
On a scale of 1-5, with 1 being the lowest and 5 being the highest, after completing the Intercultural Management assignment, rate how you feel about the strength of your information literacy. EQ Briefly describe why you selected the rating that you did.

Information Literacy Competency:

“Information literacy competency is a combination of knowledge, skills and attitudes towards recognizing when and why information is needed, where to find it, how to evaluate, manage and apply it, synthesize, use and communicate it ethically and legally”. ( On a scale of 1-5, with 1 being the lowest and 5 being the highest, after completing the Intercultural Management assignment, rate how you feel about the strength of your information literacy. EQ

  • 1
  • 2
  • 3
  • 4

Briefly describe why you selected the rating that you did.


Is it important to acknowledge the source(s) of information you have used in your writing? State why you think it is important or why not.

Discussion Topic

In a paragraph of no less than 150 words, state your opinion on the importance of documenting sources when writing.

  1. Is it important to acknowledge the source(s) of information you have used in your writing?
  2. State why you think it is important or why not.
  3. State at least three reasons.
  4. Below the paragraph, include three of the sources you have used in your papers; they must be just as you cited them and correctly formatted as per the MLA or APA styles.

Also, you must follow the instructions below:

  1. You must use Times New Roman font.
  2. Do not use informal language: contractions, informal  (slang) words/expressions.
  3. Use transitional words: first, another, also,  however, therefore,  furthermore, finally, etc.
  4. You must respond to one classmate for full credit.


Explain the significance of your findings for employers in your local area regarding access to services / agencies to conduct in-servicing for staff on conflict resolution and stress management.

Relationship investigation

Report Template
Headings are to be used, but are not included in the word count.
Use the format below when writing your report:

TITLE Your title should be brief, topic-specific, and informative, clearly indicating the purpose and scope of your report. Include key words in your title so that the reader gets a good idea of what the report is about. For example: Conflict resolution and stress management: local services and agencies for employee in-servicing

INTRODUCTION / AIM (approx 100 words) The introduction creates the context for your research. It should provide sufficient background to allow the reader to understand the aim of the report . After reading the introduction your reader should understand exactly what your research is about. what you plan to do, why you are undertaking this research, etc. Introductions generally include:

• The rationale for the present study. Why are you interested in this topic? Why is this topic worth investigating?

• Key terms and definitions leg self-awareness)

• An outline of what your research is intended to investigate HINT: you could reword the task outline from the task sheet

KEY FINDINGS (approx. 50 words) This section is a concise, factual summary of your findings. You would generally provide a bullet point list or table outlining the key findings of your research.
For example: • A total of 10 services / agencies have been identified in the Noosa local area • 5 are counselling services, 3 are employment services, 2 are psychology services • Tim’s Employment Services would be a good choice to follow up on as they employ both a career counsellor and social worker. (The above is list is 48 words) DISCUSSION (approx. 400 words) The discussion responds to the hypothesis or research question.

This section is where you:

• Explain how self-awaress is key to positive and successful workplace relationships

• Analyse and interpret your results (why would having a career counsellor come to do the in-servicing be a better option than a psychologist, or vice versa)

• Explain the significance of your findings for employers in your local area regarding access to services / agencies to conduct in-servicing for staff on conflict resolution and stress management (ties in with discussing what employers can do to help employees understand the importance of conflict resolution and stress management strategies)

• Consider both the success or difficulties you had conducting your research.

CONCLUSION (approx 100 words) Conclusions in research reports are generally fairly short and should follow on naturally from points raised in the Discussion. In this section you should discuss the significance of your findings. To what extent and in what ways are your findings useful or conclusive? Is further research required? If so, based on your research experience, what suggestions could you make about improvements to the scope or methodology of future studies? Also, consider the practical implications of your results and any recommendations you could make. For example, does there need to be more services available in your local area?

REFERENCE LIST (not included in word count) What is the difference between a Reference List and a Bibliography? A reference contains all the resources you have cited in your work, while a Bibliography is a wider list containing all the resources you have consulted (but not necessarily cited) in the preparation of your work.

Tell us about your interest in the area of study you are applying for. How will earning this degree help you reach your personal and career goals?

Seattle University Mission

Seattle University is dedicated to educating the whole person, to professional formation, and to empowering leaders for a just and humane world.

The Seattle University mission is an integral part of the campus community. Tell us about your interest in Seattle U and how the university’s mission resonates with your personal and educational goals. (250-300 words)

Tell us about your interest in the area of study you are applying for. How will earning this degree help you reach your personal and career goals? (250-300 words)

What topic will you be exploring this term in sociology? What made you choose this topic? Why does this topic matter sociologically? How does this topic relate to social interactions and relationships that people share?


  • Link to Textbook :

Topic: Social Media

  • The effects of social media on society in general
  • How social media has changed society
  • Social Media and Mental Health (societal trends rather than individual experiences)
  • Social Media and Free Speech


Paragraph 1-2:

  1. What topic will you be exploring this term in sociology? (1-2 sentences)
  2. What made you choose this topic? Why does this topic matter sociologically?  How does this topic relate to social interactions and relationships that people share? (3-4 sentences) (Be sure to refer to chapter one of your textbook to help with your understanding of the science of sociology in answering this question.)
  3. What sociological perspective (sociological theory) will work best to understand or describe your chosen topic? Why does this perspective work for your topic? (2-3 sentences) (Sociological perspectives can be found in module 1.3 of your text.)

Paragraphs 2 & 3:

  1. How does the sociological concept of culture (textbook chapter 3) relate to your topic? (2-3 sentences)
  2. How would you describe your topic in relation to socialization? (2-3 sentences) (chapter 5 of your text)
  3. How do Society and Social Interaction relate to your topic? (2-3 sentences) (Chapter 4 of your text)
  4. How do you see the sociological concept of deviance related to your topic? (2-3 sentences) (Textbook Chapter 7)

Paragraphs 4 & 5:

  1. How does the concept of social stratification (Chapter 9) relate to or affect your topic? Why? (3-4 sentences)
  2. How do the concepts of race and ethnicity (Chapter 11) relate to your topic? Why? (3-4 sentences)


Paragraphs 6 & 7:

  1. How do the concepts of gender and sexualities (Chapter 12) relate to or affect your topic? Why? (3-4 sentences)
  2. How do the concepts of Government and Politics (Chapter 17) relate to your topic? Why? (3-4 sentences)



Note: The total word count on your paper should be at least 500 words

  1. Add a closing paragraph (150-200 words) summarizing your topic and how it relates to sociology based on what you have learned this term.
  2. Be sure to include references to your textbook within your paper and in your final reference page at the end

Note: you will be using your textbook as your reference for your writing assignments and in your final paper this term.  The in-text citation for your textbook should look like this: (Conerly et al., 2021) for paraphrased information you get from your text.  Your full reference citation at the end of your work (and on the reference page on your final paper) is formatted like this:


Why do Manufacturing Companies focus on Lean Thinking? What is meant by the term overproduction? Why do you think this has been described as the biggest waste of all?

THE BENEFITS OF LEAN MANUFACTURING what lean thinking offers the process Industries

Authors Name: Melton,T

Source: In 7th World Congress of Chemical Engineering, Chemical Engineering Research and Design June 2005 83(6):662-673

Read out the research paper carefully and based on your understanding you should answer the following questions.


  1. Why do Manufacturing Companies focus on Lean Thinking? (500 words)- (5Marks)
  2. What is meant by the term overproduction? Why do you think this has been described as the biggest waste of all? (500 words)- (5Marks)
  3. Assess the reasons for using lean thinking. What are the benefits of using lean thinking from Suppliers to end users? (500 words) -(5Marks)
  • Reference should be included.


What is the difference between a good and a service? How do businesses make money (use the R-E=P equation)? What is the relationship between risk and reward and where do you stand on the risk-reward continuum?


Write a 2-3 page paper. Pretend you are an entrepreneur selling a good or a service. Briefly describe your product and then, using your business as an example, explain the following:

What is the difference between a good and a service?, How do businesses make money (use the R-E=P equation)?, What is the relationship between risk and reward and where do you stand on the risk-reward continuum?, What is the definition of “stakeholder” and name 3 stakeholders for your business, What is the definition of outsourcing and would you outsource a portion of your business, why or why not?

R=Revenue E=Expenses P=Profit


Under what doctrine might Radio Shack be held liable for the tort committed by Richmond? What is the key factor in determining whether Radio Shack is liable under this doctrine?

Writers Choice

Legal ‘ Ethical Scenarios
Select two of the scenarios provided below. Analyze the facts in the scenarios and develop appropriate arguments/resolutions and recommendations. Support your responses with appropriate cases, laws and other relevant examples by using at least one scholarly source from the SUO Library in addition to your textbook for each scenario. Do not copy the scenarios into the paper. Cite your sources in APA format on a separate page. Submit the paper to the Submissions Area by the due date assigned.

Scenario I: Employment Law
Carole Smith, an Apostolic Christian, worked as sales associate at Nickels Department Store. One afternoon, during a break, Smith participated in a conversation about God, homosexuality, and same-sex marriages. The next day, an employee told the manager that Smith made inappropriate comments about gays to Casey, a Nickels employee who was gay. Over the next five weeks, Nickels investigated the incident by interviewing and obtaining statements from employees who were present during the conversation. In his statement, Casey reported that Smith pointed her finger and said that God does not accept gays, that gays should not be allowed to marry or have children, and that they will burn in hell. Three employees confirmed Smith’s statements.

Nickels terminated Smith's employment after concluding she had engaged in serious harassment in violation of its Discrimination and Harassment Prevention Policy. This policy, of which Smith was aware, prohibits employees from engaging in conduct that could reasonably be interpreted as harassment based on an individual's status, including sexual orientation, and provides that employees who violate the policy will receive "coaching and/or other discipline, up to and including termination.” Nickels has "zero tolerance" for harassment "regardless of whether such conduct rises to the level of unlawful discrimination or harassment" and treats serious harassment as gross misconduct and grounds for immediate termination.

Smith filed suit, alleging her termination for stating that gays should not marry and will go to hell—a belief that she maintains is an aspect of her Apostolic Christian faith—constitutes unlawful discrimination under Title VII. Is she correct?
If Smith posted the same information on her Facebook page but omitted references to the specific employee, would the outcome of her lawsuit for wrongful termination change?

Scenario II: Professional Torts
Medical malpractice is negligence committed by a physician or a pharmacist. Present an actual case of medical malpractice filed in your state court system or in the federal district court in your state. You must read the actual case and not an article about the case. You may find the case by first reading the article by researching the South University Online Library or a scholarly source on the Internet, but you will need to read and cite the actual case to receive credit.

Accordingly, respond to the following questions:

Summarize the facts of the case.
Provide your state’s law or regulation relating to malpractice by physicians or pharmacists.
Discuss the outcome of the case.
Explain whether you agree with the verdict. Why or why not?

Scenario III: Agency, Employment and Torts
Brenda Byars, on her way to a business meeting and in a hurry, stopped at a Radio Shack to pick up a new car charger for her smartphone. There was a long line at one of the checkout counters, but a cashier, Phyllis Richmond, opened another counter and began loading the cash drawer. Byars told Richmond that she was in a hurry and asked Richmond to work faster. Instead, Richmond slowed her pace. At this point, Byars hit Richmond.

It is not clear whether Byars hit Richmond intentionally or, in an attempt to retrieve the car charger, hit her inadvertently. In response, Richmond grabbed Byars by the hair and hit her repeatedly in the back of the head, while Byars screamed for help. Management personnel separated the two women and questioned them about the incident. Richmond was terminated immediately for violating the store’s no-fighting policy. Byars sued Radio Shack, alleging that the store was liable for the tort (assault and battery) committed by its employee.

Under what doctrine might Radio Shack be held liable for the tort committed by Richmond?
What is the key factor in determining whether Radio Shack is liable under this doctrine?
How is Radio Shack’s potential liability affected by whether Richmond’s behavior constituted an intentional tort or a tort of negligence?
Suppose that when Richmond applied for the job at Radio Shack, she disclosed in her application that she had previously been convicted of felony assault and battery. Nevertheless, Radio Shack hired Richmond as a cashier. How might this fact affect Radio Shack’s liability for Richmond’s actions?

What proportion of employees spend less than 15 minutes a day commuting? What proportion of employees spend more than 30 minutes commuting each day?

PSYC 2317: Statistical Methods for Psychology

Instructions: Complete each problem below. You may submit your completed exam in Canvas using one of two file formats: either (1) write your solutions on paper and scan to a PDF, or (2) write your solutions in a Word/OpenOffice document. Be sure to save your work as a PDF. On either method, please show (or describe) as much work as possible. Report your final answers rounded to 2 decimal places.

1. A sample of N = 35 scores has a mean of X = 10. One score of X = 51 is added to the sample. What is the new value for the sample mean?

2. An expert reviews a sample of 8 scientific articles and records the following numbers of errors in each article: 2, 5, 6, 9, 4, 6, 3, 7. Compute the mean and median for this data.

3. A social psychologist records the age (in years) that a sample of eight participants experienced coffee for the first time. The recorded ages are 21, 19, 16, 14, 16, 15, 17, 11. Compute the variance and standard deviation for this data.

4. For a set of scores with mean 80 and standard deviation 15, find the z-score that corresponds to each of the following X-values: 55, 65, 35, 20.

5. For a set of scores with μ = 145 and σ = 25, find the X-value that corresponds to each of the
following z-scores: 1.50, -0.50, 2.00, -1/3

6. A set of exams are reported as X-values and z-scores. On this exam a score of X = 82 corresponds to a Z = 0.5 and X = 70 corresponds to a Z = 1.0. Use this information to find the mean and standard deviation for the complete set of exams.

7. A set of exam scores has a mean of 50 and a standard deviation of 8. The instructor would like to transform the scores into a standardized distribution with a new mean of 100 and new standard deviation of 15. Find the transformed value for each of the following scores from the original population: 55, 67, 46, 34.

8. A normal distribution has a mean of μ = 85 with σ = 5. What proportion of scores in this distribution are:
(a) Above 115?
(b) Below 118?
(c) Between 91 and 115?

9. The average employee in the US spends μ = 25 minutes commuting to work each day. Assume that the distribution of commute times is normal with a standard deviation of σ = 8 minutes.
(a) What proportion of employees spend less than 15 minutes a day commuting?
(b) What proportion of employees spend more than 30 minutes commuting each day?
Wait! There is one more problem on the next page!

10. For a normal population with μ = 50 and σ = 15, what is the probability of obtaining a sample mean:
(a) Greater than 62 for a sample of n = 36 scores?
(b) Greater than 62 for a sample of n = 9 scores?

Identify a challenge that the industry has recently faced. Explain why it is a serious challenge. Offer a specific solution or recommendation to address this challenge.

Weeks 5/6: White Paper Peer Review Discussion (25 pts.)

Sources: At least five credible sources (trade publications, financial reports, and other reliable materials)

Format: APA-based document including visual components and clearly geared towards a non-academic professional audience (no in-text citations or References page)

For your white paper, you will identify a specific problem in an industry sector and propose an evidence-based solution.

The objectives of your white paper are to:

Establish a successful aspect of an industryLinks to an external site.
Identify a challenge that the industry has recently faced.
Explain why it is a serious challenge.
Offer a specific solution or recommendation to address this challenge.
back your solution with two precise cases in which the proposed recommendation has worked (two organizations which have successfully implemented the specific solution)
address any possible concerns or objections to this proposed solution and directly respond to them
present the next steps to implement your proposed solution
Keep in mind that your intended audience for this assignment is industry professionals — identify them in your paper — , so consider how to best organize and effectively present your ideas.

Although your audience is non-academic, you still need data to back your proposed solution, so be sure to use a variety of credible sources to support your ideas.

You will also need to include visual components in your white paper — consider how graphs, charts, tables, and other dynamic data pieces can make your document more appealing to a professional audience.


Note: In order to submit a white paper draft, you must first complete and submit Warm Up: White Paper Outline Worksheet Submission by Tues., 2/7 and receive instructor feedback/approval.


A white paper is a recommendation based on two or more successful case studies demonstrating a successful strategy across an industry sector.