
How many (non-dimensional) fl-groups are there? Find these non-dimensional groups. Can one of the 11-groups be considered a Reynolds number?

Homework 6

1. The period of a pendulum, T, is assumed (correctly or incorrectly) to depend on its mass, M, the length of the pendulum. P, the acceleration due to gravity, 9, and the angle of swing, O. Using dimensional analysis, nondimensionalize the period, T, and express its dependence on the other non-dimensional terms.

2. Under certain conditions, wind blowing past a rectangular speed limit sign can cause the sign to oscillate with a frequency w. Assume that co is a function of the sign width, b, sign height. h, wind velocity. V. air density p, and an elastic constant, k. for the supporting pole.

Hint: The constant k has dimensions of [force x length].

  • a) How many (non-dimensional) fl-groups are there?
  • b) Find these non-dimensional groups.
  • c) Can one of the 11-groups be considered a Reynolds number?

3. Consider two different flows over geometrically similar airfoil shapes. one airfoil being twice the size of the other. Also, assume that the angle of attack is the same in both flows. The airflow over the smaller airfoil has freestream properties given by 71.= 200K. p. = 1.23 kg/m3. and V. = 100 m/s. The airflow over the larger airfoil is described by T. = 800 K. p= 1.739 kg/m3, and V. = 200 m/s. Assume that the viscosity of the air is proportional to T1I2 , while the heat capacities of air is a constant. Are the two flows similar?

What do you notice about ideas of freedom in the colonial period regarding?

History 108 gh

Consider and answer the following:

What do you notice about ideas of freedom in the colonial period regarding?

  1.  immigrants
  2.  race
  3.  gender

Compute the net present value of the new machine. On the basis of the foregoing data, would you recommend that Erica buy the machine? Why?

Capital Investments Project

DC Company is considering the purchase of a new machine.

The price of the new machine is $122,000, freight charges are estimated to be $3,000, and installation costs are expected to be $5,000. Salvage value of the new machine is expected to be zero after a useful life of 4 years.

Existing equipment could be retained and used for an additional 4 years if the new machine is not purchased. At that time, the salvage value of the equipment would be zero. If the new machine is purchased now, the existing machine would be scrapped.

DC Co’s accountant, Erica, has accumulated the following data regarding annual sales and expenses with and without the new machine.

  1. Without the new machine, Erica can sell 10,000 units of product annually at a per unit selling price of $100. If the new unit is purchased, the number of units produced and sold would increase by 25%, and the selling price would remain the same.
  2. The new machine is faster than the old machine, and it is more efficient in its usage of materials. With the old machine the gross profit rate will be 28.5% of sales, whereas the rate will be 30% of sales with the new machine.

(Note: These gross profit rates do not include depreciation on the machines. For purposes of determining net income, treat depreciation expense as a separate line item.)

  1. Annual selling expenses are $160,000 with the current equipment. Because the new equipment would produce a greater number of units to be sold, annual selling expenses are expected to increase by 10% if it is purchased.
  2. Annual administrative expenses are expected to be $100,000 with the old machine, and $112,000 with the new machine.
  3. The current book value of the existing machine is $40,000. Erica uses the straight-line depreciation method.
  4. DC’s management has a required rate of return of 15% on its investment and a cash payback period of no more than 3 years.


Use excel or google sheets for all quantitative calculations.  You must demonstrate all calculations using formulas in your spreadsheet.

Answer the following. (Ignore income tax effects.)

  1. Calculate the annual rate of return for the new machine. (Round to two decimals.)
  2. Compute the cash payback period for the new machine. (Round to two decimals.)
  3. Compute the net present value of the new machine. (Round to the nearest dollar.)
  4. On the basis of the foregoing data, would you recommend that Erica buy the machine? Why?

In your own words, explain what can be the possible consequences of hasty application of technological innovation. Explain whether the benefits of technological innovation over power its drawbacks.

Management of Technology


Q1– ‘Technological innovation is thus the creation of new knowledge that is applied to practical problems. Sometimes this knowledge is applied to problems hastily……’. In your own words, explain what can be the possible consequences of hasty application of technological innovation. Explain whether the benefits of technological innovation over power its drawbacks. (5 Marks, Min words 400-500)


Q2. Explain the three ways (in detail) with which a firm can increase the likelihood of the projects being both technically and commercially successful.  (6 Marks, Min words 550-600)


Q3– On the basis of your own research, map the timeline of the Most Important Technological Innovation in the last 50 years (1982-2022). Select one innovation as per your choice and write a detailed note about its positive as well as negative effects on the society. (4 Marks, Min words 450-500)

What is the difference between audit, attestation, and assurance services? And how do the answers provide value to stakeholders?

Auditing Principles and Procedures

Assignment Question(s):  (Marks 15)

IMPORTANT NOTES: Answer in your OWN words, DO NOT COPY from slides, fellow students, or internet sources without proper citation.


Q1. What is the difference between audit, attestation, and assurance services? And how do the answers provide value to stakeholders?

Your answer should have a minimum of 400 words. (5 Marks)


Q2. How can auditors effectively plan an audit in a dynamic and uncertain environment? Provide an example to describe your answer.

Your answer should have a minimum of 400 words. (5 Marks)


Q3. In your opinion, what are the benefits of assessing the effectiveness of internal controls over financial statements ICFR to the audit process, other than being a requirement of PCAOB?

Your answer should have a minimum of 300 words. (5 Marks)

Using the techniques you have learned for brainstorming, select four general informative topics that you would like to teach your audience in your presentation, the informative speech delivered in week 6. For each topic, list the general purpose statement, a specific purpose statement, the central idea, and a few potential points.

Modules WCULA SPCH 142 Oral Communication 2023

It is time to brainstorm! Using the techniques you have learned for brainstorming, select four general informative topics that you would like to teach your audience in your presentation, the informative speech delivered in week 6. For each topic, list the general purpose statement, a specific purpose statement, the central idea, and a few potential points. Include a paragraph or two describing your thoughts on the usefulness of brainstorming and the ways you can improve its use in the future.

NOTE: You must meet writing guidelines and use current APA format.

After completing your analysis, decide which view is most reasonable, and explain your thinking, taking care to anticipate and respond to possible objections.

INT322: Approaches to Critical Thinking

Research the issue of Reparations, being sure that you understand not just the side you are inclined to agree with but the other side as well. Also, consider whether there might be a middle ground between the two sides.  After completing your analysis, decide which view is most reasonable, and explain your thinking, taking care to anticipate and respond to possible objections.

Define author’s purpose and audience. Analyze a text under specific criteria. Find rhetorical devices and appeals.


All semester long we have been discussing what a Social Justice Narrative is. We came up with three distinct qualities a story needs in order to fit into the SJN category, and even did deep readings of three examples of that SJN. When writing a critical essay, your objective is to look at every aspect of a piece of writing. You should be thinking about the author’s purpose, who their audience is, and if they were successful at getting their message across to that audience.

Earlier this semester, you were introduced to six other books that could be considered Social Justice Narratives. For this paper, you will pick one of those books and argue why and how it classifies as a social justice narrative. You will also examine if the author is successful in educating their audience on their social justice issue, and explain what call to actions a reader might interpret and act on. This assignment is meant to get you thinking about the rhetorical devices an author can use to influence an audience.

You will need to examine this book, as well as bring in one additional source when discussing the author’s issue or call to action. The second source can be anything that will help you better understand the author’s purpose, their issue, or if they are successful. It can also be an organization the reader can join to help the issue, a history article that connects to the story, or anything you feel will help your argument for why this book is a SJN. This paper needs to be between 500-900 words. You cannot write less that 500 words! As always you can go a little over if it is crucial to your analysis.

As a rough outline this paper should consist of 4 paragraphs:

The introduction should contain a brief overview of the book and the issue being discussed. Use at least one key quote to help summarize the book. It should also discuss how this book qualifies as a SJN, think of our three criteria and how they apply.

The second paragraph should discuss if the author was or was not successful in educating their audience on the topic. I want to know who the audience is and what the author’s purpose is (more than persuade, inform, entertain). Think about those rhetorical devices and appeals. Remember you must use the text as evidence. I expect quotes cited correctly.

The third paragraph should discuss the social issue in question and how the reader could continue their education on this issue. If the author was not successful in conveying their message, what resources could they use to better reach their audience? This is a chance for you to think creatively about this issue and the content the author provided. There should be at least one key quote, or solid example.

The fourth paragraph should be a conclusion, connecting the SJN, author’s intent, and call to action. Your paper needs to include a claim (the sentence stating whether or not you think the author was successful or not. This should be the result of your critical analysis.)

The Wave- Todd Strasser (Fictionalized real events, Young Adult, Fascism)

Skills to focus on:

  • Define author’s purpose and audience.
  • Analyze a text under specific criteria.
  • Find rhetorical devices and appeals.
  • Incorporate quotes for specific reason (think taxonomy of evidence).
  • Find credible sources to enhance an academic discussion.
  • Draw conclusions based on criteria and analysis.

Minimum requirements:

1pt- Minimum of 500 words

2pt- MLA page formatting/word count present/works cited page

2pt- Mostly free of spelling and grammatical errors

4pt- Examines if the author is successful in reaching their audience through rhetorical appeals

4pt- Critically presents two sources and uses quotations

2pt- Clear claim drawing conclusion on SJN criteria and call to action effectiveness

According to the Constitution of the United Mexican States (Mexico), which of these statements is FALSE ?

 Constitution of the United Mexican States

According to the Constitution of the United Mexican States (Mexico), which of these statements is FALSE ?

  • A Men and women are equal before the law.
  • B All children must attend elementary school.
  • C Catholicism is the official religion of the country.
  • D Citizens must be at least 18 years of age to vote.

What is the reputation of the author? Be sure to explain the credentials of each author in relation to the topic of research and their expertise. Explain the training and record of accomplishment of the authors and how that is relevant to the subject being examined?

Final Written Report

The essay should be between 6-8 pages double spaced but can be longer if needed to accomplish your argument for the chosen thesis. Your essay will contain citations to many articles and must have at least seven (7) quality scholarly sources just included in the specific chronological review from the NJIT database representing an article from each year 2018 through 2022 and two additional ones that are most significant outside of the 5 chosen to represent the field over time. These must all support your main theme in the literature review in the specific section in addition to those needed for the other areas of the essay. Be sure to provide proper in-text citations with full citation at the end in a reference page. To assist, the following breakdown is provided for required sections of the work with description:

The document linked below assists with your database analysis and is needed for you to complete the information listed below under the headings.


Links to an external site.

Following the steps provided in the document above will allow you to more easily generate the needed content to produce the essay with the following sections.

1. Introduction
Open your essay with a clear, concise definition of the scenario in which you will be exploring the concept of expertise related to some larger discipline. Then, explain your perspective on the specific aspect of this general domain you chose to examine with the chronological literature review. This will provide the reader a sense of the main theme you focused upon and the factors that are related to it. You are setting up the area of interest that the literature review will explore based on what you found for keywords and in the articles you will present with the chronological review. You should end this section with a clear concise thesis statement followed by a description of how the paper unfolds to cover the subsequent content.

Your message in this section should be introducing the audience to your area of expertise based on your own background and the choices you made as you narrowed the overall field as well as within the more detailed areas that the field contains. Be sure to include definitions of key terms or ideas. NOTE: you can assume everyone knows the four areas of expertise discussed, however if your field has some highly relevant details within these, for example, some practical knowledge related to your search, feel free to define that. You may wish to add a subsection for definitions, background, etc.

2. Particular Background
This section must describe the four components of expertise-theoretical knowledge, practical knowledge, technical skills and non-technical skills- you identify as essential to being an expert in the defined field and area of specialization. Then explain the choice of search terms and other narrowing factors you used to develop the literature review for some aspect of expertise within the scope of your discipline. Provide the sentences you created for step 1 and 2. Then insert your keyword analysis table along with an explanation of your findings. (The steps are described in the linked page above) Next, explain the common thread you identified in the scholarly articles generated by your search and refined by your analysis. This essential literature relates back to the central message of why this topic is vital to you as an expert in your field. Explain the rationale for why that is a major theme and how it ties your investigation together connected back to your original domain.

NOTE: this may be due to the significance of the topic, the prominence of the source or author, the number of other articles cited, or even just a relevance to your own experiences. Clearly and completely explain the rationale with elaboration, detailed support, and examples. Properly cite all content with in-text citations and a works cited page.

3. Chronological Review of Literature
This section begins with your chronological literature review for at least five (5) scholarly sources from the NJIT database (1 from each year 2018-2022). The analysis of each article for the years 2018-2022 needs to explain the major thesis of the article, its conclusion and how it ties to the thread of the review. This will set the stage for the assertion of the theme of the literature review you have identified as an expert reviewing the literature.

Next, you must explicitly state the theme you are exploring and how it ties back to your thesis and the domain. For example, if you had the field of Electrical Engineering and were in the domain of circuit design, you might investigate research articles related to new design technologies as a theme. As you investigated, you would identify a wide range of articles and topics from which a subset might focus on a particular skill or program vital to this domain. A thread of articles discussing this would then provide the essential arguments that exist for the experts working to master the field and gain expertise.

4. Article description of quality and significance.
Once this storyline of the history of a narrow theme is presented, the literature review must present at least two (2) articles of major significance tied to the theme described by those articles. Typically, these articles are comprehensive in nature and/or foundational to the work discussed in the theme. These articles can be from outside the narrow date range and must not be the ones included in the five used for the chronological study. Explain the significance of the article, the quality of its conclusions and the trustworthiness of the author and publisher. The following questions in each subsection must be answered for each article you chose as significant. This demonstrates your expertise in analyzing the findings of other experts and synthesizing it into a coherent thread for others. When analyzing each article, you will need to research beyond the content provided in the article to describe its quality and the trustworthiness of the content, the authors, and the source. To accomplish this answer the following questions thoroughly and with detailed examples and explanations.

4.1-Relevance and Significance of content
What is the thesis, major claim and conclusion presented in the article
Why did you select the article as significant and related to this literature review? Provide a detailed explanation with examples.
How does it relate to the topic of interest for the course and your chosen domain?

4.2-What is your argument for why this article is trustworthy and of quality? Provide detailed explanations.
What is the reputation of the author? Be sure to explain the credentials of each author in relation to the topic of research and their expertise. Explain the training and record of accomplishment of the authors and how that is relevant to the subject being examined?
What is your analysis of the reputation and quality of the publication?
How many sources were cited and how many times was this source itself cited?

What are the limits, possible bias and other issues of objectivity or applicability for the source and its content?

NOTE: Do not just select random articles to arrive at the total of seven. All the scholarly articles should fit together and lead to the conclusion of the value of the work to a common theme demonstrating yru expertise in communicating about this topic.

5. Conclusion
Finally, the essay should conclude with your own opinion about the topic explored and the value of the theme you identified in the literature. This should highlight the results of the analysis (research debates, consensus, gaps in knowledge, etc.). This analysis should be the basis for the claim of a major focus at the start of the essay in your thesis statement. Be sure to make a convincing argument in your conclusion so that there is a clear take-away about your findings from the research you explored.