
Discuss how the reverse causation (e.g., the employment setting or work itself) might also be true in terms of affecting job satisfaction, organizational commitment, conscious leadership, and job involvement.

MGT 605 Wk 2 DB2

It is generally accepted that attitudes affect behavior. Discuss how the reverse causation (e.g., the employment setting or work itself) might also be true in terms of affecting job satisfaction, organizational commitment, conscious leadership, and job involvement.

What was the author’s main objective for writing this book? Why do you think it has been assigned for this public health course? What emotions did you feel personally about what you read?

Public Health Question

Write a 4-page reflection paper about Ghost Map. Here’s the link for the book:… Reflection papers should be in first person voice (e.g. I felt, I thought, it reminded me, etc.) Do not give a plot summary BUT provide enough details/examples from the book to demonstrate that you read it. Do not use websites that provide summaries of the books; you must read the books yourself.

Don’t forget to use references and in-text citations, including the book itself and any other books, movies, etc. that you mention.

Don’t forget introductory and concluding paragraphs.

Papers should loosely answer some of the following questions, not necessarily in order.

  • What was the author’s main objective for writing this book?
  • Why do you think it has been assigned for this public health course?
  • What emotions did you feel personally about what you read?
  • What information did you learn or find most interesting? Least interesting?
  • What information did you find surprising? Why?
  • How does this book relate to other books you have read/movies you have seen/ things you have learned?
  • After reading the book, in what way has your view of the world changed, if at all?

Based on the video “Conscious Capitalism Unpacked: An Evening with Raj Sisodia,” discuss the role that emotional intelligence (EI) plays in self-leadership.

MGT 605 Wk2 Discussion 2

Based on the video “Conscious Capitalism Unpacked: An Evening with Raj Sisodia,” discuss the role that emotional intelligence (EI) plays in self-leadership. Be sure to provide an analysis of the four dimensions of EI (self-awareness, self-management, social awareness, and social skills) mentioned in the video in your response

Personal information about customers is collected, used, disclosed, and maintained only in compliance with internal policies and external regulatory requirements and is protected from unauthorized disclosure. With reference to Privacy Concern how would you deal with SPAM and Identify Theft problem of your business organization?

Introduction to Accounting Information Systems/ ACCT 402

Assignment Question(s): (Marks 15)

Question 1: (04 Marks)

Explain what an AIS is, describe the basic tasks it performs in an organization using examples of Saudi Companies.


Question 2: (03 Marks)

Give examples of Saudi companies that using ERP and what are the advantages of implementing the ERP?


Question 3: (04 Marks)

What motives do people have for hacking? Why has hacking become so popular in recent years? Do you regard it as a crime? Explain your position.


Question 4: (02 Marks)

Describe at least four ways a company can make fraud less likely to occur.


Question 5: (02 Marks)

Personal information about customers is collected, used, disclosed, and maintained only in compliance with internal policies and external regulatory requirements and is protected from unauthorized disclosure. With reference to Privacy Concern how would you deal with SPAM and Identify Theft problem of your business organization?


What errors in decision-making did you make as you completed the simulations? Was there a common error in your decision-making? If you did not make any errors, what best informed your decision-making?

NSG/486: Public Health: Health Promotion And Disease Prevention Wk 1 – Solve the Outbreak Simulation

To prepare you for the public health nurse’s role in preventing communicable disease outbreaks in the community, complete this assignment’s simulations.

Follow these steps to complete the simulations and take notes about what errors in decision-making you make as you complete the scenarios:

  1. Access the Solve the Outbreak page on the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) website.
  2. Select the Level 1 section on the simulation screen and complete 10 interactive outbreaks of your choice using the information and questions provided in it. Use the right and left scroll feature to access all of the simulation options listed.
  3. Select the home button on the upper left corner of the simulation screen.
  4. When you have completed all 10 outbreaks, select the Scores tab on the bottom of the home screen.
  5. Take a screenshot of your scores screen that shows all of the outbreaks you have completed and the score received for each. This may require more than 1 screenshot.
  6. Think about why you chose your answers and how the hints provided in the simulations showed you why another choice was more accurate.
    Submit your screenshot(s) to show proof of completion

Inter professional collaboration is essential when conducting an outbreak investigation.

Solve the Outbreak assignment, respond to the following in a minimum of 175 words:

  • What errors in decision-making did you make as you completed the simulations? Was there a common error in your decision-making? If you did not make any errors, what best informed your decision-making?
  • How could a SWOT analysis of the agencies, organizations, or communities involved in the outbreak simulations have potentially prevented the outbreaks that you investigated? Provide at least 1 example.
  • Identify 1 or 2 additional community professionals that might have helped solve the outbreak investigation in 1 simulation of your choice more rapidly if they had been included in the investigation. How would they have assisted?

Rey owed Imperial Bank $400. When he could not pay, the bank took a judgment against Rey and filed a garnishment against his wages. Rey’s employer agreed to run all of Rey’s salary over to the bank until the debt was paid in full. May the employer do so?


Question 11, page 633, Chapter 36

Q: Rey owed Imperial Bank $400. When he could not pay, the bank took a judgment against Rey and filed a garnishment against his wages. Rey’s employer agreed to run all of Rey’s salary over to the bank until the debt was paid in full. May the employer do so?


  • Discuss and cite the resources. If you use your textbook, cite it too.
  • Provide one similar example, case, or lawsuit and one external source and cite it in your writing following the APA 7th edition style.
  • Cite all sources, including YouTube videos.
  • Use the internet to visit news websites, a government website, etc., to find cases, examples, etc.
  • The initial post should contain 250-300 words, and the reply should contain 100-150 words.

Note: Grading will be based on the quality and logic of the discussion and not necessarily on the word count. Ensure that all references follow the APA 7th edition guide (Please provide at least one external source= 2 points.)

How accurate is location data/history? What databases store the location history? How are locations obtained? What applications use locations? Are there different levels of accuracy?

Cyber Security Question

In the following format: MS Word, 2.5 full typed pages (not including sources), 12pt Arial font, single spaced, NO screenshots or pictures, all original content, and any referenced material must be properly documented. For full credit, please answer all the questions with as much detail as possible.

In 2 pages please research the below material:

Research location history on cell phones. The research will be for both the Android OS and the iOS. How accurate is location data/history? What databases store the location history? How are locations obtained? What applications use locations? Are there different levels of accuracy?

In short essay explain how attitudes influence behavior.

Organizational Behavior


Course name: Organizational Behavior
Course number: HCM102
CRN 34432
Assignment title or task:



In short essay explain how attitudes influence behavior

Student Name:  
Students ID:  
Submission date:  

Explore the extent to which they are/became aware of class differences, and specifically of any socio-economic class disadvantage they observed/personally experienced at college. Assess the degree to which your findings support and/or challenge Bourdieu’s thesis concerning the autonomy of school as an institutional mechanism of equality, and its simultaneous interconnection with family background and social class.

Sociology Question

Success in school/college is one of the most trusted institutional pathways enabling children from low social class backgrounds to gain entry into the middle class. Yet, as Bourdieu argues, school culture is a culture that affirms and rewards middle-class culture, thus making success in school a more difficult challenge for those who come from lower-class families. Interview two people from lower-class backgrounds who are currently at college or who are recent graduates, asking them about their experiences negotiating the everyday college culture – academics, extracurricular activities, the college environment as a whole.

Explore the extent to which they are/became aware of class differences, and specifically of any socio-economic class disadvantage they observed/personally experienced at college. Assess the degree to which your findings support and/or challenge Bourdieu’s thesis concerning the autonomy of school as an institutional mechanism of equality, and its simultaneous interconnection with family background and social class.

What are the weaknesses of interviewing, and how can interviewing be used effectively in selecting employees?Do you feel the interview is always an accurate depiction of the employee you could possibly land?

Mktg 2210 assign

1. The strenuous and at times gruesome process of completing a Business Plan can be extremely hectic and stressful. It is something you cannot just jump up and do, for it requires careful planning and diligent work. How do you feel about having completed a project of this magnitude? If you had to do another one, would you do anything differently? Would you approach it differently? Do you plan to utilize this one? Please answer in two to three paragraphs.

2. In two paragraphs answer both questions.What are the weaknesses of interviewing, and how can interviewing be used effectively in selecting employees?Do you feel the interview is always an accurate depiction of the employee you could possibly land?

3. In two paragraphs, define delegation of authority in small business. Include manifestations of weakness in delegation, and benefits to be realized. Further explain how much do you feel fear and trust will play a role in you delegating in your business.