
What historical contexts defined the “first-wave globalization” of the late 19th century, and how did those features impact global migration? How did changing concepts of race impact immigration policies in the United States in the early 20th century?


Section 1: Short Answer Responses (12 points)

Employing the lectures and readings, respond to each of the following questions in 200-250 words each. It is expected you spend 1 hour on this portion of the exam:

  1. What historical contexts defined the “first-wave globalization” of the late 19th century, and how did those features impact global migration?
  2. How did changing concepts of race impact immigration policies in the United States in the early 20th century?
  3. What is a diaspora, according to William Safran? Selecting one of his six “characteristics of diaspora,” explain that characteristic through one of the case studies presented in the course lectures.

Section 2: Essay Question (8 points)

Select ONE question below, and respond in an essay of 400-500 words. Your essay should lead with a thesis statement that responds to the prompt directly. Cite evidence from the readings parenthetically (De Clementi, 45). It is expected you spent 1 hour on this portion of the exam.

  1. This course includes a sustained focus on the role that gender plays in transnational migration. Compare the articles by Andreina De Clementi and Sarah Gualtieri on how women participate in migration systems. Identify and explain one point of similarity and one point of departure.
  2. Cindy Hahamovitch defines guestworker programs as temporary labor schemes that solve certain problems for employers and lawmakers. Examining her article, discuss one key way that guestworker schemes intersect with migration systems as we’ve explored them in this course. Connect her article to one other Canvas reading in your answer.


Offer a brief definition of the term postmodern. What technological and social changes in the Information Age led to the development of postmodernism?

Discussion – The  Information Age

• CONTEXT( 1 paragraph): Offer a brief definition of the term postmodern. What technological and social changes in the Information Age led to the development of postmodernism?

• (TEXT = 3 paragraphs) After reviewing all the lecture materials, describe how 1 of these 3 examples expresses postmodern art in the Information Age: Warhol, “Campbell’s Soup Cans;” Borges, “Borges and I,” and Parliament Funkadelic, “Give Up the Funk.” For each example, identify the medium, describe the content, and discuss in detail the form. Be sure to refer to the elements of art for each discipline: Visual Art for “Campbell’s Soup Cans,” Literature for “Borges and I,” and Music for “Give Up the Funk.”

• (SUBTEXT = 1 paragraph) What does it all mean? What did you think or feel while engaging with “Campbell’s Soup Cans,” “Borges and I,” and “Give Up the Funk”? How do these works reflect the Information Age? What role do the copying, jingles, and sampling typical of advertising in our consumer society influence these works? How do the works reflect on fame — or the human as commodity? How do these works transform or challenge the tools of advertising and consumption?

Post your initial response by 23:59 EST Sunday of Week 6 and comment on the post of 1 other classmate (at least 100 words each) by 23:59 EST on the same due date for this assignment.

What offline marketing strategies have Big Skinny pursued so far? What was Big Skinny’s mission on digital? How did they manage ‘snagging passersby?’

Discussion 3.2: Big Skinny Case Discussion – Section B

If you were the owner of Big Skinny, how would you approach launching the brand digitally?

You may want to research some strategies Big Skinny tried. Here are a few questions to guide you:

What offline marketing strategies have Big Skinny pursued so far?
What was Big Skinny’s mission on digital?
How did they manage ‘snagging passersby?’
What were the various ‘connect’ strategies they tried?

Do you have enough information now to make the decision to pursue this opportunity? What other information do you need in order to assess whether this potential opportunity might be worth pursuing?


Your boss has asked you to brainstorm growth strategies for the corning year, and has specifically asked that you evaluate the profitability of extending the frozen pizza line to include more varieties. He is wondering if there may be opportunities in the marketplace that have not yet been addressed by any currently existing product offering. He would prefer not to cannibalize your existing company brand (Brand A), and if possible, would prefer not to compete “head-to-head” with any competing brand (Brands B, C, D, or E), since the struggle to win market share by competing directly with an existing competing product is typically a very costly undertaking.

Do you see any potential growth opportunities in the perceptual map you created in Part .1 that would meet your boss’ criteria? Describe the opportunity(ies).

Do you have enough information now to make the decision to pursue this opportunity? What other information do you need in order to assess whether this potential opportunity might be worth pursuing?


How would you have reacted to the letter that Mark received? Could the Total Quality Lead have responded differently? What does the fact that the hotel manager did not personally respond to the customer tell you?

The Case of the Missing Reservation

Mark, Donna, and their children, along with another family, traditionally attended Easter brunch at a large downtown hotel. This year, as in the past, Donna called and made a reservation about three weeks prior to Easter. Because half the party consisted of small children, they arrived 20 minutes prior to the 11:30 reservation to ensure being seated early. When they arrived, however, the hostess said that they did not have a reservation. She explained that guests sometimes failed to show and that she would probably have a table available for them before long. Mark and Donna were quite upset and insisted that they had made a reservation and expected to be seated promptly. The hostess told them,

“I believe that you made a reservation, but I can’t seat you until all the people on the reservation list are seated. You are welcome to go to the lounge for complimentary coffee and punch while you wait.” When Mark asked to see the manager, the hostess replied, “I am the manager,” and turned to other duties. The party was eventually seated at 11:45, but was not at all happy with the experience.

The next day, Mark wrote a letter to the hotel manager explaining the entire incident. Mark was in the MBA program at the local university and taking a course on quality management. In the class, they had just studied issues of customer focus and some of the approaches used at The Ritz-Carlton Hotel, a 1992 and 1999 Baldrige Award winner. Mark concluded his letter with the statement, “I doubt that we would have experienced this situation at a hotel that truly believes in quality.” About a week later, he received the following letter:

We enjoy hearing from our valued guests, but wish you had experienced the level of service and accommodations that we strive to achieve here at our hotel. Our restaurant manager received your letter and asked me to respond as Total Quality Lead. Looking back at our records, we did not show a reservation on the books for your family. I have addressed your comments with the appropriate department head so that others will not have to experience the same inconveniences that you did. Thank you once again for sharing your thoughts with us. We believe in a philosophy of “continuous improvement,” and it is through feedback such as yours that we can continue to improve the service to our guests.

  1. Were the hostess’s actions consistent with a customer-focused quality philosophy? What might she have done differently?
  2. How would you have reacted to the letter that Mark received? Could the Total Quality Lead have responded differently? What does the fact that the hotel manager did not personally respond to the customer tell you?


How were you socialized into this culture? What aspects of direct or indirect learning did you experience? Describe some important moments of socialization, and who the agents of socialization were.

Culture + Socialization Reflection

Think about your own cultural identity (which is Qatar) Do you identify as multiple ethnicities? Do you belong in any subcultures? Answer the following reflection questions in 2-3 paragraphs. Be sure to utilize language from the lectures and readings.

– Identify your cultural, ethnic, or subcultural background. What are some norms and values that are important to that background? In what ways are these norms and values expressed in material objects?

– How were you socialized into this culture? What aspects of direct or indirect learning did you experience? Describe some important moments of socialization, and who the agents of socialization were.

– Why is it important to belong to cultures or subcultures? What are the benefits for the individual? Are there any disadvantages?

What aspect of the scientist’s life had the most impact on you? How could the scientist’s professional journey influence your professional journey?

Scientist Research Essay

Form a group, pick a scientist from the list below and prepare an introduction to that scientist for the class or you may pick your own scientist.

The information may be:

  • A video (youtube, TikToc etc.)
  • A podcast
  • A PowerPoint or Google Slides presentation
  • A written report
  • Any other format you might decide to use

The report should include:

– Name of the scientist

– Dates of Birth and Death

– Where the scientist was born

– Field of study of the scientist

– Contributions of the scientist

– Any honors the scientist won or was passed over for.

– Discussion of the life of the scientist, focusing on how the scientist was different from the typical scientists we hear about and any challenges the scientist faced.

– What aspect of the scientist’s life had the most impact on you?

– How could the scientist’s professional journey influence your professional journey?

– What part of the scientist’s career surprised you the most

  1. Ada Lovelace
  2. Chien-Shiung Wu
  3. Rosalind Franklin
  4. Vera Rubin
  5. Gladys West
  6. Katherine Freese
  7. Maria Goeppert Mayer
  8. Lise Meitner
  9. Abū Bakr Muḥammad ibn Yaḥyà ibn aṣ-Ṣā’igh at-Tūjībī ibn Bājja (Arabic: أبو بكر محمد بن يحيى بن الصائغ التجيبي بن باجة‎), best known by his Latinised name Avempace
  10. Abu’l Hassan Ali ibn Ridwan Al-Misri (Arabic: أبو الحسن علي بن رضوان المصري
  11. Abū Kāmil Shujāʿ ibn Aslam ibn Muḥammad Ibn Shujāʿ (Latinized as Auoquamel,[1] Arabic: أبو كامل شجاع بن أسلم بن محمد بن شجاع‎, also known as al-ḥāsib al-miṣrī—lit. “the Egyptian reckoner”)
  12. Abū al-ʿAbbās Aḥmad ibn Muḥammad ibn Kathīr al-Farghānī (Arabic: أبو العبّاس أحمد بن محمد بن كثير الفرغاني‎ also known as Alfraganus
  13. Ḥasan Ibn al-Haytham
  14. Nur ad-Din al-Bitruji (also spelled Nur al-Din Ibn Ishaq al-Betrugi and Abu Ishâk ibn al-Bitrogi) (known in the West by the Latinized name of Alpetragius)
  15. Francisca Nneka Okeke
  16. Benjamin Banneker
  17. Alberto Pedro Calderón
  18. Pedro Nunes
  19. Victor Neumann-Lara
  20. Mary Golda Ross
  21. Srinivasa Ramanujan
  22. Satyendra Nath Bose
  23. Alan Turing
  24. Henrietta Leavitt
  25. Zhang Heng (Chinese: 張衡; AD 78–139)
  26. Shen Kuo


How do states and the federal government differ in the way they exercise this responsibility? Do you agree or disagree that NFPs should be regulated? State your reasoning.

Adv Gov & Non Profit Accounting

Why do states and the federal government exercise oversight responsibility over not-for-profit, tax-exempt corporations?

How do states and the federal government differ in the way they exercise this responsibility? Do you agree or disagree that NFPs should be regulated? State your reasoning.


How does the culture of an organization come about, and how do ethics and values shape the culture of an organization? Is it possible to change the culture of an organization over time? If so, how?

Organizational Culture

How does the culture of an organization come about, and how do ethics and values shape the culture of an organization? Is it possible to change the culture of an organization over time? If so, how?

There are three characteristics that form the foundation of an organization’s corporate culture:

Corporate culture is shared (i.e., represents a common understanding and interpretation of what is important and not important within the framework of an organization);

Corporate culture is intangible (i.e., reflects the values, norms, and assumptions upon which an organization is unwilling to compromise);

Corporate culture affects the way that human capital assets behave.

Identify and specifically describe 3 to 5 major ethical issues you would encounter in the process of formulating your recommendation. In your response, justify or support why you feel that each of the issues have ethical implications.

Mega Foods Inc case

Post answers to Questions 1 through 6 from the Mega Foods case found in this Module. Make sure you explicitly apply course material from all chapters, as well as your general knowledge, in your answer.

Questions Based on the Mega Foods Inc case you just read answer the following questions.

Use technical terms, principles, and frameworks in your responses.

  1. Identify and specifically describe 3 to 5 major ethical issues you would encounter in the process of formulating your recommendation. In your response, justify or support why you feel that each of the issues have ethical implications.
  2. Identify and specifically describe 3 to 5 issues related to corporate social responsibility that would encounter in the process of formulating your recommendation. In your response, please justify or support why you feel that each of the issues have implications related to social responsibility.
  3. Identify and specifically describe 3 to 5 major global trends that are specifically influencing Mega Food to consider relocating operations of the Orchard facility to the country of Frostburg. In your response, please be specific in stating why or how each of the global trends is directly impacting Mega Food.
  4. Summarize 3 to 5 major challenges that Mega Food would encounter if they chose to relocate the operations of the Orchard facility to the country of Frostburg.
  5. What would be your official recommendation to Mega Food? Please support your answer by providing a rationale that incorporates appropriate concepts covered in your business courses.
  6. Quite often, leaders and managers are required to make decisions under conditions of uncertainty. This hypothetical case contained very limited information. If you could have access to 3 more types of additional information for this case, what is the nature of the information you would find helpful? Please justify your answer.