
Does it appear in a peer-reviewed journal? Is this from a credible media source (e.g. Washington Post). Is the author someone who has expertise in the area?

The connections that can be drawn between hip-hop, hustling, and poverty

The annotations are written in paragraph form and should include the following information:

1. an explanation of the main purpose of the source
2. a short summary of key findings or arguments of the source
3. the academic/intellectual credentials of the source. Does it appear in a peer-reviewed journal? Is this from a credible media source (e.g. Washington Post). Is the author someone who has expertise in the area?
4. how does this piece better help you understand your topic

*Each citation should be between 200-300 words

The annotated bibliography needs 7 citations. 5 citations should be of writing. The pieces of writing can be journal articles, op-eds, books, and other scholarly sources. 2 citations should be pieces of media. The media can be documentaries, songs, interviews, or any other media that gives you insight into your topic.

Where did you find the article? How did you determine that it is evidence-based? How will you incorporate the findings of your article into your nursing practice?

NURS 105R Professional Concepts in Nursing

Evidenced Based Practice Research Paper

Evidence-Based Practice is defined as “integrating best current evidence with clinical expertise and patient/family preferences and values for delivery of optimal health care” (QSEN, 2003).

Purpose of assignment: To introduce the concept of EBP to the novice nurse and prepare them to research EBP topics for implementation at the bedside.


Review the power point titled “Evidence-Based Practice and Nursing Research”

Prepare to write a 2-3-page paper:

  • Locate one evidence based article about any of the topics we have covered in this course. Your paper will include:
    • Where did you find the article?
    • How did you determine that it is evidence-based?
    • A brief summary of the article
    • How will you incorporate the findings of your article into your nursing practice?

In light of this statement, discuss the challenges faced by local governments in the age of globalization. What benefits do you think globalisation has created for local governments?

Public Management (MGT 324)

Assignment 1

We expect you to answer each question as per instructions in the assignment. You will find it useful to keep the following points in mind. The assignment with be evaluated in terms of your planning, organization and the way you present your assignment. All the three section will carry equal weightage
Kindly read the instruction carefully and prepare your assignment accordingly.

1) Planning: Read the assignments carefully, go through the Units on which they are based. Make some points regarding each question and then rearrange them in a logical order.

2) Organisation: Be a little selective and analytical before drawing up a rough outline of your answer. Give adequate attention to the question’s introduction and conclusion.

Make sure that:
a) The answer is logical and coherent
b) It has clear connections between sentences and paragraphs
c) The presentation is correct in your own expression and style.

3) Presentation: Once you are satisfied with your answer, you can write down the final version for submission. If you so desire, you may underline the points you wish to emphasize.

“Globalization has changed the functioning of local governments”.

  1. In light of this statement, discuss the challenges faced by local governments in the age of globalization. (5 Marks)
  2. What benefits do you think globalization has created for local governments? (5 Marks)
  3. With the help of examples, explain how local governments can raise their funds, meet future challenges and be able to convert their challenges into opportunities. (5 Marks)
(You are required to include at least three scholarly references in your answer) Answers

Provide factors and considerations that would support strategic investment in the new Hola-Kola product line. What are the Benefits, Risks, and uncertainties associated with such investment?


From the Case Answer below:



1- Factors and considerations that would support strategic investment in the new Hola-Kola product line.

2- Benefits, Risks, and uncertainties associated with such investment.

As an individual, describe/write within what kind of organization is this position generally situated? How would you go about finding and securing such a position?

Organization is Meritus health

As an individual, research a position that you found at the Meritus health organization which you would be interested in upon graduation. The write and describe using publicly available data and information sources, the responsibilities of this job, scope of responsibility, and supervisory responsibilities if appropriate. What does the person in the position do on a day to day basis?

4. As an individual, describe/write within what kind of organization is this position generally situated? How would you go about finding and securing such a position?

Note: If appropriate, identify someone in this or a similar position and talk to them about these questions. How would you utilize what you have studied in this course so far should you attain this job? Be specific with the terms you used.

5. Utilize a minimum of three (3) sources to research your career topic.

6. Include an introduction, body of the paper, and conclusion.

7. Format should be double-spaced with one-inch margins and a 12 point font.

8. Each student will research the topic assigned and submit a paper of at least 3 pages excluding cover, attachments and bibliography in APA format.

Note: In text citations should also be in APA format.

Reflect on this statement in the context of what we have learned about prejudice. Propose strategies that could resolve this particular prejudice.

Causes and consequences of prejudice

In this essay, you will reflect on the causes and consequences of prejudice, and apply the theories and strategies of conflict resolution to a fictional situation.

  • Respond to the following statement:

“All those women on welfare have it made. All they do is stay home and make babies while the rest of us have to work and pay taxes to support them.”

  • Reflect on this statement in the context of what we have learned about prejudice.
  • Propose strategies that could resolve this particular prejudice.

If the specific job or program requires different steps, discuss this with me and we will tailor the assignment to be relevant to your situation. Find an actual job listing or a graduate program that you could, theoretically, apply to.

”Resume/CV, Cover Letter/Personal Statement, AND Analysis” For civil engineering


Journal (at least 200 words) on job posting (or graduate program): discuss at least three specific elements of the job posting or graduate program and explain how that will help you tailor both your resume (or CV) and cover letter (or personal statement) to the position.

This is the job posting:

Step 2)

Professional Portfolio:

This project is foremost, designed to be helpful to you. If the specific job or program requires different steps, discuss this with me and we will tailor the assignment to be relevant to your situation. Find an actual job listing or a graduate program that you could, theoretically, apply to. In response to this position/program, create:

  • Part 1: Cover Letter for a job
  • Part 2: Resume for a job
  • Part 3: Self analysis (1 page for each document = 2 page total, MLA formatted)

Alternative to fair value accounting, amortized cost accounting, uses expectations of cash flows and prices risks determined at initiation to account for financial instruments throughout their life. Discuss the three undesirable features of amortized cost accounting as compared to fair value accounting.

Assignment (1)

Assignment Question(s):  (Marks 15)

1) Alternative to fair value accounting, amortized cost accounting, uses expectations of cash flows and prices risks determined at initiation to account for financial instruments throughout their life. Discuss the three undesirable features of amortized cost accounting as compared to fair value accounting.   (Marks 5)

Answer:       (Week 2, Chapter 1)


2) Users of financial reports must assess banks’ current and expected future reserve and capital levels, because these levels affect the ability of banks to grow. Both thrifts and commercial banks can be either state or federally chartered, in what is referred to as the dual banking system. Explain the dual banking system along with the role of Comptroller of the Currency (COC), Office of Thrift Supervision (OTS) and Federal Deposits Insurance Corporation (FDIC).  (Marks 5)

Answer:     (Week 3, Chapter 2)


3) Define Thrifts Bank in Details and Explain Financial statement structure of Thrifts Bank.  (5 Marks )

Answer:   (Week 4, Chapter 3)

What do you think are the most important issues for the Behavioural Intervention team to be aware of? What other information, not included in the description above, would be helpful to know? What explanation would you suggest for Zac’s apparent change of behaviour when starting school?

4PSYC004W – Developmental Psychology

Assessment 2 – Case study:  Zac 9 years old.

Zac is a nine-year-old male who was referred for behavioural intervention treatment of ADHD. Zac lives with his parents and his sixteen-year-old sister and thirteen-year-old brother. At the first appointment, Zac’s parents reported that he exhibits restlessness and hyperactivity. He also was described as easily distracted, having difficulties listening and following instructions and had difficulties playing quietly. His parents said that he was always “jumpy.”

Background information

For much of Zac’s early life he was in the care of a local childminder. Zac’s mother returned to work when he was 4 months old, both parents having low-paid full-time work. The childminder was unregistered and cared for several other young children.  For the first few years of his life, Zac was quiet and undemanding, so spent much of his time in a baby chair in front of the television, while the childminder attended to the needs of the more demanding children.

When Zac was two, he spoke fewer words than children of a similar age and his pronunciation was very difficult for non-family members to understand. His parents brought him to the GP and on closer questioning he had <10 words of speech. Review of his Personal Child Health Record (red book) showed consistent growth along centile lines, and other developmental milestones were attained. In the consultation room he made reasonably good eye contact and was able to identify his nose and ears when asked. A referral to audiology was made and a hearing testing was performed. He had hearing thresholds of >40 dB (mild-to-moderate hearing loss).

He was actively observed for 3 months and then referred to an ear, nose, and throat consultant. With evidence of persistent conductive hearing loss, he was offered hearing aids or grommets, in keeping with National Institute for Health and Care Excellence guidelines. His parents elected for grommet insertion. On follow-up at 2 years, 6 months, his vocabulary had expanded to >100 words, and audiogram showed thresholds <20 dB in the normal range.

Since starting school, Zac’s energy and attempts to socialise with his peers increased. He is currently in year four of his local primary school. When he was seven, he was diagnosed with ADHD. According to his teacher, Zac showed no involvement in class assignments; he regularly disturbed class activities and behaved aggressively. This behaviour seemed to be getting more disruptive over time. The school asked the parents to see their GP and she referred Zac to a specialist who diagnosed ADHD and prescribed Ritalin. The drug apparently caused Zac to lose weight. At that point, his parents searched for an alternative for Ritalin and discovered a behavioural intervention program in which Zac’s parents were asked about his screen time habits. The parents reported that he had in his bedroom a PlayStation and a computer which he also used to play video games and watch TV. Along using these devices, Zac also multi-screened with his smartphone, occasionally using it for playing video games. Not very often, he also used virtual reality glasses. His parents reported that screens ‘quiet’ down Zac.

Zac was not interested in participating in any after-school activities. Thus, most of his after-school time was devoted to digital media use, which was estimated to be seven hours in weekday and more on weekends. Once, he played video games with his brother from 9 a.m. until 6 a.m. Zac’s weekday’s bedtime was usually around 11 p.m., and he was reportedly viewing screen close to bedtime.

Based on: Lissak, G., (2018) Adverse physiological and psychological effects of screen time on children and adolescents: Literature review and case study, Environmental Research, Volume 164, Pages 149-157.

  1. What do you think are the most important issues for the Behavioural Intervention team to be aware of? (500 words)
  2. What other information, not included in the description above, would be helpful to know? (100)
  3. What explanation would you suggest for Zac’s apparent change of behaviour when starting school? (300 words)
  4. Apart from his hearing loss, what might account for the delay in Zac’s language development? (300 words)
  5. Would either Piaget or Vygotsky’s theory be able to provide insight into Zac’s cognitive development? (300 words)
  6. What possible support could the behavioural team put in place to address some of the issues raised in the case study? (500 words)

Support all your answers with evidence from the research literature and provide one combined reference list of all cited sources using the APA reference style.

Were people who contributed less than the mean of the group in any round punished more than those who contributed more than the mean? In other words, was there a norm for contributions (the mean) which was such that if you contributed less you were punished?


Write a report that answers the questions below. You will be judged on how well you present your arguments and the strategy you use to answer the questions.

1) In the experiment there were two groups of 5. Was there learning over the 10 rounds of the experiment?

2) Were the contributions higher in the treatment with punishment as compared to those without punishment in the first and last five rounds (I.e., compare rounds 1-10 with and without punishment and then rounds 11-20 with and without punishment)?

3) Were people who contributed less than the mean of the group in any round punished more than those who contributed more than the mean? In other words, was there a norm for contributions (the mean) which was such that if you contributed less you were punished?

4) What was the reaction of people who were punished? I.e., in the round following a punishment did people increase or decrease their contribution?

5) Classify people into two groups: Punishers and non-punishers. (Use your own classification. ) Were the payoffs of those who you classified as punishers greater or smaller than those who were not classified that way taking into account their cost of punishment?