
Having read and examined varied children’s stories for this course, Create an Original Children’s Story in the Form of a PowerPoint Presentation.

Creating a Children’s Book via PowerPoint

Having read and examined varied children’s stories for this course, Create an Original Children’s Story in the Form of a PowerPoint Presentation. The story must include black characters with pictures, artwork, or clip art and a narrative to tell the story. Identify and create your story for one of the following age levels: 2 to 5 year-olds between 200 to 400 word count; OR, ages 4 to 8 year-olds between 500 to 600 word count, these are emerging readers. The project will be graded based on your following directions as well as for use of dialogue, spelling, mechanics, punctuation, etc.

NOTE: The handout serves as the Rubric for this Assignment.

Select a major construction project, either presently under construction, or built, preferably, within the last 10 years, by a company of the students choice and approved by the instructor and generally discuss the project, including the name of the project, the Architect and the Consultants, the Owner’s, a complete description of the structure being built, the project delivery system being utilized, and construction related issues, especially with respect to the country in which the project is located.

A Construction Project Case Study

Term Research Paper Overview:

The topic of this term’s paper will be “A Construction Project Case Study.” This can either be an international, national or local construction project. The object of the paper will be to select a major construction project, either presently under construction, or built, preferably, within the last 10 years, by a company of the students choice and approved by the instructor and generally discuss the project, including the name of the project, the Architect and the Consultants, the Owner’s, a complete description of the structure being built, the project delivery system being utilized, and construction related issues, especially with respect to the country in which the project is located. Such issues, at a minimum, should include whether the project is in the public or private sector, building codes being utilized, the jurisdiction in which the building permit has been granted and specific challenges represented by local requirements and restrictions. Of special interest would be any problems that were solved by methods that were different or unique from those commonly used in the U.S., especially through the cooperation of international teams, and how this affected your outlook toward the tenets of global citizenship, as articulated in class. Information must also be provided about the construction company building the project, including a brief history of the company, how long it has been in existence, how many employees overall, how many offices and employees per office, the type and volume of work they do and what makes the company unique.

The options available on a particular model of a car are four interior colors, seven exterior colors, three types of seats, five types of engines, and two types of radios. How many different possibilities are available to the customer?

MATH 3013 – Discrete Mathematics

Show the significant steps of your work clearly for ALL problems. You may receive zero or reduced points for insufficient work.

1. Find an explicit formula for the recurrence relation

  • (a) an = 3an1 + 11an2 + 3an3 + 10an4
  • (b) an = 13an1 57an2 + 99an3 54an4

2. Solve the recurrence relation subject to the initial conditions

  • (a) wn = 10wn125wn2, and w0 = 5, w1 = 30
  • (b) 3sn = 4sn1 4sn2, and s0 = 1, s1 = 2

3. Assume that (4 t2 n=2n(n 1)antn2 = n=0antn for all t.

  • (a) Show that the coefficients an is given by the recurrence relation an+2 = (n 2)an 4(n + 2) , for n 0.
  • (b) If a0 = 2, a1 = 6, find a2, a3, and a4
4. The options available on a particular model of a car are four interior colors, seven exterior colors, three types of seats, five types of engines, and two types of radios. How many different possibilities are available to the customer?

5. How many different car licensed plates can be constructed if the licenses contain four letters followed by three digits if

  • (a) repetitions are allowed?
  • (b) repetitions are not allowed?

6. How many strings can be formed by ordering the letters ”SUBBOOKKEEPER”.

7. Two dice are rolled simultaneously. How many out- comes give a sum
  • (a) of 2?
  • (b) less than 9?
  • (c) greater than or equal to 5?

8. In how many ways can we select a committee of three men and five women from a group of seven distinct men and nine distinct women.?

How obesity increases the cancer risk. Justify your answers with proper scientific references. Using contemporary scientific literature discuss the challenges in prostate cancer prevention.

PHC335 – Cancer Risk and Prevention


Course name: Cancer Risk and Prevention
Course number: PHC335
Assignment title or task: (You can write a question) 1)      How obesity increases the cancer risk. Justify your answers with proper scientific references.

2)      Using contemporary scientific literature discuss the challenges in prostate cancer prevention.

Student name:  
Student ID:  
Submission date:  


Engage with the question raised by the articles you found. How will the Ike Dike change potentially affect the environment and inhabitants of Houston/Galveston region? Will the Ike Dike be largely positive or negative? Are you optimistic or pessimistic?

English Question

Funding has recently been procured to start building the Ike Dike in the Gulf of Mexico. Engage with the question raised by the articles you found. How will the Ike Dike change potentially affect the environment and inhabitants of Houston/Galveston region? Will the Ike Dike be largely positive or negative? Are you optimistic or pessimistic? Based on your reading, annotated notes, and class discussions, write a five page argument paper in which you take a clear position on whether or not the Ike Dike will be good or bad for inhabitants in the Houston/Galveston region. Provide specific reasons to support your position. You are limited to sources found in the library databases as well as the Ike Dike source I attached to your module.

Each face of a cube is painted red or blue, with the colors chosen randomly and independently. The probability that the cube contains at least one vertex such that the three faces of the cube sharing that vertex are all painted the same color is p/q. Find this fraction.


Each face of a cube is painted red or blue, with the colors chosen randomly and independently. The probability that the cube contains at least one vertex such that the three faces of the cube sharing that vertex are all painted the same color is p/q. Find this fraction.

Demonstrate your knowledge of finance as well as the ability to use that knowledge in an investment situation.

Investment Decision Project

Your new employer has granted you a $100,000 bonus that requires that you invest the funds within 1- week of receiving the bonus. Your assignment is to describe to me the investment(s) that you will make with those proceeds. You may assume that you cannot use the funds for a minimum of 30 years but you must describe the factors that led you to this decision. Your current investment choice(s) does not have to be for the entire 30 years but you cannot use the funds during that time. Your choice of investments must be in a security that is registered with the Security Exchange Commission (for the most part, this means that it is publicly traded). Your analysis should not be limited to the following factors but may help you get started with the process:

  • The potential economic, political and geopolitical considerations, regulatory, and environmental factors that we anticipate for the next 4 or more years.
  • The other investments that you may currently own (fictitious or real are ok).
  • Future secular economic trends that you believe to be important.

Think of this assignment as part of a job interview process where you must demonstrate your knowledge of finance as well as the ability to use that knowledge in an investment situation.
This is an individual assignment so you should not consult anyone about this analysis. Duplicate or similar submissions will be graded down.

Your answer to this question should be limited to 1-page, using 11-point font. The portion of your answer that extends beyond that limit will not count toward your grade.

How effective is large group interventions from your point of view? Discuss some of the issues associated with organization process interventions. Briefly explain Organization Confrontation Meeting in your own words and discuss why it is important.

MGT Questions

Click on the following link to read about communities of practice, how they support the organization and different types of communities.


  1. How communities of practice support organizations? Which type of community is best for the organization you work in?

Watch the short video in the following link and answer the question given in test your knowledge section.


  • Q: Briefly describe the main points highlighted in the video.

Required Readings:

Chapter 10: Evaluating and Institutionalizing OD Interventions.


6.3 Test your Knowledge (Question):

  • Q: Explain Third-Party Interventions and provide an example.


Required Readings:

Chapter 11: Organization Process Approaches.

  • Q1: How effective is large group interventions from your point of view?
  • Q2: Discuss some of the issues associated with organization process interventions.
  • Q3: Briefly explain Organization Confrontation Meeting in your own words and discuss why it is important.


(Question):Chapter 8, you learn about the social media age. Compare between User 1.0 and User 2.0.

Question):)You learn about the different types of routine business messages (task-oriented and relationship-oriented). Pick one and write a sample routine message following the element of the selected type.


 Watch the following link and answer the questions that follows: 

  • (Question): Think about all of the communication opportunities provided by social media. How could an organization use social media like Facebook, Twitter and the like, to promote ethical behavior and communicate the organization’s values? What are the advantages and dangers of those media?


Watch the following link and answer the questions that follow: 

  • (Question): In addition to identifying and training good managers, what else could an organization do to increase levels of employee engagement?

If our goal is still to maximize profit and we removed that constraint, how much more of the constrained item would we need to acquire (i.e. labor hours or pounds of raw material) for the revised production plan?

Homework #7

You work for a pharmaceutical company that produces 6 products at their plant.
One of these products (Prod 5) is used to treat a seasonal illness. Demand for all other products is relatively stable.

1. You want to develop a method to forecast the demand for Prod 5.

  • a. You have gathered the weekly demand information for the last 3 seasons (Sept Apr) and the average temperature for those weeks (see the Datafile Data worksheet).
    i. Does the temperature appear to be a good indicator for demand? (HINT: Scatter plot)

    ii. If so, develop a projection method based on the expected temperature for the coming week (production occurs one week prior to demand). (HINT: Trendline, Regression formula)

    iii. If the average temperature in the coming week is expected to be 32°, what is your forecast for demand?

2. You have now been asked to put together a production schedule that will maximize the variable profit for your plant. Key information about each of the products is shown in the datafile (at the top of the worksheet called Solver).

  • a. Production of each pound of finished product requires labor and raw material. The hours and labor needed for each product are shown (rows 2&3). For example, product 1 requires 6 hours of labor and 3.2 pounds of raw material to produce one pound of finished product (FP).
  • b. The unit price and variable cost per pound of finished product are shown. Based on this calculate the profit per pound (row 6). (HINT: Profit = Unit Price minus Variable Cost)
  • c. The total demand is also included (row 7) this is the total demand for the product, your company is not the only manufacturer so they do not need to supply the full demand, but they should not produce more than the total demand in any given week. For Prod 5, use the demand that you calculated in Step 1.
  • d. As a starting point, the pounds of each product that were produced last week are shown (row 9).
  • e. Calculate the Total profit for each product (HINT: Units produced times profit per unit).
  • f. Then calculate the total units produced and total profit by summing the values across all the products.
  • g. Calculate the total labor hours used and total materials used in cells B15 and B16. (HINT: =SUMPRODUCT function will be useful here).

3. You are now ready to find an optimal production schedule that will maximize your profits.

  • a. Lets think about the constraints that we need to establish:
    You have 45,000 hours of labor and 16,000 pounds of raw material available.

    Production should not exceed total demand.

    Ensure that all production quantities are nonnegative

    Ensure that no partial pounds of finished product are made
    (HINT: make a new constraint and look for “int” in the middle box, this means to make the solution an integer / whole number).


  • b. You want to find optimal solutions subject to the above constraints for a couple of scenarios. In rows 2224, make a note of the optimal production quantities for each of scenario (HINT: Copy Paste Values after each scenario) as you will use these quantities to summarize the scenarios in the next step.
    No minimum production for each product (Scenario: No Min).

    You realize that if you don’t produce at least some of each product there could end up being an overall supply shortage, therefore explore the following additional scenarios.

    i) Minimum production for each product of 1000 pounds (Scenario: Min 1000).

    ii) Minimum production for each product equal to 10% of total demand (Scenario: Min 10% of Demand)

4. Now, using Scenario Manager, prepare a summary of each of these 3 scenarios, showing
i. the production quantity for each product

ii. the resulting total variable profit for the plant

iii. total pounds produced

iv. total labor used

v. total material used (HINT: you can add additional results by separating them by a comma in the results cells box).

  • a. Apply range names to the cells that will appear on the summary to improve the readability of the summary.
  • b. Which scenario will you recommend to management?

5. What is the limiting constraint? In other words, which limitation prevents us from making more product?

  • a. If our goal is still to maximize profit and we removed that constraint, how much more of the constrained item would we need to acquire (i.e. labor hours or pounds of raw material) for the revised production plan? (HINT: Remove that constraint).
  • b. If that item cost $10 per unit, would it make sense to do it? (HINT: How would profit (vs. the recommended scenario) be impacted by this decision?)

6. Finally, prepare a waterfall chart to show the profit contribution of each product assuming Scenario: Min 10% of Demand.

How do you see this concept appear in your life as a consumer, in the general marketplace, or both? Examples help with this. Specific examples. Discuss this with enough detail to demonstrate that you can apply a course concept to the real consumer world.

Application of Consumer Behavior for Managerial Improvement

Using your marketing vision, select one or more topics from the course and describe a practical, realistic application of this to improve upon a managerial problem (or provide a managerial opportunity) for a business. Your ACBMI should go beyond merely repeating or summarizing what was covered in the chapter or video. It should show provide a detailed description of the consumer information processing and/or decision-making event. ACBMI will be judged on the quality of their content and the professionalism of the thoughts and ideas expressed.

All terms/concepts used from the CURRENT module must be identified by underline or bold. Failure to do so will result in a five 15) point deduction.

Required components (for full credit, be sure to include all sections and make them clearly discernible):

1. What concept from the current week will you use? Discuss the concept enough to demonstrate your understanding of it. This section is worth five (5) points.

2. How do you see this concept appear in your life as a consumer, in the general marketplace, or both? Examples help with this. Specific examples. Discuss this with enough detail to demonstrate that you can apply a course concept to the real consumer world. This section is worth five (5) points.

3. Provide a clear, detailed example of how the concept or example of the terms/phenomenon/etc. can be improved upon by a marketing manager or a by a company. To be clear, this is not about employee/employer relationships. This is about consumers and the marketplace. A marketing manager is someone who works in a company and is empowered to make decisions regarding marketing strategy.

This managerial recommendation demonstrates that you understand how to use applications of course concepts in the real world and create new ideas that can improve upon how they are used. Examples help a great deal with demonstrating this. Specific details help. How would the new approach/strategy look in your recommendation? How will you (marketing manager) execute this? Vague or general concepts do not work. Please do not rehash existing