
Figure P4.13 shows an acceleration-versus-force graph for three objects pulled by identical rubber bands. The mass of object 2 is 0.20 kg. What are the masses of objects 1 and 3? Explain your reasoning.

Questions are about Forces and Newton’s Laws of Motion

Figure P4.13 shows an acceleration-versus-force graph for three objects pulled by identical rubber bands. The mass of object 2 is 0.20 kg. What are the masses of objects 1 and 3? Explain your reasoning.

a (ml s2)








1 2 \ ../3 0 1 2 3 4 5 6


What additional features of the historical context does this article discuss? Do you think twentieth-century people were more likely to be “trapped” than previous generations of people were?


  1. What did you like about the text?
  2. What did you dislike about the text?
  3. What do you learn about Gregor and the other characters?
  4. What passages do you find especially striking as examples of the author’s style?
  5. What passages seem suggestive of theme, tone, or symbol?
  6. How does Kafka create suspense in the novella?
  7. What question(s) do you have about what you read?

After reading the article, write your answers to the following questions in your reader response journal. Be sure to copy each question into your reader response journal and record your response underneath. You will submit your reader response journal at the end of the lesson.

  1. What additional features of the historical context does this article discuss?
  2. Do you think twentieth-century people were more likely to be “trapped” than previous generations of people were?
  3. What effect does it have on people’s lives when they describe themselves as trapped?
  4. How does this quote from the article shape your understanding of the story? Provide textual details in your response.


How long was the ball in flight? How far did it travel? Ignoring air resistance, how much farther would it travel on the moon than on earth?

Apollo 14 mission to the moon

III On the Apollo 14 mission to the moon, astronaut Alan Shepard hit a golf ball with a golf club improvised from a tool. The free-fall acceleration on the moon is 1/6 of its value on earth. Suppose he hit the ball with a speed of 25 m/s at an angle 30° above the horizontal.

  1. How long was the ball in flight?
  2. How far did it travel?
  3. Ignoring air resistance, how much farther would it travel on the moon than on earth?


What was the bullet’s flight time? What was the bullet’s speed as it left the barrel?


III A rifle is aimed horizontally at a target 50 m away. The bullet hits the target 2.0 cm below the aim point.

  1. What was the bullet’s flight time?
  2. What was the bullet’s speed as it left the barrel?


What was the angle of the hill? What was the vertical component of Jill’s velocity?

Case study

II Jack and Jill ran up the hill at 3.0 m/s. The horizontal component of Jill’s velocity vector was 2.5 m/s.

  1. What was the angle of the hill?
  2. What was the vertical component of Jill’s velocity?


Identify the conversation Alexander is participating in about race, criminal justice, and mass incarceration.

Journal entry Essay

For this journal entry, you will read and reflect upon “The New Jim Crow” by Michelle Alexander in They Say, I Say (Ch. 20). In order to successfully complete this journal entry, you will need to identify the conversation Alexander is participating in about race, criminal justice, and mass incarceration. You should use the templates we have learned about so far in order to help you write a reflective journal entry of 300-500 words based on the questions and assignment criteria below. One way to approach this assignment would be to use and adapt the “Template of Templates” in the Introduction to your textbook.a


What is the average discharge per unit width at x = 0 (in units of gal/ft/d)? What is the average discharge per unit width at x = 525 ft (in units of gal/ft/d)?


The unconfined aquifer shown below is situated between two surface water features. The aquifer overlies impermeable bedrock (elevation of 90 ft) and has a hydraulic conductivity of 46 ft/d. Surface water feature 1 has a water elevation of 156.3 ft and surface water feature 2 has a water elevation of 149.0 ft. The distance between water bodies is 1,680 ft. The average rate of recharge is 0.028 ft/d.

  1. What is the average discharge per unit width at x = 0 (in units of gal/ft/d)?
  2. What is the average discharge per unit width at x = 525 ft (in units of gal/ft/d)?
  3. Is there a water table divide? If so, where is it located?
  4. What is the maximum height of the water table?
  5. Sketch or plot (EXCEL) the water table (h(x) vs x). Indicate the scale and vertical exaggeration of your sketch/plot. A vertical exaggeration of 20:1 is recommended on the plot


If the reliability of a single wire is 0.15, what is a minimal number of wires counted from 70 a cable must have in order to maintain the reliability of the cable (and thus of the system) to at least 0.98?


1 Explain in Example 5.8 (Chapter I, pages 45-46) of the Lecture Notes (a) how A was obtained and (b) what went wrong with the Poisson approximation. (5 pts) Problem #2 is computational, and it should be rendered using the R-programming (no other language or tool). Provide me not only with an answer, but also with the source code of the program. You must copy and paste your program code from the R console into your paper and provide me with snapshots of your screen (embedded in the paper) as evidence that you really ran the program and no one else. Otherwise, the problem won’t be graded. Also, your work must be rendered independently, without any collaboration with others. A joint or similar work won’t be accepted. Hint. See Example 5.3 on page 39-41 and a source code in the notes.

2 A parallel reliability system consists of cables of wires supporting a bridge. Each cable must have at least 70 wires. If the reliability of a single wire is 0.15, what is a minimal number of wires counted from 70 a cable must have in order to maintain the reliability of the cable (and thus of the system) to at least 0.98? (10 pts)


Based on chapter 1 of your textbook and additional online research, in your opinion what are the two most important technological development in Warehousing Operations since the 2000s?

Discussion e=Essay

Based on chapter 1 of your textbook and additional online research, in your opinion what are the two most important technological development in Warehousing Operations since the 2000s? Justify your answer and discuss it with your classmates.

with two replies


How did you resolve the ethical dilemma? Can you recall the reasoning process that you went through in reaching a resolution? Did anything you read in this week’s reading change your perspective on the dilemma?

Management question

Describe an ethical dilemma that you have had to deal with at some point in your life. Preferably choose one that relates to your work, but if you can only think of one outside of work, then describe that. Do not name any of the parties involved including your employer but provide enough detail that your classmates can understand the dilemma clearly. Be sure to use APA citations to connect your answers to the readings.

  • How did you resolve the ethical dilemma?
  • Can you recall the reasoning process that you went through in reaching a resolution?
  • Did anything you read in this week’s reading change your perspective on the dilemma?
  • In looking back, are you satisfied with the decision you made, or might you have come to a different decision if you had different ways of approaching the dilemma?