
Demonstrate explicit knowledge and understanding of national policies and local strategies and how these impact on the individual patient.

Patient Pathways of Care in Adult Nursing 1: Level 5

Type of Assessment:
1) Patient centred case study (3000 words). The focus will be on one patient the student has cared for on a medical or surgical nursing ward/unit/ in the community in theatres/recovery or in a prison.
2) Practice Assessment Document (to be handed to the Faculty Office with a Header sheet) date to be advised.

The 4 Learning Outcomes that are assessed by the patient centred case study include:

1) Demonstrate explicit knowledge of the principles of surgical and medical care in adult nursing both within the hospital and the community
2) Apply the principles of surgical and medical nursing to assess and develop care plans in partnership with multi agency team for various medical and surgical conditions within the hospital and the community setting
3) Demonstrate explicit knowledge and understanding of national policies and local strategies and how these impact on the individual patient.
4) Implement national and local guidance and strategies to support practice within the students’ sphere of practice.

Create a comprehensive plan for your new government-identify the governing style of your government and the principles that govern your leaders.

Your country just overthrew its dictator, and you are the newly elected President. Unfortunately, due to the divisions in the country and the years of war, economic, military, and political structures are non-existent. A group of loyalists to the old dictator have been detonating bombs, murdering civilians, assassinating leaders, and terrorizing towns with help from a neighboring country’s dictator.

Create a comprehensive plan for your new government. While creating this government identify 1) the governing style of your government and the principles that govern your leaders (see rubric); 2) the functions of various branches of government; 3) how to maintain public good in domestic areas through at least two programs; 4) an economic structure that is most beneficial to your citizens; 5) ways to create national unity; 6) ways to combat terrorism and violence; and, 6) international organizations to join.

Introduction (1 paragraph)
Introduce your country
Briefly outline all of the parts of the paper
Domestic Concerns (1-2 pages)
Identify governing style and principles that correlate to this style
Identify the branches of government and its functions
Development of two public good domestic programs and how they will meet the public good
Economic structure and reason why this should be used
Socializing citizens is noted with rationale for how it creates national unity
Foreign Concerns (1-2 pages)
Two international organizations are noted, one for economics and one for security
Descriptions of both organizations
Rationales for joining these organizations
Steps to joining
Two ways your country will combat the neighboring country’s terrorist threat and the domestic threat
Two ways these will be effective
Conclusion (1 paragraph)
Summarize information

Terrorism:What are the grievances that led Deniz to join the terrorist organization?

1) Your paper should be between TWO-THREE pages in length (double spaced).

2) Adhere to the following formatting guidelines: use Times New Roman 12-point font, one-inch margins all around, and put your name and any other pertinent information in a single line at the top of the first page.

1. Why a life history approach is important?

2. Who is the main character of this book?

3. What are the grievances that led Deniz to join the terrorist organization? Explain why Deniz wanted to become involved in a group that engages in violence.

How Corporate Mission, Vision, and Values Improve Corporate Exposure and Profit.

Values-Based Leadership Approach.

Values-Based Leadership Approach to Organizational Behavior.

Values-based leadership is an approach that demands leaders to draw on their values and that of the followers for direction and motivation. Leaders must lean on the organizational values to drive performance and deliver results. A stout values-leadership strategy requires effective leadership of a high level for better collaboration and cooperation. Research study shows that “effective leaders inspire cooperative personal decisions by creating faith in common understanding” (Weiss, 2014). Such kind of leaders set the pace and culture that governs the behaviors of followers. They are also likely to create a culture of trust, honesty, and devotion to attain the corporate vision. The values-based leadership focuses on the ethical standard, values, and behaviors; thus, this can support the idea of the company and build confidence among the stakeholders.

Satisfying the Needs of the Internal Stakeholders

Stakeholders are likely to achieve satisfaction when the values-based leadership support the corporate vision and builds trust among them. As a result, this can have a positive impact on organizational culture. Satisfying the needs of the internal stakeholders can enable them to work hard towards building the corporate image and increasing productivity. It can allow them to become the right shareholders and works hard towards building the corporate culture. It can also make them develop a sense of pride, trust, and commitment towards realizing corporate mission and vision.

The Purpose and Establishment of Mission, Vision, and Values in this Approach

The purpose of establishing mission, vision, and values in the values-based leadership approach is to guide leaders towards realizing their corporate goals. Research shows that strategies and culture are aligned along with the mission, vision, and core values (Weiss, 2014). Therefore, the values-based leadership approach is compatible with the three aspects. The purpose of establishing the mission, in this case, is to enable leaders to understand why the organization exists. Besides, the aim of creating a vision is to guide them in their decision-making and realization of organizational goals. Research shows that “values are the bedrock of why the company exists, how it makes decisions, and its true purpose” (Gleeson, 2017). Thus, leaders must lean on the core corporate values to drive performance.

The Importance of Strategic Alignment and the Classical Visionary Approach

Effective leaders guide ethical and align strategic decisions of the internal with the external business environment. Strategic alignment is imperative because it benefits both employees, customers, and stakeholders. It eliminates conflicts, increases coordination and buy-in among the team, as well as offer clarity of purposes to all workforces. It can also help the company to adapt to the changing business world, stay competitive, and build a long-lasting business. On the other hand, leaders employing classical visionary strategy believe that the business world is predictable. Given the unpredictable global market, they are likely to use to classical visionary approach to position themselves effectively to build sustainable companies.

How Corporate Mission, Vision, and Values Improve Corporate Exposure and Profit

Both the mission, vision, and values offer leaders a direction for driving organizational change. They keep employees focused on where the company is heading and what it attempts to accomplish. While leaders and their followers build corporate culture through trust, good vision, mission, and values should guide them towards achieving high profits. An organization with a definite purpose, vision, and value expose itself to the market, and this will ultimately increase sales; thus, generate more revenues.


Gleeson, B. (2017). How values-based leadership transforms organizational cultures. Forbes.

Retrieved from

Weiss, J. (2014). Business ethics: A stakeholder and issues management approach (6th ed.)

Oakland, CA: Berrett-Koehler Publishers.

With Jazz technique’s codification how has this led to its validation as a dance technique?

Jack Cole was significant to the history of American Dance for his ability to legitimize commercial dance from a loosely gathered form of entertainment to the development of jazz (and tap) technique as a respectable, truly American form of dance. Discuss how this dance technique was developed out of Denishawn isolations, Modern grounded floor work, and ballet aesthetic lines to merge with current culture music to form this popular style of dance. With Jazz technique’s codification how has this led to its validation as a dance technique?

Vaudeville, Film and Music Video created stars out of the singer/dancer, dancer/singer throughout the twentieth century and even today. Examples include: Josephine Baker, Fred Astaire, Judy Garland, Gene Kelly, Betty Grable, Bob Fosse, Madonna, Michael Jackson, Beyonce, Justin Timberlake, Jennifer Lopez, etc.. These artists depended on their ability as performers to ‘wow’ the audience with their technical dance ability. What is it about these, among others, in commercial dance that gives them the ‘star’ quality when they dance? In the 21st century can the triple threat be compartmentalized?

Children’s Food Ad:Explain the theoretical perspectives common to child psychology

Child Psychology.

For this assignment, watch an hour of network television programming for children and write a report and reflection.

Objectives Addressed:

  • Identify the basic concepts and theories related to child development.
  • Explain the theoretical perspectives common to child psychology.


  1. Write a report and reflection on children’s food advertising.
  2. Watch an hour of network television programming for children (Saturday morning cartoons would work well)
  • Create a chart or table of the all foods you see advertised.
  1. Include in the chart whether those foods are healthy or unhealthy, high in sugar or low in sugar, and high fat or low fat.
  2. Write a one to two paragraph (5-10 sentences) summary of your findings including what techniques the advertisers use to make these foods appealing to children, what they think the effects of these ads might be on children, and so on.

Is it really a problem if the film industry is still thriving or is digital piracy acting as a barrier to it reaching its full potential? Are there more effective methods to stop digital piracy altogether?

Title – An investigation into the ethical implications and consumer behaviour related to digital piracy and the effects it has on the film industry within the UK.

Background to the main issue/problem – the main problem with digital piracy is the fact it is clearly illegal to download copyrighted films in the UK yet individuals are still motivated to do so and share with others, what factors contribute towards this motivation? How many people actually do it and will openly admit to doing it? How are they doing it? How aware are these individuals on the laws against digital piracy? Is it really a problem if the film industry is still thriving or is digital piracy acting as a barrier to it reaching its full potential? Are there more effective methods to stop digital piracy altogether?

Research Question(s) and Objectives –

1. What influences individuals towards digital piracy and how is it achieved?

2. Should laws against digital piracy be stricter?

3. Is there a relationship between the level of promotion on a film and the efforts to digitally pirating that film?

Natural Hazards-Earthquakes:Analyze the Decision-Making Process (Human) or the Environmental (Ecological) application that is used for your topic.

1. Identify a Health, Human or Ecological Topic for Analysis.

This is the topic: Earthquake, planning and preparedness

2. Describe the topic and how it relates to the Course, Course Concepts and/or principles.

3. Analyze the Decision-Making Process (Human) or the Environmental (Ecological) application that is used for your topic

4. What is the reason for your interest or analysis?

This is 1 reason; you can add to it… I am terrified of earthquakes, so thought that being well informed would be benefit to help face my fear.

5. What changes or recommendations should be made?

6. Would you try to influence your area of interest? Why or why not? How?

Note: The 7 page paper must be typed (12-14 point font), with separate reference (scholarly using MLA, APA or Scientific).

Business Acquisitions: Suggest one (1) strategy with which you would prepare the financial statements for your company after the acquisition.

Assignment 1: Business Acquisitions

Due Week 3 and worth 150 points

Use the Internet or Strayer Library to research two (2) publicly traded U.S. companies and download their financial statements. Assume that you are the CEO of one of the selected companies. You are responsible for gaining control over the other company. You have three (3) choices, any of which you believe that the Board of Directors will support.

Choice 1: Your company acquires 35% of the voting stock of the target company.
Choice 2: Your company acquires 51% of the voting stock of the target company.
Choice 3: Your company acquires 100% of the voting stock of the target company.
Write a four to five (4-5) page paper in which you:

Provide a brief background introduction on both the company that you are working for and the company that you are responsible for gaining control over.
Specify the overall manner in which the acquisition fits into your company’s strategic direction. Next, identify at least three (3) possible synergies that could occur as a result of the proposed acquisition.
Select two (2) out of the three (3) choices provided in the above scenario and analyze the key accounting requirements for each of the two (2) choices that you selected. Next, suggest one (1) strategy with which you would prepare the financial statements for your company after the acquisition under each of the two (2) choices.
Select the choice that you consider to be the most advantageous to your company. Explain to the Board of Directors at least three (3) reasons why your selected choice is the most advantageous to the company.
Assume that two (2) years after the acquisition, your Board of Directors wants to offer the shares back to the public in hopes of making a large profit. Assume that in each of the two (2) years your company and the target company have had the same reported net income as they did in the year of acquisition. Determine the type of value (i.e., cost of fair value) that you would use to report the subsidiary’s net asset in the subsidiary’s financial statements, which the company will distribute to the public with the public offering. Provide support for your rationale.
Use at least three (3) quality academic resources in this assignment. Note: Wikipedia and similar websites do not qualify as academic resources.
Your assignment must follow these formatting requirements:

This course requires use of new Strayer Writing Standards (SWS). The format is different than other Strayer University courses. Please take a moment to review the SWS documentation for details.
Be typed, double spaced, using Times New Roman font (size 12), with one-inch margins on all sides; citations and references must follow SWS or school-specific format. Check with your professor for any additional instructions.
Include a cover page containing the title of the assignment, the student’s name, the professor’s name, the course title, and the date. The cover page and the reference page are not included in the required assignment page length.
The specific course learning outcomes associated with this assignment are:

Examine the various methods of accounting for an investment in equity shares of another company.
Analyze the accounting requirements for consolidated financial information on the date of acquisition and subsequent to the date of acquisition.
Grading for this assignment will be based on answer quality, logic / organization of the paper, and language and writing skills, using the following rubric.

How did the modernization of parks affect parks in the middle of the 20th century? Explain the role of town commons and village greens in colonial American cities.

Use any reputable sources necessary, but your essays need to cite all sources and have a bibliography at the end of each essay.

Your essay answers will be evaluated based upon:
a. the clarity of your argument;
b. the clarity of concept definitions/explanations;
c. the use of supporting materials (i.e., examples from the readings, films, city plans, etc.). Do not cite power point lectures. If there are ideas in those lectures that appeal to you, find academic or reputable sources to cite instead.
d. Use every day common language we use.
e. Make sure the answer is correct when writing the essay to the questions.
f. There are grading rubric to follow I how to have good grade essay.

Answer two of the following (15 points each)

1. In writing about the creation of Golden Gate Park in San Francisco, geographer Terry Young argues that park supporters thought parks would improve society through, what he called, the four virtues: public health, prosperity, democratic equality and social cohesion. Explain what Young meant by these four qualities and the ways in which urban public parks could help achieve them.
2. Olmsted argued that parks should be spaces for democratic equality where all people from varied backgrounds could come together. Did his rhetoric about the democratic ideals of urban parks live up to reality? Why or why not?
3. How did the modernization of parks affect parks in the middle of the 20th century?
Answer two of the following (7.5 points each)

4. Define and explain the pastoral and the picturesque in park design.
5. Define the term “boosterism”. Explain the role boosterism played in the creation of urban parks in American cities.
6. The creation of urban public parks dates back to the plan for Central Park in 1857. But public space played important roles in American cities going back to the 1600s. Explain the role of town commons and village greens in colonial American cities.