
What are the differences between statutory and GAAP accounting and explain pillars of the statutory accounting principles?

Insurance Accounting

Assignment Question(s):                                                       

Q1. Differentiate between conventional insurance and tankful system in no less than five items. (3 Marks)

Q2. What are the differences between statutory and GAAP accounting and explain pillars of the statutory accounting principles? (4 Marks)

Q1. SAMA is the institution responsible for  regulating and monitoring the insurance market in Saudi Arabia and supervising companies operating in the sector. Visit its website and compare its content to what you covered during the course. Write no less than 300 words. (Marks 8)



Which state had the highest sales? What was the total dollar amount? Which state had the lowest sales? What was the total dollar amount? What is the average amount of insurance sold per state? Which state had the highest average policy amount? Which state had the lowest average policy amount?

Assignment #5 – Analysis with Tableau

The demand for college graduates with data analytics skills has exploded, while the tools and techniques are continuing to evolve and change at a rapid pace. This case illustrates how data analytics can be performed. As you analyze this case, you will be learning how to drill-down into a company’s sales data to gain a deeper understanding of the company’s sales and how this information can be used for decision-making.


This KAT Insurance Corporation data set is based on real-life data from a national insurance company. The data set contains more than 65,000 insurance sales records from 2017. All data and names have been anonymized to preserve privacy.



For each of the below requirements, complete the below steps and answer the corresponding questions.


# Requirement Response
1. Before loading your data to Tableau, review the Excel file (KAT-Data.xlsx). There are some typographical errors in the data set in the Region and Insurance Type fields. Find and correct these errors.


Briefly describe these errors to the right.


(3 points)

2. Load the data into Tableau.


Rank the states from the highest total insurance sales to lowest total insurance sales. Sort the data by sales, from highest to lowest.


a.    Which state had the highest sales? What was the total dollar amount?

b.    Which state had the lowest sales?  What was the total dollar amount?

c.    What is the average amount of insurance sold per state?  Which state had the highest average policy amount?  Which state had the lowest average policy amount?

d.    How many insurance policies were sold in each state?

e.    Do any states not meet the $850,000 minimum sales level?


(1 point for each a through e; 5 points total)

3. Rank the regions from the highest total insurance sales to lowest total insurance sales. Sort the data by sales, from highest to lowest.

a.    Which region had the highest sales? What is the total dollar amount?

b.    Which region had the lowest sales?  What is the total dollar amount?


(2 point for each a and b; 4 points total)

4. Who is the leading salesperson in each region?


(2 points)

5. What is the total dollar amount sold for each type of insurance?


(2 point)

6. Create a graph to show total dollar amount of each type of insurance sold, by region. What does this graph show?


(4 points)






7. Create a map chart that shows total sales for each state. What can you surmise from this map chart?


(4 points)






8. Analyze all the information you have gathered or created in the preceding requirements. What trends or takeaways do you see? Explain.


(6 points)















Use the subtopics/headings from your writing plan to help you identify where the notes might be used in your paper, and include near the top of the note card the last name of the author of your source and the page number where you note originates.

Assignment Sheet: Research Paper

Intercultural Communications

  1. Decide on a Topic and Develop a Tentative Thesis for the Paper

After doing some preliminary research, you should be able to come up with a topic. The topic is just a general idea or aspect of the paper; it is not your thesis. After deciding on a topic, you need to focus the topic into a tentative thesis statement. For this paper, the topic should be on some aspect of Intercultural Communication that we covered this semester.


  1. Create a Writing Plan: The Outline

After deciding on a thesis for your paper, your next step is to create outline. The outline will divide your thesis into several related subtopics/headings. See sample outline.


  1. Take Notes from the Secondary Sources

In the library, locate books and/or journals that discuss your topic. When you find an essay or book, scan through it to see if the author(s) discusses an aspect of your topic that ties in with your thesis in some way. When you do research, you try to locate information you can use in your paper. Carefully evaluate the credibility of your sources. When you find a secondary source that you think you can use in your paper, you need to make note of the source using MLA documentation, which we will review in class.


As you read through the source, have your writing plan in front of you, and look for any information in your source that you think you might be able to use in your paper. You are looking basically for insightful comments from other authors that you can “borrow” and use to support and develop your thesis. Once you have found some information that you think you might be able to use, get out an index card and make a note of it. The information you record might be a direct quote, a paraphrase, or a summary of material from the source.


Use the subtopics/headings from your writing plan to help you identify where the notes might be used in your paper, and include near the top of the note card the last name of the author of your source and the page number where you note originates.


  1. Write the Paper

After you have done all (or at least most) of your research, you are finally ready to begin writing your paper. Take it one step at a time. Look at your writing plan and decide which subtopic you would like to write on first. Then take out all of the note cards you have with that heading of your subtopic (both from your primary and secondary sources). If you have done a thorough and careful job of taking notes, all the support you will need for that subtopic will be on the note cards.


Assignment Details:

Length: 3 to 4 pages, not including the Work Cited page

Format: Double-spaced, page numbers top left

Four scholarly sources required.


Decide if you want to make change within an agency, at the local, state or federal level. Find the decision maker appropriate to that level.

Community and Population: Advocacy Letter

  1. Choose a topic that interests you.
  2. If you are unsure what to advocate for or against, look at professional organizations for inspiration:
    1. APHA
    2. ANA
    3. Maryland Public Health Association
  3. Look for advocacy groups that are working on the issue. We don’t have to recreate the wheel.  See what strategies the advocacy groups are supporting. For example: Brady and Gifford non-profits focus on gun policy.
  4. Decide if you want to make change within an agency, at the local, state or federal level. Find the decision maker appropriate to that level. Click here to find your elected official.
  5. If you are writing to a legislator, look at that person’s website to see their position on the issue. Please do not ‘preach to the choir’—that is, if they already support the issue, it does no good to throw more facts at them.
  6. If you are addressing a national issue, and your legislator aligns with your proposed action, consider looking at the committee that would hear a bill about your issue.
    1. If there is a proposed bill that has not been active, you can ask the chair of the committee to bring it back up in committee.
    2. Click here to check for federal bills.
  7. If you are addressing a state issue, the Maryland General Assembly meets January- April of each year.
    1. You can see if state bill on your issue was unsuccessful in 2018, and ask your legislator to re-introduce it in 2019.
    2. Click here to check for state bills.
  8. For evidence to support your proposed action, use the One Search through HS/HSL for the broadest results. If you are still having trouble finding articles, the premier journal for public health research is called The Nation’s Health.
  9. Reminders from the rubric:
    1. Include your ‘Ask’ clearly and concisely in the first paragraph. In busy offices, staff may not read the entire letter.
    2. In the same vein, keep the letter one page. References can be on a second page.
    3. Include your credentials. All of you are BSN Candidates (and add whatever other credentials you have). This adds a professional weight to your voice.

As always, let me know of any questions.

Provide rigorous and systematic analysis of the topic or community, explaining relevant discursive communities in terms of their online infrastructure, their digital culture, their demographics and social patterns and hierarchies, their rules and patterns of behavior, subcommunities within the community, tensions and faultlines and patterns of disagreement, etc.

Senior seminar

This paper is a semester-long research project on a topic in memetics; the finished paper will be between 15 and 25 pages in length, not including bibliography (about 4500-7500 words), will draw on at least ten scholarly sources (you may use Bradley Wiggins’ textbook and other course readings as no more than five of your sources), and will take one of three forms: primary research and documentation of the memetics of a discourse community, analysis of a meme developing and propagating across discourse communities, or discussion of a topic in memetics.

You will be expected to document your examples and case studies using permanent links. Remember to cite and explain the scholarship you use to analyze and explain the discourse community’s behavior and memetics.

You will draw upon existing scholarship to meaningfully analyze the topic or community

You will provide rigorous and systematic analysis of the topic or community, explaining relevant discursive communities in terms of their online infrastructure, their digital culture, their demographics and social patterns and hierarchies, their rules and patterns of behavior, subcommunities within the community, tensions and faultlines and patterns of disagreement, etc

You will explain how agents meme (the role memetics play in their discourse, patterns of meme use, specific memes and syntaxes common to the community, how their use of memes interacts with other discourses and memetic ecosystems, etcetera) and will explicitly analyze memes from the community or relating to the topic, contextualize them, break them down, and explicitly discuss their discursive role

You will advance a clear and meaningful thesis supported by an argument that draws on well-founded and explicit evidence

Your paper must be organized in a meaningful and logical way, providing background and relevant analytical tools, performing analysis, and coming to a conclusion.

“Using protocols improves clinical outcomes”. Justify your answer by giving a brief explanation. Explain briefly why we evaluate information systems?

 Introduction to Health Informatics


Course name: Introduction to Health Informatics
Course number: HCI 111


Assignment 1


1.     “Using protocols improves clinical outcomes”. Justify your answer by giving a brief explanation.


2.     Explain briefly why we evaluate information systems?

Student name:  
Student ID:  
CRN 34520
Submission date:  

Write a simple python script using these 2 commands for a video file.

Video file script

Write a simple python script using these 2 commands for a video file.

  1. $ ffmpeg -i video.mp4 video.avi
  2. $ ffmpeg -i input.mp4 -filter:v scale=1280:720 -c:a copy output.mp4

After you have chosen one of the above organs or organ systems, discuss how it is intricately connected to any of the major topics that were covered this session in BIOS256. How are these systems integrated? How do they work together to contribute to the overall homeostasis of the human body?

Week 8 discussion and Reply

Initial Post Instructions

For the Week 8 discussion of BIOS256, go back in time. Think back to previous sessions and consider the various organs and organ systems that were discussed in BIOS251, BIOS252, and BIOS255. Choose one of the following organs or organ systems:

  • Integumentary system
  • Skeletal system
  • Joints
  • Muscular system
  • Nervous system
  • Special senses
  • Endocrine system
  • Blood and hemodynamics
  • Cardiovascular system
  • Immune system
  • Respiratory system

After you have chosen one of the above organs or organ systems, discuss how it is intricately connected to any of the major topics that were covered this session in BIOS256. How are these systems integrated? How do they work together to contribute to the overall homeostasis of the human body?

For example, in week 1 and 2 we discussed the digestive system, and the importance of intrinsic factor to red blood cell production. One approach would be to discuss the connection between dietary absorption of intrinsic factor, its relationship to vitamin B12, and the maintenance of a healthy hematocrit.

In the food web organisms who are a part of the higher trophic level can feed on organisms that are a part of the lower trophic level of other food chains. True or false?

Food chain

In the food web organisms who are a part of the higher trophic level can feed on organisms that are a part of the lower trophic level of other food chains. True or false?

Conduct research to identify an existing or developing public health care program in Saudi Arabia’s healthcare system, or another country’s healthcare system.

 Public Health Program


Course name: Public Health Program Evaluation
Course number: PHC 315 
CRN: 34575
Assignment title or task:

(You can write a question)

Conduct research to identify an existing or developing public health care program in Saudi Arabia’s healthcare system, or another country’s healthcare system.

Select a program for which you can find research or reporting on the program’s:

·         goals

·         design

·         target audience

·         results to date


Students ID  
Student name:  
Submission date: