Estimate the equity value using the comparable P /E ratios. Compare the market price of the target company with the value estimates using EV / E * BDITA ratio and P/E ratios.
Discussion 5
Step 4: Follow the example in Q4-2, work out the relative valuation for your target company in the project
- For your target company, also pick three to four companies in the same industry for comparison.
- Collect financial statement for both the target company and its comparables.
- Estimate EBITDA P / E ratio, EV/EBITDA ratios for both the target company and its comparables.
- Estimate the Enterprise value and equity value using the comparable EV / E * BITDAratios.
- Estimate the equity value using the comparable P /E ratios.
- Compare the market price of the target company with the value estimates using EV / E * BDITA ratio and P/E ratios.