
Thoroughly describe what leaders need to know about communication and leveraging the diversity of their team. Describe what that should look like with examples, share with us a plan to apply leadership communication with diversity in mind in great detail.


(a) Teach us what you learned with specific examples of using those three key concepts. Make sure you tell us about the problem solving and decision-making models in your own words.

(b) Thoroughly describe what leaders need to know about communication and leveraging the diversity of their team. Describe what that should look like with examples, share with us a plan to apply leadership communication with diversity in mind in great detail.

(c) Describe how you will apply the concepts.

How can accounting information systems be viewed considering biblical principles?


How can accounting information systems be viewed considering biblical principles?
One source use the ESV Bible

Describe the advantages and disadvantages of being employed versus being self-employed. Provide an example showing the advantages and disadvantages.

Accounting Question

Describe the advantages and disadvantages of being employed versus being self-employed. Provide an example showing the advantages and disadvantages.

Write a paragraph summary for the article in the link provided.

mod 5 current event

Write a paragraph summary for the article in the link provided.


examine the appropriateness of using group (or collaborative) instructional activities and independent instructional activities.


For this writing assignment, you are asked to examine the appropriateness of using group (or collaborative) instructional activities and independent instructional activities.

Review the reading from AInstructional strategies. (2002). Alberta Learning, Health and Life Skills Guide to Implementation. (

The reading examines the benefits of group and independent activities, as well as suggestions for employing these in the classroom. In your paper, justify why and when a teacher may choose to incorporate a group activity or an independent activity. Explain the reasons for the teacher’s decision and the desired outcomes which influence the choices of this instructional practice. Illustrate your justifications with examples of an activity for each approach, that is—at least one group activity and at least one independent activity. Be certain to address not only the benefits of each of the activities but also the limitations that are likely to need teacher attention when conducting the activities.

In addition to answering when and why it is appropriate for a teacher to use a group activity or an independent activity consider if these are the only two choices. Is there ever a time when an instructional aim might combine both together?

1. Instructional strategies. (2002). Alberta Learning, Health and Life Skills Guide to Implementation.

Pages 1-48. This helpful article summarizes several instructional strategies used to help students become independent, strategic learners. These strategies become learning strategies when students independently select the appropriate ones and use them effectively to accomplish tasks or meet goals. The article is primarily written for health education teachers of K-9, but effective instructional and learning strategies can be used across grade levels and subject areas and can accommodate a range of student differences.

2. Instructional strategies list: evidence-based strategy. (2015) Community Training and Assistance Center and Washoe County School District.

Pages 1-10. The article summarizes a list of 49 instructional strategies that have been adopted in a school district. The list includes an explanation of each strategy along with related approaches where applicable. The article will be helpful to have as part of a teacher’s resource kit.

3. Rosenshine, B. (2012). Principles of instruction: Research-based strategies that all teachers should know. American Educator, 12- 39.

Pages 1-9. The article presents ten research-based principles of instruction and suggestions for classroom practice. The principles are generated from three sources: (a) research in cognitive science- how our brains acquire and use information, as well as how to overcome limitations of memory; (b) research on the practices of master teachers- the best practices implemented by experienced teachers whose classrooms have demonstrated meaningful learning gains; and (c) research on cognitive supports which support learning complex tasks- these include effective instructional procedures that have demonstrated evidence of helping students to succeed.

4. Yee, K. (2020, March 8). Interactive techniques. licensed under CC-BY-NC-SA.

Pages 1-18. The author examines several techniques which have multiple benefits for student instruction. The instructor can easily and quickly assess if students have really mastered the material (and plan to dedicate more time to it, if necessary), and the process of measuring student understanding in many cases is also practice for the material—often students do not actually learn the material until asked to make use of it in assessments such as these. Finally, the author examines how the nature of these assessments drives interactivity and brings several benefits. Students are revived from their passivity of merely listening to a lecture and instead become attentive and engaged, two prerequisites for effective learning. These techniques are often perceived as “fun”, yet they are frequently more effective than lectures at enabling student learning.

Write an introductory paragraph into the template. Write a brief Conclusion paragraph (summarize the paper).

National Health Insurance Failure

Read the brief articles for this assignment.

From 1906 -1994 the US tried innumerable times to pass different versions of NHI and failed. Ultimately, some of what was attempted was passed with the Social Security Act, Medicare, Medicaid, CHIPs, and a host of other programs. Much was included in the ACA, with some aspects removed in the Trump years. Efforts are now underway to improve the ACA, and we have gone full circle to today.

Note: For this assignment, the formal writing template must be used. The assignment will not be accepted or graded unless it is written on the template.  HP111 Writing Template (Word doc)
Report on the major attempts to enact National Health Insurance.

Include the following aspects in the assignment:

  • Write an introductory paragraph into the template (download it, save it, and name it so you can find it).
  • The introductory paragraph should contain a summary of the problems in passing National Health Insurance.
  • 1st level two heading: Summary of NHI (use bolded words here as the heading) (summarize in your own words what it is and what it would contain).
  • 2nd level two heading: Attempts at NHI (use bolded as the heading) (include at least three Acts during the 1900s that tried to include NHI, use the section in the chapter).
  • 3rd level two heading: Pros and Cons of NHI (share what you have learned about the path to NHI, what you agree and disagree with).
  • Write a brief Conclusion paragraph (summarize the paper).
  • Cite any references. Proper grammar, sentence structure, and spelling are required. Use your own words. Copying and pasting are not allowed.


What obstacles or constraints exist that make giving person-centered care difficult? How would you recommend tackling those obstacles or constraints?

Social determinants of health

A young man has been stabbed and his hospitalized. He is 16 yrs old and lives with his grandmother in a less than desirable neighborhood.

Write a report for you supervisor using the socio cutural perspective and the lens of the social determinants of health about his life situation leading up to the stabbing.

You can be creative, you need to demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the concepts

  • What do you consider to be the essence of person centered care? Why?
  • What obstacles or constraints exist that make giving person-centered care difficult?
  • How would you recommend tackling those obstacles or constraints?
  • What are the rewards of providing person-centered care for
  • For staff?
  • For an entire organization?

Describe: What happened? Analyze: What effect did it have on me? How did it influence me? Respond: What can/should I do about it?

Analytical Journal

In keeping with the principle that “psychology happens everywhere,” which is guiding our approach to learning in this course, the following assignment is designed to help you identify everyday factors that influence your psychological functioning, analyze their effect on you, and apply your knowledge to construct an appropriate, or optimal, response.
For seven days, you are required to keep a journal in which you should write down one thing that happened to you each day. Give a brief description of the event; explain what was significant about it, what effect it had on you, and what you could or should do about it.

For each thing that you record the content should be organized in three paragraphs:

Paragraph 1: Describe: What happened? The description should be detailed enough to give context to your entry.
Paragraph 2: Analyze: What effect did it have on me? How did it influence me?
Paragraph 3: Respond: What can/should I do about it?

Other than PMI, what are three other uses for insects in death investigations and how can this help a death investigation? List the six basic stages for the collection of insect evidence for entomology examination.

Assignment 3

Review the following articles and then provide short answers written in paragraph form.

From the week 6 reading list:

  • Byrd, J. H. (2013, July 9). Forensic entomology. Retrieved from Forensic Entomology
  • Joseph, I., Mathew, D. G., Sathyan, P., & Vargheese, G. (2011, July-December). The use of insects in forensic investigations: An overview on the scope of forensic entomology. Journal of Forensic Dental Science, 3(2), 89-91. Retrieved from the U.S. National Library of Medicine, National Institutes of Health website: National Library of Medicine

1. What is the postmortem interval (PMI), which is also sometimes referred to as the postmortem index? How can you use forensic entomology assist in determining the PMI?

2. Other than PMI, what are three other uses for insects in death investigations and how can this help a death investigation?

3. List the six basic stages for the collection of insect evidence for entomology examination.

What is the benefit of asking each of two questions? Also, list two additional questions that you should NOT ask of potential hires during a job interview? Why should you avoid those two questions?

Developing a Global Management

As an HR manager in the healthcare industry, discuss ways to attract qualified candidates and list two interview questions you may want ask your potential hires. What is the benefit of asking each of two questions? Also, list two additional questions that you should NOT ask of potential hires during a job interview? Why should you avoid those two questions?

End your post with a question to your classmates.

Important: Use and write more about your point of view.