
List everything needed to complete your experiment. Describe the steps you completed during your investigation.

Format for Laboratory Report

Title Page

  • The title of the experiment
  • Your name
  • Your instructor’s name
  • The date the lab was performed or the date the report was submitted


The title says what you did. It should be brief (aim for ten words or less) and describe the main point of the experiment or investigation. An example of a title would be: “Effects of Ultraviolet Light on Borax Crystal Growth Rate”. If you can, begin your title using a keyword rather than an article like ‘The’ or ‘A’.

Introduction / Purpose

Usually, the Introduction is one paragraph that explains the objectives or purpose of the lab. In one sentence, state the hypothesis. Sometimes an introduction may contain background information, briefly summarize how the experiment was performed, state the findings of the experiment, and list the conclusions of the investigation. Even if you don’t write a whole introduction, you need to state the purpose of the experiment, or why you did it. This would be where you state your hypothesis.



List everything needed to complete your experiment.



Describe the steps you completed during your investigation. This is your procedure. Be sufficiently detailed that anyone could read this section and duplicate your experiment. Write it as if you were giving direction for someone else to do the lab. It may be helpful to provide a Figure to diagram your experimental setup. DO NOT USE “I”, “YOU”, “WE”, “US” OR “THEY.”



Numerical data obtained from your procedure usually is presented as a table. Data encompasses what you recorded when you conducted the experiment. It’s just the facts, not any interpretation of what they mean.



Describe in words what the data means. Sometimes the Results section is combined with the Discussion (Results & Discussion).


  1. Discussion or Analysis

Discuss the experiment and the results obtained. This does not mean you simply report the results again, but rather interpret and discuss their significance. Results should also be compared with those in the literature, if possible. (Be sure to give proper citations). If problems were encountered during the course of the experiment, how might they be rectified in the future? Are there any other things we could do to make this a better experiment or to more specifically address the initial question posed? Are there any better techniques available that would allow one to more accurately generate data? Is there more than one way to explain the results? Your results may support your initial hypothesis, but there may be more than one conclusion that could be drawn from your results. Lastly, do not spend enormous amounts of time explaining data that cannot be explained!


Most of the time the conclusion is a single paragraph that sums up what happened in the experiment, whether your hypothesis was accepted or rejected, and what this means.


Figures & Graphs

Graphs and figures must both be labeled with a descriptive title. Label the axes on a graph, being sure to include units of measurement. The independent variable is on the X-axis. The dependent variable (the one you are measuring) is on the Y-axis. Be sure to refer to figures and graphs in the text of your report. The first figure is Figure 1, the second figure is Figure 2, etc.


If your research was based on someone else’s work or if you cited facts that require documentation, then you should list these references.

Who are your team members, and what are their roles? What are the personal objectives for each member? What is the collective goal for your team? Refer to the four different stages of team building?

Marketing Question


Suppose your group works as a virtual team in a Saudi company that deals with local and global clients. The company main purpose is to provide digital marketing services and solutions. A task has been given to you by the CEO. The task includes building a connection with a South African brand that wants to open an office in AL Khobar, Eastern Province. The task is considered completed when you propose a strategy to the international company representative and receive their feedback.


The group needs to be divided as follows: one team manager, one representative from the international brand, one technical support expert, and one or two general members.

Write a reflection on your group work process in creating the team, choosing the tools, working on the tasks and reporting the strategy to the client.


Reflection (due by Week 10)    [20 marks]

The reflection should be written after you establish a successful virtual team. The reflection should describe the process of 4 main components of virtual management: team building, tools, procedures, and task management. Please use these guidelines on how to do so: 

  1. Virtual Team: (5 marks)

In this section, you need to describe the workings of your virtual team.

  • Name your team.
  • Who are your team members, and what are their roles?
  • What are the personal objectives for each member?
  • What is the collective goal for your team?
  • Refer to the four different stages of team building? Have you experienced these stages (discuss)


  1. Virtual Tool (5 marks)

In this section, you describe the process of choosing a tool for your virtual team.

  • What virtual tool did you use to manage the tasks? (provide pictures)
  • Describe the features this tool has (provide pictures).
  • Why did you choose these tools? What are the other options?
  • Suppose your budget was SAR 10k; how did you use that budget to get the best possible tool?
  • How frequently does the team meet? How long is each meeting? (provide photos of the team meetings at different times)
  • What are the meeting minutes? How have they been used effectively? (provide an example of your team meeting minutes).


  1. Virtual work dynamics (5 marks)
  • How did you create a virtual office?
  • What are the challenges that you faced in your work? (discuss from different roles’ perspectives).
  • How did you utilize vacation time, holiday times?
  • How did you divide the workload?
  • What are the challenges that your team faced in communication? (discuss from different roles’ perspectives).


  1. Reports and presentations (5 marks)
  • Provide an example of a proposed strategy that your team worked on to make the marketing campaign successful for the international company.
  • The report should be 300 words that describe the best practices of doing virtual marketing in Saudi Arabia.
    • The report should have an introduction, brief strategy, and conclusion.
  • Include graphs and statistics to support your report.
  • The international company representative in your team should provide his/her feedback on the report (one or two comments)
  • The rest of the team should address those comments.
  • Conclude your reflection.


Useful links:


Put together a 2-page paper. Write about how you can be happier in your life. Write about how you can be happier in your work life.

Writing Question

You are asked to put together a 2-page paper (a minimum of 2 pages and a maximum of 2 pages). The page limit excludes the references. The page limit also excludes any inspiring or creative title for the paper that you may include or your personal identifiers (e.g., your name, last name, and panther ID).

Divide your paper into two. In the first page, write about how you can be happier in your life. Then, in the second page, write about how you can be happier in your work life. Separate these two parts under two main headings such as “HOW I CAN BE HAPPIER IN MY OWN LIFE,” and “HOW I CAN BE HAPPIER AT MY WORK LIFE.”

Use Times New Roman, 12-font, and 1.5 line spacing (you can use single or double spacing if you prefer to do so) and type your paper in a “Word” document. Utilizing the research you have done as well as your own creative ideas, experiences, and knowledge, write a professionally written paper on how you are planning to actually be happier in your life and in the workplace (whether you work for yourself or others).

Make sure that the content of your paper is rich as in it includes different ideas on how you can, in practice, live a more joyful life and have a more joyful experience at work (regardless of what you do for a living). Please also make sure that your paper is practice-oriented in that you provide practical ideas for yourself on how to live a more blissful life and have a more blissful experience at work. In addition, please make sure that your paper is personalized towards your own life and your own self such that the ideas that you present are very relevant to your present and/or future life and how you are planning to keep enhancing your joy and happiness in life and at work. Make sure to include a reference list at the end of your paper where you list the sources that you relied on, ideally, using the APA format.

Write a summary of Chapter 9 with 1 page (times new roman, 12 pt font, and single-spaced). Define classification methods for data mining. Apply classification methods for data mining.

Management Question


Read chapter 9 of the textbook.

Write a summary of Chapter 9 with 1 page (times new roman, 12 pt font, and single-spaced).

Grading Criteria:

You must appropriately explain the main points in chapter 9 in order to receive full credit.

Submit your homework file in Microsoft Word file format.

Learning Outcomes:

  • Define classification methods for data mining.
  • Apply classification methods for data mining.

Create a PowerPoint presentation describing the effectiveness as a CQI tool for your staff.

Patient Safety Survey Presentation

The Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ) developed the Hospital Survey on Patient Safety Culture (HSOPSC), which is used in facilities in Saudi Arabia. Create a PowerPoint presentation describing the effectiveness as a CQI tool for your staff. Be sure to include:

The purpose of this survey:

  • Specific factors that can be determined from this survey including organizational activities and responses to error.
  • An assessment of the importance of this survey in forming internal policies.
  • Any applicable laws in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia that would regulate internal policies impacting safety culture in healthcare facilities.
  • Changes that have occurred since the COVID-19 Pandemic.
  • Impact on Policy.

Your presentation should meet the following structural requirements:

  • Organized, using professional themes and transitions.
  • It should consist of 10 slides, not including the title and reference slides.
  • Each slide must provide detailed speaker’s notes, with a minimum of 110 words per slide. Notes must draw from and cite relevant reference materials.
  • Provide support for your statements with in-text citations from a minimum of 8 scholarly articles. Two of these sources may be from the class readings, textbook, or lectures, but the other four must be external.
  • Follow APA 7th edition and
  • You are strongly encouraged to submit all assignments to the Turnitin Originality Check prior to submitting them to your instructor for grading. If you are unsure how to submit an assignment to the Originality Check tool, review the Turnitin Originality Check Student Guide.
  • You are strongly encouraged to submit all assignments to the Turnitin Originality Check prior to submitting them to your instructor for grading. If you are unsure how to submit an assignment to the Originality Check tool, review the Turnitin Originality Check Student Guide.

What type of analysis do you need to do? Who are the stakeholders you need at the table? How do you create a process to succeed in getting the room purchased?

Discussion 4444

You are a director of the quality improvement department for a large trauma center. For your department, you feel there is a need to purchase a full-scale simulation room. This simulation room would be outfitted with the latest tools and simulations for wound management, sterile surgical process, infection control, and line placements. The overall goal would be to decrease reinfection rates. The capital need for the simulation center is $500,000, producing a decrease in cost for reinfection rates of $120,000 per year.

  1. What type of analysis do you need to do?
  2. Who are the stakeholders you need at the table?
  3. How do you create a process to succeed in getting the room purchased?

Embed course material concepts, principles, and theories (which require supporting citations) in your initial response along with at least one scholarly, peer-reviewed journal article. Keep in mind that these scholarly references can be found in the Saudi Digital Library by conducting an advanced search specific to scholarly references. Use Saudi Electronic University academic writing standards and APA style guidelines.

Describe the different issues related to environmental scanning, strategy formulation, and strategy implementation in diversified organizations.

Week 5: Interactive Activity

5.1. Content Introduction

­­­­­­­­­­­­Learning Outcomes

1. Describe the different issues related to environmental scanning, strategy formulation, and strategy implementation in diversified organizations.

5.2. Reading


Chapter 4. Environmental Scanning and Industry Analysis

Chapter 5. Internal Scanning: Organizational Analysis

Textbook: Wheelen, T. L., Hunger, D., Hoffman, A. N., & Bamford, C. E. (2014). Concepts in strategic management and business policy (14th ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall. ISBN-13: 9780133126129 (print), 9780133126433 (e-text)



Youssef M. Abu Amuna, Mazen J. Al Shobaki, and Samy S. Abu Naser (2017). Strategic Environmental Scanning: an Approach for Crises Management. Information Technology & Electrical Engineering. 6(3), 28-34.

5.3. Test your knowledge (Max 100 words for every question)

Question 1

How can a decision maker identify strategic factors in a corporation’s external international environment?

Question 2

Compare and contrast trend extrapolation with the writing of scenarios as forecasting techniques.

5.4. Instructions

  • Answer both questions in the test your knowledge section.
  • Post your answer in the discussion board using the discussion link below (week 5: interactive learning activity).

Reflect on the social and economic conditions that created the context for hip-hop. How do these documentaries and stories impact your understanding of American history, urban American history, and the history of hip-hop?

8. Work on Creative Media Reflection Journal #1:

Journal 1 is in response to Style Wars and Rubble Kings documentaries. These two documentary films explore different aspects of the origins of Hip-Hop music and culture. Rubble Kings documents the social, political, and economic origins of Hip-Hop’s rise in the Bronx, whereas Style Wars focuses more on arts, culture, and aesthetics.

Reflect on the social and economic conditions that created the context for hip-hop. How do these documentaries and stories impact your understanding of American history, urban American history, and the history of hip-hop?

Summarize the article to include the healthcare setting, the quality initiative, the methodology, and outcomes. Was there a framework used to guide the implementation? Did the author(s) describe any barriers to implementation? Was there improvement and if so, was the improvement sustained?

Discussion 333

For this week’s discussion, use the Saudi Digital Library to locate a scholarly journal article that details the use of implementation science to advance quality improvement in healthcare.

  • Summarize the article to include the healthcare setting, the quality initiative, the methodology, and outcomes.
  • Was there a framework used to guide the implementation?
  • Did the author(s) describe any barriers to implementation?
  • Was there improvement and if so, was the improvement sustained?
  • Discuss what additional or alternative quality improvement methods, implementation science approaches, and framework you would have used or recommended.
  • Describe two key takeaways from this article that you would incorporate into a similar quality improvement project in the future.

Embed course material concepts, principles, and theories (which require supporting citations) in your initial response along with at least one scholarly, peer-reviewed journal article. Keep in mind that these scholarly references can be found in the Saudi Digital Library by conducting an advanced search specific to scholarly references. Use Saudi Electronic University academic writing standards and APA style guidelines.

You are required to make your initial post (create thread) in order to see others posts and make comments. You are required to reply to at least two peer discussion question post answers to this weekly discussion question and/or your instructor’s response to your posting. These post replies need to be substantial and constructive in nature. They should add to the content of the post and evaluate/analyze that post’s answer. Normal course dialogue does not fulfill these two peer replies but is expected throughout the course. Answering all course questions is also required.

Analyze the article and determine whether it’s an example of a “proactive” or “reactive” action strategy (on behalf of the business, organization or individual), and provide specific evidence that proves it is one or the other, e.g., proactive or reactive.

In the news

The focus for this week’s In the News assignment is: Proactive or Reactive?

Choose a news story from the past week or two where a loss of public trust has affected the reputation of a business, organization or individual. This news story must include a comment or commentary from the business, organization or individual that the news story is about.

Analyze the article and determine whether it’s an example of a “proactive” or “reactive” action strategy (on behalf of the business, organization or individual), and provide specific evidence that proves it is one or the other, e.g., proactive or reactive.

The news item can be from any news source with English language content. Submit a short summary and analysis of the news including a link to the story (1 page minimum-400words).

Approach “In the News” with an analytical eye, and avoid simply repeating information from the article. Try to draw conclusions from the content provided, such as who are the target audiences, what are the key messages, and what is the reputational impact of the issue? Remember to analyze the situation through a “Strategic Communication” lens.

In addition to answering the questions below, make sure to cover specifically what caused the loss of public trust, what they seem to be doing to repair it, and why you think it’s an example of either a “proactive” or “reactive” action strategy.

  1. What happened, was announced or was reported publicly (shortest section)?
  2. How was the situation handled from a “strategic communication” standpoint (longest section)?
    • Are the stakeholders well defined; are the messages clear and delivered in a way that made a positive impact (give examples)?
    • How did the business, individual, or government agency appear to be executing a strategy to build reputation or repairing reputational damage, e.g., what are they trying to achieve strategically in their communication (longest section)?
    • What, if anything, is being done to repair public trust?