In what ways is voting said to be a civic responsibility? What are the consequences of voting to your community? What are the consequences of not voting to the community?
Civic Responsibility
Essay Two
POLS 2306 Texas Government
Papers should be 2-3 pages long, double-spaced with 1 inch margins, in 12 pt. font. Papers will be submitted online, through blackboard. Late papers will be penalized 10 points for each late day. You must comply with UHD’s policies on academic honesty; any violation will result in a zero on this assignment and possible failure of the course.
You will be graded on whether and how fully you have answered the question, as well as the clarity of your writing. For a review of grammatical rules, Strunk and White’s Elements of Style is highly recommend. (There is a free PDF available here:
In your own words, answer the following questions.
§ In what ways is voting said to be a civic responsibility?
§ What are the consequences of voting to your community?
§ What are the consequences of not voting to the community?
§ How would you try to convince non-voters to participate, given possible differences in age, education, culture, etc.?