
Are convicts still punished after serving time?

Argumentative essay

Are convicts still punished after serving time?

Write an essay on the Effects of Climate Change on individual’s physical, mental and economic health.

Effects of Climate Change

Write an essay on the Effects of Climate Change on individual’s physical, mental and economic health.

Attend a live professional concert, recital, musical, opera, or special music event and write a one-page report on two pieces from that Program.

Music event

Attend a live professional concert, recital, musical, opera, or special music event and write a one-page report on two pieces from that Program. These will need to include screenshot of the program to qualify.
Take a screenshot of the front and inside list of all music being performed. These include any recital, concert, opera, musical or event where a program is provided. Music heard at a Church Service or Club or on a recording do not qualify. This live. You may submit anytime before then. *Remember that this is 15% of your final grade.

**Listen to the entire program and take notes from the following a list on two pieces or numbers in the program.
Write a one-page comparison of two pieces describing which music elements stood out most to you for each piece. You can use some or all of the following list to describe the 2 pieces, or;

Find 3 YouTubes of 3 of your 3 Favorite Artists. Write a three-page paper describing the music elements and emotional content of one or more pieces including citations at the bottom of each one.

Possible Musical Elements to write about:
Instrumentation (tone color changes);
Melodies. (lyric or dramatic):
Rhythm and tempos;
Harmonies (key changes, unusual chords or modulations;
Dynamics (overall how many soft or loud passages were the pieces;
Textures. (mostly monophonic, homophonic or polyphonic textures;
What Style Periods of Music did each represent?
Any other distinct comparisons that you noticed?

Discuss a real-life case of where religious beliefs, cultural differences, or socio-economic issues leads to child maltreatment or abuse. What can be done as a society, as well as, on a family level to address these issues?

 Child maltreatment or abuse

Discuss a real-life case of where religious beliefs, cultural differences, or socio-economic issues leads to child maltreatment or abuse. What can be done as a society, as well as, on a family level to address these issues?

Evaluate how well the author uses context to support and develop the theme of the novel.

All We Have Left by Wendy Mills

Evaluate how well the author uses context to support and develop the theme of the novel.

Write a statement of purpose for admission in master of data science.

Statement of purpose

Write a statement of purpose for admission in master of data science.

Write a coherent, well-organized, and persuasive essay that takes a position on an issue primarily using the Psychologist’s View (Rogerian Argument). Should stem cell research be funded by the government? Should it be outlawed? Why or why not?

Stem cell research

Write a coherent, well-organized, and persuasive essay that takes a position on an issue primarily using the Psychologist’s View (Rogerian Argument). Should stem cell research be funded by the government? Should it be outlawed? Why or why not?

What is meant by the term ‘client-server architecture’ and what are the advantages of this approach? Compare the client-server architecture with two other architectures.

Database Exercise

  • What is meant by the term ‘client-server architecture’ and what are the advantages of this approach? Compare the client-server architecture with two other architectures. Include a description of the 3 service models defined by NIST.
    • Which cloud computing benefit do you feel is the most important and why?
    • Which cloud computing risk do you feel is the most important and why?
  • Describe the DBMS MS Access
    • How is MS Access used in contrast to SQLite?
    • What are the primary uses of MS Access?


Should this CPA’s professional license be sus- pended or revoked? Assume that he is convicted or pleads guilty to these crimes . Would your answer be different ?

Accounting question

Answer the following questions using your own words…

  1. According to police reports, a Gainesville, Florida, CPA was arrested for engaging in sexual assault. This story generated substantial publicity , especially in northern Florida . Despite the heinous nature of these crimes, there is no evidence whatsoever that the tax accounting services performed by him or staff members at his tax preparation service are sub- standard .
  2. Should this CPA’s professional license be sus- pended or revoked?
  3. Assume that he is convicted or pleads guilty to these crimes . Would your answer be different ?
  4. In a landmark U.S. Supreme Court case, Price Waterhouse, CPAs v. Hopkins, a senior accountant was denied a promotion to partner at a major CPA firm because, according to one evaluation, she needed to “walk more femininely, talk more femininely, dress more femininely, wear make-up, have her hair styled, and wear jewelry.” Others expressed more general criticisms that she was rude, impatient, and excessively demanding. When Ms. Hopkins sued under Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, the CPA firm defended its actions, claiming that Ms. Hopkins’ overly aggressive personality gave it sufficient grounds for denying her a promotion. Did the CPA firm commit sex discrimination?
  5. A staff accountant with a large corporation wrote a book in which he proudly admits that, as tax deadlines approached, he “popped illegal amphetamines” and “frankly was stoned” when he was preparing the company’s tax returns. He claims that his use of unprescribed drugs enhanced his ability to get his tasks completed. Were this accountant’s actions discreditable under the Code of Conduct? Were his statements discreditable?
  6. An unmarried, gay couple recently attempted to rent an apartment from a landlord who happens to be a CPA. The CPA told them that they would make “wonderful tenants,” but she could not rent to them because of her “deep religious convictions.” The prospective tenants sued the CPA, and the court held that the CPA violated applicable anti-discrimination laws. Did the CPA violate the Code of Conduct?
  7. A partner at a major CPA firm once confided that “it’s simple…we like to hire pretty women. Our clients generally are middle-aged men and they enjoy being around pretty women.”
  8. Did this partner admit to a discreditable act?
  9. Would your answer be the same if the partner simply had said that they like to hire “good looking people because when “our people look good, we look good?”
  10. If you are a member of the AICPA, do you have a duty to report this act to appropriate AICPA officials?


Watch the two videos posted under the title “ASYNCHRONOUS LEARNING.” How would you describe the “work” of Buddhist monks? How do they interact with the community of believers?

Religious question

FIRST: Watch the two videos posted under the title “ASYNCHRONOUS LEARNING.” How would you describe the “work” of Buddhist monks? How do they interact with the community of believers? (1-2 paragraphs, 10 points)

SECOND: Identify something in the videos pertaining to the monks lives and practice that you are curious about. Do some research and explain what you found. (1-2 paragraphs, 1 source required and cited, 10 points)