
What is the purpose of the articles and other materials that appear in the journals? Talk about this purpose as a whole; then select one or two articles and discuss their purpose in detail.



IC #4: Select two or three leading journals or other professional publications in your academic major or any other academic discipline in which you are interested. Next, conduct a brief rhetorical analysis of the writing which appears in them.

Consider the following questions:

  1. What is the purpose of the articles and other materials that appear in the journals? Talk about this purpose as a whole; then select one or two articles and discuss their purpose in detail. Be sure to give concrete examples and details.
  2. Who are the intended audience of these publications? What specific elements in the writing which appears there can help us decide?
  3. Consider the structure and format of the writings in the journals. How do they connect with the purpose of the writing and the intended audience? For instance, what kinds of evidence or citation systems do their authors’ use?

Assignment: Write a short paper reporting and analyzing the results of your research.

Format: MLA style

Length: No more than 1250 words


Choose ONE of the following Routes of Administration for medications.. What are few 3-4 examples of the dosage forms for this ROA?

Module #5

Today we will be looking at the various Routes of Administration and analyze their advantages and disadvantages
Imagine you are a Pharmaceutical Sales representative, and are trying to market for your new !!Dosage Form that your company recently developed. Use your knowledge to explain and market for your !Dosage Form

Your Task
Choose ONE of the following Routes of Administration for medications ( Only choose from the ones (listed below Conduct a research about this Route of Administration.

Textbook or the Internet
Provide an analysis of this ROA and Answer the :questions listed below
What are few 3-4 examples of the dosage forms for this ROA? ( Examples, Tablet, capsule, etc..Don’t list .medication names) = 3 pts What are 3- 4 of the advantages of the ROA?
What are 3- 4 of the Disadvantages?

.2 pts • =2 .pts Explain any Special Considerations regarding the ROA ( • For example, Not appropriate for children; Not ;appropriate for elderly Patient must receive training; etc..) •
. = 2 pts Describe any training necessary for patients to • administer this ROA
= 2 pts Provide any Visual Aids/ images for your •
. = 2 pts Provide your citations and references •
. = 1 pts Read through the other entries and reply directly to at • least TWO classmates
= 6 pts

Here is a list of the ROA
.1 Oral

.2 Topical 

.3 Intravenous

.4 Ophthalmic 

.5 Otic 

.6 Nasal 

Build a full risk management plan, including a complete risk matrix for a project for a wedding including the wedding itself, the reception and the dinner.

Risk Management Plan

Build a full risk management plan, including a complete risk matrix for a project for a wedding including the wedding itself, the reception and the dinner. You own the wedding planning company doing this event.


  • There is no minimum or maximum required number of pages. Your response will be considered complete, if it addresses each of the components outlined above.
  • Use of proper APA formatting and citations – If supporting evidence from outside resources is used those must be properly cited. A minimum of 7 sources (excluding the course textbook) from scholarly articles or business periodicals is required.
  • Include your best critical thinking and analysis to arrive at your justification.


Read the attached articles and Describe some of the ways we can tackle and debunk infodemic, misinformation or misleading media messaging in order to encourage preventative behaviors and pandemic preparedness.


Read the attached articles and Describe some of the ways we can tackle and debunk infodemic, misinformation or misleading media messaging in order to encourage preventative behaviors and pandemic preparedness.


Identify two theorists who support the use of assessment data to drive instruction and explain how the beliefs of those two theorists support the use of assessments to drive instruction and their different approaches to driving instruction.


Identify two theorists who support the use of assessment data to drive instruction and explain how the beliefs of those two theorists support the use of assessments to drive instruction and their different approaches to driving instruction.

Possible choices: Howard Garner, Jay McTighe, Grant Wiggins, Carol Tomlinson, Caroline Gipps, Paul Black, Ralph Tyler, etc.


Perform a high-level business cultural analysis as if you were briefing the CEO on a particular country’s culture. Choose any single country (except the U.S.) and provide various attributes for each of the 5 Main Cultural Elements.

Management question

Perform a high-level business cultural analysis as if you were briefing the CEO on a particular country’s culture.

Choose any single country (except the U.S.) and provide various attributes for each of the 5 Main Cultural Elements (language, values, etc.).

Emphasize business-related cultural elements if possible

Format: must be typed (Word, Excel, Google.doc, etc.), one full page in 12-point font, provide sources (publication/website only


Is there room for three or more players in social media? Is the industry likely to consolidate (i.e., some competitors will be acquired or go out of business)? Will new competitors continue to appear, or is the market saturated?

Social Media War 2021 – Snap vs. Facebook vs. TikTok.doc

  1. Is there room for three or more players in social media? Is the industry likely to consolidate (i.e., some competitors will be acquired or go out of business)? Will new competitors continue to appear, or is the market saturated?
  1. What strategic options does Evan Spiegel have in 2021? What should he do?


Picking up from your annotated bibliography and outline submitted in earlier weeks, prepare a final research paper on the topic you choose.

Research Paper – Customer Service related

Supply chains cannot operate smoothly without clear and adaptable customer service. Today, there is a lack of extraordinary customer service in a complex industry which presents challenges from every angle. To attack the issue, it is crucial to examine the customer’s needs and expectations from the beginning. Customer service must adapt to the supply chain to succeed together.

Picking up from your annotated bibliography and outline submitted in earlier weeks, prepare a final research paper on the topic you choose. The paper should be 2500 words in length and include a cover page and Reference list. All papers should be submitted in APA format. Please include a minimum of 10 references (see your annotated bibliography).

Find an article in the library and find a flaw in an argument. Write a 1000 word paper in APA format.


Paper – Find an article in the library and find a flaw in an argument. Write a 1000 word paper in APA format.

Research in the APUS library about common flaws in arguments and fallacies.

Organization of the assignment:

Paragraph 1: Introduction Include a brief review of the article’s argument. Include a statement that the argument has merit but also contains multiple flaws to indicate the direction of this paper. Then map out the points that you will make to guide the reader through the body of the paper.
Paragraph 2: Explanation of first flaw– this paragraph should have a strong topic sentence and then several sentences explaining the flaw in detail. In these paragraphs opinion is not acceptable. You must support your claim of a flaw in the argument.
Paragraph 3: Second flaw – same as above
Paragraph 4: Third flaw – same as above
Paragraph 5: Conclusion: Include a summary of the flaws presented. Academically and professional explain how the flaws identified could be fixed to present a stronger argument.

Describe the role that workers play in the game of economics. Explain why the worker’s role is unique.

Unit Test Part 2: The Players

Answer the following questions based on what you have learned.

(2 points)

  1. Describe the role that workers play in the game of economics.

(3 points)

  1. Explain why the worker’s role is unique.


(2 points)

  1. Explain why it is important for producers to conduct market research.


(3 points)

  1. Give at least one example of a type of market research that producers conduct. Explain the kind of information this research provides.


(3 points)

  1. Describe the meaning of utility in economics and explain why it is different from one consumer to another.


(2 points)

  1. Why do economists try to measure and understand utility?


(2 points)

  1. List two characteristics of an oligopolistic industry.


(3 points)

  1. Why are so many familiar industries oligopolies?



(5 points)

  1. Explain why circulation and ratings systems determine how much money different advertisements cost to run.



Your Score ___ of 25