
Explain the proposed airline’s business model, provide a competitor analysis, and present an overview of the current market conditions. Present an operational analysis.

Business proposal

You would like to start your own airline, but you need an investor. Prepare a business proposal that you can pitch to an investor. In your business proposal, you will:

  1. Explain the proposed airline’s business model, provide a competitor analysis, and present an overview of the current market conditions.
  2. Present an operational analysis.
  3. Provide a sales, marketing, and distribution analysis.
  4. Outline the proposed airline’s approach to sustainability and CSR activity.
  5. Provide a predictive performance summary.
  6. Provide a conclusion including recommendations to the investor.

Your proposal must be in a traditional report style and include a Contents page, a List of Figures/List of


Summarize your observations or the video watched, noting what type of nonverbal communication is being observed in parenthesis, and using the information presented to reflect on your experience. Explain clearly what you observed.



Written in essay format, with an introductory and concluding paragraph.

1. Go to a public place (the mall, fast food restaurant, library) and observe for at least 1 hour. Please consider the following types of nonverbal communication:

  • body orientation
  • haptics
  • gestures
  • face and eye,
  • voice (paralanguage)
  • proxemics, and
  • personal appearance.

OR, if due to the pandemic you are uncomfortable going to a public place and do not feel you can do so safely, then you may instead watch a movie or video, one hour in length, and complete the same assignment.

2. Summarize your observations or the video watched, noting what type of nonverbal communication is being observed in parenthesis, and using the information presented to reflect on your experience. Explain clearly what you observed.

3. At a minimum, address the following questions —

Discuss which type of nonverbal communication provides the most revealing and helpful information? Fully explain and support your answer.
Discuss which type of nonverbal communication you believe is misread and misinterpreted most often? Explain.
What generalizations (age, gender, culture, etc.) can you draw regarding nonverbal communication?
What did you learn about the different types of nonverbal communication after reflecting on your observations?

One of the governing questions in the novel is, “What is a patria?” After reading the novel, what is the connection (if any) between gender roles and developing a sense of “patria?”


For each module, your small group will be assigned a series of questions (usually five) on a specific portion of the readings due that week. To receive full credit for the small group response assignment, you must post at least one response to each question. Your responses should be a minimum of 100 words per question, in the form of complete sentences and a thesis-based interpretive argument, and should make reference to specific passages in the assigned reading to support your comments. You will be graded more than anything else on the specificity of your responses, i.e., how well you support your comments with specific references to the assigned texts. Also relevant to the grading of small group discussion responses is how well you interact with other voices in the group. Please make sure to include the questions either in a group at the beginning of your response posting or before each response (e.g., Question 1 before Response 1). You will receive six small group response grades, worth 10 points each.

1. One of the governing questions in the novel is, “What is a patria?” After reading the novel, what is the connection (if any) between gender roles and developing a sense of “patria?”

2. Do women in the novel have a better grasp of “la patria” than men?

3. Do men see women as part of “la patria,” and if so, where/how do women fit into the men’s vision of “la patria”? Are you surprised to find a woman rising to the status of national poet given these attitudes?

4. What is the significance of Camila’s relationship with Marion? Can you connect it with anything in the previous generation?

5. Salome forsakes writing patriotic poetry in order to be a mother and a teacher. Does the novel seem to justify these choices or criticize them? Does this novel believe in romance? Does duty always triumph over desire?

Request the user to input a binary number. Tests the input string for compliance with the binary number system.

CIS 210 Course Project

Your second submission for the CIS 210 Course Project should meet the following requirements:

1) Request the user to input a binary number.
2) Tests the input string for compliance with the binary number system (only 0 and 1 are allowed).

Examples of invalid binary numbers:
0000 1111 (note: contains a space)

Examples of valid, accepted binary numbers:

Also ensure that the following requirements are met:

1) Java file is named correctly.
2) Name, date and assignment information is included at the top of your Java code file as a comment.
3) Java code is properly indented and readable.
4) Code comments are present within each major section of code.
5) Output is formatted correctly and meets the requirements above.

Once you verify that your program runs correctly and you have met the requirements, create a Word or PDF document with the following:

1) Your name, date and assignment identification at the top of the page (Ex. CIS-210 Week 6 Course Project)
2) Full Java source code listing
3) Screenshot of the code compiling successfully in the IDE with the timestamp showing.
4) Screenshot of the code running showing the correct output.

Archive (zip) the results document and the actual .java code files into a single zip file and submit through the classroom. Please name the zip file with <flast>_CIS210_Course_Project_Week_6 where <flast> is your first initial and last name.

Why is Duterte waging war on his own people? What does it say about the nature of conflict in the Philippines? What does it say about dictatorship and democracy, authoritarianism and other topics (civil liberties/civil rights) and leadership covered in chapters 1,4,5, 6, 8 and 12 (or any others)?What kind of leader is Duterte? What surprised you about this story?

On the President’s Orders

Watch Frontline’s documentary “On the President’s Orders”. Why is Duterte waging war on his own people? What does it say about the nature of conflict in the Philippines? What does it say about dictatorship and democracy, authoritarianism and other topics (civil liberties/civil rights) and leadership covered in chapters 1,4,5, 6, 8 and 12 (or any others)?What kind of leader is Duterte? What surprised you about this story?

Make sure to relate your post to the readings.

To receive a good score you should:
Make sure to post your response first.
Include citations from the textbook/chapters, time stamps and respond to two classmates.
Follow the discussion guidelines listed in Canvas.


Follow discussion guidelines which include the following:

Provide references (at least 3 citations from readings/notes) in your post (Chapter 1, 16, 17 and lecture notes)
Provide timestamps (to back up your examples; e.g., 30:15);
Make sure to proofread your post;
Provide citations at the bottom (MLA, APA, Chicago–whatever you are comfortable using);
Posts should be a minimum of 500 word

Write a four to 5 pages review and summary article about the Caribbean or Central America from the website for the North American Congress of Latin America (NACLA) and submit a short review.

Historical question

Write a four to 5 pages review and summary  article about the Caribbean or Central America from the website for the North American Congress of Latin America (NACLA) and submit a short review.


Using Hegel’s and Michelet’s excerpts below, demonstrate the legal relevance of the latin expression « partes secanto » and its psycho-religious impact on either the character of Antonio or Shylock.

Third Miniature Synthesis Essay (3/6) (Due Sunday, February 19th)

Due Sunday by 11:59pm Points 10 Submitting a file upload Available Jan 9 at 8am – May 8 at 11:59pm
Third Miniature Synthesis Essay.

Start Assignment
Guidelines and expectations for this assignment are thorough, explicit, and clear. Please make sure you consult and review the instructions and the rubric provided in Webcourses before submitting your work.

Assigned Readings: Primary Reading:
Shakespeare, William. “The Merchant of Venice!’ The Norton Shakespeare: The Essential Plays/Sonnets, edited by Stephen Greenblatt, 3rd Edition, W.W. Norton and Co., 2015.
Secondary Reading: Note: Please read only the page numbers indicated on the citation. You do not need to read the entire book. Lewalski, Barbara K. “Biblical Allusion and Allegory in The Merchant of Venice:’ Shakespeare Quarterly, vol. 13, no. 3, 1962, pp. 327-343. 4, a Berry, Phillipa. “Incising Venice:The Violence of Cultural Incorporation in The Merchant of Venice.” Renaissance Go-Betweens: Cultural Exchange in Early Modern Europe, De Gruyter, 2011, pp. 248-261. 4, Prompts After completing Module 7, please post your Third Miniature Synthesis Essay below by Sunday, Feb 19th at 11:59

Using Hegel’s and Michelet’s excerpts below, demonstrate the legal relevance of the latin expression « partes secanto » and its psycho-religious impact on either the character of Antonio or Shylock.

Take the horrible law, which permitted a creditor, after the lapse of a fixed term of respite, […] to cut pieces off the debtor […] with the proviso that if the creditor should cut off too much or too little, no action should be taken against him. It was this clause, it may be noticed, which stood Shakespeare’s The Merchant of Venice in such a good stead. (Hegel, Philosophy of Right)

The debt acknowledged, the case duly judged, let the law be put on him (the insolvent debtor), let him be brought before the judge. The tribunal closes with the going down of the sun. If he does not satisfy the judgement […] the creditor will lead him away and tie him up with belts or chains […].Let the creditor live on what he has. […] On the third day […] let (the creditor) cut up the debtor into several parts (in partes secanto). (Michelet, The Origins of Laws)

ANTONIO: Grieve not that I am fall’n to this for you, For herein Fortune shows herself more kind Than is her custom. It is still her use To let the wretched man outlive his wealth, To view with hollow eye and wrinkled brow An age of poverty – from which lingering penance Of such misery doth she cut me off. Commend me to your honorable wife. Tell her the process of Antonio’s end. Say how I loved you. Speak me fair in death. And when the tale is told, bid her be judge Whether Bassanio had not once a love. Repent but you that you shall lose your friend, And he repents not that he pays your debt. For if the Jew do cut but deep enough, I’ll pay it presently with all my heart. (4.1.278-93)



As you study for your quiz this week, reflect back on what you have learned during this course. Discuss 1-2 concepts you learned in the material from this week.


This discussion question is worth 50 points. As you study for your quiz this week, reflect back on what you have learned during this course. Discuss 1-2 concepts you learned in the material from this week.

1.The sense of smell, called olfaction, is made possible by paired olfactory organs. These olfactory organs, which are located in the nasal cavity on either side of the nasal septum, contain olfactory sensory neurons.2. The human olfactory system can discriminate between, or make subtle distinctions among, 2000–4000 chemical stimuli. Yet, our olfactory sensitivities cannot compare with those of other vertebrates such as dogs, cats, or fishes.

Then think back over the wealth of material covered in weeks 1-6 and discuss 3-4 major concepts you learned about.

1. Anchoring Proteins. Anchoring proteins attach the plasma membrane to other structures and stabilize its position. Inside the cell, membrane proteins are bound to the cytoskeleton, a network of supporting filaments in the cytoplasm. Outer membrane proteins may attach the cell to extracellular protein fibers or to another cell. 2. Anchoring Proteins. Anchoring proteins attach the plasma membrane to other structures and stabilize its position. Inside the cell, membrane proteins are bound to the cytoskeleton, a network of supporting filaments in the cytoplasm. Outer membrane proteins may attach the cell to extracellular protein fibers or to another cell. 3. Skeletal muscle fibers are quite different from the “typical” cells we described in Chapter 3. One obvious difference is size: Compared to other cells, skeletal muscle fibers are enormous. A muscle fiber from a thigh muscle could have a diameter of 100 μ m and a length up to 30 cm (12 in.). 4. Skeletal muscle fibers are quite different from the “typical” cells we described in Chapter 3. One obvious difference is size: Compared to other cells, skeletal muscle fibers are enormous. A muscle fiber from a thigh muscle could have a diameter of 100 μ m and a length up to 30 cm (12 in.).

These items should be well-thought-out. Your reflection should be a minimum of 275 words.

Write a review of Once I Was You: A Memoir by journalist Maria Hinojosa, which recounts her experience as a Mexican immigrant growing up in America 500-600 words.

Research & Summaries Essay

Write a review of Once I Was You: A Memoir by journalist Maria Hinojosa, which recounts her experience as a Mexican immigrant growing up in America 500-600 words.


Explain why Vance argues there is a “unique sense of pessimism” moving into working-class communities. Include in your answer what you regard as the most significant social problems Vance identifies. Explain why you see these as the most important social issues he discusses.

Reaction Paper: “America’s Forgotten Working Class”


The Ted Talk “America’s Forgotten Working Class” given by J.D. Vance examines the dilemmas faced by millions of American working-class people. Vance emphasizes that many of the perceptions and beliefs held by working-class people, especially white Americans struggling in former industrial and mining regions, are little understood by large numbers of their fellow citizens. Vance is the author of the best-selling book Hillbilly Elegy that chronicles his personal journey through poverty and survival. In this video you are introduced to a variety of perceptions on the troubles besetting America’s forgotten work-class. Examining those perceptions allows us to consider them through a sociological lens.


Watch the video “America’s Forgotten Working-Class” (below) and submit an approximately 250 word reaction paper by responding to the questions below.

1. Explain why Vance argues there is a “unique sense of pessimism” moving into working-class communities. Include in your answer what you regard as the most significant social problems Vance identifies. Explain why you see these as the most important social issues he discusses. (Approximately 125 words)

2. Why does Vance assert that upward social mobility is merely an unrealistic dream for many working-class young people. Apply one of the sociological theoretical perspectives to this assertion. That is, how would either functionalist theory, conflict theory, or symbolic interactionism theory account for the feeling that there is little hope for upward mobility Vance sees among working-class young people?  (Approximately 125 words)


  • Provide a thoughtful reaction paper of approximately 250 words total.

Vance, J. D. (Writer). (2016). America’s forgotten working-class [Video essay, Ted Talks]. Retrieved from