
Aim:Why are we asking you to do this?

This assignment is to carry out a structural vibration analysis of an airplane wing model and
investigate structural integrity assessment through vibration tests.
Why are we asking you to do this?
Structural vibration is the fundamental cause of many structural failures. This can be due to the high
level of stress/strain in the material when a structure is subject to extreme loading conditions or
experiences a resonant condition. More commonly a structure fails unexpectedly due to fatigue after
the material undergoes cyclic stress/strain over a long period of time when the system vibrates within
its normal operating environment. The apparent ‘sudden fracture’ is the result of fatigue damage
being accumulated to a critical level and hence by logic monitoring the fatigue damage accumulation
will allow predictive maintenance of the structure and avoid the eventual fatigue failure of the
structure. In industry, various methods of predictive maintenance have been researched and
developed continuously and in the era of Industry 4.0, this is becoming an integral part of PLM
(product lifecycle management). One important group of techniques uses vibration and this is mainly
due to that vibration characteristics relate directly to the structural integrity status, and also because
vibration responses can be measured easily and reliably in general.
To develop the analytics to establish the relationship between the vibration responses and the
structural integrity condition, an understanding of the input/output relationship of the vibrating
structure through vibration analysis is important. For simple systems, theoretical analysis can be
utilised to solve the governing equation of motion. For real-world engineering structures, vibration
analysis is carried out typically by numerical simulations. Furthermore, the knowledge and skills of
digital signal processing are of great importance for developing methods that can be used together
with other PLM tools in the digital era.
An airplane wing is a representative example of structures that works in a dynamic loading
environment over a long period of time and therefore its structural integrity status needs to be
assessed periodically, especially due to its safety critical nature. In this assignment, an airplane wing
will be modelled as a multi-DOF system. Through doing this assignment, you gain the experience of
carrying out a representative structural vibration analysis of a multi-DOF system involving theoretical
analysis, numerical simulation and digital signal processing. An emphasis has been placed on the
verification of the results obtained by different solution methods. This is a good practice for increasing
your confidence in your results as well as developing the critical thinking ability and professional
attitude that will greatly benefit your future careers whatever they will be.
Task description
A twin-engined airplane is shown in Figure 1(a). The wings have a cantilevered structural configuration
and experience dynamic stress/strain due to dynamic loading during flight. In order to develop
analytics for assessing the structural integrity of the wing, the relationship between the equivalent
stiffness and the vibratory behaviour of the wing needs to be established. In this coursework, a
mathematical model of a two-DOF mass-spring-damper system is considered that will allow
investigations to be carried out in the low frequency range covering the the first two resonant
frequencies. A corresponding computer model using Matlab will be constructed to simulate a
vibration test scenario as shown in Figure 1(b). The Matlab program will first be verified by theoretical
solutions. Then the Matlab program will be used to simulate vibration responses to more realistic and
complex types of excitation. The simulated input (excitation) and output (response) will be used to
represent the measured signals of the vibration tests and British Standards regarding digital signal
processing of vibration measurements will be used.
Figure 1 (a) A twin-engine airplane DA42-VI
Figure 1 (b) Idealised 2-DOF models of one wing in the vertical plane (without
damping) and a vibration testing scenario
Table 2 Task descriptions with details
1 Setting up equations of motion
1.1 State the assumptions that are required to idealise the system in Figure 1(a) to
obtain the 2-DOF model in Figure 1(b).
1.2 Apply the following methods to set up equations of motion:
(a) Newton’s 2nd law method
(b) Lagrange’sequations
2 Carrying out modal analysis
2.1 Determine the natural frequencies and the normal modes using the following
• Manual solution by the matrix iteration method
3 Calculating the vibration response under sinusoidal excitation by
the modal superposition method
3.1 Obtain the time histories of vibration responses by
(a) Manual solution by modal superposition method
4 Investigating the sensitivities of the resonant frequencies to the change of the
effective stiffness
4.1 Determine and record the changes in the two resonant frequencies corresponding
to the changes of k1 and k2
Table 1: Tasks
Initial variables:
m1 (kg) m2 (kg) k1 (N/m) k2 (N/m) F0 (N) 𝜁” 𝜁#
280.2618 70.42342 1.07E+08 3.23E+06 5.28E+03 0.05 0.03
Table 2: Initial variables
Default duration of simulation: T = 40 s (This can be changed with justification)
Range of values of k1 and k2 for sensitivity study:
from 0.5 to 1.5 (i.e., from 50% to 120%) times the initial value
Further notes:
1. w1 and w2 are the two natural frequencies of the 2-DOF model.
2. For Task 3.1, the excitation force f(t) is a sinusoidal signal.
𝑓(𝑡) = 𝐹*sin (𝜔𝑡)

What is it like to work there? What are the employees like? Would you consider working for this company?


Company Report

For this project, you need to choose a company from one of the links listed below. If you wish to choose a company not on one of the lists, please check with me first.

Once you have chosen a company, you will need to research it using a wide variety of sources (minimum of 5) and report your findings in a 3 page (maximum) paper. Your paper should also include a reference page and an executive summary, Please refer to the example on Blackboard for how to format your report properly.

This report should be typed in a 12-point font and double-spaced. Sources to consider for your research include business publications such as: Business Week, Forbes, Fortune, Fast Company, the Wall Street Journal, etc. as well as the MarketLine SWOT Analyses and Hoovers Company and Industry Reports. You must use the MarketLine SWOT Analysis as one of your sources. If your company is not listed in MarketLine, then you may use the Hoovers Company Report as one of your sources.* Your report should include an overview of the company, its current status and in particular, the company culture. (This should include information about the demographics of the company; i.e., employee distribution by gender, age, diversity, etc., whatever you can find and information about the hiring process, if available) For information on what it’s like to work there, you should check and/or, and you can also do a google search using the name of your company and employees as the key words  – for example, <Microsoft employees> and see what comes up.

We will have class time in the computer lab on Tuesday, 9/24  and Thursday, 9/26 to work on research for your report. The final draft is due on Tuesday, 10/22. You will also be required to give a brief, informal presentation on your company.

*This report should be written in your own words and sources should be properly documented in the text with a separate reference page at the end. Any evidence of plagiarism will result in an automatic ‘F’ for the paper. *


Sample Company Report

XYZ Company

Executive Summary

This should be a brief description of the contents of the report; for example:

This report discusses the XYZ Company and provides a brief overview of the company and its current status. It also examines the company culture including information about what it’s like to work there and the demographics of the company

This should be on a separate page and it should be the first page of your report. This should be no more than 1-2 paragraphs.

XYZ Company

You should provide a brief introduction, which describes what this report contains – not an executive summary – more like a description of the purpose of the report; why did you choose this company

Company Overview

This should be a brief description of the company – what it does, where it’s headquartered, where it operates, etc. This should be no more than 1-2 paragraphs.

Current Status

Here you should discuss what’s happening with the company right now. You can use information from the SWOT analysis (in the MarketLine Report) and information from current articles in business publications. This should be no more than 2 paragraphs.

Work Environment

Here you should provide some information about what it’s like to work there. Do not simply list what the employee benefits are according to the company’s website. Try to find some “outside” information – one option is which contains reviews from current and former employees of the company; the other option is a Google search – try using key words like ‘XYZ Company employees’ or ‘XYZ corporate culture’, etc. You may also come across blogs written by current and/or former employees, which may or may not be useful. In addition, you should include information about the demographics of the employees. This should be no more than 2 paragraphs.


Finally, summarize your findings about the company – What is it like to work there? What are the employees like? Would you consider working for this company?  This should be no more than 1 paragraph.


What unique opportunities or challenges have you experienced throughout your high school career that have shaped who you are today?

Apply Texas College Essay Prompts for Class of 2020

The Apply Texas application is a common application form for most Texas public universities. It allows students to input their information for several different colleges at once. College essay writing Apply Texas college essay prompts for class of 2020 are:


  • Essay A: (NEW)
  1. Tell us your story. What unique opportunities or challenges have you experienced throughout your high school career that have shaped who you are today?

Each school requires a different combination of these three college essays-some require all three, some just two, or others make certain ones recommended or optional. Some schools even use these essays for both admissions decisions AND scholarships so it’s important to put time and effort into each one!

While the Apply Texas application doesn’t “open” until July before a student’s senior year, you can preview the application online. Students can start submitting applications to colleges in July, but they shouldn’t wait until then to start on the college essays. In fact, the best time for most students to write their college essays is the summer between junior and senior year of high school.

What would be the benefit of using IgM for agglutination reactions performed in vitro?

Laboratory Portfolio Questions for A11IND 2019-2020

These questions form the basis of your A11IND coursework, the laboratory portfolio. You will need to provide data from your recent practical classes as well as answer specific questions designed to assess your application of knowledge. Please provide answers to all questions in ONE word document for submission. Materials and Methods etc. are not needed.

It is expected that you use your own images taken from the practical sessions. Any information (including figures and diagrams) that you use in your answers, that are not from your own data, need to be appropriately referenced or acknowledged.  All coursework should also be submitted through Turnitin before the submission deadline as indicated on Moodle.  This coursework contributes 40% of the final module mark.



  1. Describe the morphological features of bacteria stained by Gram staining technique with respect to their shapes and colours.  Explain the principles underlying this method when used in bacteria identification.  (4 marks)



  1. Some bacteria cannot be stained or will not show adequate staining intensity using the Gram stain method.  Give two examples and for each example, explain the reason(s) why Gram stain fails to give good results (6 marks)



  1. A sputum sample from a patient with tuberculosis has been sent to the pathology laboratory for testing. Describe the procedure to be used for visualising the pathogen responsible for tuberculosis in this sample (4 marks)



Pathogen identification:

  1. Case scenario

A 32 year old male who has recently been to an Asian country develops projectile vomiting and profuse diarrhoea.  A stool sample has been received by the pathology department and the initial investigation on the sample has produced the following results:



Sample ID: S3



Small colourless (transparent) colonies on McConkey agar


Heavy growth of yellow colonies on TCBS (Thioglycolate Citrate Bile Salt) agar


Gram stain results

S3 Yellow colony:  Gram negative curved rods

Gram positive control: Gram positive cocci present

Gram negative control: Gram negative bacillus present


Special staining for flagella:

S3 Yellow colony: Flagella present

Positive control: Flagella present

Negative control: Flagella not found


Motility test:

S3 yellow colonies: darting motility observed

Positive control: motile

Negative control: non-motile


Oxidase test:

S3 Yellow colony: Oxidase positive

Oxidase positive control: Oxidase positive

Oxidase negative control: Oxidase negative


Glucose test:

S3 Yellow colony: Glucose positive

Glucose positive control: Glucose positive

Glucose negative control: Glucose negative



  1. Based on the information provided from the initial laboratory investigation, demonstrate the elucidation of the possible identity of the yellow colonies on the TCBS agar with stepwise explanation and list the resources used in the process of identification (5 marks)




  1. Describe the difficulties in identifying the pathogen based on the initial laboratory findings and how to improve the identification process (4 marks)



  1. Explain how the experimental processes were validated during the initial laboratory investigation of S3 (6 marks)



  1. Explain how bacteria like S3 exerts its pathological effects on human gastrointestinal tract. A diagram may be used to support your answer (5 marks)


Latex agglutination:


  1. What would be the benefit of using IgM for agglutination reactions performed in vitro? (3 marks)  When considering the serological status of a patient, if you detect the presence of IgM antibodies to an antigen, what might that indicate? (1 mark)



  1. Explain the steps involved in the genetic testing of a micro-organism that would be performed to confirm its identity (4 marks)


Antimicrobial action:

  1. Use the class data set provided on Moodle and indicate whether the organisms tested are considered susceptible or resistant to the antimicrobials which they had been tested against. Refer to sensitivity testing tables 1 & 2 when you perform this task. (6 marks)




Antibiotic tested

Inhibition zone diameter class median (mm)





Acceptable range (mm)

Result interpretation

S = sensitive

R = Resistant















































































Antibiotic tested

Inhibition zone diameter class median (mm)





Acceptable range (mm)


Result interpretation

S = sensitive

R = Resistant











































































  1. Describe Penicillin’s mode of action with the aid of a diagram with emphasis on how it interferes with bacterial cell wall integrity (4 marks).




  1. Explain why some organisms such as E coli are generally resistant to penicillin (2 marks).



  1. When a bacterial strain such as S1 is resistant to amoxicillin, what is the possible mode of action of the gain in resistance by the bacteria (3 marks)? Are there options which can be considered to replace amoxicillin for an effective treatment to cure the infection (3 marks)?



Total marks = 60

What technologies were used to support your design, such as concurrent engineering, computer-aided design, or value analysis?


Building on the discussion in this module, consider the following:

  • What tools/techniques were used in your design, such as quality function deployment, value stream mapping, and JIT? What technologies were used to support your design, such as concurrent engineering, computer-aided design, or value analysis?
  • Describe how you incorporated the concepts of lean operations and lean services in your design. · Identify the considerations needed for the sustainability of your production line and what specific efforts can minimize waste; consider end-of-life programs and the three R’s (reduce, reuse, recycle). Consider the phases of product design in your paper.
  • As it applies to your business opportunity, consider the legal, cultural, global, and human involvement needed in your design as outlined in Chapter 4. Note: It is not intended that you include the actual design of the product/service, but this paper needs to describe how you intend to create this design considering the topics in Chapter 4 and incorporate lean operations into your design. Specifically, the following critical elements must be addressed:
  • Identify the tools, techniques, and technologies used in the design of your production plan. · Explain how you will integrate lean operations and lean services in your production plan.
  • Discuss your considerations for sustainability to eliminate waste in each phase of your production plan.
  • Discuss the legal, cultural, global, and human involvement needed to implement your production plan.

For Top Essay Writer:

Note: It is not intended that you include the actual design of the product/service, but this paper needs to describe how you intend to create this design considering the topics in Chapter 4 and 14 Topic product and service design and incorporate lean operations into your design.

Specifically, the following critical elements must be addressed:

  • Identify the tools, techniques, and technologies used in the design of your production plan.
  • Explain how you will integrate lean operations and lean services in your production plan.
  • Discuss your considerations for sustainability to eliminate waste in each phase of your production plan.
  • Discuss the legal, cultural, global, and human involvement needed to implement your production plan.


Examine how the possible barriers of introducing such measures to this property can be overcome, addressing the concerns of the property owner and tenants.

The Brief for Assignment

This Assignment 2 is an individual work. It is a continuation of Assignment 1 and based on the same property located at 60-70 Elizabeth Street, Sydney. The heritage building was completed in 1929/30, with major refurbishment over 1985 – 1988 and a substantial foyer upgrade in 2004. Whilst Assignment 1 is related to property market analysis and strategic asset management plan, this Assignment extends your knowledge and skills to sustainable property management in the office sector.

As the property management consultant, you are required to submit a business case report to introduce a sustainable property management strategy for improvement of the operating and asset performance of this existing property to the property owner. Along with all other relevant matters, this ‘sustainable property management report’ is to include the following:

  1. Discuss how the sustainability concept is being implemented within the office property sector globally and in Australia during the last decade, highlighting the trends, achievements and current stage in the implementation of sustainability to existing buildings.
  2. Evaluate the property owner’s and the tenant’s views towards sustainable property.
  3. Recommend what environmental improvement and property management measures should be adopted for this property to achieve such benefits. Make all necessary assumptions in relation to the building design, construction and existing sustainable performance.
  4. Examine how the possible barriers of introducing such measures to this property can be overcome, addressing the concerns of the property owner and tenants.
  5. Salient facts of sustainable property management practice in existing buildings and conclusions on the proposed green measures for this property.

Length of the final report: 10 pages (2000 words); you may extend this limit to 12 pages.


    • All arguments should be properly cited in the reports and a list of all references that you have used should also be given.
    • Assignment length limits are defined in terms of pages. This limit includes illustrations and references. The page size must be A4 and the font size for text should be 12-point Times Roman or equivalent. Use a wide margin and one and half spacing.
    • Use the attached Cover Sheet when the report is submitted.

What are the behavior markers for workload management? 

ASCI 516

Textbook information is listed below:

Kanki, B., Helmreich, R., & Anca, J. (2010). Crew Resource Management. San Diego, CA: Academic Pres.

Please advise if you have any questions or concerns. Thank you for the assistance.

Module 6 Assignment Questions

Respond to the following items and submit your answers by Day 7 of the Module 6 week.

  1. What does workload management include?
  2. What are the behavior markers for workload management?
  3. As a leader what steps would you (or do you) take to ensure effective workload management among your crewmembers?
  4. Workload management includes the effective use of team resources. What personal experiences have you had in your work (aviation or non-aviation if you are not a crew member) that relates to workload management and the impact it has on safety, morale, team/organizational effectiveness, or other areas of importance?
  5. Briefly discuss the reasons and motivation for advancing cockpit automation in today’s aircraft.
  6. What kinds of issues related to coordination and communications are found in the glass cockpit environment? Provide personal examples.
  7. Discuss your personal philosophy on the role of human-automation and intelligent agents (IAs) interacting as a “team” in aviation systems, and any personal experiences you may have had in this area.
  8. What aspects of automation would benefit you in your current work situation?
  9. List several strategies for controlling fatigue prior to flight.
  10. What are YOUR primary stressors? What strategies do you use to cope and ensure you are at your best prior to participating as a flight crewmember or to ensure you are ready, willing, and able for the kind of work you perform?

How has the use of ADR in family cases become more effective to dealing with family disputes, what benefits are there for clients who use ADR and to what extent can this emphasis affect the advice and guidance issued by solicitors to their clients?

Needs to be set out with exec summary with the opinion on the research. Coverage in the report should be purely legal points.

Areas to address are:
– development of ADR in family cases and the rationale for placing a greater emphasis on the process
– Options available for clients pursuing ADR in UK and how this compares to other jurisdictions (such as USA and Poland, or another European country)
– Review of literature to assess pros and cons for clients of ADR in family cases
– impact of the emphasis on ADR on the work of family legal practices and approach to the court.

Needs to be OSCOLA referencing

Identifying Themes in the novel (The Kite Runner):Why am I doing it?

Assignment: Identifying Themes in the novel (The Kite Runner)

What am I doing?

For this assignment, you must identify two BIG IDEAS (about life) which are present in the kite runner novel.  At least one of the BIG IDEAS must be a major thematic topic which the whole novel explores; preferably, both will be major thematic topics.

For the first part of the assignment, you will need to:

  1. identify the novel you have worked with;
  2. write an appropriate theme statement for each of the 2 BIG IDEAS (about life) that you have identified; and
  3. pick one of your theme statements; choose three quotations from the novel that support it.

For the second part of the assignment, you will need to:

  1. identify a poem or a song that portrays the same theme that you identified in #3 above;
  2. include the text of the poem or the lyrics of the song with the assignment;
  3. include the bibliographic information necessary to identify the poem or song

For the third part of the assignment, you will need to:

Write a brief explanation of the connection between the theme statement you have written for the novel and the quotations and poem or song you have chosen.

You may choose how to format this assignment.  What is important is that you connect the theme statement you have written to BOTH the novel and the song or poem and make the connection clear.

Why am I doing it?

In this activity you will demonstrate your ability to identify BIG IDEAS (about life)  in novels and in other works of literature or in music and your ability to write theme statements.  In addition, you will demonstrate your ability to choose key quotations that illuminate theme in a text.

How will it be marked?

This assignment will be marked on the following criteria:

You have:

  • identified two BIG IDEAS (about life)  which are important in the context of the novel;
  • written one clear theme statement to express each of the BIG IDEAS you have identified;
  • insightfully connected ONE of the theme statements to important quotations from the novel;
  • presented one poem or song which shares the theme statement you have identified.

Marks: 36


Excellent, Outstanding, Superior
 BIG IDEAS (about life) Selection – The novel BIG IDEAS are thoughtfully chosen to represent the main points of the stories.  They represent the student’s keen insight in recognizing theme, and they are accurately identified as main BIG IDEA or secondary BIG IDEA.

Theme Statement – Each theme statement is very well written.  It is thoughtful and clear and displays a solid understanding of the requirements of a theme statement (full sentence, no judgment implied, no novel specif details etc.). The statement itself is easy to understand and an accurate, insightful representation of a theme in the novel.

Quotations – Quotations are insightful and are exemplary in expressing theme in the novel.  They represent key moments in the novel in which theme is demonstrated.

Poem/Song Selection – The poem or song chosen is a thoughtful and intuitive representation of the theme statement identified. They are chosen with consideration of audience (i.e., contain appropriate language and content).

Presentation – The writing features complex, sophisticated use of language. Spelling, grammar and punctuation are correct and appropriate; usage is sophisticated. Assignment format is thoughtfully crafted to achieve a desired effect. The writing is virtually error free.



Theme Selection – The novel BIG IDEAS chosen are incorrect or are unimportant in the context of the novel. They are not correctly identified as main BIG IDEA  and secondary BIG IDEA.

Theme Statement –  The writing does not accomplish the basic tasks of making a theme statement.  It demonstrates lack of understanding of the requirements of a theme statement (full sentence, no judgment implied, etc.)  The theme statement appears as an incomplete sentence. The theme statement mentions specifics from the novel.

Quotations – Quotations are not connected to theme.

Poem/Song Selection – The poems or songs chosen are minimally connected or not connected to the identified themes and demonstrate a lack of awareness of audience.

Presentation – The writing is informal and conversational. Language is imprecise; vocabulary is very basic, excessively colloquial or inappropriate to the audience. Style is immature. Writing is riddled with spelling, grammar, usage and/or punctuation errors. Structure is seriously flawed; errors impede meaning.


How Your Element Related to Energy?

Essay – “How Your Element Related to Energy”

In celebration of the International Year of the Periodic Table, the theme of “How Your Element Related to Energy” is to ask all students to produce a short article (within two A4 page and flexible format) on one element of the periodic table. The benefits to our students include:

  • Based on the teamwork presentation (self-assessment but not counting to the final marks), the basic knowledge on one element group of Periodic Table have been explored. More deep insights on the theme area can be expected.
  • Working on employability skills, such as data analysis, teamwork and communication.
  • Work on communication and report-making skills.
  • The chance to have their work contribute to the sociality and related industries.
  • You have broad options for the contents, such as manufacturing, use and disposal of a certain element (or related chemicals).

Assessment Criteria 

  • Covers the most important aspects of the subject thoroughly
  • Shows the understanding of fundamental concepts with evidence of critical analysis
  • Well-presented using appropriate academic conventions
  • Uses and collates information/data from relevant and appropriate sources
  • Written clearly and concisely; showing originality and well-presented reasons for your choice of element