
Develop strategies to identify and address barriers to quality improvement. Critically appraise a range of methods to measure and evaluate quality improvement.

Improvement project report

This final assessment invites students to apply, and reflect on the principles, methods and strategies for improvement that they have learnt in this subject, in a formal report on their personal improvement project.

This assessment task addresses these subject learning objectives:

B. Design, plan and implement a quality improvement project.
C. Communicate quality improvement needs and outcomes to different audiences.
D. Develop strategies to identify and address barriers to quality improvement.
E. Critically appraise a range of methods to measure and evaluate quality improvement.

Formatting requirements:

In your submission, apply report formatting including 12-point font size, 1.5-spaced paragraphs and headings in bold.

Ensure the document you upload is easily legible and has been spell-checked and proofread before submission. Please ensure your reference list is accurate and complete.

What are the stress factors causing police officers to make mistakes on the jobs, with the public having seen and heard of incidents is there anything set in place to prevent more stress and provide better options?

Extreme Stress within Law Enforcement (police officers)

Start with an introductory paragraph about your research topic and why it is of interest.
Guide your reader from your research area to your research topic, then on to your general research question, and specific research question
Provide a purpose statement that conveys your intentions about what you hope to produce
Focus on one or two specific variables (and discuss how they are defined),
Develop a hypothesis that reflects your educated guess as to the relationship between your selected variables
explain why these are the important variables to look at within this research project. Why focus on these variables and not other variables?
By the time you are done, you should have at least 3-4 pages of content.

Research Question:
What are the stress factors causing police officers to make mistakes on the jobs, with the public having seen and heard of incidents is there anything set in place to prevent more stress and provide better options?

The purpose of this paper is to shed light on the stressors and provides a break down of them

Dependent variable:
Stress rates creating fear in police that alter how they deal with on the job situations

Independent Variable:
Not enough health care options to combat the stressors and/or PTSD

The stigma behind having to go to behavioral health and the lack of available resources within the law enforcement world is a high factor in why stress levels are at a high when on the job.

Describe four of the seven functions of performance as we discussed in class. What is restored behavior? Why is this important regarding the study of performance? How can maps be described as performance? Give an example.



  1. What does the word theater mean?
  2. What is the first labor of making art? Why is this sometimes dangerous?
  3. What function do stories serve in our lives?
  4. Please describe the three-story elements you researched on the Periodic Table of Storytelling and a little about what you learned?
  5. Using the three elements you researched, please give an example of how each of these elements relates to some of your favorite stories?
  6. What is the difference between theater with “t” and Theater with a “T” ?


  1. Using the definitions from the lecture and the book, define make believe and make belief. Give an example of both.
  2. Describe four of the seven functions of performance as we discussed in class.
  3. What is restored behavior? Why is this important regarding the study of performance?
  4. How can maps be described as performance? Give an example.
  5. There were eight kinds of performance we discussed at the beginning of Chapter Two. Name four of them. Now, list the primary and secondary functions for those performances?

Greek Theater and Mardi Gras

  1. Where did the Greeks perform their plays? Why?
  2. Was music an important part of ancient Greek society? Why?
  3. According to most scholars today, how many muses do we recognize from ancient Greece?
  4. What is the origin of the word music?
  5. Do you feel theater is as important today as it was in ancient Greece? Why?
  6. What is the festival of Dionysus? Be specific.
  7. When we’re festivals held in ancient Greece? Why?
  8. Who is Thespis? What was his significance in the theater?
  9. Describe the role of the choregos? Who was allowed to be a part of it?
  10. Name at least three things that Greek Theater and Mardi Gras have in common?

Performance Spaces

  1. What is a proscenium theater?
  2. What is a thrust theater?
  3. What is theater in the round?
  4. What is site responsive or site-specific theater?
  5. What is the difference between a space and a place? Please give an example.


What are your responsibilities as an RN related to medication administration and how will you carry it out?

Medication Administration

What are your responsibilities as an RN related to medication administration and how will you carry it out? (Minimum of 2 pages)


Identify and describe the key factors that are likely to be in contention between parents, teachers, administrators, and designers. Indicate and describe the relationships among all of the key factors that have been identified.


As an educational technology expert, you have been invited to a meeting of a parents’ association at a school that has recently introduced many innovative technologies for students. A great deal of taxpayers’ money was used to completely renovate the school’s technology infrastructure, and then acquire and deploy many new technology-based learning materials and instructional systems. Among the new materials are a series of simulation-based game environments known popularly as the SIMs. These games are highly interactive and allow students to manipulate about a half dozen variables in order to achieve a desired outcome such as maximizing the number of adults who vote in an election. The new learning technologies have been in the school for two years but there have been no noticeable changes in graduate rates, dropout rates, attendance, or scores on state and national tests. The parents are concerned that their investment has been wasted. You have been asked to testify as to whether or not that is the case, and why or why not.

Learning Activities
1. Identify and describe the key factors that you would consider in framing your response to the problem situation stated above.
2. Identify and describe the key factors that are likely to be in contention between parents, teachers, administrators, and designers.
3. Indicate and describe the relationships among all of the key factors that have been identified.
4. Indicate what things should be targets of change in order to make the best of this problematic situation.
5. Create an annotated concept map that reflects the things indicated in response to the previous four tasks.
6. Reflect on your responses and your concept map, and then describe the assumptions you have made and what resources would be required to implement the solution you have in mind; present this response in the form of a logic model that includes a theory of change.

Explain the ecosystem that makes up the mobile web. How does a mobile ecosystem compare to a natural ecosystem?

Management Question

Write a research paper that includes the following:

  • Explain the ecosystem that makes up the mobile web.
  • How does a mobile ecosystem compare to a natural ecosystem?
  • How do mobile-device users leverage the cloud?

How do these team members’ strengths complement yours? What skills and/or personality traits do they have that will help your team in areas where you feel challenged? Explain how chosen team members complement you in more than one case.

Week 7 JGR Fantasy Team

1. Describe the role of Team Leader and how you will fulfill that role.
Explain your skills and personal strengths needed to be an effective team leader.
Think about your personal DiSC assessment results from JGR100. What is your DiSC work style, and how will you select team members to complement your skills?
What will you be responsible for as Team Leader? What will you handle personally, and what will you delegate to other members of your team?

2. Select a candidate for each of the four roles described above, and justify your selections.
Review the candidates by viewing the Week 7 Strayer talk and the document JGR Employee Profiles.
Consider how each choice’s particular skills and personality will help them perform their role successfully.
How do these team members’ strengths complement yours? What skills and/or personality traits do they have that will help your team in areas where you feel challenged?
Explain how chosen team members complement you in more than one case.

Review your proposed solution to the technology hazard you selected in the first module. Develop a structure, process, or outcome indicator or measure that can be used to evaluate the success of your proposed technology hazard solution.


For this assignment, you will create the quality measurement plan that will be included in your white paper. Your quality measurement plan will identify and discuss the quality indicator(s) or measure(s) that you will use to decide if your identified solution will make a difference. Theoretically, this measure would be part of your organization’s quality improvement initiative for enhancing the safety of the specified technology hazard. Your goal is to create a realistic plan for evaluating the effectiveness of your specific solution. The indicator, or measure, should be narrow enough to assess the effectiveness of your specific solution.

Follow the steps below to complete this assignment.
Review your proposed solution to the technology hazard you selected in the first module.
Develop a structure, process, or outcome indicator or measure that can be used to evaluate the success of your proposed technology hazard solution. Depending on your solution, you may need to develop more than one indicator.

Write a one-page quality measurement plan that discusses the quality indicator(s) to measure the effectiveness of the proposed technology hazard solution and describes how you would implement this measure to include:
Who will monitor the measure?
How will the data be collected?
When and how often will the data be collected?
Your quality measurement plan must be one page in length. References are not required for this assignment.

Write a FATT thesis statement that gives a clear argument. the prompt is- What roles do Clarisse, Faber, and Beatty as foil characters play in re-educating Guy Montag? how does each character influence Montag’s change? how do these characters question his beliefs? how does he answer their questions?

Fahenheit 451

Write a FATT thesis statement that gives a clear argument. the prompt is- What roles do Clarisse, Faber, and Beatty as foil characters play in re-educating Guy Montag? how does each character influence Montag’s change? how do these characters question his beliefs? how does he answer their questions?

Research the black historical figure that you chose. Write an essay using the information you collected on the person.

 Black historical figure

1. Research the black historical figure that you chose.
2. Write an essay using the information you collected on the person. Include the following:
a. Background information/Early Life: birthplace, upbringing, important experiences as a youth
b. Obstacles/Struggles (issues the person faced and/or had to overcome)
c. Accomplishments/Significant Events (what did this person do)
d. Historical Significance
3. You will have to briefly present your historical figure later this week if time permits.