
Reducing water pollution in Yamuna River: Evaluate the current measures (if any) and why they are effective/ineffective using clearly stated criteria.

Your paper should address the following requirements:
 to present your main claim and key arguments in the form of a graphic representation in lieu of an abstract
 to offer a main claim that shows the position of the paper (problem clearly stated, country or city identified, and possible solutions)
 to provide background information (e.g. how do you know the problem exists? how serious is the problem?) leading to the identification of a problem which has to be stated clearly;
 to identify causes of the problem (show analysis in the form of an argument)
 evaluate the current measures (if any) and why they are effective/ineffective using clearly stated criteria
 to suggest 1-2 solutions (from a sustainable engineering perspective) focusing on the ‘why’ (arguments) and not so much on the ‘how’ (description/narration) as well as examining the implications and consequences of the solutions using the same criteria for evaluation of current measures;
 to include an IEEE Reference List of primary (the team is not to conduct a survey/questionnaire) and secondary sources to support your argument;
 to include 6 sources in your Annotated Bibliography section to show the reference, summary, assessment or evaluation

Discuss an accomplishment,event, or realization that sparked a period of personal growth and a new understanding of yourself or others.

This is a topic from Common Apps, which is used to apply for US Universities. Can the writer help me to write an essay regarding the topic?

Bernie Madoff :How could business and regulatory practices be modified to prevent another tragic Ponzi scheme similar to the Madoff affair?

Watch the attached video. Post your answers to the discussion board. Explain how the unethical behavior and actions of Bernie Madoff and his associates lead to the bilking investors out of billions of dollars. Who do you hold accountable for the Bernie Madoff affair?

Explain your answer. How could business and regulatory practices be modified to prevent another tragic Ponzi scheme similar to the Madoff affair?

Explain your viewpoints on how the Security Exchange Commission managed the investigations in Bernie Madoff’s investment company. Provide your thoughts and opinions on Bernie Madoff’s jail sentence of 150 years.

The Indivisible Whole: Read the chapter and then share what you feel astronaut Rusty Schweickart meant when he stated: “It was like seeing a baby about to be born.

The Indivisible Whole is designed to bring closure to the entire semester. For this Discussion exercise, you are required to read Chapter Eighteen of Peter Senge’s The Fifth Discipline (all four pages of it!) — it is entitled “The Indivisible Whole.” Thus . . . For this Discussion, write at least 400 words. Respond to the following prompt: Read the chapter and then share what you feel astronaut Rusty Schweickart meant when he stated: “It was like seeing a baby about to be born.” Meditate on his statement and tie the content of the chapter to the content of what was shared with you this semester in relation to dialogue and the system of thought; then tie to the content of your own thinking on the future of humanity. Be as clear as you can be here; and note that citing from sources will certainly strengthen your submission, although even more important than citing from sources is simply displaying effective critical and integrative thinking and writing.

Case Study Discussion:What would you do if you were the anthropologist in this situation?

Unit 1 Lesson 2 Case Study Discussion: You have learned about the concepts of participant observation and cultural relativism, which basically sets the rules for cultural anthropologists working in other cultures. As you can see from the case study and the example of Yir Yoront, doing participant observation can be very complicated, ethically, and the stakes can be very high. Anthropologists in the field tread a thin line. Sometimes small, seemingly harmless, decisions can have major effects and it is not always clear what the right choice is to make in order to avoid harming people or causing unsolicited change. This case study example is a commonly used one dealing with ethics in anthropology, and the full story, with a little less drama, can be found out on the web. Typically ,the question is what you would have done in this situation if you were the cultural anthropologist. The discussion follows about which was ethically correct: to help the woman or to not help the woman. After you wrote what you think the right thing to do is then you see some responses that other anthropologists made. Answer this question and discuss it by creating your own post and also responding to at least one other student’s post or reply. Be careful and consider all the information this person had and try really hard to think like an impartial observer. Don’t let your own culture cloud your vision. There are several aspects of this story that are more subtle and you have to consider not just the big picture of what will happen in the village and to your study if you help her or not, but you also have to consider all the angles of the situation to determine if you should help her or not on moral grounds. Taking her means you could be saving her from an abusive husband; on the other hand, you could be breaking up a normal family in the village. The first question before you make up your mind how to answer might be why do you think this woman chose to come to the anthropologist who she barely knew for help in the first place when there was a bus that she could so easily have escaped on? You might also want to consider what it says that the woman left with only one of her children? Be suspicious of all the players’ motives and then answer the question: What would you do if you were the anthropologist in this situation?

Why has India’s economy evolved differently than China?

Apply discussion question guidelines as previously noted. Compare the growth successes and potentials of India and China. List the advantages and disadvantages of each. Why has India’s economy evolved differently than China?Which market related factors will be problems for India? For China? You will have to do some research beyond the text to answer this discussion question

Given what you learned about the effects of various drugs should this influence legality of them? Explain.

Drugs of Abuse -Mouse Party After working your way through all of the content on both pages respond to the following:
1) What are the 2 most dangerous classes of drugs? Why? Your answer should include a general description of the neurological mechanism of action for both classes.
2) Given what you learned about the effects of various drugs should this influence legality of them? Explain.

How will student-led IEP meetings empower students to own their disability?

Proposal to Conduct Student-Led Individualized Education Program (IEP) Meetings

Develop a 5- to 6-page proposal for implementing student-led individualized education program (IEP) meetings that you could present to your school board.

Include the following in your proposal:

Definition of a student-led IEP.

Purposes of student-led IEPs.

An implementation action plan, containing:

-Benchmark dates

-Training required for teachers and administrators

Sample lesson plans to teach students how to conduct student-led IEP meetings including:

A checklist that identifies the available learning opportunities in a student-led IEP

A meeting agenda that students can follow that instructs them how to:

Address all the components of the IEP

Create a behavior intervention plan that addresses their needs

Sample IEP portfolio pages

Answers to the following questions:

How will student-led IEP meetings empower students to own their disability?

Will student-led IEPs meet legal requirements?

How are you going to overcome cultural differences in student-led IEPs?

How will we educate families about the new IEP process?


Compare and contrast the nature of divorce in agricultural states, chiefdoms, tribes, and forager societies.

Compare and contrast the nature of divorce in agricultural states, chiefdoms, tribes, and forager societies. Do you see any parallels, or is divorce simply a cultural facet that does not relate to the rest of society?

Using incremental assignment with five increments of 20%, find the link volumes and travel times.

The Relevant data has been provided. Following is a traffic engineering assignment.

Your supervisor has asked for estimates of:

1. Peak period directional trips over the current bridge (prior to construction of the second bridge).
2. Peak period directional trips on both bridges once the new bridge is built.
3. Write out the utility expression for each mode. Are the signs and relative magnitudes of the coefficients logical?
4. Use the model to predict the bus ridership and revenue for the morning service.
5. The bus operator believes it may be possible to lobby the State Government to install express bus lanes between zones 1 and 7. Under this scenario the in-vehicle time for the bus would be reduced by 12%. Predict the effects of this on bus ridership and revenue.

For Part 2:
1. Using all-or-nothing assignment, find the link volumes and travel times.
2. Using incremental assignment with five increments of 20%, find the link volumes and travel times.
3. Compare and comment on the results from parts 1 and 2 above.