
What is COPD? What are the different types of COPD? 
 What are the causes of COPD? 
 What is the primary risk posed by COPD? 
 Discuss risk factors of COPD and; Incidence of COPD between men and women. 

Case study

The prevalence of chronic diseases has increased in recent years. The impact of the chronic disease affects the individual, their family, and the healthcare system at large. Age is not just the only factor that influences chronic disease, illness, and disability. Review these case studies below:

Answer all the associated questions for that case, which are listed below each case study.

John S., an African American male, 74 years old who presents himself to your office with his wife complaining of shortness of breath and fever. They have just moved to the area and had plans of visiting the doctor’s office, due to the onset of symptoms they have taken advantage of a last-minute walk-in slot. His medical history includes heart failure following a myocardial infarction at the age of 68 years old. He has COPD and is on 2 liters of oxygen at home, he also has hypertension. His father died of a myocardial infarction at the age of 59 years old. His mother is alive and his siblings are healthy.
What is COPD? What are the different types of COPD?
What are the causes of COPD?
What is the primary risk posed by COPD?
Discuss risk factors of COPD and; Incidence of COPD between men and women.
What are treatment options for COPD
What community resources can Mrs. Davis harness to take care of her health?

Write a research paper on Adam Smith.

Economics Question

Write a research paper on Adam Smith.


What are your thoughts on the “social determinants of health?” Up until recently, we have typically thought of health only in terms of health care and personal behaviors.

Public Health Nursing

What are your thoughts on the “social determinants of health?” Up until recently, we have typically thought of health only in terms of health care and personal behaviors. Do you support this shift in traditional thinking which is linking external factors to health, or do you believe responsibility lies entirely with the individual and the lifestyle choices he or she makes? What surprised you most when you read the CDC summary about health inequities in this country?

Textbook: Demarco, R. & Healy-Walsh J. (2020).  Community and public health nursing: Evidence for practice (3rd ed.)


Why does it matter that people know about the social justice issue? What is some important background information and history about the issue people need to know to understand the social justice issue more fully?

Mass Incarceration

250 words with 3 sources answering these questions on the topic of mass incarceration…

Why does it matter that people know about the social justice issue?
What is some important background information and history about the issue people need to know to understand the social justice issue more fully?

What is currently going on in your social justice issue? For example, is the issue getting better or worse? Are there any ongoing efforts to solve the issue?

Why are you drawn to this social justice issue? Why do you think it is important to educate others about this social justice issue?

In your conclusion, write what you hope to get out of learning about this social justice issue OR ask questions you hope to research and find answers related to your social justice issue

Write about Descartes’ argument, This paper has 2 parts. In the first part, you will fully reconstruct the argument and explain it. In the second part, you will give your reaction to it. You can discuss whether it is a strong argument or weak argument and then give your reasons.

An argument from modern philosophy

Write about Descartes’ argument, This paper has 2 parts. In the first part, you will fully reconstruct the argument and explain it. In the second part, you will give your reaction to it. You can discuss whether it is a strong argument or weak argument and then give your reasons.


Identify three common and three conflicting goals of companies and unions. Explain how these goals may be unique to different industries. How might they be the same within industries?

Management Question

Journal 1:

In your opinion, does having two different existing labor federations (i.e., American Federation of Labor and Congress of Industrial Organizations [AFL-CIO] and Change to Win) strengthen or weaken the ability of organized labor to represent the interests of employees today? What would you prefer at your company? Why?

Journal 2:

Identify three common and three conflicting goals of companies and unions. Explain how these goals may be unique to different industries. How might they be the same within industries?

Your journal entry must be at least 200 words in length.


For many of your projects, you chose a scenario in which your team has an imaginary budget. What is a potential “black swan” event (Schwalbe, pg. 286) that could impact your projects’ budget estimates? How can you plan ahead to mitigate such an event?

Project management discussion

Write about 200 – 300 words

Chapter 7 discusses the topic of Project Cost Management. One of the topics that is discussed is the tendency of cost management to be a weak point, particularly for IT projects.

For many of your projects, you chose a scenario in which your team has an imaginary budget. What is a potential “black swan” event (Schwalbe, pg. 286) that could impact your projects’ budget estimates? How can you plan ahead to mitigate such an event?

For projects that do not have a proposed budget, how can this framework be applied to your team?


Explain how you might effectively use five general resources to locate related literature: (a) the library cata-log, (b) online databases, (c) reference librarians, (d) Internet search engines, and (e) other researchers’ reference lists.


Describe several purposes that a literature review can serve during the planning of a research project.

Explain how you might effectively use five general resources to locate related literature: (a) the library cata-log, (b) online databases, (c) reference librarians, (d) Internet search engines, and (e) other researchers’ reference lists.

Describe concrete strategies you can use to evaluate, organize, and synthesize literature related to a research problem.

Describe the cyclical, iterative nature of research, including the steps that a genuine research project involves. Distinguish among positivism, postpositivism, constructivism, and pragmatism/realism as philosophical underpinnings of a research project.


Distinguish between (a) common uses of the term research that reflect misconceptions about what research involves and (b) the true nature of research in academic settings.

Describe the cyclical, iterative nature of research, including the steps that a genuine research project involves.

Distinguish among positivism, postpositivism, constructivism, and pragmatism/realism as philosophical underpinnings of a research project.

Identify examples of how six general research tools can play significant roles in a research project:

  • (a) the library and its resources,
  • (b) computer technology,
  • (c) measurement,
  • (d) statistics,
  • (e) language,
  • (f) the human mind.

Describe steps you might take to explore research in your field


Discuss the placement of apparatus to include the variations between offensive and defensive mode of operation and the consideration of utilizing master streams. Explain life safety concerns and personnel accountability in each of your chosen modes of operation and the hazards specific to the building you submitted.


Submit a picture or pictures of an occupancy from your community. Provide an overview of the building including the information from the COAL WAS WEALTH process, a basic description of the building construction, and how heat transfer would apply to this building.
Choose three options from the strategies discussed in the textbook or unit video (offensive, offensive-defensive, defensive-offensive, indirect method of attack, defensive, no attack or nonintervention, and SLICE-RS) that might be considered in a fire at this location.

Answer the following questions regarding your chosen strategic modes of operation.
In the event of a working structure fire in this building, outline the factors involved in selecting a strategic mode of operation. Describe the conditions that must be present to utilize each mode. How does response time factor in to each of your options?
How will on-scene prioritizing be accomplished in each option?
Discuss the placement of apparatus to include the variations between offensive and defensive mode of operation and the consideration of utilizing master streams.
Explain life safety concerns and personnel accountability in each of your chosen modes of operation and the hazards specific to the building you submitted.

Your paper must be a minimum of three pages in length, not counting the title and reference pages or the photographs. You must use at least one academic source other than your textbook to support your analysis and solutions. All sources used must have proper citations. Your paper, including all references, will be formatted in APA style.