
How does knowing the BATNA and doing the situation assessment ground the negotiator in deliberate and rational thought?

Write a 3-4 page paper in APA format (not including the cover page and reference page). Use this APA Sample provided in the student resources inside this course to complete your assignment. Read the two articles below from the LIRN. After reading each article, and after reading the chapters this week, write your paper responding to these prompts:

1. How does knowing the BATNA and doing the situation assessment ground the negotiator in deliberate and rational thought?

2. When considering gender, how can one avoid argument how can one party determine alternative methods to reach agreement? Why is this important in the business world?

3. Describe some of the risks and constraints that you have faced in previous negotiation situations. (You may use a business or personal situation).

*Articles that you need to read BELOW* Wyatt, D. (1999). Negotiation strategies for men and women. Nursing Management, 30(1), 22-5; quiz 25-6. Provis, C. (2004). Negotiation, persuasion and argument. Argumentation, 18(1), 95-112.

Planet Money’s three-part podcast on antitrust policy: What would be the rationale for such breakups — the traditional standard focused on market competition, or the Bork-ian standard of consumer welfare?

Topic 2:

Listen to this podcast. Planet Money’s three-part podcast on antitrust policy (Links to an external site.) as well as the Tim Wu book (Master Switch) highlights the question of whether — and how — it is time to break up the ICT giants, such as Facebook, Google, and Amazon”

What would be the rationale for such breakups — the traditional standard focused on market competition, or the Bork-ian standard of consumer welfare? What are the alternatives to antitrust action, e.g. more regulation, treating those companies as utilities, or Public Goods? Write the reaction of the podcast.

Movie Response: What historical events are mentioned and/or portrayed in the movie?

HIST 1301

Movie Response Questions

The movies that we watch in this class are meant to give you a better understanding of the ways in which movie makers use history to entertain and, at the same time, to influence the public’s view of historical events. When you watch movies in this class you need to pay close attention not only to the story but the historical events that are being depicted. You are to look beyond the superficial action and try to see how the movie presents and shapes history for the watching public.

You will answer the same questions for each movie that you watch in this class.

– Watch the movie carefully and answer the following questions. Please make sure to include as much information as possible.

  1. Write down the main characters as the movie progresses. Make sure to also write down
    defining characteristics. What are their motivations? How do these characters represent
    people who could have lived during the historical period that is depicted in the movie?
    (HINT: You may have to watch the entire movie before answering these questions.)
  2. Where does the action take place? How and why are those locations important? Do they
    match what you read in your textbook? How?
  3. What historical events are mentioned and/or portrayed in the movie?
  4. What important historical details are included in the movie? How do they help to make
    the movie more authentic and interesting?
  5. How did the class readings and videos help you to understand the movie? Do you think
    that you would have understood the movie as well as you did without preparation? Do
    you think that the average movie goer would have understood the movie in the same
    way? Why or why not?