
Select an example of a PUBLIC DELIBERATION that has occurred in the last 6 MONTHS and write a short, 1-page explanation of the various “sides” of the deliberation and how you would decide or judge those sides.


Select an example of a PUBLIC DELIBERATION that has occurred in the last 6 MONTHS and write a short, 1-page explanation of the various “sides” of the deliberation and how you would decide or judge those sides.

This can be about ANY topic – local, state wide, national, or in other countries – and can cover politics, social discord, cultural issues, religious issues, sports debates, and so on. This is a free for all! The only requirement is that the deliberation you select MUST have been argued by public advocates – in print or digital media. You MUST provide sources to support your claims/description of the deliberative event. Please include the citation(s) at the top of the page that you submit. You have now until May 10th to submit this assignment.

Using accurate terminology, describe what makes “Artist 47”, “Artist 47”.

Writing Question

Do Kanye or lauryn hill

– Research Paper on Artist

  • Must be 5 pages in length
  • Must detail the Artist’s background
    • Do they play an instrument, are they a trained musician, when did they start playing/writing music, etc.
  • Must detail the Artist’s style
    • Using accurate terminology, describe what makes “Artist 47”, “Artist 47”.
      • Style, Genre, do they write their own music, who is their producer, has/did their sound changed after becoming famous?
    • Must use 8 scholarly sources
      • Properly cited in text.
      • Proper APA/MLA Citation format

Identify the predictor. Identify the criterion. Compute the regression line. Using the regression line – identify the predicted profiling score for a person with a score of 8 for prejudice.

PSY212: Graded Assignment #5

Chi Square and Regression

80 points

 This assignment includes conceptual and computations problems regarding regression as well as SPSS. Please note that each problem has several parts. For full credit, please respond to each part completely and show all your work. Take a picture and insert your work for all hand computation which are noted with the following icon  Insert them in the place noted. Do not included them only at the end and do not submit them in a separate file. Submissions must be in PDF or word format – no other formats will be accepted for credit.

DO NOT change the formatting or the numbering of the exam. Keep all questions and point values on this document. Simply respond in the places noted.

*Note that this assignment should be completed individually. Think of this assignment as a “take-home quiz.” Therefore, please do not discuss this assignment with anyone other than your professor. When complete submit an electronic copy on Bb.



TYPE all of your answers in addition to the pictures of your work.

  1. A store owner is trying to decide whether he should order equal amounts of four types of milk (skim, 1%, 2%, and whole). To help determine if certain kinds of milk are more popular, he records how many gallons of each kind of milk he sells over the course of a week. His data shows that he sold: 31 gallons of skim milk, 23 gallons of 1% milk, 37 gallons of 2% milk, and 25 gallons of whole milk. The owner is interested in whether the store sells equal amounts of the four types of milk.

Compute a Goodness of Fit Chi Square. Report and interpret your results including the value of chi square, degrees of freedom and statistical and practical significance.

df = k – 1

Where  = chi square, fo = frequency observed, fe = frequency expected, ϕ = phi (measure of practical significance)

Show your work here (for full credit you must show your work for all steps – type in below or attach a picture). Also show your work for the computation of phi.  10 points :

fo fe
Skim milk      
1% milk      
2% milk      
Whole milk      

Write out your interpretation including frequencies for all groups and use the following format for the reporting of the results, χ² () =  , p .05, Φ =) to report your results. 10 points



  1. Santos et al. (1994) described the pique technique. They claimed that people are more likely to comply with strange requests than with “typical” ones, even if the strange request is larger.

To test this hypothesis, a researcher asked 160 strangers for money. He asked some people if they could spare a quarter, and asked others if they could spare 37 cents. He then recorded how many people gave him the amount requested and how many people did not.

Were people more likely to give the researcher 37 cents than they were to give him 25 cents?

Compute a Chi Square Test of Independence. Report and interpret your results including the value of chi square, degrees of freedom and statistical and practical significance.


Observed Frequencies

Show your work here (type in row totals, column totals and grand total here):

(for full credit you must show your work for all steps – type in below or attach a picture)

YES – Did give the $ NO – Did not give the $ Row Total
Asked for 25 cents 18 42  
Asked for 37 cents 54 46  
Column Total     Grand Total =


Show your work here (for full credit you must show your work for all steps – type in below or attach a picture). Also show your work for the computation of phi.  10 points :

Expected Frequencies (For each cell compute the following: row total x column total/grand total)

YES – Did give the $ NO – Did not give the $
Asked for 25 cents
Asked for 37 cents


df = (ka – 1)(kb – 1)

(for full credit you must show your work for all steps – type in below or attach a picture)



YES – Did give the $ NO – Did not give the $
Asked for 25 cents    
Asked for 37 cents    


Write out your interpretation including frequencies for all groups and use the following format for the reporting of the results, χ² () =  , p .05, Φ =) to report your results. 10 points



  1. A researcher wants to assess whether students’ level of prejudice predict attitudes toward racial profiling.  As part of a larger survey, students complete two scales pertaining to those variables.  Higher scores on the prejudice measure indicate greater prejudice and higher scores on the profiling scale indicate greater support for racial profiling.  Scores on both measures are obtained from each of 20 students.
  Prejudice Profiling    
  X Y XY X2
  7 5 35 49
  4 4 16 16
  5 3 15 25
  6 7 42 36
  2 2 4 4
  3 4 12 9
  6 7 42 36
  4 5 20 16
  8 6 48 64
  9 8 72 81
  6 6 36 36
  5 3 15 25
  4 4 16 16
  6 5 30 36
  2 4 8 4
  6 8 48 36
  5 4 20 25
  7 8 56 49
  8 4 32 64
  7 9 63 49
Sum 110 106 630 676
Mean 5.5 5.3    


Insert one picture for work for both c and d here and Type your answers below

  1. Identify the predictor. 2 points
  2. Identify the criterion. 2 points
  3. Compute the regression line. 20 points
  4. Using the regression line – identify the predicted profiling score for a person with a score of 8 for prejudice. 4 points



  1. Peterson is interested in assessing whether self-esteem predicts reading ability. The data is as follows:
Self Esteem Reading Ability
4 13
6 10
7 16
8 13
10 17
11 12
13 14
13 17


  1. Identify the predictor variable (IV) 1 point
  2. Identify the criterion variable (DV) 1 point
  3. Compute the Regression Analysis in SPSS using the data provided on self esteem and reading ability. Paste your output here (you will need to use a snipping tool to copy from SPSS, it will not allow you to copy and paste). Output has several parts – it must include: variables entered/removed, model summary, ANOVA, ad coefficients tables. 5 points
  4. Report results in sentence format – see handout instructions on what to include and how to format it. 5 points




Write a SMART goal( Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, Time bound) goal for your practice related to your identified issue ( Lower hypertension to less than 140/90 in patients).

NUR 616 Safety and quality management Part 4

Prompt: Write a SMART goal( Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, Time bound) goal for your practice related to your identified issue ( Lower hypertension to less than 140/90 in patients).

Python’s pow function returns the result of raising a number to a given power. Define a function expo that performs this task, and state its computational complexity using big-0 notation.

Complete questions only 1- 3


1. A sequential search of a sorted list can halt when the target is less than a given element in the list. Define a modified version of this algorithm, and state the computational complexity, using big-0 notation, of its best-, worst-, and average-case performances.

2. The list method reverse reverses the elements in the list. Define a function amed reverse that reverses the elements in its list argument (without using the method reverse!). Try to make this function as efficient as possible, and state its computational complexity using big-0 notation.

3. Python’s pow function returns the result of raising a number to a given power. Define a function expo that performs this task, and state its computational complexity using big-0 notation. The first argument of this function is the number, and the second argument is the exponent (nonnegative numbers only). You may use either a loop or a recursive function in your implementation. Caution: do not use Python’s ** operator or pow function in this exercise!

4. An alternative strategy for the expo function uses the following recursive definition:

expo(number, exponent)

= 1, when exponent

= 0 = number * expo(number, exponent – 1), when exponent is odd

= (expo(number, exponent // 2))2, when exponent is even

Define a recursive function expo that uses this strategy, and state its computational complexity using big-0 notation.

5. Python’s 1 i st method sort includes the keyword argument reverse, whose default value is False. The programmer can override this value to sort a list in descending order. Modify the selection Sort function discussed in this chapter so that it allows the programmer to supply this additional argument to redirect the sort.

Propose what data you could use that may be available to benchmark your issue and how you could obtain data from your organization to evaluate your performance.

NUR 616 Safety and quality management Part 3

Prompt: Propose what data you could use that may be available to benchmark your issue and how you could obtain data from your organization to evaluate your performance.

Find all Nash equilibria sand ubgame perfect equilibria of this game.

Game Theory

Consider the following conflict among tenant and landlord about a deposit: When the rental agreement starts, the tenant leaves a deposit x with landlord. On termination of the rental agreement, the landlord returns y. The returned amount y is either the full deposit or a fraction: y ∈ [0, x]. The tenant can accept or refuse the landlord’s offer of y. If the tenant refuses, then the tenant goes to court. In this case the tenant bears a non-refundable cost of c (litigation fees). The court settles the case, i.e. decides that the landlord must return the amount of y* to the tenant. y* is a fixed number. Both parties, the landlord and the tenant, know y*, i.e. both know how the court will settle the case.

a) Draw this situation (handwritten) as an extensive form game. In a first move the landlord decides about y. In a second move the tenant decides whether to accept y or whether to go to court. Since the court has no choice, there is no third move.

b) Find all Nash equilibria sand ubgame perfect equilibria of this game.

Create a 7-point Adlerian leadership pocket card style reminder. Pay attention to how psychological birth order and family atmosphere might affect one’s leadership style.

Adlerian Leadership Pocket Card

Create a 7-point Adlerian leadership pocket card style reminder. Pay attention to how psychological birth order and family atmosphere might affect one’s leadership style. Your reminder can be written as a narrative or as a bullet point document. It should be convincing. You must use at least one direct reference and one indirect reference.

1MB=1024KB, 1KB=___MB ?

Computer GK

1MB=1024KB, 1KB=___MB ?

For problem size n, algorithms A and B perform n2 and 1/2 n2 + n instructions, respectively. Which algorithm does more work? Are there particular problem si for which one algorithm performs significantly better than the other? Are the particular problem sizes for which both algorithms perform approximatel e same amount of work?

Search Algorithms

Assume that each of the following expressions indicates the number of operations performed by an algorithm for a problem size of n. Point out the dominant term of each algorithm, and use big-0 notation to classify it.

  • a. 2″ — 4n2 + 5n
  • b. 3n2 + 6
  • c. n3 +n2 —n

For problem size n, algorithms A and B perform n2 and 1/2 n2 + n instructions, respectively. Which algorithm does more work? Are there particular problem si for which one algorithm performs significantly better than the other? Are the particular problem sizes for which both algorithms perform approximatel e same amount of work?

At what point does an n4 algorithm begin to perform better than a Ti algorithm?