
What types of plants and/or animals are found at your chosen location? How do humans interact with nature here? Are there any symbols or signs depicted on this landscape? What might these symbols represent?

Environmental geographer observation


Natural landscapes are all around us, but how often do we stop and examine our natural world more closely? Even within a single landscape, we can find layers of meaning, varying representations of nature, and human influences. For this exercise, you will be an environmental geographer observing, identifying, and interpreting a natural landscape.

The Assignment:

For this assignment, you’ll observe a natural landscape of your choice. Feel free to define nature broadly. State & local parks and on & off campus green spaces are great choices, but nature can be found in nontraditional settings as well. You’ll utilize all of your senses to carefully study the landscape and report on your observations. This assignment should be completed independently. You might find it helpful to prepare a list of objectives before you complete your fieldwork.


Walk around the natural landscape of your choice and, using a notepad, take notes on your observations. You will be turning in these notes with your final report, so be sure to print clearly. You might also consider taking pictures, if permitted, of what you observe for further analysis.

As you walk around your chosen landscape, keep the following questions in mind:

  • What types of plants and/or animals are found at your chosen location?
  • How do humans interact with nature here?
  • Are there any symbols or signs depicted on this landscape? What might these symbols represent?
  • How is nature represented?
  • Does the natural landscape differ depending on what area of it you’re visiting?
  • To what degree is nature engineered or commodified here?
  • As you walk through the landscape, note the sounds you hear, as well as other senses such as smell and touch.


Once you have completed your fieldwork, write a minimum THREE page summary (typed, double-spaced, in Times New Roman 12 point font) discussing what you observed. Make sure to relate your observations to key concepts discussed in class. You may also reference journal articles, but be sure to cite them when using paraphrases or quotes. Be creative. You are also welcome to include photos, but they do not count toward your THREE page summary. Three pages is the minimum and just over three pages is the maximum.


Describe how language serves to shape our experience of reality. Identify six basic qualities that characterize effective business writing. Identify and explain the rhetorical elements and cognate strategies that contribute to good writing.

Discussion Essay

  1. Define communication and describe communication as a process.
  2. Identify and describe the eight essential components of communication.
  3. Identify and describe two models of communication.
  4. Discuss and provide two examples of each of the two main responsibilities of a business communicator Describe the factors that contribute to self-concept.
  5. Describe how the self-fulfilling prophecy works
  6. Describe the factors that contribute to self-concept.
  7. Describe how the self-fulfilling prophecy works
  8. What is the Johari Window?
  9. Explain how communication skills help you solve problems, learn new things, and build your career
  10. Explain the importance of becoming an active listener and reader.
  11. What are the four elements of emotional intelligence?
  12. Identify and describe five key principles of verbal communication.
  13. Explain how the rules of syntax, semantics, and context govern language.
  14. Describe how language serves to shape our experience of reality.
  15. Identify six basic qualities that characterize effective business writing.
  16. Identify and explain the rhetorical elements and cognate strategies that contribute to good writing
  17. Describe and identify three styles of writing.
  18. Demonstrate the appropriate use of colloquial, casual, and formal writing in at least one document of each style.

Describe the key findings of the study in relation to the purpose statement or hypotheses. Evaluate the clarity of the authors’ explanation of key findings, including statistically significant & non-significant findings.

With Disney’s Moana, Hollywood Almost Gets It Right” by Alli Joseph


Read “With Disney’s Moana, Hollywood Almost Gets It Right” by Alli Joseph. Then choose two questions regarding to discuss with your peers:

  • Joseph has presented an evaluative argument regarding Disney’s Moana. Do you feel her evaluation is convincing? Why or why not?
  • What is Joseph’s strongest point? What is her weakest?
  • Is Joseph herself a credible author on this subject? Why or why not? (and this doesn’t have to be a yes/no answer)
  • Who is Joseph’s intended audience? Why? re you a part of it? Why or why not?

Post an initial response with your opinions and ideas and then respond to a minimum of two classmates for a total of three posts. Write all posts in paragraph format; revise and edit carefully.

Research Article Critique 4

Data Analysis

  • List the statistical procedures performed to describe the sample or demographic variables.
  • List the statistical procedures performed to answer the research question(s) or main study variables.
  • Discuss the appropriateness of the statistical procedures for the level of measurement of the data collected. Utilize the statistical decision tree in the textbook.
  • Describe how the researcher(s) addressed any problems with missing data, if they did.
  • Describe the level of significance (alpha) set for this study.
  • Discuss the clarity of the presentation of study results (e.g. if tables or figures were used, clear description, etc.).

Researcher Interpretation of Findings

  • Describe the key findings of the study in relation to the purpose statement or hypotheses.
  • Evaluate the clarity of the authors’ explanation of key findings, including statistically significant & non-significant findings.
  • Discuss whether the key findings were clinically significant or clinically important.
  • Describe which findings were consistent with those expected, and any which were unexpected in your opinion.
  • Describe the implications for practice identified by the authors.
  • Summarize the suggestions for future studies (research) identified by the authors.

Overall Evaluation of the Entire Study

  • Discuss two strengths of the study.
  • Discuss two weaknesses of the study, and how each weakness could have been corrected.
  • Based on the previous research presented in the literature review and the findings of the study presented in this article, discuss whether the findings are ready for use in practice.

 Reference List

Write an essay on the improvement of colorectal cancer screening rates within the medicare advantage population using cologuard.

Improvement of colorectal cancer screening

Write an essay on the improvement of colorectal cancer screening rates within the medicare advantage population using cologuard.

What are the two major barriers preventing innovation in the supply chain? What are the top innovative digital technologies impacting SCM?

Business Question

  1. What is a supply chain?
  2. List four functions carried out by companies in a supply chain.
  3. List and describe the three main flows being managed in a supply chain.
  4. Describe SCM.
  5. What are steps in the order fulfillment?
  6. Explain logistics.
  7. What are the top two strategic priorities of SCM executives?
  8. What are the two major barriers preventing innovation in the supply chain?
  9. What are the top innovative digital technologies impacting SCM?

Why would improvements in munitions SCM also improve warfighting readiness? What factors impact the ability to manage the munitions supply chain?

IT at Work Questions

  1. Explain the role of the munitions supply chain.
  2. Discuss how JMC ensures that soldiers receive the highest-quality ammunition, on time, and where needed.
  3. Why would improvements in munitions SCM also improve warfighting readiness?
  4. What factors impact the ability to manage the munitions supply chain?
  5. For the JMC, where does the munitions supply chain start and where does it end?
  6. Is munitions SCM unique, and if so, why? Or, is it similar to the management of any supply chains? Explain your position.

Explain the major difference between demand uncertainty and implied demand uncertainty. Discuss the competitive, product development, marketing and supply chain strategies of any company of your choice.

Management question

Choice any company of your choice and explain the following w.r.t the company.

(Hint: choice a company from retail sector, furniture, apparels, automobile, or electronic sector)

  1. Explain the strategic, planning, and operational decisions that must be made. (3 marks)
  2. Explain the major difference between demand uncertainty and implied demand uncertainty. (2 marks)
  3. Discuss the competitive, product development, marketing and supply chain strategies of any company of your choice. (4 marks)
  4. References/sources in APA format. (1 mark)


How does the requirement for business to set aside a percentage of their income for corporation taxes impact their growth and overall financial performance?


How does the requirement for business to set aside a percentage of their income for corporation taxes impact their growth and overall financial performance?

Explain to them the problem of free will. Write who you talked to and a summary of the conversa Mons you had including his/her/their view on the problem of free will.



1) Introduce van Inwagen’s consequence argument. Briefly explain each premise with your own words.

2) Choose one premise of the consequence argument. Reject it or defend it.


1) Talk to someone who is not taking this class (e.g., your friend or parents) about the problem of free will—What is free will? Can we have free will? Why does free will maZer to us?

2) Explain to them the problem of free will. Write who you talked to and a summary of the conversa Mons you had including his/her/their view on the problem of free will. For example, you can ask them if they think they have free will. You can further ask their reason for their thought.

3) Write what was the most difficult thing for you when you explained to them the problem of free will. Write what you learned from the conversa Mon


When the trp repressor is bound to tryptophan, the protein can readily recognize and bind to the operator sequence. Why would this action prevent the expression of the trp operon? How would a drop in the cytoplasmic levels of tryptophan allow for the expression of the trp operon?


Answer the following questions

You may provide your answers in a separate file or within this worksheet (save as a .pdf file) but for the latter, remember to TYPE YOUR ANSWERS IN RED (or another color of your choice)!


Part I:  Gene Regulation of the trp Operon

The following questions are about the prokaryotic trp operon (outlined below), specifically addressing how the operon is regulated in response to nutritionally poor environments.  Briefly, the trp operon includes a group of 5 genes (described below as genes A-E) that encode for the biosynthetic enzymes required to synthesize the amino acid, tryptophan.  The structure of the trp operon is shown, including the promoter sequence which contains a regulatory sequence known as an operator.  Use your knowledge of gene expression and consider the consequence for a bacterium in the following situations.


(4 points) The trp operon is expressed (i.e. turned ”on”) when cytoplasmic tryptophan levels are low, which allows the bacterium to synthesize tryptophan.  However, the trp operon is repressed (i.e. turned “off”) when tryptophan levels are high.  The cause of the repression is a bacterial protein known as the trp repressor.

When the trp repressor is bound to tryptophan, the protein can readily recognize and bind to the operator sequence. Why would this action prevent the expression of the trp operon?

How would a drop in the cytoplasmic levels of tryptophan allow for the expression of the trp operon? Hint:  you will need to consider your answer to Q1A.


(3 points) Given what you know about gene expression, consider how much “effort” the cell puts into expressing a gene product.  How would the energy requirements necessary to synthesize a protein help explain why organisms would go through the effort of regulating gene expression?  In other words, why wouldn’t a bacterium express the trp operon all the time (as opposed to only expressing it when tryptophan levels are low)?


(3 points) What would happen if there was a mutation that caused the trp repressor protein to bind more tightly to tryptophan (even if tryptophan levels were low)?


(3 points) What would happen if there was a mutation in the trp repressor binding sequence (the operator sequence) that made the repressor unable to bind (even if tryptophan levels were high)?


(3 points) What would happen to the cell (when tryptophan levels are low) and there was a nonsense mutation early in the coding sequence of gene D?


(4 points) What would happen if a mutation were introduced in th domain of the Trp repressor that changed an asparagine residue to a glycine residue?  Would this be more problematic for the cell when tryptophan levels were high or low?

(2 points) Do eukaryotes have operons?  If not, explain how eukaryotes would regulate the expression of multiple related genes so that they are expressed at the same time.


Part II:  Gene Regulation of the ara Operon

In the absence of glucose, Escherichia coli can still generate the energy necessary for proliferation by using the pentose sugar arabinose.  The figure below outlines the arabinose (ara) operon, which encodes for all the proteins necessary to achieve this switch in sugar metabolism.  The araA, araB and araD genes encode the enzymes for the metabolism of arabinose while the araC gene encodes a transcription regulator that binds adjacent to the promoter of the arabinose operon.  To understand the regulatory properties of the AraC protein, you engineer a mutant E. coli in which the araC gene has been deleted so that you can look at how the presence or absence of the AraC protein affects the expression of the AraA enzyme.


  1. (4 points) If the AraC protein works as a repressor, would you expect araA RNA levels to be high or low in the presence of arabinose in the araC– mutant cells?  What about in the absence of arabinose?  Explain your answer.Your findings from the experiment are summarized in the following table.

(4 points) Do the results indicate that the AraC protein regulates arabinose metabolism by acting as a repressor or an activator?  Explain your answer

BONUS (1 point):  Below is a picture of a transcription factor whose asparagine side chain (shown on the right) is contacting an adenine ring in a DNA molecule.

Which of the amino acids shown below would be able to make the same H-bonding contacts as the Asparagine? Circle your answer.

Would the substitution of the amino acid from part A change the strength of the protein-DNA complex? Why or why not?