
Describe one advantage and one disadvantage to the westernized high-tech research approach to medical treatment.

Science meets real life

  • Describe one advantage and one disadvantage to the westernized high-tech research approach to medical treatment.
  • Describe one advantage and one disadvantage to using traditional medicine as an approach to medical treatment.
  • Are there benefits to having multicultural approaches to medical treatment? Explain your answer.
  • Could these two cultural approaches both be improved by drawing upon the other? Why or why not?
  • Discuss any challenges there may be in combining these two different cultural approaches to treatment that have a very different level of reliance on scientific research and technology.


What are the four areas of specialization in procurement and how is information technology used to drive suppliers?

Information technology

What are the four areas of specialization in procurement and how is information technology used to drive suppliers?


How can Erikson’s young adulthood stage development task of “intimacy versus isolation” be fulfilled by current military personnel frequently deployed overseas?

Case Studies

Select TWO of the Case Studies below and answer the questions with that case.

Caroline Sanders as a Transgender Young Adult

  1. Caroline accomplished milestones that heteronormative teenagers and young adults usually accomplish earlier, such as getting a bank account, learning to drive, and living outside her parent’s home. What factors might have influenced the timing of these milestones for Caroline?
  2. What strides is Caroline making on the developmental task of intimacy versus isolation?
  3. How is Caroline’s physical transformation affecting other dimensions of her life?

 Sheila Henderson’s Long-Awaited Family Reunification

  1. How do biological and social factors interact in this story to contribute to the family’s current needs?
  2. How can Erikson’s young adulthood stage development task of “intimacy versus isolation” be fulfilled by current military personnel frequently deployed overseas?
  3. What are the challenges, and how have the military and/or other societal institutions responded to these challenges?

Jonathan Stuart and Kai Hale as Older Parents of Twins

  1. Compared to parents in young adulthood, what social, emotional, physical, and financial advantages and disadvantages might Jonathan and Kai face as “older parents” to their twins?
  2. Same-sex couples experience many stressors in their life. How might these stressors change once Jonathan and Kai become parents?
  3. How might Jonathan and Kai’s roles in their relationship, family, work, and so on change once they become parents?Description: Wendy Troxel argues that teens don’t get enough sleep, and it’s not because of Snapchat, social lives or hormones—it’s because of public policy Required Texts
  4. Primary Textbook/required for references/citations
    Hutchinson, E. D. & Contributors (2019). Dimensions of human behavior: The changing
    life course (6th Ed.). Sage Publications. ISBN-13: 978-1544339344
    Supporting Textbook
    Hutchison, E. D. & Contributors (2019). Dimensions of Human Behavior: Person and
    Environment (6th Ed.). Sage Publications. ISBN-13: 978-1544339290
    Recommended Texts and Other Material
    American Psychological Association (2020). Publication manual of the American
    Psychological Association (7th Ed.). APA. Alcohol’s Effect on Teenage Brain


Discuss how you can disseminate our science to promote application in sustainability. Share ideas on how you can make use ABA to have a positive impact on society.

Behavior Change for a Sustainable World

There are so many ways to use ABA. To name a few, working with individuals with autism and developmental disabilities, organizational behavior management (OBM), acceptance and commitment therapy (ACT), and even sustainability. Dr. William Heward presented Behavior Change for a Sustainable World [Webinar] to the Capella Society of ABA. Please watch the recording and address the following:

Discuss how you can disseminate our science to promote application in sustainability.
Share ideas on how you can make use ABA to have a positive impact on society.

Drawing on what you know about attachment theory and child development, what might you speculate or guess about each child’s experiences in their early years? What sorts of experiences in early childhood might explain the behaviour of the children today?

Lifespan group assignment


Alex, Zach and Katina are siblings that were placed in foster care 4 months ago following the death of their mother by accidental overdose. She had a long history of substance use and had been known to the child welfare authorities since Zack was born. There are no known relatives to care for the children, which is why they have ended up remaining in foster care. Alex is the oldest at 11 years, Zach is 7, and Katina is 10 months old. Their social worker tried but was unsuccessful in finding a placement that would accept all 3 children. One foster home agreed to take the two oldest children and another was found that could take Katina.


Alex is still clearly very sad about his mother’s death, but he seems to be managing. He has adjusted fairly well to his new school, and has made some new friends. Alex has also developed a good relationship with his new teacher, Ms. Sandhu, despite only knowing her for a few months. He works hard in class and on his homework, and seems eager to please Ms. Sandhu and his foster mother.

Zach is very sad, often hard to console, and frequently withdrawn, even from Alex. Recently, Zach got lost while the family was shopping at the mall. The security officer who found him later reported that Zach didn’t initially seem very upset about being lost, but that he started to cry when he spotted the foster parents waiting at the security office. And, when the security officer handed Zach over to his foster parents Zach pushed them away and ran under the desk where sat and cried for almost 5 minutes before rejoining the foster parents and leaving the office.

Katina seems to be a generally happy baby. She seems well-connected to her foster parents. When the social worker dropped by recently Katina cried when the worker tried to pick her. She quickly crawled over to her foster mother who reassured her that everything was OK. Katina quickly settled and asked to be put down on the floor so she could explore. She slowly warmed up to the worker and by the end of the visit allowed herself to be picked up, but only as long as her mother was in the room.



Use your textbook, notes and any other reliable and appropriate resources (please indicate all sources) you have available to you, answer the following questions, with attention to each of the children separately:

1.Drawing on what you know about attachment theory and child development, what might you speculate or guess about each child’s experiences in their early years? What sorts of experiences in early childhood might explain the behaviour of the children today?

2.For each child, identify whether you think the observations suggest secure or insecure attachment, and if insecure, indicate what kind. Briefly explain each answer.

3.Based on your answers to question 2, what would Erikson say about the experiences (the past) and needs (the present and future) of the children? What would he have to say about what has happened to the children, and about what they need now and in the future for healthy development? Think in terms of Erikson’s tasks and “crises”.

4.Assume that your speculation about the children’s early experiences has been confirmed by the child welfare authorities and that your assessment of their attachment is correct. What would you – a worker whose thinking is influenced by Indigenous and holistic perspectives – recommend for each of the children? In your opinion, what might help them best to deal with the losses in their life and to continue to develop in a healthy way?

Prepare 3–4 pro statements that might be given to support the use of the treatment. Evaluate your findings. Discuss at least four relevant ethics codes that you have learned in this course thus far.


In a prior assignment, you considered some controversial treatments that were not evidence based. Controversial treatments can also be evidence based. There is debate in the field of ABA surrounding treatments involving guided compliance and extinction, particularly attention extinction and escape extinction. Some behavior analysts are quick to jump to these interventions, not fully considering how the side effects will impact the client. These interventions can be aversive and arguably considered punishment.

Conduct a search for information on one of the following aversive procedures: guided (forced) compliance, attention extinction, and escape extinction. Cite the source and describe the treatment.
Prepare 3–4 pro statements that might be given to support the use of the treatment. Also, prepare 3–4 con statements that might be given to oppose the treatment.
Evaluate your findings. Discuss at least four relevant ethics codes that you have learned in this course thus far.

Behavior Analyst Certification Board. (2020). Ethics code for behavior analysts [PDF].
Section 4 – Responsibility to Supervisees and Trainees.

Using the same instrumentation and studies that you selected from Part 1, discuss professional ethical considerations with the issue and assessment procedures.

Identification, Analysis, and Real-Life Application – Ethics & Faith Integration

Write your paper following this format. Please include all the headings so your paper is clear and organized.
Introduction (this must match your cover page title)
Ethical Considerations

Using the same instrumentation and studies that you selected from Part 1, discuss professional ethical considerations with the issue and assessment procedures.
Professional Code of Ethics (here, you could have APA, AACC, Universal Declaration
Integration of a relevant professional code of ethics (i.e. APA, AACC, or Universal Declaration) with a relevant principle and associated standard.

The Beatitudes
Analysis of provided passage of scripture (Beatitudes from Matthew 5: 3-12) and how it relates to the selected issue.
What are 3 specific takeaways from The Beatitudes and your selected issue?

How does this article relate to the Writing Process and illustration. How clear are the author’s statements, and does the discussion maintain cohesion?

Illustrative writing

Illustration is the skillful use of demonstrative examples which allows a writer to present the main idea in an explanation type manner so the reader can understand the broader context of the selected topic. Illustrative writing requires being imaginative and attentive to specific details. Generally, the writer’s primary task is to find supporting textual material that may exemplify the main idea, usually by utilizing personal examples.

1. How does this article relate to the Writing Process and illustration.

2. Would this be an example of Illustrative Writing?

3. How clear are the author’s statements, and does the discussion maintain cohesion?

4. What do you think of the author’s writing? Do you feel like the author is a professional writer or an amateur?

5. How well does the organization fit the article’s purpose and articulate key goals?

In a 500-word essay using “Letter from a Birmingham Jail” and chapter 16 of the course textbook, provide a clear and detailed response to the following question: What is Martin Luther King’s clarion call?

Greetings Hist 202.

In a 500-word essay using “Letter from a Birmingham Jail” and chapter 16 of the course textbook, provide a clear and detailed response to the following question: What is Martin Luther King’s clarion call?

In your essay include the following:

  • Constitutional bases (plural of basis) MLK can claim that African-Americans are free and have the right to use the same public facilities, like lunch counters, hotels, amusement parks, and schools?
  • Constitutional basis that the fact that majority black districts have few if any blacks registered to vote, is an injustice?
  • Using specific examples, how was the violence towards African-Americans in  MLK’s time practically identical to the Reconstruction era?

This assignment is the first of two drafts you will write on this topic. After you post your rough drafts (and critique another student), I will review the rough drafts and provide feedback in the forum.

At what two levels does the auditor assess the risk of material misstatement? Describe the types of procedures that constitute risk assessment procedures.


  1. At what two levels does the auditor assess the risk of material misstatement?
  2. Describe the types of procedures that constitute risk assessment procedures.