
Analyze stakeholder needs and requirements. Analyze system requirements. Analyze system operation. Analyze system functions. Analyze logical structure. Analyze system architecture.

Reverse Engineering Project: Part 4 – System Analysis Assignment Instructions


In the Reverse Engineering Project, you will acquire a commercially available product (i.e., the system of interest – SOI), carefully disassemble it, develop a hypothesis concerning the purpose of the SOI (i.e., the Problem Statement), and conduct a thorough analysis of the SOI using the SysML modeling language, Visio modeling tool, and the Wasson MBSE modeling method. As part of the project, you will consider how the SOI fits into the CreationeeringTM paradigm and a biblical worldview.

Please note: This assignment is not due until Module 12. The Assignment Instructions are placed in an earlier module for you to preview as you will need to begin working on the assignment prior to the module in which it is due.

System Analysis Assignment Overview

In this assignment, you will develop a Wasson MBSE model of your reverse-engineered product SOi. These model viewpoints (stakeholder requirements, system requirements, system operation, system functions, logical structure, and system architecture) should collectively describe the system of interest using the SysML modeling language, Visio modeling tool, and the Wasson MBSE modeling method.


  1. Analyze stakeholder needs and requirements.
    • specify stakeholder requirements using a Requirements Table and SysML Requirements Diagram
  2. Analyze system requirements.
    • specify system requirements using a Requirements Table and SysML Requirements Diagram
  3. Analyze system operation.
    • specify system operation using SysML Use Case Diagram
  4. Analyze system functions.
    • specify system functions using SysML Activity Diagrams
  5. Analyze logical structure.
    • specify logical structure using SysML Block Definition Diagram
  6. Analyze system architecture.
    • specify system architecture using SysML Internal Block Definition Diagrams
  7. Prepare a document of your activities based on the Reverse Engineering Project: Part 4 – System Analysis Template.
  8. Export/Upload the completed document as a pdf file.


  1. Refer to the Systems Engineering Handbook, Chapter 4 section on writing good requirements.
  2. Use Visio to create the required SysML diagrams.
  3. Verify traceability between model perspectives (i.e., Requirements, Operations, Behavioral, Physical).
  4. Elaborate on how the SOI fits into the CreationeeringTM paradigm and a biblical worldview. -How does this SOI show evidence of something God created (i.e., biomimicry)? How could this SOI be used in a ministry application? What Scripture passages relate to this SOI or this stage of the project?

Note: These are minimal requirements. To achieve a higher grade on this assignment, you must exceed these requirements. See the grading rubric for further details.

Note: Your assignment will be checked for originality via the Turnitin plagiarism tool.

Distinguish between wealth effect, interest effect and the foreign prices effect of a price change.

Microeconomics Question

Distinguish between wealth effect, interest effect and the foreign prices effect of a price change.

Discuss a piece of news that came out regarding the country over the course of the week leading up to that Friday.

Piece of news

In the first paragraph, discuss a piece of news that came out regarding the country over the course of the week leading up to that Friday. The news source is up to you.

After the first paragraph where you discuss the piece of news, write another paragraph analyzing the news source that you used: what is the audience targeted by that news source; can you identify any inherent biases that news source may have (for example: do they have an agenda and if so, what is it; who is their target audience; do they have a particular political leaning; do they express the views of the owner, who is the owner and what are their views; are they pro- or against a particular country or policy issue). This second paragraph can be shorter, sometimes a couple of sentences may suffice as long as the required content is covered. If you use the same source of news for a subsequent Friday news post, you may copy-paste the second paragraph where you analyze the news source.

Describe the presence of a sinking fund. Does the bond you selected to fit into this category? Explain. If it does not, find one that does and describe how this impacts the bond. Review a bond with a call provision and explain the specified call dates and call prices.

Valuing Stocks & Bonds


1. Go to finance. Yahoo and search for bonds (you are free to choose the website of your choosing, Yahoo is not the only one to get a bond quote). Address the following about the bond that you select and bonds in general:

a. Describe the different types of bonds.

b. Describe the difference between stocks and bonds.

c. Select a specific bond to focus on. Describe the bond and why you selected it.

d. Explain the security of the bond, that is, whether the bond has collateral.

e. Describe how the seniority of the bond is calculated.

f. Describe the presence of a sinking fund. Does the bond you selected to fit into this category? Explain. If it does not, find one that does and describe how this impacts the bond.

g. Review a bond with a call provision and explain the specified call dates and call prices.

h. Review a bond with a deferred call accompanying the above call provision and explain what this means.

i. What are positive covenants.? Discuss several possible positive covenants the bond company might consider.

j. What are negative covenants? Also, discuss several possible negative covenants the bond company might consider.

k. What is a conversion feature?

l. A floating rate coupon?

  • M4 Assignment UMBO – 3, 4
  • M4 Assignment PLG – 1, 2, 4
  • M4 Assignment CLO – 4

In 200 words or less, compare and contrast poster and podium presentations. Briefly explain which you prefer, and why.

Poster and podium presentations

In 200 words or less, compare and contrast poster and podium presentations. Briefly explain which you prefer, and why.

What are your thoughts on the impact of social media on society?

Social media

What are your thoughts on the impact of social media on society? 250 words

Write about the logistics performance priorities of any ONE of your choice in Covid 19 restrictions. Explain why you have come to your conclusions.

Logistics performance

The purpose of this assignment is to identify and apply Logistics and Supply Chain Management concepts/tools to suggest logistics performance priorities. To this purpose, you should search and review about these companies through secondary available information. Think about how you can apply the concepts/tools that you learned in this course.

Write about the logistics performance priorities of any ONE of your choice in Covid 19 restrictions. Explain why you have come to your conclusions:

  1. A low-fare Airline FLYADEAL
  2. A fast-food chain Such as Albaik

How do you stay motivated and productive when you are feeling overwhelmed?

Motivated n productive

How do you stay motivated and productive when you are feeling overwhelmed? 250 words

How useful are these devices for monitoring daily health activities: physical, blood glucose, blood pressure, pulse rate? How secure is the data transmitted by them wirelessly?

Week 8 Discussion

Several wearable gadgets are now available from tracking fitness to medical conditions monitoring and controlling. These devices (called sensors) interconnect themselves and the main systems wirelessly. In your opinion:

– How useful are these devices for monitoring daily health activities: physical, blood glucose, blood pressure, pulse rate?
– How secure is the data transmitted by them wirelessly?
– What is their role in healthcare fitness through tracking health activities: physical, blood glucose, blood pressure, pulse rate?
– How these technologies help in monitoring and controlling chronic medical conditions: diabetes and hypertension (high blood pressure)?

Describe the “rule of nines.” How is it calculated and why is it important? What would the TBSA be if a female adult burned both of their arms and their right leg? Additionally, describe one of the types of injury to your classmates: Thermal, Chemical, Electrical, or Inhalation.

Adult Health IV

Describe the “rule of nines.” How is it calculated and why is it important? What would the TBSA be if a female adult burned both of their arms and their right leg? Additionally, describe one of the types of injury to your classmates: Thermal, Chemical, Electrical, or Inhalation.