
Define ethics. Identify and discuss the major sources from which individuals derive their sense of ethics. Discuss similarities and differences between ethics and the law.

Management Question

  • Define ethics.
  • Identify and discuss the major sources from which individuals derive their sense of ethics.
  • Discuss similarities and differences between ethics and the law.
  • Describe the basic duties of managers and show how some of their decisions have ethical implications.

Discuss Le Corbusier’s comparison of architectural composition of the ocean liners pictured and architecture on land. What specific elements does he bring attention to? Do you agree or disagree with his sentiment that we should learn from ocean liner designers when designing buildings on land?

Towards A New Architecture

Read the following pages in Towards A New Architecture: (85-104) and resp’ond to one (1) of the following prompts (A, B) in 100 – 150 words. (pg,1 starts in PDF. 24)


  1. A. Le Corbusier discusses a great epoch forming its own style and ‘eyes which do not see’ the process taking place. Describe what he interprets to be happening in his contemporary era through this commentary. Give an example of an architectural element or style that has developed in our contemporary timeframe.
  2. B. Discuss Le Corbusier’s comparison of architectural composition of the ocean liners pictured and architecture on land. What specific elements does he bring attention to? Do you agree or disagree with his sentiment that we should learn from ocean liner designers when designing buildings on land?

PDF link:


Based on available knowledge of health disparities in different populations, consider the scenario where a migrant worker in California has injured himself while on the job. He does not seek medical treatment for various reasons?

M2 – Health Disparities in different Populations

Based on available knowledge of health disparities in different populations, consider the scenario where a migrant worker in California has injured himself while on the job. He does not seek medical treatment for various reasons? Considering the social determinants of health, what are some factors that would influence this decision? Use evidence from a scholarly source to support your response. How do current policies perpetuate social determinants of health for these kinds of populations? What policy recommendations would you make to alleviate social determinants of health?

If you were a VW executive appointed after the scandal, what recommendations would you make to prevent something like this from happening in the future?

Volkswagen emissions scandal

In Chapter 2, we learned about an ethical decision-making process. Read the attached case study on the Volkswagen emissions scandal, and apply the ethical decision-making process in your analysis of the case (as if you were a manager at VW at the time the defeat devices were being installed) . If you were a VW executive appointed after the scandal, what recommendations would you make to prevent something like this from happening in the future?


Identify the basic argument of the text and highlight any relevant context (5 W’s). Analyze an effective rhetorical strategy being used to persuade the audience.

Rhetorical Analysis of “Recipe for a Happy Life”

For this assignment, you will choose one “text” that employs rhetoric in order to make an argument. What is a “text”? For our purposes, let’s consider both traditional texts (i.e., articles, editorials, essays, speeches, manifestos, biblical passages, etc.) and non-traditional texts (i.e., podcasts, Ted Talks, sermons, infographics, webpages, memes, etc.). My reasoning behind broadening the field for potential analyses is simple: I want you to write about a rhetorical situation that feels relevant, interesting, and timely–on a personal level.

The overall goal for this essay is to analyze how an author is using rhetoric to support his/her argument and to persuade his/her audience. You’ll notice that the essay begins with summarizing and ends with evaluating, which means the “heart” of this assignment is clear, perceptive, and well-supported analysis.

Proposed Outline:

● Introduction Paragraph – Identify the basic argument of the text and highlight any relevant context (5 W’s).

● Body Paragraphs – Analyze an effective rhetorical strategy being used to persuade the audience. Either quote or paraphrase from the text. Remember to start with observation. Tell me what the rhetorical technique in view is, then transition into analysis by telling me how the technique functions in the larger argument and/or affects the audience.

● Body Paragraphs – Criticize any rhetorical weaknesses in the argument. This includes omissions, misrepresentations, a failure to address counterarguments, significant blows to ethos, imbalances (overall or on specific issues), structural defects, and, of course, logical fallacies. Explain how these weaknesses undermine their specific position in the text and the author’s larger argument.

● Conclusion Paragraph – Evaluate the text’s overall rhetorical effectiveness in light of Aristotle’s ideal. In what ways was it effective? In what ways did it fail? Is it particularly persuasive for certain demographics? Avoid simplistic “good vs. bad” assessments. Attempt to offer a fair, nuanced review of the text’s various strengths and weaknesses.

Name the organization and briefly describe what good or service they sell and where they operate. Explain what actions the company took to achieve operational excellence.

Operational excellence Practical connection

This week select an organization that has a Global platform (they operate in more than one country), that has demonstrated operational excellence. In this paper, perform the following activities:

  • Name the organization and briefly describe what good or service they sell and where they operate.
  • Note how they are a differentiator in the market.
  • Note the resources used to ensure success in their industry (remember resources are comprised of more than just people).
  • Explain what actions the company took to achieve operational excellence.

The above submission should be three pages in length. Remember the total length does not include the APA approved cover page or the references. There should be at least three APA approved references to support your work.


How does the narrator describe Patroclus’s request in line 50? What do you notice that is interesting about the narrator in this book? What repeated refrain do we find in this book as Zeus considers saving Sarpedon?

What brings Agamemnon’s day to an end?

  • The tide turns as Hector rises to prominence. How does his time end, and who is next to take up the tide of battle?
  • BOOK 11 (198)
    • How does this book begin?
  • How does the book end?
  • In Book 12 the Trojans break through the Greek defenses and threaten the sips. In Book 14 Zeus leaves the battlefield, and in his absence Poseidon steps in to help the Greeks hold off the Trojans.


  • BOOK 14
    • How does book 14 begin?
  • What do we learn both about the gods, and about the role of women in this book?
  • How does this book end?


  • BOOK 16
    • How does this book begin?


  • How does the narrator describe Patroclus’s request in line 50?
  • What do you notice that is interesting about the narrator in this book?
  • What repeated refrain do we find in this book as Zeus considers saving Sarpedon?
  • What role do the gods play in Patroclus’ death?
  • Describe the conversation between Patroclus and Hector.
  • How do you feel at the death of Patroclus? DO you believe the text encourages that feeling? If so how?


  • BOOK 18
    • How does this book begin?
  • What issue arises in Patroclus’ death that prevents Achilles’ from immediately avenging him?
  • What does his mother tell him to do?
  • How does Achilles’ bring an end to the hostilities this day?
  • What decision do the Trojans make regarding where to make camp in this book? Why is this a bad decision?
  • Describe the shield that Hephaestus makes for Achilles. What is this literary description of a work of art called?
  • What do you think is the significance of the imagery on the shield?


  • In Book 19 Achilles readies for war. In Book 20 the gods hold a council. Achilles’ will be permitted to win considerable honor in the battle, but they discuss how to make sure Achilles does not conquer Troy before its fated time. In Book 21 Achilles in on a rampage. He kills so many people that he clogs the river, and angers the river god who attacks him. Hephaestus, however, comes to his aid and the river god is sent back to his channel. Achilles drives the army back to Troy, and would have conquered Troy then and there if Apollo did not prevent him from doing so.


  • BOOK 22
    • How does Book 22 begin?
  • Why does Hector wait for Achilles?
  • How does Hector behave that is contrary to our idea of heroism? What does this teach us about the differences between heroes in Greek culture?
  • What common refrain d we hear as Zeus contemplates saving Hector?
  • Describe the final confrontation with Achilles and Hector, How is it different than Patroclus’ death?
  • How does the book end?


  • BOOK 23
    • What takes place in the beginning of this book.
  • Describe the games. Why are they important? What does this show you about Achilles?


  • BOOK 24
    • Summarize the end of the epic.
  • Describe the significance of Achilles’ speech about the two jars. What options are available to men?
  • Did Achilles really have to fates?
  • Does Achilles undergo a meaningful change?
  • What do we make of the glorification of Achilles, and the Greek principle of Medan Agan?
  • Are the gods controlled by fate, or do they have power over it?
  • How does the epic end?

To what extent is the existing economic theory and taxonomic framework, which identifies consumers as ‘average’, ‘vulnerable’, ‘informed, or ‘confident’, useful for regulation?


Answer the question below.

To what extent is the existing economic theory and taxonomic framework, which identifies consumers as ‘average’, ‘vulnerable’, ‘informed, or ‘confident’, useful for regulation?

Using the Bohr model, calculate the radius for the electron in the n=1 energy level for a hydrogen atom (1 proton and 1 electron) and a helium cation (2 protons, 2 neutrons and 1 electron). Explain why the radii are either the same or different.

Physical chemistry foe biochemistry II

  1. (25 pts) Using the Bohr model, calculate the radius for the electron in the n=1 energy level for a hydrogen atom (1 proton and 1 electron) and a helium cation (2 protons, 2 neutrons and 1 electron). Explain why the radii are either the same or different.
  2. (20 pts) Explain the difference between an eigenvalue and an expectation value (<3-5 sentences).
  3. (25 pts) What is the kinetic energy for a proton with the following wavefunction? (Hint: the ‘m-1’ in the wavefunction is the unit of ‘meter’ to the power of -1)
  1. (20 pts) Calculate the expectation value for the ‘F’ operator given the following wavefunction and relationships.
  2. (10 pts) The particle in a 1D box has an infinite potential, V = ∞, at x < 0 and x > L. A modified particle in a 1D box additionally has an infinite potential at exactly x = L / 2. Using equations, show how this modifies the eigenfunctions and energy levels.

|Ψ(x)⟩ = 1

3 cos(3m −1 x)

|ψ⟩ = c|φ1⟩ + 2c|φ2 ⟩


F|φ1⟩ = 1 ⋅ |φ2⟩


F|φ2⟩ = 0

c* = c

⟨φi | φj ⟩ = 0 when i ≠ j

⟨φi | φj ⟩ = 1 when i = j




With reference to case law and academic commentary, critically discuss the impact that Prest has had in the area of lifting the corporate veil.


Answer the question below.

‘The Supreme Court’s judgment in Prest v Petrodel [2013] UKSC 34 has been at the centre of attention for almost a decade. Although the judgment talks about the doctrine of lifting the veil being an “incoherent label” (para 106 per Lord Walker), there seems to be a growing consensus that Prest has revived and re-established the Salomon principle instead of undermining it or calling for its abolition.’

With reference to case law and academic commentary, critically discuss the impact that Prest has had in the area of lifting the corporate veil.