Reflect on the experience. Take a moment to glance at your phone and see what your average is for the week. Attempt to reduce this number to 2 hours a week. Was the hours reported more or less than you expected? What does this say about your reliance on mass communication?
How long can you go without accessing mass media? Of course, school and work demands can be met; focus here on social and interpersonal access. Remember to consider ALL forms of mass communication (see text for definition).
Reflect on the experience. Take a moment to glance at your phone and see what your average is for the week. Attempt to reduce this number to 2 hours a week. Was the hours reported more or less than you expected? What does this say about your reliance on mass communication?
Which of Chomsky’s filters seems the most significant to you? Why?
Al Jazeera provides a quick animated guide to Chomsky’s five filters of mass media.
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