
Prepare your biographical essay or powerpoint presentation. Is 750 to 1,000 words in length, prepare a Powerpoint slide show, with at least seven slides that include 20 to 25 words of accompanying text, and images.


The purpose of this assignment is to use the historic documents that you and your classmates collectively compiled in the M2 Workshop to produce an original historical biography based on primary and secondary source documents. Here’s what I would like you to do:

Biographies of Noteworthy 19th Century Women (Frances Ellen Watkins Harper) . Here’s a link to a powerpoint slideshow from North Dakota State University that explains the genre of a “historical biography”. Prepare your biographical essay or powerpoint presentation. Make sure that your assignment:
is 750 to 1,000 words in length, OR, prepare a Powerpoint slide show, with at least seven slides that include 20 to 25 words of accompanying text, and images.
Your biographical essay or slide show should analyze the life of the noteworthy woman you are studying in the context of:

major (or minor) historical events occurring in the USA during the time the woman lived, such as the relationships of the individual woman’s life to social institutions, social movements, political events, cultural or artistic movements, etc. Not all of these aspects need to be covered in each of your essays–just what is relevant to explaining your noteworthy woman’s significance and her contributions to American history

Evaluation Criteria

Please use the Chicago Style for citations, and take care to ensure that the citations are completed properly. Your essay should be 750-1,000 words in length with a bibliography of sources used at the end. OR, your powerpoint slide show should be at least 7 slides, plus an 8th slide with your bibliography of sources used and images used.

Be sure to identify the historical significance of the woman you are writing about.

Be sure to identify the location [website] of each image if you are creating a powerpoint slide show.

Prepare an argumentative essay in which you take a position of a topic. Begin by choosing a topic and establish your claim regarding this topic. Consider some good reasons or evidence that might support your claim. Also consider opposing views. What is your response to these opposing views?


Paper – Find an article about a current event in your discipline and write a supportive argumentative essay. The essay should be at least 1000 words in length and written in APA format. Include a cover page an Reference list

MY DISCIPLINE: Supply chains cannot operate smoothly without clear and adaptable customer service. Today, there is a lack of extraordinary customer service in a complex industry which presents challenges from every angle. To attack the issue, it is crucial to examine the customer’s needs and expectations from the beginning. Customer service must adapt to the supply chain to succeed together.

Prepare an argumentative essay in which you take a position of a topic (current even related to your discipline). Begin by choosing a topic and establish your claim regarding this topic. Consider some good reasons or evidence that might support your claim. Also consider opposing views. What is your response to these opposing views?

Outline for Argumentative Essay:

Introduction Paragraph with Thesis Statement – the introduction should be fully developed containing background information on the topic. The thesis statement should appear at the end of the introductory paragraph.

Clear Transitions between all paragraphs – transitions hold the essay together. They inform the reader of what to expect n the next paragraph.

Body – fully developed set of paragraphs that provide evidence and support of the thesis. In the body the writer should include a warrant or reason that the evidence provided supports the thesis. Try to choose at least three VERY strong arguments that support your thesis (claim). Then back your argument up with relevant, timely, specific, and, accurate evidence. Use facts and statistics leave out your opinions, yet include opinions of experts on this topic. Avoid words like ‘I think”, and “I believe”. Do not over use emotion and demonstrate lack of bias.

Also in the body (1-2 paragraphs) it is important to consider other points of view or opposing views. The writer should views that are not in support of the thesis, yet refute that this point of view is out of date, irrelevant, or not well informed.

Conclusion- The conclusion should be tied back to the thesis statement. It is important not to introduce any new information in the conclusion. The conclusion is a synthesis of the information in the essay and a statement of why the topic is important.

Evaluate the validity and value of each person’s position/stance on the situation. Discuss any ethical concerns raised in the situation. Discuss any suspicious or fraudulent claims in the scenario.

Week 5 Writing Assignment

 You are the CEO of a young, growing company. You have long expressed concern to your executive team that the company is unprepared to handle harassment claims. While there haven’t been any claims so far, the recent growth in the size of the company, creates a need for precautions. You have observed heated arguments on the shop floor, in the sales offices, on the showroom floor, and even in the executive offices over all kinds of matters, some not even work related. You have even observed some employees bursting into tears over some of these arguments. You have heard people cursing openly, some of the employees are so crude that they don’t even seem to know that they do it.  There have been some complaints by employees who feel that this is unprofessional and hurts the image of the company, damages morale, and could result in harassment claims.

The Director of Human Resources drops by your office to show you a recent article called “Reducing Harassment in the Workplace.” According to the article, at a minimum, the company needs a policy that informs employees about harassment, which can be sexual, racial, religious, national origin, age, or disability, that it is not permitted at work, and that there are a number of people they can contact if they feel victimized. The article goes on to say that is a good start, but it isn’t nearly enough to protect a company. The article says what is needed is a civility code to ensure that everyone treats everyone else, fellow workers, subordinates, superiors, customers, and suppliers, with dignity and respect. One section of the Code says: “Courtesy is the responsibility of every employee. Everyone is expected to be courteous, polite and friendly to our customers, vendors and suppliers, as well as to their fellow employees. No one should be disrespectful or use profanity or any other language which injures the image or reputation of the Company.”

The next day you discuss the article with your 4-person executive team.  Two of them like the idea, two of them hate it.  You tell them to think about it and you’ll discuss it further at your next meeting. The following Monday morning you get to work, and your secretary tells you to check your e-mail. You discover that there is a heated battle going on between numerous employees debating the “proposed” civility code. Some of the comments are favorable, but others are downright uncivil, rude, and profane. Some of the critics complain that it is a violation of free speech and one even calls you a communist. One employee says this is good reason to bring in a union. One of the advocates of the civility code has been called a “p.c. millennial snowflake” and is threatening to bring a harassment claim to the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, the EEOC.

You call your attorney and tell him what’s happening. Later that day, after doing 2 hours of research, the two of you meet. He tells you that the situation is complicated from a legal standpoint, but there are three key points. One, employees of private companies have no First Amendment free speech rights at work. Two, the EEOC likes the idea of civility codes, since they are charged with eliminating harassment in the workplace. Three, the National Labor Relations Board, the NLRB, has taken a very broad view of what is protected “concerted activity by workers for mutual benefit and support,” whether there is a union involved or not. By the way, the lawyer says, the NLRB has gone so far as to prohibit employers from restricting company e-mail use to purely business matters. In other words, he says, you are between a rock and a hard place, and, by the way, here is a bill for $500 for the meeting and research.

As CEO, you must now decide how to handle the situation. Using the Writing Advantage format, write a draft proposal (approx. 2 pages) to your Executive Team addressing the following:

Recognize Assumptions:

  • State the problem in the situation, and provide the inductive or deductive (or both) reasoning that leads you to your problem statement
  • Discuss any assumptions that you or others in the situation may be making (as much as possible, support your statements with data from the case)

Evaluate Arguments:

  • Evaluate the validity and value of each person’s position/stance on the situation.
  • Discuss any ethical concerns raised in the situation.
  • Discuss any suspicious or fraudulent claims in the scenario.

Draw Conclusions:

  • List and discuss pros and cons of possible solutions
  • Recommend a solution and course of action.

Briefly explain Revised question. What is 1 advantage and 1 disadvantage of the matching principle?

Revised question

Write 150-200 words per question answering the following.

1) Briefly explain Revised question.

2) What is 1 advantage and 1 disadvantage of the matching principle?

In your opinion, how does a company field issues such as diversity, social responsibility, and the company’s corporate responsibility while considering the company’s bottom line?


In your opinion, how does a company field issues such as diversity, social responsibility, and the company’s corporate responsibility while considering the company’s bottom line?

Chose 2 strategies from the chart, and use them to write your own conclusion paragraph.

Writing conclusions paragraph

Chose 2 strategies from the chart, and use them to write your own conclusion paragraph.

Explain your rationale for these choices in relation to your simulation company’s values, mission, goals, and current place in game play. Would you use one or multiple resource sources? Why?

Venture Capital (VC) Funding

In Q4 of the simulation you and your team have the opportunity to seek Venture Capital (VC) funding to help your business grow. VC funding is one way of many to gain needed resources as your business scales and grows to the next growth stage. In the real world, you as the leadership team will need to assess the current state of your business and determine what support you are going to need to help you achieve your growth goals. Support can and should come in many forms and help solve multiple problems. This can include but not be limited to, the leadership team growth, product/service development, finance, sales, and marketing. In this discussion question, using the readings, personal examples, and other research that you conduct;

1) Select 1-3 types of resource support that you think would best fit your simulation company. You may use the resources for this unit as well as any additional research you complete, and personal experiences

2) Explain your rationale for these choices in relation to your simulation company’s values, mission, goals, and current place in game play. Would you use one or multiple resource sources? Why?

3) Discuss how you would present this information to the leadership team in your simulation company and present an outline of your strategy for accessing the resources you have identified.

From either the town’s people perspective or Constance and Merricat, write a scene about what is happening 20 years from the end of the story. How has the urban myth about the house and the sister’s evolved?

Creative Writing Essay

The essay must be a creative essay (short story) on the novel we have always lived in the castle according the the essay prompt provided: From either the town’s people perspective or Constance and Merricat, write a scene about what is happening 20 years from the end of the story. How has the urban myth about the house and the sister’s evolved? (page 141)

Do school inspections have positive or negative impact on school leadership and management? Do school inspections improve the work of leadership and management?)

Research proposal

Research question: The impact of school inspections on the improvement of leadership and management: the case of Azerbaijan (Do school inspections have positive or negative impact on school leadership and management? Do school inspections improve the work of leadership and management?)

Analyze the historical importance of your chosen document and how it helps you understand the larger historical events/processes at play in the textbook chapter(s) it is associated with.

Gottlieb Mittelberger, Journey to Pennsylvania in the Year 1750, trans. Carl Theo Eben (Philadelphia, John Jos McVey, 1898).

Analyze the historical importance of your chosen document and how it helps you understand the larger historical events/processes at play in the textbook chapter(s) it is associated with.  Remember to use specific details from the document to support your arguments.