
How should the new curriculum be designed in order to achieve both goals— (a) encouraging more students to pursue further studies in math, science, and engineering, and (b) ensuring that students will generally perform well on the existing standardized tests?


A Representative Educational Technology Challenge
An innovative private school has decided to redo its high school mathematics and science curriculum in response to recent emphasis on the integrated nature of science and mathematics, and strong interest in having more graduates pursue college majors in science, mathematics, and engineering disciplines. However, to maintain the school’s accreditation, its students must perform acceptably on standardized tests that have been developed to test knowledge on traditional science and mathematics topics, rather than assess skills in putting that knowledge to practical use.

There are at least two fundamental issues to address:
1. How should the new curriculum be designed in order to achieve both goals— (a) encouraging more students to pursue further studies in math, science, and engineering, and (b) ensuring that students will generally perform well on the existing standardized tests?
2. What kinds of formative assessments will help students and teachers maintain steady progress toward both goals?

Learning Activities
1. Develop a general framework with guidelines and a notional high-level curriculum to respond to the first issue in the representative educational technology challenge.
2. Develop a formative assessment scheme along with a suggested schedule for assessments, guidelines (rubrics) for use of assessments by students and teachers, and one specific assessment and accompanying rubric (assessment guideline with expectations) to illustrate the scheme.

Once you identify your perspective, examine the five specific modern learning theories (described on pages 80-82) and choose the modern theory with which you most closely identify. Explain why you chose this theory.


After reading chapter 7:
Reflect on the perspective with which you most closely identify. Explain why you chose this perspective.
Once you identify your perspective, examine the five specific modern learning theories (described on pages 80-82) and choose the modern theory with which you most closely identify. Explain why you chose this theory.
Explain how your chosen theory relates to your perspective.

NOTE: Your response should be approximately 500 words.

Do you think schools or sports organizations that promote these children’s sports should create regulations to try to decrease the number of injuries to children’s skeletal systems? Why or why not?


We covered some bone and joint injuries such as fractures and dislocations in this unit. These types of injuries are becoming increasingly common in children due to competitive sports like soccer or Little League baseball. Do you think schools or sports organizations that promote these children’s sports should create regulations to try to decrease the number of injuries to children’s skeletal systems? Why or why not?

Should muscle strength training be recommended for good overall health (the way cardio exercise is recommended)? What would be the benefits of strength training for people of different ages and backgrounds? What would be the drawbacks?


Should muscle strength training be recommended for good overall health (the way cardio exercise is recommended)? What would be the benefits of strength training for people of different ages and backgrounds? What would be the drawbacks?

Which LMS is the best for the organization and its constituency in terms of learning effectiveness? Which LMS is the most affordable for the organization to acquire and maintain?

Foundations of Educational Technology

A Representative Educational Technology Challenge
A large educational organization that offers online courses and provides online support for courses and projects is considering changing its learning management system (LMS).

Questions to consider include the following:
1. Which LMS is the best for the organization and its constituency in terms of learning effectiveness?
2. Which LMS is the most affordable for the organization to acquire and maintain?
3. What issues exist or are likely to arise with regard to support, acceptance, and use?
4. How and when will existing courses, support materials, and projects be migrated to the new system?
5. Who will train staff (and when and how) with regard to effective and efficient use of the new system?

Learning Activities

1. Develop a plan that addresses the first three issues in the representative educational technology challenge. Share the plan with your colleagues and ask them to provide a critique; critique one or more of their plans in exchange for the feedback.

2. Develop a plan that addresses the last two issues in the representative educational technology challenge. Share the plan with your colleagues and ask them to provide a critique; critique one or more of their plans in exchange for the feedback.

3. Investigate several Internet sources pertaining to educational technology and develop a list of activities and responsibilities typically associated with instructional designers and educational technologists. Indicate the knowledge and skills associated with these activities and responsibilities. Share your findings with your colleagues and ask them to provide a critique; critique one or more of their findings in exchange for the feedback.

Write a 2-3 page essay that discusses the dilemma faced by the No-no boys. Discuss what the questionnaire was.

Short essay

Watch the following video about the No-No boys, Japanese American resistance during WWII.

Then write a 2-3 page essay that discusses the dilemma faced by the No-no boys. Be sure to discuss what the questionnaire was,

And what the implications of question 27 and 28 were, and what the consequences of answering no to both questions were. You should also address how you might have answered if you were in that situation yourself.

Identify the artist, the title, date completed, and the medium. Explain how learning about the work will help you in your life and career. Consider the context in which the work was created and the meaning of the work.

Essay – Interrelationships Reflection

As we learned in Week 1, there is a difference between being educated and simply trained. The purpose of education is not only to determine what someone can do, but also what kind of person they become as a result of their education. Studies in the humanities will advance the communication skills, empathy, self-awareness, judgment, and professionalism of students, and they help students with becoming skilled at the social and cultural context of working with people.

In addition, studying the humanities can help students in the following ways:

Literature can introduce students to life situations with which they may not be familiar.
Drama can teach oral communication.
Philosophy can teach skills of analysis and argument.
Art, literature, drama. and music are expressions of human creativity, and taking part in some form of artistic activity, either as reader or viewer, is part of what makes us human.
For this assignment, choose a work of art that made an impression on you during this course. Then, address the following:

Include an image of or link to the work.
Identify the artist, the title, date completed, and the medium.
Explain how learning about the work will help you in your life and career. Consider the context in which the work was created and the meaning of the work.
Explain how one or more specific disciplines (literature, drama, philosophy, art, music) influenced you.
Examine the effect that you think this class could have on your career and personal life.

is the relationship between the work of art and the event? Did the artist depict the event accurately? Does the artist make changes regarding the event? If so, why do you think the artist made these changes?

Interdisciplinary Works

Initial Post Instructions
For the initial post, select and address one of the following options:

Option 1: Choose a work to discuss from one genre that interprets a work from another genre.

Include the title, artist, and description of both works.
Examine how the artist of the second work captured the subject or story of the first.
Support your point(s) with a statement from the second artist that discusses the influence, reasoning, or interpretation of the original work on the second work.
Click below for examples

Link: Examples
You could choose a specific artwork influenced by a literary work and how the artist captured the subject or story. (Examples: Salvador Dali’s Mad Tea Party and Lewis Carroll’s Alice in Wonderland; Pablo Picasso’s Don Quixote and Cervantes’s Don Quixote de la Mancha)
You could choose a literary work influenced by an artwork and how the author captured the story. (Examples: Picasso’s The Old Guitarist and Wallace Steven’s “The Man with the Blue Guitar”; Van Gogh’s Starry Night and Anne Sexton’s “The Starry Night”)

Option 2: Choose a work that is interdisciplinary (incorporates two or more disciplines), such as Hamilton from our lesson this week.

Include the title and artist(s).
Examine the genres that are intermingled to create the work.
How effective is the blending of genres in the work?
Why do you think the artist used different disciplines in the work?
Support your point(s) with a statement from the artist and one from a critic.

Option 3: Choose a work of art from any genre that depicts or tells the story of a real life event from any time period, such as The Consecration of the Emperor Napoleon and the Coronation of Empress Joséphine on December 2, 1804 by Jacques Louis David.

Include the title and the artist and some background of the event.
What is the relationship between the work of art and the event?
Did the artist depict the event accurately?
Does the artist make changes regarding the event? If so, why do you think the artist made these changes?
Examine the artist’s message in the depiction.
Support your point(s) with a statement from the artist.

Minimum of 2 sources cited (assigned readings/online lessons and an outside source)
APA format for in-text citations and list of references

Does it appear to be difficult to learn or tedious to work with? Would the design appeal to students? If so, what ages? Would this software be beneficial to students with disabilities? If so, how?

Comparing Software

You will choose TWO of the three to compare – in EACH of the FOUR categories.
For this assignment, you are to research specific software.
You can use YouTube, websites, research articles… just about anything but not word of mouth… to gather your information.

If you compare price (and you should) be sure to compare educational prices, not retail prices.
Consider HOW an educator might use the software.
Does it appear to be difficult to learn or tedious to work with?
Would the design appeal to students? If so, what ages?
Would this software be beneficial to students with disabilities? If so, how?
What advantages does your #1 rated have over the other software in that category?
You have four different categories. Research and explore each software in each category – then determine your #1 ranked in each category. Write up a rationale for your selection in each category.

Categories and software:
1. Articulate Storyline, Articulate Replay, Camtasia, Lectora
2. CourseSites (by Blackboard), Moodle, Google Classroom)
3. Zoom, Skype, GoToMeeting
4. Quizlet, Questionmark, Kahoot!

Explain the ethical issue presented in the article. Determine if the practice is relevant and therefore ethically justified. Was the article appealing? If so, why? If not, why not?

Employee rights in business

Select one article that examines a contemporary issue on moral or employee rights in business.

Below are possible topics to search for an article:

  • drug testing and the right to privacy,
  • due process in the workplace,
  • use of social media and employee privacy, and
  • freedom of expression in the workplace.

The article review should address the following points:

  1. Summarize the article, and discuss the author’s main point.
  2. Assess the strengths and weaknesses of the article.
  3. Explain the ethical issue presented in the article.
  4. Determine if the practice is relevant and therefore ethically justified.
  5. Was the article appealing? If so, why? If not, why not?

The article review must include at least two double-spaced pages, not counting the title and reference pages. You are required to use at least one outside source. Adhere to APA Style when constructing this assignment, including in-text citations, introduction, and references for all sources that are used.