate discuss Fire and EMS services separately.


Little is discussed in the case about how the Fire and EMS services are financed or will be under the potential alternatives.   From what is available, describe how the financing of these services coincides with the principle of Fiscal Equivalence?

  1. Answer  Discussion question 6 on page 37 at the end of the case .
  2. Answer Discussion question 7 on page 37 at the end of the case .

Brown et. al., in this week’s readings, discuss three stages of service contracting arrangements. At the end of the Fire File case –at what stage is this potential contracting opportunity?   Please explain.


What was the significance of the experiment? What was actually being studied? What did we learn from the results? Summarize in a couple of paragraphs of 3-4 sentences each.

Stanley Milgram’s Experiment

Watch this video, and then answer the questions found in the next item.


1. What was the significance of the experiment? What was actually being studied? What did we learn from the results? Summarize in a couple of paragraphs of 3-4 sentences each.

2. Have there been occasions in which you conformed to an authority whose credibility you doubted? Gone against what you felt was right because an authority told you to do so?

3. If you had it to do over again, how would you handle the situation differently?

Are those products truly new innovations, or are they simply extensions of existing products? What considerations likely guided the company in its product development efforts?

Annual reports

Consult recent annual reports and Internet sources to find out what Ty new products the company has brought to market in the past year or two.

Are those products truly new innovations, or are they simply extensions of existing products?
What considerations likely guided the company in its product development efforts?

Write one or two paragraphs on how you arrived at your answer.

Explain what is meant by the new “common wisdom” of policing, and discuss the major research findings of the latter half of the 1900s regarding policing methods.

“common wisdom” of policing

Discussion post: Explain what is meant by the new “common wisdom” of policing, and discuss the major research findings of the latter half of the 1900s regarding policing methods.

Minimum 300 words


What are those factors that most strongly influence HRM in global markets? How does Technology impact HR practices in the present times?

Management question

Action Required:


What are those factors that most strongly influence HRM in global markets?

How does Technology impact HR practices in the present times?


Select two different seeds that are available on the counter and dissect them in half lengthwise. Observe each one under the dissecting microscope and draw and label the following structures: embryo, food, and the seed coat. (


Select two different seeds that are available on the counter and dissect them in half lengthwise. Observe each one under the dissecting microscope and draw and label the following structures: embryo, food, and the seed coat. (Hint:refer to pg. 148)

Seed name: Soil Seed name: bestial Total magnification 10 Total magnification (0 C. Gymnosperms Observe the gymnosperms on display and read the intimillation provided to answer the following questions: What are the common names of the gymnosperm specimens on display? Are the plants you observe the saprophyte or saprophyte? Are they bearing cones? Ifs°, where are they located? What does the male cone produce? What does the female cone produce? How does the sperms (inside the pollen grain) reach the egg? Describe the shape of pine leaves. What is the benefit of this leaf shape?

In the space provided, draw and label the male and female cones on display.


Alonocot Distal What does the xylem transport? is the xylem a living tissue? What does the phloem transport? Es’ the phloem a living tissue? What tissue make up the wood? What tissue makes up the bark?


The xylem and phloem that makc up theyascular tissues arc present in seedless vascular plants, as well as in gymnosperms and angiospemu.

Observe a sagittal section of a stcm of a gymnosperm and an angiosperm. Recognize the xylem and phloem cells. Use the information provided next to the specimen and lathe resource binder to answer the following question:

List the features that you were able to identifr as part of the xylem and phloem.

Observe a cross section of a stem of a dicot and a monocot plant. Identify the vascular bundles that contains the xylem and phloem. Draw the arrangements of these vascular bundles for each plant (Use the 4X objective lens). Label the structures observed.

Alonocot Distal What does the xylem transport? is the xylem a living tissue? What does the phloem transport? Es’ the phloem a living tissue? What tissue make up the wood? What tissue makes up the bark?


Gymnosperms were the first group of plants to produce seeds, an important novelty trait in the evolution of plants that help them to become successfid and a dominant group by the time of the dinosaurs.