
How effective was your choice of nursing model in carrying out a holistic and person/family centred assessment of a patient?

How effective was your choice of nursing model in carrying out a holistic and person/family centred assessment of a patient?

In this assignment you will use a nursing model to carry out a holistic assessment of one of the three scenarios. You must choose both the nursing model and the scenario from the three linked in Moodle. You will discuss and evaluate the chosen nursing model as a basis for holistic assessment and in the development of person centred care. You will then reflect on how this assignment might inform your future practice

Discuss the logic of this model for mining fresh insight and doing something different with it to inspire a more permanent campaign for an example brand and their audience – (pick a brand and suggest an insight about their key audience).

Affirmation Becomes Autonomy

Read, analyze and critique chapter 10, Affirmation Becomes Autonomy in The Big Leap – an Ethics of Insight, volume 1.

Several themes are applicable to our course’s key imperative – the surfacing of fresh, deep insight into human desire and briefing a new kind of marketing as value-making for the specific people who matter to our business.

  1. Discuss the logic of this model for mining fresh insight and doing something different with it to inspire a more permanent campaign for an example brand and their audience – (pick a brand and suggest an insight about their key audience).
  1. One of the essential jobs of these fresh insights into human desire is to serve as beacons to those very specific people for whom our companies are seeking to find. Discuss the difference (citing the cases from chapter 10 or other relevant cases) between brands using deep insight to cynically stimulate human desire with their advertising rather than brands applying deep insights to ethically serve human desire with their value-marketing. Suggest ways your insights might be used to serve the human desire of your project brand’s influential prospects.
  1. Finally, read and be inspired by the excerpt below in the service of suggesting how your project brand might seek to mine deep insights via our emergent, observational ethnographic research methods and apply those insights into the briefs and strategies for honoring the autonomy and enabling real agency for your project brand’s influential prospects and customers.

“In the age of nagging pandemic, violent social injustice, climate catastrophe, immigrant border cages and accelerating economic inequities, business is good for the media platforms monetizing alienation. But if you’re a CEO or CMO of a business with marketing budgets to spend, you might imagine none of this as your problem. The animating thesis of this ethics suggests the ultimate stakes are too high for any marketer of conscience to do nothing. So: why not start with crazy high levels of overreach – why not challenge yourself and your teams to honor human autonomy by way of enabling the precious social fuel of human affirmation, all with your reconsidered acts of marketing…”

~1,000 or more words, and make them all count.


How did this experience make you feel? Why do you think it made you feel this way?

Communications Question

Think of something you have experienced in the media that challenged your version of truth. Perhaps a senator made a statement that made you angry, or a newspaper opinion piece said something inflammatory about a group of people you associate with.

How did this experience make you feel? Why do you think it made you feel this way?

The goal is to start recognizing that the media, and of course society, is made up of differing perspectives, not all of which you may agree with. Facts can be interpreted in different ways. Science can be deemed irrelevant


What is the current state or condition of equity and equality in the education administration and practice for various demographics of students affected by the case/law?”

Equity and equality in the education administration

What is the current state or condition of equity and equality in the education administration and practice for various demographics of students affected by the case/law?”

This part of the question will need to discuss and present case question above using a powerpoint slide template. It can be two slides one slide will be the hard core answer to the question and fully answering it and the second slide is how to present it without fully reading from the slide.


Predict at least two potential deduction errors that a taxpayer would most likely make when mixing business and pleasure travel. Suggest one way in which a taxpayer could avoid those deduction errors.

Decision-making process

(Original Content Only)

If a few paragraphs…describe What makes a cost relevant for the decision-making process? How can we use these relevant costs to make short-run decisions?

Predict at least two potential deduction errors that a taxpayer would most likely make when mixing business and pleasure travel. Next, suggest one way in which a taxpayer could avoid those deduction errors.

Debate it! The 50% disallowance for meal and entertainment expenses is fair and reasonable. Provide a rationale for your response.


Chronic respiratory diseases (CRDs) are diseases of the airways and other structures of the lung. Some of the most common are chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), asthma, occupational lung diseases. Give overview about risk factors of CRD and methods of prevention of CRD in KSA?


Chronic respiratory diseases (CRDs) are diseases of the airways and other structures of the lung. Some of the most common are chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), asthma, occupational lung diseases. Give overview about risk factors of CRD and methods of prevention of CRD in KSA?


After completing the assigned readings for Chapter 5 (Goldenbaum and Galante years on Revisiting Rio 2016 Olympics unkept promises.pdf Download Goldenbaum and Galante years on Revisiting Rio 2016 Olympics unkept promises.pdfand Kaiser – Legacy of Rio Olympics So Far Is Series of Unkept Promises – The New York Times.pdf Download Kaiser – Legacy of Rio Olympics So Far Is Series of Unkept Promises – The New York Times.pdf), create an illustration for each article.

Case Study 5 Homework (Geography)

After completing the assigned readings for Chapter 5 (Goldenbaum and Galante years on Revisiting Rio 2016 Olympics unkept promises.pdf Download Goldenbaum and Galante years on Revisiting Rio 2016 Olympics unkept promises.pdfand Kaiser – Legacy of Rio Olympics So Far Is Series of Unkept Promises – The New York Times.pdf Download Kaiser – Legacy of Rio Olympics So Far Is Series of Unkept Promises – The New York Times.pdf), create an illustration for each article. (Artistic ability not required.)

Upload a photo/screenshot/etc. of your images.

What was the focus of the study? Describe the patients or other group (the subjects) in the study What was their health problem or what was being studied?

Evidence-Based Research Article Guidelines

In one or two pages (no more) complete the following information in a summary addressing the article using the questions listed below.  It is expected that this assignment will be completed in your own words. Cutting and pasting of outside source material is never acceptable professional behavior.  This submission MUST be in APA format.

Every student will need to turn in:

Cover page.

A one to two-page summary (in your own words).

A reference page of the assigned article in Canvas.

Cover Page: In APA format.

Summary page: You can but do not need to respond to each question individually. You can use questions as headings to guide your summary of the article.

  1. What was the focus of the study?
  2. Describe the patients or other group (the subjects) in the study
  3. What was their health problem or what was being studied?
  4. Who was providing the care or conducting the study?
  5. What was the setting for that care or the study?
  6. What were the findings of the study?
  7. What were the authors’ recommendations?
  8. How practical/useful is this information to a practicing nurse? (Please think in terms of potential benefits versus harm, cost-effectiveness, availability of support services, etc.)
  9. Complete this question:  What I wonder is……..?  Explain.

Please use college-level grammar and spelling, as well as correct APA format for article citation.

Reference Page: Please reference your article in APA format.

D. Presentation in Lab:

Your group will present your article summary together in Skills Lab #5. You can present using a PowerPoint, skit, or demonstration of your findings. You will be given approximately 5-7 minutes to present. Be creative!!

Why is Planters struggling in 2012 Why do Blue Diamond and Wonderful have much lower market awareness than Planters despite outstripping Planter’s marketing spend in recent years?

Planters case study

Read the Planters case study thoroughly in your HBR course packets. Once you carefully read the Planters case, you will answer the following case study questions. Please restate (or copy and paste) the questions in all your responses. Use  your critical thinking (quality) vs. quantity. Please utilize the standard Time Romans font, 12 point font, double space. No need for cover page. No less than 2 pages.

  1. Why is Planters struggling in 2012
  2. Why do Blue Diamond and Wonderful have much lower market awareness than Planters despite outstripping Planter’s marketing spend in recent years?
  3. What are the primary assets Planters has to employ toward its mission of creating value for its chosen customers? Is there any type of customer for whom Planters has an advantage over competitors in creating value?
  4. Kraft has a formal process of setting out the target market to be served. Evaluate the choice for Planters. Evaluate the current positioning of Planters.
  5. What positioning would you recommend for Planters going forward?


Why do companies use the allowance method to account for bad debts? Describe the diverse methods used to estimate bad debts in an accounting system. Provide examples for each method.

Assignment Question(s): Marks15)

Q1. Suppose you are an auditor who has been tasked with looking into the internal controls at a company. How can you evaluate the company’s internal controls to see if they are sufficient? (5Marks)

Q2. Why do companies use the allowance method to account for bad debts? Describe the diverse methods used to estimate bad debts in an accounting system. Provide examples for each method.   (5Marks)

Q3. Consider that you own a business that purchases equipment for 50,000SR. How would you calculate this asset’s depreciation? Use the different methods to depreciate the equipment.

Note: To calculate depreciation, you must provide the salvage value, useful life, and annual units produced.   (5Marks)