
How would you define your cultural background? What would you say are the cultures that have had the most profound influences on who you are today?

Psychology 340

This activity provides an opportunity to reflect on the role that your cultural background may play in shaping or influencing your cognitions (knowledge, thoughts, and beliefs).

1-How would you define your cultural background? What would you say are the cultures that have had the most profound influences on who you are today? [Write a minimum of 3-4 sentences]

2-How are your thoughts and beliefs about your college education and/or future career shaped by your cultural background? Try to give specific examples. [Write a minimum of 3-4 sentences]

3-How are some important values or principles in your life (things you care deeply about, that define your core beliefs) reflections of your cultural background? Try to give specific examples. [Write a minimum of 3-4 sentences]

4-How is your presence on social media (e.g., Instagram, TikTok, Twitter, Snapchat, etc.) a reflection of your cultural background? If you are not on social media, you can use that as the fact you are reflecting on. [Write a minimum of 3-4 sentences]

Look at a film adaptation of a story from Greece or Rome. Analyze the way that the film covers its subject matter. How close to historically accurate or faithful to the original story is it? Why do you think changes were made to the story? What do those changes say about the culture that created the adaptation (for instance, ours if you choose a film from Hollywood)?

Humanities Question

For this essay look at a film adaptation of a story from Greece or Rome. Analyze the way that the film covers its subject matter. How close to historically accurate or faithful to the original story is it? Why do you think changes were made to the story? What do those changes say about the culture that created the adaptation (for instance, ours if you choose a film from Hollywood)?

There have been numerous movies made about Roman history as well as Greek mythology in the modern era, notably Jason and the Argonauts and a couple of adaptations of The Clash of the Titans, which tells the story of Perseus.

It does not have to be good example of an adaptation, terrible adaptations can be the most interesting to look at. An example of a terrible adaptation is the film Troy that adapted the story of the Trojan War from ancient Greek myth.

Write a relational algebra query to find the names of all students in relation to the departments in which they are enrolled. Show the results of the natural join operation from the part (i) query in a table.

Assignment 1

Question One

  • a) What is natural join operation in relational algebra and why do we need it.
  • (b) From the below given tables:


SID Name Grade Dept-ID
1 Abdullah 95 CS
2 Naif 94 IT
3 Rayan 92 DS
4 Suleman 93 DS


Enrolled Department

Dept-ID Department
CS Computer Science


Information Technology

Data Science

  • Write a relational algebra query to find the names of all students in relation to the departments in which they are enrolled.
  • Show the results of the natural join operation from the part (i) query in a table.


Question Two

What does the term “aggregate functions” refer to? What are the various aggregate operations used in relational operations?

2 Marks
Learning Outcome(s):

Recognize database file organization and indexing.

Question Three

Create B-tree of degree 3 for the following set of key values added in order. Show the steps after every insertion.

                         43, 24, 33, 60, 20, 22, 51, 32, 27

2 Marks
Learning Outcome(s):

Recognize database file organization and indexing.


Question Four

  1. What type of method for collision resolution is shown below? briefly explain it by your own words.
  2. define another type of method for collision resolution and provide example.


Select a particular U.S. state or territory, the federal OWCP system, and write a research paper on the current system of workers’ compensation in that state/jurisdiction.

Workers’ Compensation Research Paper:

Select a particular U.S. state or territory, the federal OWCP system, and write a research paper on the current system of workers’ compensation in that state/jurisdiction. Students should communicate their state of choice to the instructor and/or facilitator.

The research paper should be double-spaced, one-inch margins all around, and drafted according to all relevant APA requirements. The substantive content of the paper should be 10 to 12 double-spaced pages. (Note: Substantive content does not include components such as a cover page, table of contents, works cited/references/bibliography, etc. Substantive content refers to the abstract and body of the paper.)

Should have at least four sources/references that are properly cited and relied upon in a remarkable way within the paper. (Note: Superior performance on the assignment will likely incorporate approximately eight or more sources.) obtain most of the information for the research papers through the state’s/jurisdiction’s government websites. Have at least three non-governmental sources for the paper and cite individual governmental sources accordingly.

The research paper should address the following topical areas:

  • The statutory standard for an injury AND illness to be compensable (discuss injury and illness even if the state treats both the same)
  • Explanation of the benefits offered to workers’ sustaining a compensable injury/illness;
  1. Amount and method of calculating temporary total disability (“TTD”) benefits (or however the state refers to temporary total disability.
  2. Duration of TTD Benefits
  3. Vocational rehabilitation benefits
  4. Permanent partial disability benefits
  5. Permanent total disability benefits
  6. Death benefits to surviving spouses/estates
  • Explanation of the workers’ compensation claims process from the initiation of a claim through the appeals process.
  • Whether the state is a monopolistic, competitive market, or mix.
  • Whether the state calculates and administers its own experience rating system, relies on the NCCI, or has some hybrid.
  • Any methods/practices/programs that employers can participate in to reduce premiums.
  • How light/modified duty is managed by employers and whether employers may reduce compensation for workers on light/modified duty.
  • Any other unique features, facts, or trends about the state’s/country’s workers compensation system.

Description of the Organization Behavior Concept. The history and theories behind the use of this concept, as well as any negative opinions or theories against the concept. What benefits do you see with the use of this Organizational Behavior concept?

Management Question

  1. Description of the Organization Behavior Concept. The history and theories behind the use of this concept, as well as any negative opinions or theories against the concept.
  2. What benefits do you see with the use of this Organizational Behavior concept?

Explain what the Internet of Things (IoT) is and provide a brief history, in your own words, of the IoT. Discuss the potential impact that IoT can have on how people live.

Collaborative Technologies and the Internet of Things (IoT) – Critical thinking

The Internet of Things (IoT) is becoming increasingly popular in both business and everyday life.

  • Explain what the Internet of Things (IoT) is and provide a brief history, in your own words, of the IoT.
  • Discuss the potential impact that IoT can have on how people live.
  • Select a company and explain how the organization has benefited from the IoT. Detail specific examples of how the company benefited.
  • How has the IoT been impacted by the pandemic? Explain specific examples.

Your well-written report should be 4-5 pages in length, not including the title and reference pages. To make it easier to read and therefore grade, make sure you clearly delineate each section of your answer so it can be matched with the relevant question. Use Saudi Electronic University academic writing standards and APA style guidelines, citing at least two references as appropriate. Review the grading rubric to see how you will be graded for this assignment.

Is the writing clear and free from ambiguity and vagueness? Are there any terms you thought could have been better defined? Is the argument free from rhetoric and logical fallacies? If you identified any rhetorical devices or fallacious reasoning specifically state what you think it is.

Social Science Question

For Writing Assignment 3, you will be given one of your classmate’s papers to review. You will need to write a one-page evaluation for them. In your evaluation you should:

Identify what you think the primary argument is. Can you easily identify an issue statement? If so, what do you think it is?

Evaluate the argument. Do you think the premises provided are sufficient to support the conclusion, or do you think more or better evidence could be provided? What do you think would help make this a stronger argument?

Is the writing clear and free from ambiguity and vagueness? Are there any terms you thought could have been better defined?

Is the argument free from rhetoric and logical fallacies? If you identified any rhetorical devices or fallacious reasoning specifically state what you think it is.

Are there appropriate citations throughout?

Is there a works cited page?

You will submit a copy of your evaluation here, but you should also send a copy of the evaluation to your classmate via the message function in Canvas.

Discuss the cultural differences between the U.S. company Coca- Cola and the country of India? Did cultural differences impact the decisions in the situation or solution? Provide examples.

Coca Cola in India

This week’s discussion will focus on cultural decision-making. Read the case study about Coca-Cola in India (p. 248).

  1. Discuss the cultural differences between the U.S. company Coca- Cola and the country of India?
  2. Did cultural differences impact the decisions in the situation or solution? Provide examples.
  3. Discuss how MNEs demonstrate their commitment to working with different countries like Saudi Arabia and respecting the cultural and natural environments of the country?

A case study is a puzzle to be solved and here is a strategy for formulating your initial post:

  1. Read the case study to identify the key issues and underlying issues. These issues are the principles and concepts of the course module, which apply to the situation described in the case study.
  2. Study the facts and focus on relevant information; the case may have extraneous information not relevant to the current module.
  3. Describe actions that would address or correct the situation and who should act upon what.
  4. Draw from experience, course readings or real-life experience.

Discuss the concepts, principles, and theories from your textbook. Cite your textbooks and cite any other sources if appropriate.

  • Your initial post should address all components of the question with a 500 word limit.
  • Reply to at least two discussion posts and dr. comment with comments that further and advance the discussion topic.

Write a 200 word report on automobile industry with what has happened in this industry in the last 30 days .

Word report

Write a 200 word report on automobile industry with what has happened in this industry in the last 30 days .

For each of the three myths below, provide a written rebuttal that uses the peer-reviewed literature as your primary source.

Chemical Engineering Question

The assignment is to debunk common climate change myths using peer-reviewed science. For each of the three myths below, provide a written rebuttal that uses the peer-reviewed literature as your primary source. Your response to each question can be no longer than 200 words (brevity is good). Make sure you include at the end of your answer the full bibliographic information for the article(s) you cite (not included in the word count).

Myth 1: There has always been natural variation in Earth’s climate, going back millennia. In fact, before there were humans on Earth, there were periods warmer than we have today. Therefore, today’s climate is just part of natural variations (including variations in the solar cycle) that have always occurred.

Myth 2: Extreme cold weather events, rare snow events, etc. disprove a warming climate. The most notable example came when Senator James Inhofe (Oklahoma) gave a speech on the Senate floor in 2014 where he cited such evidence.

Myth 3: Climate change might be happening but it’s not a big deal (in fact, it might actually have net benefits). People are resilient and adaptable. We can shift crop production north and go on with life essentially “as is”.