
Write a 4-5 page argument that proposes a solution to your problem from Paper 1. Compile and use at least 4 college appropriate sources to support your solution. At least three of these sources must be new (not used in Paper 1).

Paper 2: How should we solve the problem?

Prompt: Argue a solution to your problem from Paper 1.

• Write a 4-5 page argument that proposes a solution to your problem from Paper 1.
• Compile and use at least 4 college appropriate sources to support your solution. At least three of these sources must be new (not used in Paper 1). Also, one of the three sources must present an opposing view to your argument.
• Present a single, focused proposal to the problem. A proposal may have parts, but they must work together as a single solution; this cannot be multiple solutions.
• Effectively support a proposal claim using logical reasons that have a unique relation to one another. These reasons should be important to the audience.
• Use detailed evidence to support the claim and reasons.
• Include a fair and respectful rebuttal paragraph.
• Format the paper and document your research in MLA style.

• Research info on how to deal with your problem in Paper 1. If you decide to change problems, it must be related to the group’s chosen topic, not be a problem another group member is doing, and must be accepted by the professor.
• Decide on a solution you will propose. Make sure it is a single solution. The solution can have different steps or parts, but all steps and parts must work together to achieve your outcome. You can create your own unique solution, put together pieces from others’ ideas to formulate a new solution, or advocate for someone’s solution.
• Decide on the reasons that support your solution. Reasons should prove that the solution will work, that it is the best possible solution, and/or that the solution has added benefits.
• Support the reasons with specific evidence from college appropriate sources. Make sure to explain how or why the evidence supports your claim and reasons.
• In at least one paragraph but no more than half your number of reasons, refute an opposing viewpoint. Consider refuting someone who disagrees with your solution, why they are incorrect and your solution will work; refuting an opposing solution, either why it does not work or why your solution is better; or someone who has a specific problem with your solution, why their problem is mute.
• Make sure to cite all sources using MLA rules.
• Make sure to format the paper is MLA style.
• Revise, edit, and proofread your paper.

Identify the purpose of the research and describe the claims and conclusions the author(s) make(s). Describe the results of the research and how they conducted it. Do the results support the author(s) claims?


Select a scholarly article on social media and education from one of the APUS Library databases. Make sure you are choosing a peer-reviewed article from an academic journal.

Write a short paper, 300-500 words in length, in which you:

Summarize the article BRIEFLY. (1 paragraph)
Identify the purpose of the research and describe the claims and conclusions the author(s) make(s). (1 paragraph)
Describe the results of the research and how they conducted it. Do the results support the author(s) claims? (1 paragraph)
How does this research fit into the big picture? Connect your article with the lessons from the week or the course as a whole. (1 paragraph)
In your opinion, can you apply this research to “real life?” (1 paragraph)

Analyze the data collected during the implementation phase to evaluate the effectiveness of the framework in reducing the negative impact of corrosion and improving the long-term viability and cost-effectiveness of the industry.

A Case Study Approach to a Comprehensive Corrosion Management Framework for the West African Oil and Gas Industry.

Rationale for Project Work
A more complete solution is needed for the enormous problem of corroded and leaky pipes in the West African oil and gas industry than only reactive maintenance and composite repair techniques. It is essential to take into account both technical and non-engineering integrity measures in a thorough corrosion management approach to handle this issue.

With a focus on minimising the detrimental effects of corrosion and enhancing long-term viability and cost-effectiveness, the objective of this thesis is to develop and implement a comprehensive corrosion management framework for ageing piping systems and pipelines in the West African oil and gas industry.

1. To examine the current corrosion management practices in the West African oil and gas industry, including the use of technical and non-engineering measures.
2. To identify the root causes of corrosion in pipes and their impact on the industry.
3. To develop a comprehensive corrosion management framework incorporating both technical and non-engineering measures.
4. To implement the framework in a case study in West Africa and evaluate its effectiveness in reducing the negative impact of corrosion and improving the long-term viability and cost-effectiveness of the industry.
5. To provide recommendations for the ongoing improvement of the corrosion management framework and its potential application as a framework for other companies in the region.

1. Literature Review: Conduct a comprehensive review of the existing literature on corrosion management practices in the oil and gas industry, including technical and non-engineering integrity measures, to identify the current state of the art and best practices.

2. Data Collection: Collect data from relevant sources, including oil and gas companies in West Africa, industry reports, government regulations and standards, and academic research. This data will be used to support the analysis and development of the comprehensive corrosion management framework. The data collected will be analysed using both quantitative and qualitative methods, including statistical analysis, content analysis, and thematic analysis. The data analysis will help to identify patterns, trends, and relationships in the data, providing insights into the challenges faced by the oil and gas industry in managing corrosion in pipes and the potential impact of the comprehensive framework.

3. Case Study Analysis: Conduct a case study analysis of a selected oil and gas company in West Africa to examine the current corrosion management practices in place and identify the root causes of corrosion in pipes.

4. Framework Development: Based on the literature review and case study analysis, develop a comprehensive corrosion management framework incorporating both technical and non-engineering integrity measures.

5. Framework Implementation: Implement the developed framework in the selected case study company and monitor its effectiveness over a specified period of time.

6. Data Analysis: Analyze the data collected during the implementation phase to evaluate the effectiveness of the framework in reducing the negative impact of corrosion and improving the long-term viability and cost-effectiveness of the industry.

7. Recommendations: Based on the results of the analysis, provide recommendations for the continuous improvement of the comprehensive corrosion management framework and its potential application as a framework for other companies in the region.

Discuss what forecasting horizon you have chosen for your company and why. Explain what terminal value growth rate you intend to use in your perpetuity free cash flow model and what you have done to prepare the cash flows for the terminal value calculation.

Financial Question

  1. Create a MS Excel financial model that represents your views of the future prospects of your target company. The financial model is to include forecasts for at least five years. Your model should contain a complete set of financial statements and appropriate supplemental schedules. Thus, at a minimum your forecasts should include an income statement, balance sheet, statement of cash flows (that reconciles to the change in cash), free cash flow statement ( in a separate tab). Your Model should have a tab that clearly shows the drivers or key factors (or Input) for the model. This section should also clearly show your Forecast Assumptions which will “drive” all your forecasts and later will be used for Sensitivity and Scenario Analysis.
  1. Provide a discussion of the method you used to forecast the key factor(s) driving the firm’s operations. Your discussion should answer the following questions: What are the key factors that drive the operations of the firm? How did you conclude that these are the key factors? How did you forecast these key factors?
  1. For the tax rate projection, it is okay to just use the firm’s historical effective tax rate [i.e., taxes paid divided by earnings before taxes].
  1. Discuss what forecasting horizon you have chosen for your company and why. Explain what terminal value growth rate you intend to use in your perpetuity free cash flow model and what you have done to prepare the cash flows for the terminal value calculation.
  1. Discuss the reasonableness of the forecasts you have generated using whatever metrics you believe would be relevant. Discuss the methods you used to check the overall reasonableness of your forecasts. Include any relevant graphs or tables you think demonstrate the reasonableness of your forecasts. If there are elements of your forecasts that you were not able to make reasonable, indicate what they are and how it is that the forecasts appear unreasonable.


Provide a supportive environment where students can flourish as scholars and citizens. Expand access to academic offerings, scholarship opportunities, and other vital resources that prepare students to succeed and graduate.


The University of Texas at Arlington is a comprehensive teaching, research, and public service institution dedicated to the advancement of knowledge through scholarship and creative work.

The University is committed to providing access and ensuring student success, and to a culture of innovation, entrepreneurship, and commercialization of discoveries by our community of scholars.

The University promotes lifelong learning though its academic, continuing education, and experiential learning programs. The faculty, staff, and student community shares diverse cultural values that foster inclusivity and cultivate mutual respect.

The University of Texas at Arlington is a pre-eminent urban public research university that inspires bold solutions with global impact through creative scholarship, transformative access, and collaborative learning.

Access and Success
Provide a supportive environment where students can flourish as scholars and citizens. Expand access to academic offerings, scholarship opportunities, and other vital resources that prepare students to succeed and graduate.

Opportunity and Excellence
Pursue the highest standards of excellence throughout every facet of the University. Provide all qualified students with opportunities to reap the benefits of the tremendous knowledge that exists at UTA.

Inclusiveness and Diversity
Foster an inclusive environment that supports a diverse community of faculty, staff, and students. Encourage the exploration and discovery of the unfamiliar and promote the understanding of all viewpoints.

Mavericks and Innovators
Ensure a culture of innovation, entrepreneurship, and creativity that strengthens our Maverick nature. Cultivate an atmosphere that rewards curiosity and challenges conventional thought.

Collegiality and Collaboration
Encourage a spirit of collegiality and camaraderie among all members of the UTA community. Champion partnerships and collaborative efforts that increase the University’s impact on society.

Use a plain–text editor such as Microsoft WordPad to write and SAVE your essay(s). At the time you submit your admissions application, you will have the choice to SUBMIT all saved essays with your application, or to submit each essay individually later. If you choose to submit your essays later, come back to this page by logging in to your account and returning to this page. If you are submitting your essay online, it must be no longer than 120 eighty-character lines of text (including spaces and blank lines). Apply Texas recommends that you keep your essay to between 500 and 750 words in length. We have provided a word counter below to help you keep track. If more than one institution to which you apply requires the same essay, you will need to submit the essay for each application that requires it in order for it to be sent to multiple institutions.

Academic Goals Essay
Essay Prompt: briefly state why you have chosen UT Arlington for your degree and specify what you hope to accomplish.

Have you or a family member worked for an organization that you would consider to have a strong culture? If so, what made the culture strong? Did you or they enjoy working there? What do you think led to that conclusion?

Course Learning Outcomes-Covered

1 Define the impact of company’s culture, structure and design can have on its organizational behavior. (CLO3)

Assignment 3

Reference Source:


Colquitt, J. A., LePine, J. A., & Wesson, M. J. (2019). Organizational behaviour: Improving performance and commitment in the workplace (6th ed). Burr Ridge, IL: McGraw-Hill Irwin.

Case Study: –

Case: Delta / United

Please read the case “Delta / United” from Chapter 16 “ORGANIZATIONAL CULTURE” Page: – 533 given in your textbook – Organizational behaviour: Improving performance and commitment in the workplace (6th ed). by Colquitt, J. A., LePine, J. A., & Wesson, M. J. (2019) and Answer the following Questions:

Assignment Question(s):


Discussion questions: – Read Chapter 16 “ORGANIZATIONAL CULTURE” Carefully and then give your answers based on your understanding.

  1. Have you or a family member worked for an organization that you would consider to have a strong culture? If so, what made the culture strong? Did you or they enjoy working there? What do you think led to that conclusion? (1.25 Marks ) (Min words 200-250)


Identify the consequences of having dissatisfied employees and describe ways of applying the four theories of job satisfaction and how you would use them to boost job satisfaction. Discuss how intrinsic and extrinsic motivation factors affect job satisfaction.

Application of Theory

After working through the Theoretical Foundations Powerpoint, select only one of the theories and discuss its usefulness in the context of managing organizations. Use online peer-reviewed journal research (case study research is best) to inform your writing, and to advance the theoretical discussion beyond what you encountered in the PowerPoint. You may select a theory that you will eventually use elsewhere in the course.

The Theory: Chaos Theory

Chaos Theory
●Chaos is more long-term than short-term
●Behavior in chaotic systems is aperiodic,
●May evolve in a way that appears to be smooth and ordered
●Chaos refers to the issue of whether or not it is possible to make accurate long-term predictions of any system if the initial conditions are known to an accurate degree.

Identify the consequences of having dissatisfied employees and describe ways of applying the four theories of job satisfaction and how you would use them to boost job satisfaction. Discuss how intrinsic and extrinsic motivation factors affect job satisfaction.

When answering consider how goals may help with job satisfaction and how to design jobs to enhance motivation.

Differentiate between WHO, and WTO in terms of budget, power, and the critiques for each of them, and support your answer with examples.


Differentiate between WHO, and WTO in terms of budget, power, and the critiques for each of them, and support your answer with examples.

Word limit: 500


Discuss the steps you took to create the two tables in the directions (include the code). Also, be sure to include a screenshot. (

Joining Data from Two Different Publicly Available Datasets

Answer the following questions used on GCP and python files

For this homework assignment, you will join data from two different publicly available datasets available through GCP. These data sets are Sustainable Development Goals (UN SDG) Indicators and World Development Indicators.

In order to complete this assignment, refer to the directions for “Joining Data from Two Different Publicly Available Datasets” in the module.


  • Discuss the steps you took to create the two tables in the directions (include the code). Also, be sure to include a screenshot. (30 points)
  • Discuss the steps you took to join the two tables together (include the code). Be sure to include a screenshot (s). (30 Points)
  • Discuss the steps you took to visualize the data using Google Data Studio. Don’t forget to include a screenshot. (30 points)

Submit: Submit either a pdf -OR- Word doc that contains this assignment to Canvas.


Why do you think teachers should take up the responsibility of counselling students? How can teachers apply cognitive psychology in classroom?

Counseling for Teachers

Question1 :
Why do you think teachers should take up the responsibility of counselling students? (200 – 250 words)

How can teachers apply cognitive psychology in classroom? (200 – 250 words)